Thursday, August 08, 2013

Blind Item #3

This very quiet, seemingly shy A list singer who has at least one world record for a certain type of record sales went ballistic this week when he caught his lover with another person. As in, he went rock star ballistic. Smashed the guitar he had been carrying against a hotel room television and then smashed it against the walls and kept screaming, "you b**ch" to his lover or the person with his lover. The person who was with his lover ran from the room naked and grabbed a robe and was out the door as quickly as possible.


Count Jerkula said...

Willie Nelson.

Anonymous said...

So she was cheating on him with a girl??

Kristin Wigs said...

Louis Tomlinson. Sold records in the US quicker than the Beatles. Or something like that.

Sass71 said...

Willie is too laid back for that, @Count ;)

CJ said...

Timberlake? fastest selling itunes record

Jeannie said...

Interesting the gender of both the lover, and the lover's lover are unspecified. So I'm thinking either the a-luster is gay and all parties are men, or the a-lister's liver is a woman caught with another woman.

auntliddy said...

Yeah, willie wld join right on in!

dee123 said...

LOL. Like Timberlake didn't know what he was getting into when he married Mary Camden.

auntliddy said...

Jeaane, i know - belive i know!- liver is a typo, but wldnt it be funny to come home and find you liver having liver sex with another liver?Or your pancreas?

Sherry said...

Oh no Auntlicky! Not liver/pancreas sex. Oh the humanity!!!

caralw said...

I'm thinking Bruno Mars, although I know nothing about his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Mmm... Liver and farthing beans. Slurp...yum

Mr.Cannon said...

I may be wayyyy off here... but what about Manilow? I did some googling about the world record and found on his website:


Barry Manilow's 1983 SRO Engagement at the Uris Theatre (fastest sellout and largest one day box office gross on Broadway)

Melissa said...

Clay Aiken? All parties involved would be males. Entry didn't specify the genders to avoid making it too easy.

nevermindthat said...

Definetely not Timberlake because when has he ever been described as shy. I also don't think he would have a problem with Jess sleeping with girls.

Unknown said...

Lmao, right? As soon as he finished his joint

Unknown said...

Can you just imagine Clay Aiken flying into a rage like this?

Dirty Red Pagan said...
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Kristin Wigs said...

What about Bon Iver?

Mark said...

Sounds like something Prince would do. And then he made them all pancakes.

bbhood said...

PRINCE! Clearly!

Lissette said...

I don't know why but I thought maybe that guy with the long hair that used to date the chick from Dynasty? Wasn't he big with ladies of a certain age? Or, Josh Groban (guitar is a clue). I don't see Manilow with a guitar.

Charis said...

Ricky Martin

Lissette said...

Yep...Yanni...he broke records with his live concert:

delete account said...

Tony Bennett.

caralw said...

Has to be someone who plays guitar... so no to Clay, Barry and Ricky. I don't think I've ever seen them with a guitar.

Basil said...

I'm thinking Josh G.

sandybrook said...

Enty got me at shy singer.

Snail said...

Long time lurker - first time poster. How about Bryan Adams?

Unknown said...

Bruno Mars. A list and does not give many interviews.

Anonymous said...
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KTVerclempt said...

Likin Prince for this....

crila16 said...

It sounds to me like its a A list male, whose lover is a male, who was caught in bed with another male.

hothotheat said...

I like the Bryan Adams guess.

Andrea said...

Ed Shearen

Anonymous said...

They need this type of drama to get them off. One, if not both, of them is/ are initiating this.

lazyday603 said...

It was a huge misunderstanding. Pete Townshend was just practicing his stage routine.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

So a guy finds his lover in a lesbian relation and goes apeshit instead of joining them? That dude is not as straight as he should.

sharka2002sharka said...

James Blunt?

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Marilyn Manson.
Very shy in real life, but his stage persona is insane. I can imagine this being him on one of his coke benders.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I do have to say that I find it odd there are no genders named.
Is this a closeted homosexual?

Unknown said...

That's the impression I got, like maybe Lambert or something

The Real Dragon said...

@Sass. Willie will walk in and smoke a joint then tell the lover and his lover to Proceed.

Unknown said...

Timberpuss - whatsherface loves the ladies.

Jaiden_S said...

The blind says "shy" so I'm going with Josh Groban.

Hegg said...


Jenn said...

Prince is a straight up drama queen. He would pitch a fit if he found his lover with someone else. He's notoriously shy in interviews though. This may be him, but he's got a bad hip, so it'd be easy to outrun his tiny high-heel wearing self.

PJJ said...

I thought Josh Groban too but is he A list? I don't listen to his genre. I just know of him from that Simpsons episode a while back lol.

kokopuff said...

Elton John.

Hegg said...

LOL @Jenn. Prince & his heels.

McGraw said...

Kenny Chesney is a touring tix sales record holder

Tabby said...

One of the One Direction boys. They have a world record for the first UK group to to have their album debut at No. 1 in the US. I would go with it being Niall or Louis.


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