Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Robin Thicke has Spent $500,000 On Pot

You know, that if Robin Thicke is admitting in an interview that he has spent $500K on pot, that he has probably spent way more than that. Probably double. That also does not include all the pot he has smoke that was bought by someone else. Maybe another $500K? he does have a lot of friends who smoke pot and he has been in the industry awhile. So, maybe $1.5M worth of pot? People say you don't spend a lot of money doing pot and that it is not like coke. You think if he runs out of money he is not going to want that money back? Probably not. He will probably just move to Humboldt and start growing his own weed.

"I do smoke; I do everything I'm not supposed to do. Weed is my crutch, my muse, the lesser of all evil. I've spent a good $500,000 on pot.''

I wonder if the pot smoking extends to Paula Patton. Maybe. When you are smoking that much pot and drinking as much as Robin does everyday, I also wonder how often he is completely sober around his son. If you are smoking that much pot everyday and drinking, there does not seem to be a whole lot of time in the day when you are not smoking and drinking. Plus, he has been busted for possession before, so at what point do you say, maybe I should cut back?


Barton Fink said...

That's some overpriced pot.

Unknown said...

Man... That's a lot of pot. So, if he is spending so much time smoking and drinking... Where does he find the time to cheat on Paula? Multitasker?

MISCH said...

Come on, does he burn it in his fireplace and breath in deeply ?

Majik said...

I spend less than $1000/year, and I smoke daily. Boy needs to get himself a bong and a new dealer.

discoflux said...

If he's smoking the good shit, which going for ~$450/oz ($125/quarter bag) here in Texas - I know it's much more expensive elsewhere - But based on that pricing - I'd say that's about average. He's 36 and my guess is he's been smoking for about 20 years.

That seems about right. That amount of money would let you smoke a quarter a day, every day, for 11 years.

No pearl clutching necessary today, folks.

presidentresident said...

Sounds like some overpriced stuff and a silly interview. If he can handle it and he's got the money, who cares?
He gets a lifetime pass for Blurred Lines, though.

discoflux said...

Majik - You probably also have a budget and no entourage.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan, but......


Kelly said...

That's a lot of money!

SueRH said...

He's got the #1 song in 80 countries, he can afford it.

hollywood dime said...

he's 35 and has probably been smoking medical grade good shit since he was 15. And of course he smokes with paula. she is coked out of her mind 70% of the time, she probably has to smoke to bring herself down. she's a mess.

Unknown said...

I am not gonna lie.....I kinda wish that was my budget, too.

Majik said...

@discoflux--very true. My entourage has to get their own damned bud. ;P

You pay $450/oz in Texas? That's insane! I get a z for $200 in Ontario....starting to see where RT's money is going! Kinda wondering how much Snoop pays...

Harry Knuckles said...

Good weed and good beer. That's what money's for.

NaughtyNurse said...

Why does he look like he is taking a shit in his suit?

Tori said...

Enty needs to calm down and hit the bong. He's successful and seemingly a good parent. If he wants to smoke weed to calm down, so be it. It's not bleeding him dry financially and it's not detracting from his work or family so what's the issue?

tara17 said...

I can't imagine pot costing 1/10th of that amount in one person's lifetime. That must be some supreme kind of elite prize winning pot.

TalksTooMuch said...

There you go, Mr. Thicke, you are now so famous from your awesome song that stupid stories will be written about you in perpetuity. Congrats.

MontanaMarriott said...

Can someone explain to me how these singers keep their voices AND smoke pot?? That is a surefire way to lose your voice.

RowdyRodimus said...

Who gives a shit what he spends on what he wants to? People spend hundreds of dollars on headphones because they are supposedly designed by Dr. Dre that are no better than the $10 pairs they sell at Best Buy but nobody complains. People spend thousands on Monster cables that are no better than the ones you can get for $2 on ebay and that's ok. I've probably spent over 100K on comics and Transformers over the years and I've never had a number one song.

Let the guy spend his money on what he wants. Although, I do admit that I've probably made as much or more than what I've spent on said comics and Transformers over the years by selling them on the second hand market which he can't do with weed. Still, at least he's enjoying his life in a way that isn't hurting anyone, unlike a lot of celebs we hear about on here like raping kids and shit.

discoflux said...

Majik - $450 is the price if you're not the dealers friend and are getting the super high quality. There's also a greater your-ass-is-getting-sent-to-prison-forEVAH factor here than in ontario, so dealers make it worth their while. lol

Seven of Eleven said...

Maybe Enty can spend some of that annoying video ad money on a few ounces (is it legal in CA?). I don't smoke myself but all the pot smokers I know are nice, mellow people who don't get butt hurt about Amber Alerts and mastectomies.

marie-ski said...

I've probably spent about that much in my pot smoking career,but that's including all the beautiful accesories that go along with it.

Maximus said...

Legalize it.

califblondy said...

Good for him.

BringingUglyBack said...

I'm jealous.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

If he spends more than many pot-junkies do in 40 years, I can't imagine how much he will spend when he starts to snort blurred lines.

trudi said...

Is pot responsible for his shitty hit song or did he write it sober?

Also, if he didn't want to hear anyone's opinion about his pot habits, he should have kept his habit to to himself. Or maybe he just wants to let people know that he is so rich he can piss it away on a whole lot of pot with no regrets.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Enty, chillax and go roll a fat one. Let the man smoke on. He needs to with Paula. She looks HIGH maintenance!

"Chicks cannot handle they smoke. Dats what is"

OKay said...

Yeah, he's either full of it or being seriously taken advantage of. Yep, pot's $200 an ounce here in Alberta too - and it's ALL good stuff, direct from B.C. I spend less than $1000 a year smoking daily too. Even at double the price, he's smoked nowhere near half a mil's worth.

MadLyb said...

I think he may be exaggerating just a bit...

PJJ said...

Aww, I like this picture :/

Jerry said...

When he's spent as much as Enty's spent on bacon, then I'll be impressed.

ms_jacqui said...

It works out to be a lil less than $50 bucks a week assuming he's been smoking since his teens... that's totally not unreasonable to me.

Unknown said...

I wanna smoke with Robin! At least it wasnt all booze! maybe explains why he seems so chilled and sexy with it!

Tru Leigh said...

It shows.

HimynameisChloe said...

damn 450/oz?!?!? I love living in Southern California.

HimynameisChloe said...


HimynameisChloe said...

I smoke a bowl and go running and have no breathing problems or issues with my voice. don't have smokers cough or anything. maybe he's vaping

HimynameisChloe said...

lol pot junkies...that's rich


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