Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

The Vanity Fair Hollywood issue. I can't believe Julia Roberts made the cover.

Bradley Cooper straight after his doorman shift.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on date night.
Chloe Sevigny and Jena Malone talk about their new movie.
When I see Sean Penn with Charlize Theron he always seems to be thinking how long he needs to wait before he can escape for a smoke and a hooker.
Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez back in their Barney days.
Enrique Iglesias takes a car to travel the 60 feet between appearances. Just call him Beyonce.
Gisele Bundchen goes furniture shopping with
Tom Brady.


LottaColada said...

Of course Julia did.

Jared looks hot as always. Who's the one showing her nipples?

TalksTooMuch said...

Julia looks great! Wow, way different than the picture a couple of days ago where she was looking fairly, um, healthy. And she's in Idris's lap. :/

Seven of Eleven said...

Lupita is gorgeous and my man Chewie is on there! WOOT!

I love MichaelK telling Julia Roberts to get her skank a* off of Idris Elba.

Gross Sean Peen. Charlize, what are you thinking? Is he slipping you daily roofies?

Oh, Selena has the same face as she 12 years ago!!

~Z~ said...

So, what do you think Penn has on Charlize? Something really bad. It makes me sick seeing them together.

Chloe S seems obsessed with the black booties and bare legs look. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

OT: My friend just posted on FB that her 6 year old asked to help her take down her Beiber posters because "he's being a bad person"

His crown is getting rustier by the day.

discoflux said...

Brad Pitt looks like a douche nozzle.

Count Jerkula said...

Fugazi Enty, if yer gonna post Gomez pix, please post ones I can use while pullin taffy. Thanx.

Angie said...

No way is that Penn/Theron thing for real.

Seven of Eleven said...

@Looziana, that is awesome! Winter is coming, Joffrey Bieber!

Alexis said...

I love you Julia but if you don't get off Idris' lap right now I'll be forced to hurt everyone!

~Z~ said...

Looziana ~ That's hilarious.
Did she actually like him before, or was he pushed on her....As in....Ooh, do you like Justin Beiber? Please don't think I am trying to be an ahole to you....I just think a lot of the kids that age are sort of pushed into liking something popular just by suggestion. She is way too good for him! And obviously pretty damn smart!

Count JerkuIa said...

noticed seven of eleven bitching about how gross and disgusting kympossible was yesterday. yet this nastyass bitch posted THIS the other day, compete with her trademark gifs which she apparently keeps a library of.

Blah blah blah. Derp! Blah blah blah blah. If you could get a whiff of my rancid gaping cunt right now, you would puke on yer friggin computer. Blah blah blah. My soggy smelly snatch is as empty as my stupid fucking skull. I wish it didn't stink so fucking much, then my hubby wouldn't have to spend car payments on CraigsList hookers. Blah blah blah. DERP! I am almost as chicken shit as I am stupid. I come out here and attack people with a fake account, and when I get my face stuck in it, I run and hide. You have any idea how horrible it is to crouch and cower in a closet with a cunt that smells like tuna and salami mixed with mayo, vinegar and feet, then left in the sun for 3 days? I gotta rim a finger around my asshole, then pick my nose just to mask the stank. DERP!


Bring it, cunt.

Sarah said...

Why does Sean Penn always look like he just left the job site? Ugh.
Charlize has had a major Hollywood mind fuck, Hollywood old and old aren't the same thing, and she's gorgeous.
She would do better to get an actual construction worker whose sun would rise and set on her.

Seven of Eleven said...

Yawn. I'm utterly terrified, fake count.

And I've never posted a disgusting gif. They're always funny, unlike you.

Count JerkuIa said...

get a fuckin life seven.
or at least a job.
all you do all day is post on a gossip site and collect gifs! LOL.



MontanaMarriott said...

That is the most COLORful cover of VF ever. IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! I may have to pick it up now.

WTF is Charlize thinking?? I pray and hope this is some publicity stunt because I cannot see what anyone would see in Russian hooker loving chain smoking Madonna's Herps having leftover

Seven of Eleven said...

Double yawn. This actually IS my job. I'm writing a thesis on trolls.

Ginger said...

Julia, stay away from Idris!!

I can't help but hope the Charlize Theron/Sean Penn coupling is a publicity stunt. There is no way she can be attracted to that leathery mess!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Oh, it must be special snowflake day!!

Be gentle, people. lol ;)

TalksTooMuch said...

