Monday, May 20, 2013

NBC Wants A Favor From Ann Curry

After banishing Ann Curry to an office the size of a closet for the remainder of her contract with NBC and telling her how much they hate her and how awful she is and how they won't let her go just so they can keep her miserable because they don't want her to say bad things about them ever, now NBC is in a bind. A big bind. They want an interview with Angelina Jolie. They want to be first. Back in the day it would be no problem. Ann would pull out her special phone that was given to her by Angelina just for the purpose of calling her or sending worshiping texts to Brad Pitt and Angelina would invite Ann over and after an appropriate time sacrificing bees for her bee venom facials, Angelina would deign to let Ann ask questions. Now though, Ann Curry is not going to do any favors for NBC. Why should she? What is in it for her? I would ask for all of the money remaining on my contract and the ability to any network she wants right after the interview.


Anonymous said...

Karma's a betch!

figgy said...

haha, get 'em Ann! Glad to hear it. I like her. Hate Matt.

Eric said...

Bottom line Ann was treated very poorly by her employers NBC News.

That being said, she is still under contract with the network for millions per year. She has to do very little to collect that check every 2 weeks. Much less than others at NBC News that work many more hours per week than her.

I understand she is bitter but that does not mean that she does not have to do the job for which she is being paid.

I feel badly that she was treated so poorly but at the end of the day she is working in a gilded cage with a paycheck that eclipses 99% of other NBC News Staffers.

I highly doubt that whatever network she moves to next will pay her so much for doing so little.

Anonymous said...

She should be gracious, take the high road and do the interview. As it is she's not high on the radar screen of anchors, disgraced, embarassed, forgotten, but this will put her back on top, and she'll be doing the right thing and being loyal to the network that shafted her, she'll come out smelling like roses. The cream always rises to the top. Things usually have a way of working out, imho.

MISCH said...


ljsmed said...

I do not think that NBC dealt with the situation well, but I remember before she was demoted many people were talking about how awful she was as a co-anchor. I find it amusing that people are so soon to forget all of the bashing she was getting.

Anonymous said...

The Angelina Jolie worship is beyond ridiculous. She's pretty, she visits refugee camps, and she makes shitty action movies. The end. Pardon me if I refuse to genuflect at the mere mention of her name.

Rose said...

Lol, hag. I do feel bad for AC and I don't even watch the Today Show. If I was her I'd tell them to get SM or ML or use this as a way to get away from her contract. From what I've read she still has some control in what stories she does accept in covering i.e, Aurora, CO with SG.

Christopher Cruz said...

Totally agree- Angelina makes my stomach churn. Call me old fashioned, but she's a home wrecking famewh***.

Mirame said...

@hag - I couldn't agree more. After all, I never understood the idea of glorifying famous ppl, like if they didn't pooh and burp just like the rest of mortals... :)

Bailey Quarters said...

Perhaps Ann was "awful" at co-hosting (I don't know, I rarely watch morning TV) because of the pressure she was under because of the hostility she was getting from Matt and others. She had to be aware of it. She finally got the "dream job" and it was nothing but a nightmare.

That said, I agree she should do the interview. Has NBC even asked her to do it?

Harry Knuckles said...

You need to use more acronyms.

timebob said...

I had high hopes when Comcast took over NBC and better people would come in with better attitudes. Clearly I thought too highly of them. They are just as bad as the Zucker/Silverman years.

NBC is just a joke and I don't see how they can ever get the respect they had in the 90's early 00s.

Ann might not want to be associated with NBC since it's reputation is so in the toilet.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Mirame! Did you see her "epic profile shot of distinguished world leader" Time cover??? Puhhhh-leeaaase.

L said...

`Sure she should do the interview, but I agree it could be a great opportunity for her to get the money and cut. She is handsomely paid but her stock is going down being reclused as she is right now... so I agree with Enty. Do the interview on condition to get the contract money plus one year off and the ability to go work anywhere else afterwards. It sure beats having to go to work and see the same faces [dicks! i mean dicks!!] who shafted you.

lelale said...

