Monday, December 02, 2013

Blind Item #3

"I started doing this little girl voice when a producer of the show I was auditioning for really responded to it. It turns out he liked it better when we were in bed together. Since then I have kept it because guys seem to like it." (Almost A list celebrity/singer/actress talking about her big break when she was a minor from a man three times her age)


Christopher Cruz said...

That is creepy as f**k.

Cleodacat said...

Dang, was going to go for Meg Tilley until I saw singer, celebrity

Sophie Helene said...

Not sure I believe it. Sounds much too much like something I saw about Anna Nicole Smith. It was in the Opera based on her life (and extremely well documented).

So yeah.

Kristin Wigs said...

Chenowith or Lea Michele?

Cleodacat said...

Kristen Chenowirth?

Zelda Zonk said...


Unknown said...

Miranda Cosgrove?

Stephie said...

I first thought Chenowith but I looked her up and it says she got her first role at 23. I think it could be Melanie Griffith. She played Roxie Hart in Chicago on Broadway so "singer" could fit.

Anonymous said...

Ariane Grande

Anonymous said...

Ariane Grande

Anonymous said...

Ariane Grande

Anonymous said...

Ariane Grande

Tyler said...

If true, whoever she is, she was certainly sexually precocious and insightful for a minor, so much so that I'll venture to say she wasn't an inexperienced minor and she did the seducing.

FSP said...

Ariane Grande

FSP said...

Ariane Grande

FSP said...

Ariane Grande

WareCat said...

Ariana Grande x4.

Tyler said...


Anonymous said...

Ariane Grande

Kelly said...

I 100th Arianna Grande.

Count Jerkula said...

It isn't really a relationship, until your chick breaks out a school girl skirt and baby voice for some teacher/student roleplay.

Unknown said...


yo said...

I want to say the producer is creep Dan Schneider but I don't think he is quite three times her age... maybe if she was 15 and he was in his early 40s...

FlirtyChick74 said...

Janet Jackson

Anonymous said...

What about Bernadette Peters?

Kristin Wigs said...

@ash So it's the minor's fault?

Unknown said...

ariana grande does a completely bizarre breathy/baby voice. It's disturbing. Gets my vote.

CJ said...

What about Britney? She has done bits & pieces on tv and she has a breathy singing voice. I think she's higher than almost a, though.

Jennifer H. said...

Bernadette's a good guess.

msgirl said...

Bernadette isn't almost A, she is A all the way, at least in my ratings.

msgirl said...

And I wouldn't call her a celebrity, she's the real deal.

Pambelina said...

But for the fact that I refuse to believe that they were ever intimate, I'd think this was Ariana Grande and that creeper producer of tween shows.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I'm gonna guess something totally different and say Ariana Grande.

lazyday603 said...

Miranda Cosgrove had an adult voice when she was a little girl. That's why she was the band manager in "School of Rock". She was a hyper-articulate 10 year old.

sarah.estell said...

Chenowith? She does that annoying little girl thing.

TalksTooMuch said...

@ash, any idea where a minor usually gets all the sexual precocious behaviour from?? Usually from whomever molested her.

Jessie said...

Do you guys think maybe Grande was trying to sound a bit like Marilyn Monroe and then the dude liked whatever the heck that voice she does is so she ran with it? Like I ran with this sentence...

Tara said...

I heard Ariana Grande speak at the AMA's and her voice was remarkably different from the voice I've heard her do in commercials for her TV show, which is this VERY very annoying, unpleasant cooing. I thought that was her real voice, but it's clearly an affect. However, this blind seems like it's for an older actress.

ozzyinch said...

Most women in Hollywood

Erin Kella said...

Video entitled "Ariana Grande trying to get Cat's voice right"

MadLyb said...

@ash - Careful. That is the same kind of shit pedos say to justify raping minors. "But..that 3 year old seduced me!".

feraltart said...

Alanis Morisette.

bellaluna said...

OKAY, we get it!! Ariana Grande! (Is she that irritating-voiced chick from Sam & Cat? Because I change the channel whenever I hear THAT VOICE.)

Snootches said...

Def Britney! Her baby voice is featured in Oops

Jennifer said...

Britney Spears, for sure. Ariane Grande is A list? I dont think so. Also, ( i just googled it cause I was curious) she doesnt even have a baby voice in interviews.

JustaGrrl said...

does Mariah do that?

Secondbecky said...



Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Bea Arthur.

di butler said...

Yes, it's Miss "I dress and give off Swifty I'm a goody goody vibes" Grande. Don't know why, she has a great voice, that fake kids show stuff needs to end so she can turn into a proper pop star, not beholden to a G rated standard.

Kat has left the building said...

Here's the reveal...


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