Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Blind Item #1

This A list singer/celebrity who has been in this space multiple times before is telling friends she is getting married. To a woman. She might be telling friends that and she might really want that but she is going to get her heart broken because the woman in question doesn't want to come out. Our singer says she will make it happen.


LottaColada said...

Wow, the blind items come out earlier and earlier.

Erin said...

I have so many different guesses.

Henriette said...

KD Lang or Melisa Etheridge for the singer.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Well, there are 100 blinds now, so yeah, gotta start early. ;)

FrenchGirl said...

riri and cara just because they're together in DM today

(Enty's imagination is limitless)

Kristin Wigs said...

I'm with French Girl.

CJ said...

yep, Rihanna & Cara.

Count Jerkula said...

If RiRi and Cara want a pudgy, rugged man for their bachelorette party, they should feel free to get in touch.

Anonymous said...

Count : is that on your EHarmony profile? Pudgy and rugged (and likes yoga pants camel toe)?

Freya said...

Make it happen? Does she have pics of her going down on her and will they will "leak?" You know RiRi (if this is her) is not shy around a camera.

NomNom83 said...

RiRi and Cara? Gosh, what could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

If this is meant to be Riri and Cara, they're both clearly bisexual ...

Maybe it's Madonna ... she and Ingrid Casares had a very passionate affair in the 90s and Madonna may well have decided she's done with toyboys.

Count Jerkula said...

@Rach: No, when I am attempting to seduce, I refer to myself as "cuddly".

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I was also gonna say Ri and Cara, but will that really be shocking? Rihanna always posts stuff on the verge of breaking the law/actually breaking the law/sex and nudity, so a little tonguewrestle with attentionho Cara won't shock people. Same story with Cara, she acts like a wacko, so no one will be shocked.
I think people will actually call it fake and attentionho behaviour- a relationship between these two.

What about Britbrit? She has been with women according to reports from 'insiders' and blind items and poor girl is looking for love.
Then of course there is the question: how the hell does she find a woman and fall in love with her, with her dad breathing down her neck every step of the way?

Unknown said...

Liza Minnelli

PugsterMom said...

I don't believe Cara is bisexual. She's a very closeted lesbian. She has acting aspirations and is sure that coming out will destroy her chances.

Tru Leigh said...

Queen Latifa?

Mark B said...

I don't think this cara and riri, because I think both are A list (in cara's case in her own field, anyway), and it would have said that I think. I also think Cara and Riri might well go public anyway.

Anonymous said...

@Shit - there is absolutely no way that Brit's minders will let any sort of ro-, or show-, mance ruin her Vegas gig. The 'everyday Dave' ploy / plant is tolerable for them, for the moment, but that's it.

califblondy said...

Count, you made me think of when Danny DeVito was a male stripper on Friends. :)

Count Jerkula said...

@califblondy: *gasp* I may not be a young Sean Connery, but I am far from Danny DeVito.

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga

auntliddy said...

(Grumble, grumble) I dont see why anyone has to come out.

feraltart said...

auntliddy, + 1,000,000.

leemonada76 said...

Marian Carey has a song called Make it Happen...

C'estMoi said...

Alicia Keyes and I don't know who else.


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