Thursday, December 05, 2013

Amanda Bynes Heads Home To Her Parent's House - Enrolls In School

Just in time for the holidays Amanda Bynes is home with her parents and her beloved wigs. She is also enrolled in FIDM and will start popping up on campus beginning next month. I think next month is too soon for her to enter the real world like that. I know she is going to have someone with her at all times but classes start in a month and you want her to go to school everyday and interact with people and be independent and I don't know if that is a recipe for success. I'm not saying keep her hidden away and shelter her like Britney Spears. I think that has been a disaster. She is living life like The Truman Show and has no idea what is going on in the world around her and is only told what they want her to know and she has no idea about anything unless her minders tell her. She isn't allowed to watch the news or surf the internet except for a few select sites that have been vetted. What kind of life is that?

If Amanda wants to take one class that would be great but taking a full-time course schedule would be way too much too soon.


Meanie Rhysie said...

Sit down and shut the fuck up, Enty of the Day.

FSP said...

She has no bellybutton.

FSP said...

I think the Enties are pissed because this is not one of the select sites.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Damn you, FSP! You made me look! :)

Pip said...

Shut the fuck up, Enty. Unless you are in her shoes, or are a psychologist, you have no idea when she is ready. Hell, she may just take one or two classes as some sort of exposure therapy. Being around her peers in a normal setting can help in slowly getting used to the real world again.

ethorne said...

Restricted net surfing? Monsters!!

Anonymous said...

Let's see.. I' m curious and I wish her all the best. In my humble opinion it takes years to become "stable" considering her "disorders" and mental status that are pretty serious But.. she is young and better school than concerts in Las Vegas like Britney who will never recover from drug abuse. substance abuse like drugs and alcohol are serious factors that can trigger bipolar disorder and other issues. will take few years of being clean and fight it before you can tell that someone is stable. Ain t gonna happen with anyone from that industry.

Kelly said...

Well I wish her the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed by people who come to this site and spend their time and energy insulting the writer.

The site is free, folks, at least for you, assuming you don't buy anything from the advertisers.

Yet you show up, day after day, and say nasty things about the person who spends time and energy writing it.

You're like people who go to someone's house, eat the host's food, and then piss on his carpet. How unpleasant you are.

ethorne said...

See, I like to eat dinner & then go piss all over the host's toilet seat. Carpet pissing is just tacky.

Folly said...

Hi knockout! This is the interwebs. Welcome!

Henriette said...

Isn't FIDM one of those for profit colleges? Amanda is going to be robbed blind.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Hey! I don't piss on carpets! I do piss on clean laundry, though.

Susan said...

I think it's great that she's enrolling in school. I hope she recovers and has a bright future.

Do Britney Spears' keepers really lock her down like that? I would love to read a tell-all about her. Andrew Morton should dish on that. I couldn't put the Tom Cruise book down.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever tell your friends to shut it? This is what s going on here. evolved form of communication lol

FSP said...

I like beans!

AKM said...

Oh, you're a psychiatrist now, Enty? A social worker? Psychologist? Nurse?


This might be a great thing for her. Here's hoping it all works out.

Jennabean said...

Yay! Sometimes I poo-poo on the counter!!

Sherry said...

Do Brit Brits handlers really keep her that sheltered? Sad if true.

I think going to school will be an enormous relief for.Amanda. How many times has she quit shoe biz? Hopefully it will stick for her.

ethorne said...

@FSP-What about franks?

discoflux said...

I like to leave my hosts an upper decker. It's like finding a present later and you're always supposed to gift your host/hostess, right?

ethorne said...

@Disco-I'm stealing that one for the Christmas season.

discoflux said...

But "seriously," I think it's great that she's going to take a class or two. It's something that is structured keeps her on a schedule that is far less stressful than trying to return to the industry. If she's going to FIDM, then she's likely taking classes in things that genuinely interest her and can help her be better if/when she's ready to return to her acting vocation. I hope the best for her.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Nonononoooo!!!! Not franks!!!

discoflux said...