Ann had an offer on the table from CNN and NBC refuses to let her go. She doesn't owe them a damn thing and she is by no means obligated to try and woo Angelina on their behalf.
As for Angelina both the People and Time covers used stock photos and had little to no new info. Angelina did her best to avoid the tabs scooping her and frame the issue as a medical one. I don't know if that makes me like her more but I do respect what she tried to do.

sweetstarshine1 said...

does ann have some connection to angelina jolie that i wasn't aware of? why can't someone else at nbc do the interview"?

hothotheat said...

I'm with you guys. Never saw anything special about her, still don't. She's not the first to get a mastectomy to avoid cancer, she won't be the last.

Jennifer H. said...

I don't think there's really any issue about Ann doing this interview or any other she's asked to do. She's been doing special reports and interviews this whole time. It's one thing to exaggerate a real thing, another to just make shit up.

Angelina said...

I have been in a press scrum with Ann when Clooney was at the UN. She had an exclusive with him, yet she still tried to ask questions when he had a press encounter with the hacks who cover the UN every day. I think she is unprofessional. It is sad what happened to her, but I don't rate her as much of a journalist (look on youtube if you have forgotten).

Shay said...

Anne seems like a really nice person, and I've always enjoyed her interviews, and she seems to be really trying to take the high road.

With that said, if I were her, I'd tell NBC, "You see this phone right here w/Angie Jolie's number on the screen? Yeah, this phone right here...." and proceed to toss it out the window right in the middle of NYC traffic.

crila16 said...

If I were Ann...I'd let the contract run out...and then go with any network that would take me (preferably the enemy of NBC). Even if the enemy station didn't want to hire her, I would just ask them to do a 1 hour interview with Angelina and Brad, air it on the enemy a slap in the face to NBC.

SugarTitz said...

I don't think angie STOLE brad as much as he wanted out and needed someone to take the fall.
I think ann c needs to get a good facial, freshen up those hideous eyebags and renegotiate her last interview/exit for nbc. leave them w/ highest ratings evahhh, and tell queen matt to stuff it!!
just my wittle old opinion though

M. Brown said...

I heard that Ann is the only one at the network Angelina will talk to.

M. Brown said...

I heard that Ann is the only one at the network Angelina will talk to.

car54 said...

I think it would be foolish of her not to try to do it.
5 yrs ago, people won't remember the first interview is with NBC--they will remember it was with Ann Curry--no matter where she is working.

If she can use it to parlay herself into a better place with them or to get out of her contract, good for her but she'd be crazy not to go after it--and I would imagine Angelina knows her situation and if she likes her that much, she'd help support her in whatever she asks for.

Ann is a pretty soft emotional interviewer--she is just the kind of person Angie would want to tell her story. It's a huge "get" and Ann needs to go after it. Nobody is beating down her door to hire her yet--this would add to her potential resume.

Unknown said...

Personally I thought she was awful on the Today show, but that's just me. Though the media tried to make Lauer the bad guy, honestly, she was not very good on the show. Meanwhile, she got a huge payout from NBC. She makes more money than 98% of the people who watched her botch her job on national television, and people speak of her as "Poor, poor Ann."
I feel bad for people who can't pay their rent or eat. Not for a millionaire newswoman who will definitely work again, whether we like it or not.

Unknown said...


auntliddy said...

If they want her to do it, let them ask. Ahgie pretty much told us everything anyway.
And why does brad get a free pass about homewrecking? HE had the adulterous affair, not Angie. Anyway, its over and done. K swear, she cld find the cure for cancer, and the headline wld read,"Homewrecker Finds Cure fof Cancer!" Lol

jes7o said...

She was TERRIBLE on the Today Show. She didn't deserve the royal bus-chucking that she got, but she was by no means good at her job. She dressed like a color-blind sixth-grader and was as empathetic as toast. She never should have been given the job in the first place.....

Silly Girl said...

Probably not a real concern for anyone, but another way to drag anyone's name through the mud. Could be directed at the network, or at Ann, but really, who cares?

The bigger issue is now that everyone is talking about it, EVERYONE will turn in to see the "Interview of the Century"!! We'll all be watching with baited breath to see if Ann is snarky, if Angelina is snarky, if Matt jumps in to steal the show, if there are too many commercials or not enough commercials, etc. Who gives a shit if and who does this interview? Enough with Saint Angie. She's only a saint because she has the money to be 'saintly'. Whateves.

