Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Blind Item #10

This west coast Real Housewife is being treated for an eating disorder.


Dasha said...

Alexis Bellino, OC.

Kristin Wigs said...

Taylor Armstrong

crila16 said...

All of them, except for Kyle Richards.

trudi said...

Lydia OC

califblondy said...

The new little girl. Her Mother smokes pot and spreads fairy dust.

Lydia!! I think it's Lydia.

CeCe said...


DewieTheBear said...

Never has "All of them" seemed more appropriate.

skimpymist said...

Taylor armstrong

Count Jerkula said...

Fugazi Enty should throw out a couple posts like "there would have been a real house wives blind here, but I'm taking mercy on you viewers. If enough people click the ad before the story, I'll save you from a Beiber blind tomorrow."

Zelda Zonk said...

Alexis made a comment on the 100th episode that she barely ate during filming and girl is skinnier than you think. The huge chest must distract from it

Gayeld said...

@Count. That's a policy change I could get behind. I'll click on all ads Fugazi Enty wants to be spared Beiber and the Real Housewives of the Gold Rush.

Unknown said...

LOL, has Enty ever a posted a blind shorter than this?

Unknown said...

@count j....

Yes. This.

MollyHoliday said...

In an episode a few seasons back Alexis said she used to have an ED. I think it's Lydia. She freaked out when Slade made a snarky comment about her needing to eat a hamburger.

Habibti said...

That annoying new one. Lydia. She is ridiculously thin and resembles an anorexic horse.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Lydia got annoyed because its annoying to be naturally skinny and always told you're too skinny or to eat something. Naturally curvy chicks wouldn't appreciate being told to put down that cheeseburger but that's not socially acceptable to say.

It's Alexis.

madeinbrzil said...

I think it's Taylor. Real Enty hates her.
I truly think that Lydia is naturally thin.

SiG said...

Tamera Barney

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They are all bobble heads every single one of them could stand to eat a cheese burger.... Well except Nene that grrrrl is tight. Like bounce a quarter off her ass tight

Unknown said...

It's not what you think. Vicki is working with Curves trying to drop 10lbs.

Anonymous said...

True. I have a love hate relationship with Lydia. Sometimes she annoys the crap out of me butt u admire her forthrightness which could probably easily be mistaken for a self righteous attitude. I think what you see is what you get with her which you can't say for the rest of them. I like also that she calls people out on their shit. Refreshing


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