Make me proud, ethorne.

FSP said...

Lol @ Disco

FSP said...

@ethorne-you can't have the franks without the beans

__-__=__ said...

So much hate in the first two threads with nothing but typical blog posts. There will not be enough cheese today.

Count Jerkula said...

Welcome home, Miss Mandy. Happy Holidays. Remember, all I want for Christmas are your 2 butt cheeks.

Beetlejuice said...

Wig Watch 2014

Jessi said...

Sweet Jesus. Can you please provide us the schedule as to which Enty will be blogging on which day. This way I can skip the days this Enty is on board. You make me want to jump off a bridge you asshole!

Eros said...

I don't get it too. Ive been to a fewgossip sites and have seen the gossip blogger rain verbal hellfire when Iit becomes a consistent nagging whine like it does on this site. Enty lets Iit go on post after post after post though. So I guess it doesn't bother him.

Eros said...

Personally, I think Enty should set a 'bitch & moan' quota. And if you surpass that quota, oh well, you're blocked now, bitch. So sorry for you. Come again! Lol

ethorne said...

@Eros, you write about as well as Enty does. So, yeah. And that's 2 for you, you're fast approaching bitch quota.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Kaboom! +1 ethorne

Don'cha love it when people bitch about people bitching? ;)

FSP said...

I hate it when the lit hits the fan.

menadensch said...

Jessi, is your Avi a Mark Ryden work? Love!

I hope Amanda will be okay taking classes. If she is Schizophrenic or has Schizo-Affective disorder, she'll probably have difficulties concentrating/focusing and agitation being in a more crowded environment. I wish her luck.

Count Jerkula said...

Eros: Some bloggers are vain and don't want anything negative about them on their sites. Fugazi Enty is a click whore to bump the ad rates. That is all that matters. "Fuck pride, Butch."

Jessi said...

@menadensch Why yes, yes it is! : )

brittiany said...

Your opinion has no value in this matter. Years to recover? Where did you come up with that? Please sit aside and let the experts decide what she is capable of.

brittiany said...

No one knows how she will do. Only time will tell. All she can do is keep taking her meds as instructed and if her treatment requires it, go to her therapy and counseling sessions. She must actively participate in her treatment.

Huussipakolainen said...

I hope she's left alone. The media took advantage of her mental illness, which should not be allowed. I'm glad her parents finally took over.

hairydawg said...

@ The Knocked Drop. Most of the whiners do so in an effort to fit in. Its mostly likely a phase which will fade away once it becomes unpopular or played out.

Unknown said...

I think Enty purposefully says the things that will bring out the snark in the readers. Look how many comments he gets on things like this? First, the snarks start their snarking. Then, the anti-snarks snark about the snarks snarking. Then the snarks snark at the anti-snarkers starting the whole cycle of snark all over. Snark.

discoflux said...

@FSP - In this instance, I think I'm probably glad that work is blocking that site. lol

Nothanksdarlin said...

"Assuming we are spiritually fit, we can do all sorts
of things alcoholics are not supposed to do. People have said we must not go where liquor is served; we must not have it in our homes; we must shun friends who drink; we must avoid [movies] which show drinking scenes; we must not go into bars; our friends must hide their bottles if we go to their houses; we mustn’t think or be reminded about alcohol at all.
Our experience shows that this is not necessarily so. We meet these conditions every day. An alcoholic who cannot meet them, still has an alcoholic mind; there is something the matter with his spiritual status. His only chance for sobriety would be some place like the Greenland Ice Cap, and even there an Eskimo might turn up with a bottle of scotch and ruin every­thing!"
page 101

Enties, before you teach the masses about recovery why dodn't you go find some for yourself

<3 Darlin

Nothanksdarlin said...

damn it the word don't got weird. blahh. oh well, you get the point ;)

Eros said...

@ ethorne No offense but that second sentence doesn't even make sense to me from a referential standpoint. So I think that old adage regarding stones and glass houses applies here. Secondly, this is the comments section of a bloggers gossip site not a dissertation. In other words, one would think grammar and spelling mistakes are the norm instead of the exception. As long as I get the gist of what someone is saying I generally look past that stuff.

ethorne said...