I mean this in the best possible way: I like the K-trolls, that shows a significant commitment to a part to keep it going for this long. I worry that it's like an open invitation to all the OTHER trolls out there that are typically ignored off or just don't find it worthwhile sticking around. Because we've had Wendy Davis, Fake Count, Kym Possible / Canopener (who knew they were the same person??) and B. Profane. Too much?

Ps: Seven is awesome

Harry Knuckles said...

I don't see Gwyneth in the FV photo. Wonder if she was invited, and if so, wonder how she responded. Don't think Goop is a "go fuck yourself" kind of girl but you never know.

"Bradley Cooper straight after his doorman shift." ... seriously doubt BCoop is now straight just because he was a doorman for a little while!

I like Pitt but the one thing that I have most noticed about him over the years is that he doesn't have a fucking clue how to dress. He's got his pants half tucked into his boots.

Wonder if Chloe Sevigny is going to blow anybody in her new movie? Maybe she's going to go down on Jena Malone!

Angie, I couldn't agree with you more about Penn and Theron. Fake as Hell. He's bearding for her butch ass and this picture is staged.

Kelly said...

Awww, my teenage daughter used to be obsessed with Barney and those were the girls on then. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Too be honest I'm not sure how she became interested. It does seem young though.

GPS74 said...

Ick at Charlize and Penn. Do not understand that coupling.

lazyday603 said...

The one leaning forward with the cleavage is Brie Larson. She was a SAG Best Actress nominee this year for Short Term 12. She is a really good actress.

msgirl said...

Holy shit Charlize seems really into Penn, boggles my mind.

Already have one said...

I don't think B. profane is a troll. Just kinda an ass. I like him though. I'm enjoying the kardashians. They amuse me. Bye Felicia to the rest.

Melpomene25 said...

I like how Clooney threw a lil shade towards Goop during the VF interview!

Angie is beautiful

I'm dyin' at how Charlize has to put her arms around Penn because he's so tiny...he's the bottom B for reals. Lol

Already have one said...

Oh and that was in response to ttm regarding the Trolls.

TalksTooMuch said...

LOL I know, I kid, I kid

trainrides said...

That's Demi Lovato??

trudi said...

Charlize better watch herself. She looks needy and clingy in that photo, which is an anathema to punks like Penn.

She'll be gagged and bound to a chair before she knows it.

Already have one said...

@ttm do you remember that crazy lawyer lady that would boat from time to time? M was it? And I wonder what happened to old ;ady. Her daughter passed and it was sad. I miss Vickie. She was Hilarious!

Melpomene25 said...

Shelly, you have me rollin' with "Bye Felicia"

And I agree about B...he is a bit of an ass (especially after that whole debacle where he tried to put people's business out there). However, he's like that coworker that you can't help but to enjoy...even if the are full of shit most of the time...kinda like Enty ;)

Already have one said...

Oooo what's it called? What is are you going for? That a great topic.

califblondy said...

Julia can try, but Lupita gets my focus in that picture.

Already have one said...

I should just proof read everything before I publish. Grammar police have mercy!

TalksTooMuch said...

Lets see, crazy lawyer lady: do you mean Lala or something like that? Lots of legal coming from that way. I don't remember the others, are you speaking of Vickie Cupper??

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Julia is an Oscar nominee. Why wouldn't she make the cover. She's one of the few that CAN sell magazines.

Fuck off fake Count and blow a load on Massive G's fur. Seven is one of the the coolest, sexiest peeps here.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Are Julia's legs really that long?

Nosy_Canuck said...

Ok, I know I'm re-stating the obvious but is anyone going to comment on Angie's arms? Gross. It's bordering on atrophy, I think...

Count Jerkula said...

LOL! Fugazi Count is too stupid to know who owns her. Fucking pathetic and it seems to prove the point Cuntakula was making. #DERP!

Also, 15k profile views, and titties in the Inbox. #WINNING!

Honey Bunny said...

First of all, Julia get yo stank a$$ off my my man!
Secondly,Lupita is killing them in that dress! You go girl!
Lastly, my nephew use to love him some barney. He probably has that tape of Selena and Demi.

Seamus O'Pine said...

Okay, did anyone else notice the hammaconda action snaking down Mr. Penn's right leg?

TalksTooMuch said...

Notgonnalook, notgonnalook, totallynoteverlooking

Anonymous said...

Aaaaahhh I looked!

Fugazi Count piss off and leave Seven alone! She's been nothing but nice to everyone on here.

Go sit in a corner with Wendy.

Count JerkuIa said...



Anonymous said...

