Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shayne Lamas Died And Was Resuscitated Twice In Past Week

As of yesterday Shayne Lamas was still in intensive care after being admitted to the hospital on February 9th. Her husband, Nik Richie wrote a post from the hospital this week which said, still working from the ICU. This has been the toughest week of my life, but my love for Shayne Lamas has grown tremendously. My wife is a true fighter. Her heart gave out on Valentine's Day and we had to start the rehabilitation process all over again."

When I read what he wrote it sounds like Shayne died and had to be resuscitated. Reading further in his post, it also sounds like this was not the first time. He thanked the doctor for saving Shayne's life again. All that is known so far about what happened is that Shayne collapsed in her home and had emergency surgery where she lost the baby she was carrying at 16 weeks. Nine days later she is still in ICU and has apparently died twice. I wonder if anyone will ever share what happened to cause all of this.


VIPblonde said...

Way to be a dick about someone's health crisis, Enty.

MollyMo said...

I don't know, but God bless her and keep her strong. So sad.

Meanie Rhysie said...


LottaColada said...

That's terrible!

I wonder if anyone will ever share what happened to cause all of this.

Please stop acting like you're the ones looking at her medical charts.

fontlover said...


rajahcat said...

this is awful

Kim Kardashian said...

You tell him, baby! Shayne has always been so sweet the few times that we've met. Hoping she gets better soon!

Kourtney Kardashian said...

Nik Ritchie is a piece of shit

Bruce Jenner said...

I know her family, there is nothing to report. Get a grip, Enty! The speculation of anything else is unbelievable!

Unknown said...

I DO feel bad for her and the unborn baby but half her body is probably made of plastic and I am no doctor (believe it or not) but that probably causes a lot of health complications when ones body is trying to fight for itself. Also--is enty hinting that this guy is abusive? Would not surprise me considering the horrible website he runs.

Eros said...

I'm curious too, Enty to know what caused all of this with her. It is a personal matter and decision of course as to whether they choose to share this information with the public but if they dont it will be the 1st qiestion asked by interviewers and paparazzi. Its the downside of being famous and living ones life in the public eye. Possibly though whatever caused this health crisis could be used as a platform to bring awareness to whatever the health crisis is. its just a thought.

O'Really said...

You are the worst enty in the pool of enterns. Please collect your things and go. Leave the blogging to the adults and go OD on bacon you nasty bitch.

Bruce Jenner said...

Khloe, I like your new picture.

G said...

Since when is personal health information expected to be publicized?

rocky619ca said...

My condolences to the baby and family of Shayne Lamas

KhloeK said...

Thanks Brucie!

Anonymous said...

They married the first weekend of knowing each other in Vegas...surprised they are still together & have a kid...She always could've done much better than him...I thought they had a financial arrangement going on

Violet said...

You're not a doctor? Wow. I so thought you might have been.
Losing a pregnancy can cause a whole host of issues so I'm not sure what Enty is trying to insinuate. Blood loss/haemorrhaging from a miscarriage can be and is life threatening. (Disclaimer:I am not a doctor either but I once watched ER).

msgirl said...

I have no idea who she is, but just awful.

Kels said...

Yall stay saying "fuck you enty" "whos the enty today" yet I see yall post shit every. Damn. Day. It's pathetic. You call him a dick no matter what he says like yall have morals...on a damn gossip blog. It's hilarious.

Unknown said...

@msgirl---he runs this HORRIBLE website called The Dirty in which he posts pics of girls and some guys (not celebs but everyday people) and trash talks them by calling them fat, ugly, slutty etc. Many people have had nervous breakdowns or suicide attempts after being posted on there.

Meanie Rhysie said...


Audrey said...

I only have sympathy for the 16 week old fetus (or whatever it's called at 16 weeks) that died. She's so pure and gentle and nice?? Right...she married that asshole and stayed married to someone who spewed so much hate and venom to the world. Karma, baby, is a bitch.

fontlover said...


S.joy said...

I have no idea who she is, but this is heartbreaking :-( I pray that she's able to pull through and get the best care possible.

Unknown said...

Kanye remember when YOUR mom died on the operating table due to complications with plastic surgery, yet you still allow beautiful Kimmy to constantly go under the knife. tsk tsk.

Eros said...

+1 Preach Kels

Kels said...

Ijs take the website for what it is and stop coming down this mans throat for bullshit! More people complaning about enty than actual trolls?! What kind of gossip blog is that?!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Your true colors are ugly.

Its just U said...

Sometimes these things just happen. There doesn't have to be anything that caused it.
It is a terrible thing.

Kim Kardashian said...

Derek! Boundaries!!

Unknown said...

sorry Kim I just get so passionate about your well-being since I am such a fan xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Kels,

I find u annoying.


Meanie Rhysie said...

Cosign @Fancy!!!

Eros said...

Audrey yours and Kels are the most honest responses on the issue thus far imo. Last time I checked Nik richie and lamas weren't earning any sainthood awards. On the same token, I am a softee in the face of tragedy like this. Not fans of either but I hope they come out of this ok.

Michael H said...

I never thought I would say this, but

Rosie riveter said...

good lord. Seriously people you are fickle. Enty says I WONDER IF WELL EVER GET THE REAL STORY/REASON (gossip) and you get your panties twisted that he dared to say it? You do realize this is a GOSSIP site? As in, talking about the who/when/where/whys of a situation...like Shayne lamas...and her condition...
With any hope all the kinky sex cheating blinds will be up soon for all the horny housewives/men who need their fix

Eros said...

@ Kels couldn't agree more. I am starting to wonder if Enty gets like some pleasure in a masochistic way from all the verbal abuse. He doesnt have moderators and never responds to the verbal abusers.