@Eros- I didn't get any of that. Please explain. (Or not.)

Eros said...

@ Count Jerkula Just curious, did Enty used to reply in the comments section a long time ago? I thought I read that he used to do that. I honestly dont think he gives a fuck which is why he lets people rag on him constantly. I can understand the logic behind it but if you have new readers they probably wont stay if they see commenters ragging on the blogger constantly. They will be like this blogger ain't worth shit. 8 people said his writing sucks. Perception is reality in other words. Bad pr too but this is just my opinion. Not set in stone in other words.

Count Jerkula said...

@Eros: no clue if Enty or.Fugazi Enty ever commented.

New readers? You think shit spelling and piss poor grammar won't keep them away, but people pointing it out will?

Rule #1 in self promotion: it doesn't matter if they boo or cheer, as long as they are responding. Only exception is X-pac Heat, were people groan and boo cause they are just sick of seeing you.

Eros said...

@Count. Humans are odd creatures. Have you ever perused social experimentation results. It concurs with my statements. People will more times than not be persuaded by a popularly expressed opinion instead of forming their opinion based on facts and performing an action based onthose expressed ideas. Ergo the pejorative: majority of humans are mindless sheeple. There was a recent study done. They used reddit and they based it on social impetus within social medium. The premise is that people react based on the status quo in life and online. They will upvote a popularly upvoted comment just because others performed that action, not because they actually agree or think its an intellectually sound comment. Im saying all this to say there may be a fair amount of readers who will read the negative feedback and think reflectively that the writer ain't shit. Like I said before perception is reality. P. T. Barnum had that saying that any publicity is good publicity but I don't think that rule is applicable to this scenario. If enty were world renowned famous I might agree but that isnt the case imo.

WareCat said...

Prof Eros in the house, to school us kids.
first lesson of the day. paragraphs.

Eros said...

@ Count One other question....Why do you say there are more than 1 Enty? Did he post something somewhere saying that others will be writing the blinds besides himself or are you just jumping on the 2 enties bandwagon. Just curious. .

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Count Jerkula said...

Dramatic change of writing style and abundance of daily posts leads me to believe ther is an ol Enty and a Fugazi Enty. Tone of posts and inconsistencies lends to either more than one Fugazi Enty or a female Fugazi Enty.

Nothing is more of a display that the masses are mindless sheep than the success of that piece of shit Blair Witch Project. It was like everyone was afraid to call it a steaming pile of crap out of fear they would be ostracized from the herd for expressing free will.

Look around, for every person who complains the comments have gone to shit there is some one who says they only come here for the comments anymore.

Do you think the sitw would have better traffic #s if everone suckled on Enty's yam bag? Go back and look how that first troll day in May, and the ensuing weekend of arguing, spkied the saggin Alexa rankings. When ever there is a big blow up here, check Alexa 2 days after and see what the rankings are.

Roddy Piper & Ric Flair made lots of money being the guys everyone loved to hate.

Anonymous said...

Wendy Davis folks! She came in like a wrecking ball... Welcome back Bitch.

Anonymous said...


Anotheramy said...

I have had close contact with several people with severe bi polar disorder. Its an illness they will struggle to control the rest of their life. Their medications are fine tuned until the balance between zombie and bat shit crazy settles on functional. They very often appear foggy and over medicated. As if they're drunk or have moderately low intelligence even if they were a genius in their previous life. Unless its something you have experience with, you may misunderstand what is necessary and think they're over medicated. She has a team of Doctors and a team of handlers. Shes one of the lucky ones. Maybe restricting things that have proven a problem in the past is abuse but since I've had not contact with her, I'm going to leave those decisions in the hands of people who have.

B said...

Totally agree Enty. I know it's too soon from my own experiences.

CriticalPeach said...

I agree with Enty.

CriticalPeach said...

I agree with Enty.


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