Sorry Fugazi Count but I don't see where Seven wrote those things. You're an idiot and look like a Kanye douche with your ALL CAPS rant.

I have a job, I'm home sick. I haven't commented in a while now I wish I'd watched a movie instead.

Unknown said...

Master degrees in social sciences are a waste of money and a joke.

Unknown said...

I have better things to do than be all those other people. And on that note: I have to reneg on my threat to comment on every post so long as this Ktrash thing is a thing. Too busy for this shite site. Bye bye dummies!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Buh-bye, @Windy Cunt...don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out!!

Not A Ninny said...

"...Especially after that whole debacle where he tried to put people's business out there."

Bullshit. I was right that the original Enty was David Berson. The faux-Entys just used sockpuppets to try to keep their little Wizard of Oz act from being outed.

Going after my father, BTW, was pretty fucking low. But what do you expect from a bunch of scrag-ass flacks?

Sugar said...

Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you! Tah!!!!!

I hope Wendy keeps her promises. Please let Wendy keep her promise.

PS said...

As shocked and as disappointed as I was that Charlize gave Penn the time of time, I actually am starting to be a sucker and hope she will bring out the best of him, the old him, before he was such a miserable righteous squeezey douche. Ibecause, and I take cover and cringe, I swear, he looks happier and calmer and more at peace than I have ever seen him. So, hey, if it makes hi a better person, and she is happy, good on them. And her son.

nancer said...

He does look happy. And I don't buy it being a stunt. I see no benefit to either of them. Everyone thinks Sean Peen is an asshole and I don't see people hating her---in fact, I think most people like her. And they're cringing that she's actually dating him.

Cassiopeia said...

M was the lawyer. Marcie. She has her own odd blog about true crime.
I wonder what happened to old lady.
Vickie Cupper was chased off.
This blog ain't what it used to be. Still fun tho.

Becks said...

Charlize looks like a giant trying to hug a little troll. So gross.

Melpomene25 said...

Now B, I enjoy you and I don't remember the "going after your father" bit but it also didn't make what you did ok.

Sprink said...

Yup. My 7-year-old, who knows only 'Baby' from her 14-year-old brother, announced solemnly that "Justin Bieber got arrested, mummy."

That's all she knows, but there goes the future fan base.

Not A Ninny said...

I didn't out Enty, his latter-day ghosty hacks did. I threw out hints; they openly denied that he's Berson by name.

Besides, CDAN cited Bunim-Murray productions by name in the blog, which is the reality show house for whom Berson works.

TalksTooMuch said...

I feel like I should apologize and take credit for the Bshitstorm that is headed our way: there truly is nothing like it. I will say I'm sorry to B, I have this thing wherein I think I'm funnier than I am, and say to everyone else: this is gonna be awesome! Wait for it, wait for it...

ps: your dad, dude?

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Here we go
*munches popcorn*

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Well. you really put me in my place Count Fuckula. Here's little present present for ya.

No go crawl back up inside your mama.

Sugar said...

I just subscribed to this one. Here's hoping B goes off again!

Slap-n-Tickle said...

Who's that with the saggy bewbs in the lower right corner of the VF pic? Scarlett J.?

Not A Ninny said...

You want the full reiteration of why Berson is ur-Enty or should we just wait until one of his pissant ghosties annoys me into doing it?

The smoking gun is that Berson took on Scientology and lost, but (apparently) fought a good fight. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

TalksTooMuch said...

Whyncha walk us all the way through it?

LowKey, you gonna share??

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Of course, TTM! Pull up a chair and make yourself comfy!

Already have one said...

Bye Felicia!

libby said...


Sherry said...

Montana I was thinking the same thing. Even Steven on white to people of color.

Unknown said...

I fucking hate Julia. I hope Idris pushed her off his lap after this photo!!

WTF happened today? I've been working so haven't been able to check in but holy hell...

Not A Ninny said...

For Libby: What company did David Berson work for before Bunim-Murray? What did it have to do with COS and Tom Cruise?

hunter said...

Christ you guys I'm tired and confused. What the f'ck from this thread...

TalksTooMuch said...

So I'm getting wine now, post-kiddos, go ahead, dive in whenever...

Count Jerkula said...

Im just worried about profane posting my search history. After the Pretty Baby talk last week, I googled it and clicked some links about brooke and her mom. I seen bad things. Brookes mom is human garbage.

TalksTooMuch said...

This thread now smells like pachouli and disappoinment. Also wine and popcorn

Kloie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimba said...