PookieTwo said...

Is Enty hinting here that Jolie gets those trendy bee venom facials? I need to go get me some bee venom.

MalibuBarbie said...

I hope she leverages the HELL out of it and takes NBC for all she can. They treated her dreadfully and are reaping what they, it's payback time.

Henriette said...

Ann Curry sucked balls as a co-anchor on Today, but NBC and NBC News handled it all wrong. They kept looking rumors hoping she would quit, and it backfired on them. Now they are blaming Matt Lauer;who already had a bad reputation to begin with. Lauer will be the next one to go.

As far as the interview, take the money and run.

Henriette said...

I meant to say "leaking" rumors. But yeah, Ann Curry got a hell of a lot of money for doing a sucky job.

Sydney21221 said...

I like Angelia a lot and I have an enormous amount of admiration and respect for her and anyone who wants to help those who've suffered the most awful atrocities by spending time with them and drawing attention to the issues that most people would not otherwise be aware of. I wish there were more like her.

With regards to Anne Curry, I have no idea what she's like as a reporter, but if she's been treated badly by her employer then I can understand her reluctance to pull in favours.

Basil said...

Yeah she got a very bad deal with NBC, and yeah she is still getting paid lots of money for doing not much. And yeah, it would be really tempting to go all Karma on NBC, but in reality, she is stuck and there isn't much she can do about it. But if she did get the interview with Jolie, it would put her back out there in a big way and show that despite what happened, she is a professional. Who here has been treated badly by a boss, but still does their job? Lots of us I bet. She should do the same.

Unknown said...

Did anyone here actually watch the Today Show when Ann was on the show. She wasn't terrible, the SHOW was. The entire thing needed to be overhauled. Matt is wayyy past his prime and so is Al Roker for that matter. Put those two out to pasture. As for Koda and Cathy.... why? Why does the public need like 10 hours of Today?

I watch CBS now. They are to the point and have good stories, not all the mindless fluff that the Today show does.

bekH said...

Eric, you're just making too much sense to be posting

bekH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rae Rae said...

Um, but yet you're here on a "celebrity gossip" web site...posting you don't get it?

lmnop123 said...

Stands in line behind hag, christopher, mirame, hothotheat and silly girl

ac said...

I have read somewhere that Angie likes Anne. That's why she will always give her the interview.

NBC treated Ann like crap and now they want something?! Yeah...keep collecting the check Anne and lets see what St. Ange would do if they sent that d@ck Lauer over. It would be frosty in that room.

Kathleen said...

No she did not have an offer - CNN specifically stated the rumors were false, they were not courting her and do not think she can carry a prime time show:

Kathleen said...

Agreed. Her or someone she knows is probably the person leaking this. Not very professional and hopefully she will someday learn that grace and poise will get her much farther in the world.

Melissa said...

The show is MUCH better without Ann on it. Savanah is a breath of fresh air and seems a lot more comfortable doing interviews that Ann ever did.

Ann tried to force emotions out of her guests and it was embarassing to watch. I wish she's suck it up and stop playing the victom.

L said...

@Kathleen - Pleeease!! grace and poise? like Matt Lauer? I hate to be repetitive but... pleeeeaaase!

punkindj said...

For the people ragging on Angie regarding the People and Time covers. maybe a bit of research would make some of your comments more on point. First Angelina did not do and interview in either magazine. She did not post for any new pictures for either magazine. Both photos used were taken when she was promoting ITLOBH.. over a year ago. So they are not recent pictures.

She did her op ed and told her story. And yes just like many other women before her. She told her story. How is it her fault that these magazines are so over the top and put her on the cover. Times asked her for an interview and she declined. she could have gone to People and done a big spread. she didn't. People just slapped her picture on a cover and wrote articles around info she had given. She has not done any interview following this. The only info was on the Pink Lotus site outlining her treatment.

seriously the unreasonable hate and attacks on her by this site is just silly and ugly. NO she is not the first and sadly not the last. But millions of women share their stories regarding Cancer. why can't she.

but then actual facts always get in the way of the hating.


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