Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 12, 2012

What C+ list celebrity/reality star with A list name recognition recently asked if it was possible for her to test drive a baby. She wanted to see if she could try it out being a mother for a few months and if she didn't like it, then give the baby back or give it to someone else.

Holly Madison (and then she got pregnant)


Steampunk Jazz said...

It never hurts to

ladybaus said...

Im watching her crap reality special about having her baby at this very moment. Her baby daddy looks like hes covered in meth sores

NaughtyNurse said...

Odd as it may sound, I think more people should borrow a friend's or relative's baby for a weekend here or there, so they can see what being responsible for a baby is all about! Maybe then we wouldn't have so many people having babies as accessories.

b-fabulous said...

you don't have to use a real baby. there are dolls that cry and wet just like a real baby. they give them to teen girls who want to have a baby and most of them decide not to have one after their experience with the doll.

Steampunk Jazz said...

From the blinds revealed, it appears Holly doesn't care for the job.

timebob said...

I <3 stupidity

Unknown said...

I'm with Naughty Nurse, more people should be required to 'test drive' parenthood before making the commitment

sandybrook said...

She should have tried baby sitting when she was a kid. God most models are so fucking stupid especially the Playmates.

SugarTitz said...

I think she meant she wanted to test drive the mommy paychecks and if those weren't big enough to offset the trouble of a baby then give it away.

Anonymous said...

I think people should have baby licenses, just like driving a car or getting married. Why the hell not? It wouldn't be a bad idea for someone to borrow a friends or family members kid for a day or night, and see if they can handle it.

Unknown said...

Too bad Every parent can't be required to this. A lot less bad parents and messed up kids.

Anonymous said...

Holly is all sorts of smoke and mirrors.

That poor little baby of hers...

Unknown said...

Yes,I wish everyone would test drive a baby and a toddler before committing to parenthood. There would be a lot less fucked up and abused kids in the world because a lot of people would realize that they are not cut out for raising kids.

I'm not cut out for it and realized this when I was a pre-teen. Nothing since then has changed my mind. I like kids. But the responsibility of raising them, no thanks.

Because I don't have kids, I've had a lot of moms (and Dads) secretly tell me that they made a mistake/regret having kids, but its not something that can be undone and they're muddling though it the best that they can. Then they put on their happy face to the rest of the world, and never let on about their regrets. Sad...

nunaurbiz said...

I tell my friends to get a puppy and if you survive that, you can survive a baby. One friend took my advice and thanked me because she and her man were nowhere near ready for a baby! LOL

Anonymous said...

No seriously, everybody should do this. There would be a lot less f*cked up kids if parents did this. Find a friend, offer to watch their baby for a weekend. Give them a break and you a lesson one why they need a break so bad.

Steampunk Jazz said...

The answer to "why do you want a baby?" From kid moms and wannabes is"to have someone who loves me.." The HAS to love me, is implied.
Hellwood babies are fertility symbols.
A. Young dammit!See? Cast me!
B. So much love for others,I adopt...Cast Me!
C. I care about the poor unfortunates of the world, so I adopt a 3rd worlder. I'm wonderful.CAST ME!

Sherry said...

So I guess all that time she wanted Hef's baby it was to tie down Hef? And here I thought she wanted motherhood. Silly girl.

Yeah Unknown. I too chose to forego parenting and I haven't regretted it one bit. I loves me some young'uns but they're better off with not having me as mama.

Flora Goforth said...

Better that than this:

Nichole said...

I got one of those fake crying babies in high school you can easily get around actually doing stuff for them easily so I don't know if they are actually that great teaching devices. I found i could prop it up in certain positions with the bottle in its mouth while I played video games and it would still count it as feeding it.

Brenda L said...

The thing is....would YOU lend your baby to Holly Madison for a weekend?

PugsterMom said...

I'm sorry but I just don't believe this.

Uhhhh... said...

Fuck. Then she named it rainbow. Mariah Carey's looking pretty good right now.

AKM said...

I'm with you, Sherry. Can't wait to be an auntie and I love other people's well-behaved tots. My cat and a plant are the only living things I care to be personally responsible for, though, thanks.

B said...

In what world does Holly have A list name recognition? That's like movie star status.

PotPourri said...

I want her baby... Please give it to me Holly, when you get bored.

FrenchGirl said...

@Unknown: i can believe it

I don't believe this blind because in the real tv show with Efner,she said she did many baby sitting when she was teen

Anonymous said...

Puppies don't give you cracked nipples, stretch marks, sleepless nights, and don't cost much to keep


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