Monday, April 15, 2013

Nadya Suleman Skips Out On Rent - Trashes House

It continues to shock me how Nadya Suleman continues to really be what seems like an awful mother, but nothing ever happens to her. In the latest episode of Octomom, she skipped out on paying her rent and abandoned her home with her kids in the middle of the night last week. Radar is reporting that the landlord entered the house and that it was a disaster area. Not only was there a lot of damage, but there were empty bottles of booze and beer all over the house and there was graffiti all over the walls and the whole house smelled like urine. So, I wonder first of all where she is living right now and if anyone will ever rent to her again.


Meanie Rhysie said...

Ugh! I'd rather read about pube-filled razor-wielding nutjobs than this trick.

Those poor babies. :/

Unknown said...

I feel sorry for her kids...

Bit dams said...

if you don't send a child on court ordered visitation; you will go to jail. (its okay for the parent with visitation to blow it off every time, that's cool). if you don't pay child support; the courts will eventually act. everything else in the world of "courts and kids"; does not matter. NO ONE CARES.

ethorne said...

She's the Lohag of moms.

Pogue Mahone said...

Sounds like a real welfare mom!

Anonymous said...

No kidding Reesie. Those kiddos are beyond f**ked. I feel so bad for them they didn't ask for this, she should give them up. Maybe in a loving home cared for by someone with experience in child development they could have a chance of a normal life. She's scum. Ditto for the doc that impregnated her too.

Cathy said...

What a half-baked scheme. TMZ could track down this mess of a human being in less than an hour. Did she really think she'd just get away with it?

Charlotte. said...

Way too pregnant and hormonal to read about these poor bubbas. Sad sad sad

LottaColada said...

I just saw the pictures... It was a horrible.

Unknown said...

thing is that shit like this happens ALL THE TIME and this is only news worthy because of who it is.

Izzie said...

Apparently too busy making porn videos and dressing up as Angelina Jolie to care for the kids, pay the rent, or clean the house.


Tyler said...

I hope child protective services is just giving her enough room and time to build a case strong enough for them to justify intervening.

Unknown said...

echo @me and @vera l.

people suck, this is only a blog post because this person sucks in the public eye.

auntliddy said...

I too am amazed she still has her kids, she's clearly not mentally fit.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Take her kids away, CPS. They need to investigate again. This is not okay.

Anonymous said...

Why can't it be contributing to the delinquency of a minor when you commit crimes (vandalism, probably some kind of fraud or larceny for skipping out on payment) in front of your giant brood of children? Your teaching them that stealing and destroying other people's property is a fine way to live your life, they will then see this as the norm and begin doing the same thing. You are a giant pile of seeping failure, Nadya Suleman. You are a horrible person and an even worse parent. The best thing you can do for your children is abandon them at the nearest fire house and never again be a part of their lives.

Agent**It said...

Cruz +4

Agent**It said...

Pogue, I don't think she is an example of women on welfare. Lots of folks are not generational welfare recipients and many are not committing fraud. The balance of people on welfare likely do not want to be there and were screwed by the outsourcing of their jobs, causing huge financial issues. Also, the elderly in the USA have been royally screwed . IMO.

Unknown said...

CPS is not a panacaea. In fact they are so ridiculously overworked, understaffed, under's surprising horrific tragedies don't happen more frequently.

You can call CPS all you want, doesn't mean the kids will get the help that they need in time, or at all. The system is broken.


Nellie said...


Anonymous said...

HOW can this end well? Most likely answer: it can't. Either she does something gross and illegal to get money and ends up keeping the kids and being a loser parent and screwing up her kids
She loses the kids and they get all split up and sent off in different directions and are devastated and get screwed up anyway.

OR maybe she could rent out that major reflective fivehead as a satellite dish?

Jennifer H. said...

Did she pee all over her house and leave bottles of booze or did others do that after she left, knowing the house was vacant? That's not unheard of.

Or did the landlord do it to make money selling the pics?

lostathome said...

What a piece of shit

Hazeldazel said...

@Jennifer H: considering that at previous times the children were filmed having to go to the bathroom in training potties outside, I seriously doubt the smell of urine was from random strangers entering the house after they left.

CPS, just take the kids now and minimize the damage done. Most of them are fairly young, put them in caring homes while they can have a normalish childhood. Plus, the children with special needs can get the help they need.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

@Jennifer H
Totally sounds exactly like standard vacant house vandals.
"CPS is not a panacaea. In fact they are so ridiculously overworked, understaffed, under's surprising horrific tragedies don't happen more frequently.
You can call CPS all you want, doesn't mean the kids will get the help that they need in time, or at all. The system is broken."
I must quote your words. Anything going on with her kids is MINOR compared to so many other kids out there who need CPS even more. People are so unaware of child neglect, mistreatment, and abuse in all levels of socio-economic levels. It is not just the lower economic levels. In fact it's an unfortunate stereotype. CPS hands are tied at this point. It can be frustrating.
So preach on sister!

Sherry said...

Amen Vera. And then what people? What happens when CPS comes and takes her kids? Do you think they all get magically cared for by some wealthy benefactor and live a life of ease?

No they get put into a Foster system that is HORRIBLE!! Too many cases of known abuse there. And the children would be separated.

Say what you will about neglect but no guarantee they won't be just as neglected and they won't have a sibling there to watch out for them.

Just sayin!

__-__=__ said...

ethorne - my thought exactly!

Unknown said...

thank you Xander, this is a hot button topic for me.

just because a kid is in foster care does NOT mean they are safe. There are many predators in foster care, sometimes the other children are far worse than what was happening at home.

Is Suleman both insane and unfit? probably...

Nyan said...

What the F**K are they waiting for to remove those poor kids from her???

nunu said...

Bitch crazy

Sandy said...

Uh - one of my friends and her husband have fostered and then adopted four half-siblings, one after another (a girl, a boy and fraternal twins, boy and girl). They were all taken away from the same crack-addled mother. The California county in which they live worked with them to do this, and they were all fostered from infancy/toddlerhood.

They have another older adopted daughter and four biological sons, two adults and two teens. They are all healthy, happy and well-cared-for.

Not everyone goes into hideous fostering situations. In fact, sometimes the children's lives are greatly improved. I doubt Suleman's kids could be worse off than they are now. Disgusting.


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