Just came on..go on....have wine.....B, do share more.
Wondering about Dad?

Aoife said...

Julia is smiling like that because she's sitting on Idris lap. Slow your roll Ms Roberts. Hunh.

Not A Ninny said...

Let's leave it for now. But surely someone is going to look up the reality shows that Bunim-Murray produces and have at least a little Aha! moment.

Beetlejuice said...

LOL BProfane, your theory about Enty is wrong. But I'm all for you having another epic hissy fit.

TalksTooMuch said...

It's too late, Ray, it's over. We waited all night. Next time we'll have to go the baiting route

Kristin Wigs said...

Why are all those people in Lupita's shot?

And da fuq happened here??

Beetlejuice said...

It was wrong the first time he pulled this shit. BP is a coward who named a random entertainment lawyer and then deleted every single one of his posts.

TalksTooMuch said...

Well, Kristin, there were some trolls, they went after Seven (I know, right, whaaa??) and then I MAY have called B. Profane a troll...and then he got mad and we all got excited because we thought there was going to be another epic B meltdown and because we're mean people, but then nuthin! Then the smell of patchouli and disappoinment. Fin

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice Angelina's arm or you all too busy bitching each other. mmm I saw the photo comments only now and I m bit disappointed

Kristin Wigs said...

@TTM Thanks. Reader Photos Part 5: Demon Possession is a Real Thing.

Got it.

Seven of Eleven said...

Aw, thank you @talks & @katydid! @Jason {blush}

For the record, I don't know where fake count is getting his/her information, but I didn't write what they posted. Never have, never will, porn isn't my thing. And I don't maintain a "gif library", I use Google image search.

@Wendy, I am so disappointed to hear that you and your horrible words about fat people and bad parenting will no longer grace our presence - also amused but not surprised that you think education is worthless.

RubberBiscuit said...

Fake Count said: "Blah Blah Blah. Eye iz b-b-b-butthurted! Waaaaaaa! Blah Blah Blah. WAAAAAAAAAA! WHY DOESN'T ANY BODY LOVE ME? It can't be because I'm a miserable empty headed cunt. It has to be something wrong with EVERY OTHER PERSON ON THE PLANET. WAAAAAAAA. Derp. Blah blah blah. I'm way beyond my depth trying to troll here, but I'm such a pigheaded dumb fuck, that I can't help it. WAAAAAA! blah blah blah. Anyone know when the REAL Jerkula is gonna start posting? I gotta get my panties marinating. Hubby is going to re-do the spare bedroom when he gets home and he says he needs em nice and stinky to peel the paint off the walls. DERP!"

All that empty space between your ears is my playground.


Suck it.

Not A Ninny said...

...And along come the sock puppets, shilling for the faux-Entys. No proof, of course, that ur-Enty is not David Berson. Proof that he is?

--ur-Enty worked in radio and music promotion before he became a lawyer working in the music business. David Berson worked in radio, label PR and concert promotion before he went to work for Warner Records as a staff attorney. The timing and nature of ur-Enty's anecdotes of working in the music biz essentially match Berson's career in music.

--CDAN made a huge shift towards covering the reality show side of the biz a few years ago. Favorite topics are the Kardashians and Heidi Klum. At almost exactly the same time David Berson left his previous job and went to work as Senior VP of Legal Affairs for Bunim-Murray Productions...which produces Project Runway and various Kardashian shows.

--CDAN has a huge hard-on against Scientology, and Tom Cruise specifically. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Well, remember that huge fight between the South Park guys and Viacom/Paramount over the "Trapped in the Closet" episode? Huge legal fight threatened over that, right? Well, who was distributing South Park at the time and would have been a co-respondent in a lawsuit over that episode? Tribune Entertainment. Who was a VP of Legal at Tribune Entertainment at the time? You got it, sports fans, David Berson.

Get it? The chances of all of those career correlations being coincidental are astronomically small. There is no other entertainment lawyer whose CV--hell the CV of anyone in the biz at all--matches so close to ur-Enty's as David Berson's. Berson is Enty. Was Enty. He's left Bunim-Murray now and just went inactive as an attorney.

GPS74 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GPS74 said...

B. Profane, you've thought about this way too much. Might I suggest a hobby, something that doesn't involve the Internet?

Kristin Wigs said...

B's argument makes sense. Minus the sock puppets. And what the hell did you guys do to B's dad?

danielabonchic said...

Ugh all I can see in that photo with Chloe Sevigny & Jenna Malone is ugly bony knees!


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