Eros said...

+1 maybe everyones on their period today. Lol

fontlover said...


Rosie riveter said...

Oh and also. Nik Richey-Lamas is a POS. bummer for her family. him, not so much. we call that K-A-R-M-A hows that bitter bite taste? icky icky. When she comes out of it lets see if hes been touched by an angel.

fontlover said...


Count Jerkula said...

I like TheDirty for their tales of Arabian Toilets or Saudi Porta Potties, or whatever they call it. I spent an evening reading many posts about the American whores who get high dollars to let Middle Eastern men treat them like trash.

It even said the wives are jealous, but put up with it. They are the ones who tell their hubbies to do disgusting stuff to the whores.

KhloeK said...

So it's karma-by-association?


Rosie riveter said...

and what In the name of Zeus' butthole are all these posts from u, meaniereeesie? Are you 12? seriously. JHC. SMH. FFS. did you get your mom to log on for you? find your center woman, search for a backbone, get a fucking grip. chop chop

Unknown said...

oh oh Rosie is on ONE today...I shall hide in the corner and smirk.

Meanie Rhysie said...

You are a vile and nasty human, Rosie. The only time you come on is to shit on everyone. No other reason, just shit on people. That speaks volumes about you, dearie.

Eros said...

Bwa fuckin hahaha. Git it Rosie

BaronessOrczy said...

Hi Enty, here's a conjecture: Shayne may have had a spontaneous rupture of a utero-ovarian vessel causing her to bleed out. It's rare, life-threatening, and nothing salacious. I hope she recovers.

Seven of Eleven said...

For once I'm glad to be late to the party!

I don't understand what a quickie marriage to a loathsome fellow has to do with karma and deserving a miscarriage. He's a tool, no doubt about that, and she's married to him, but I know some very lovely women with absolute tools for husbands (and vice versa) - I would never say "Karma, baby!" to them when they're in the ICU recovering from emergency surgery to remove the fetus and stopping the hemorrhaging, followed by not one but possibly two near-death experiences. Someone else said it better, but karma is a two-way street - the karma you wish on someone is the karma you should be prepared to accept yourself.

Beetlejuice said...

Spoiler alert. Kels and Eros are the same person.

msgirl said...

Derek thanks for the info, what a scumbag.

Still horrible for her and fetus. Very scary.

Unknown said...

@msgirl--for the record--I agree

Beetlejuice said...


Unknown said...

Wonder if we will hit 300 comments of nonsense again...

Eros said...

Not remotely correct. We speak differently and I think she has been on here alot longer than me. Thanks for the compliment though.:)

Anothergrayhare said...

Could be high blood pressure, could be a stroke, all kinds of complications can and do happen when pregnant, we are just so used to most women having normal healthy pregnancies these days that anything different makes the news. A Canadian woman just died after being kept alive until her baby was far enough along to deliver safely; I believe she had an aneurism at 22 weeks. You just had the same in the US, the case where the father went to court to remove his wife from life support. Sad all around, don't wish this on anyone. Unless she was doing drugs and did this to herself (which I highly doubt), I remain sympathetic.

Count Jerkula said...

Some broads go from Zero to Stupid at the drop of a hat.




crila16 said...

Not a fan of Shayne at all, but I still hope she is going to be ok, and I'm so sorry for the loss of her baby. That's devastating.

__-__=__ said...

+2 you read more than this in Your Turn posts.

That's a long time to be in ICU. I hope they can help her.

Dont Quote Me said...

I like Nik Richie and I hope his wife pulls through.

it took forever said...

Sorry guys but just like enty i too want to know

Rosie riveter said...

Shayne lamas is pretty.

Rosie riveter said...

that was nice.

Pogue Mahone said...

So sad.

Sugar said...

I hope she is okay. She has a young daughter and a family who love her and who are extremely worried about her. I feel for them. Get well, Shayne!

Seven of Eleven said...

@rosie, seriously? "Did you get your mom to log on for you?"

Come on, you can be better than that. Grade 6 insults against someone who is a regular contributor and a nice person just because you don't like what she said is a bit on the ... childish side. But then, you also said Shayne got what was coming to her (miscarriage and near death) because she married a loser, so I guess that negates the first line of this paragraph.

Rosie riveter said...

hmm. 7/11 I didn't realize I said she got what she was coming to her. can you cut and paste to show me where? I cant find it

Rosie riveter said...

Oh, ok I found it. It says sorry for HER family, HIM not so much.
Shayne- sad/sorry/poor girl
Nik- terrible karma.

Does that break it down for you a little better? If karma is something that partners carry for their significant other, I was not aware. I was under the impression that karma was individual.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

From Richie's blog post: "Thank you to Dr. Marquez for saving Shayne’s life (again)."

I don't think Nik Richie meant this happened to her twice -- I think he meant he thanked the doctor earlier, and is thanking him a second time in his post. At least, that's how it read to me.

Regardless, I hope she has a full and speedy recovery.

Rosie riveter said...

And it does get a little tiresome to read these comments, as if you people will ever meet. You aren't friends. This is not the real world. Please consider getting a grip. It is rather discouraging to see so many individuals without an original thought. Seriously people. For shitssake..

Seven of Eleven said...

Um, OK.

You said bummer for her family, not so much for him. Do you think the emergency surgery and near death happened to him? It's not a bummer for her family and karma for him - it's a tragedy for HER. Karma has jack to do with it. Unless you've nearly bled out due to emergency hemorrhaging and almost died on the OR table and had some random blog commenter say it happened because your spouse is a douche... well, I'm guessing those things have never happened to you or anyone close to you because empathy would come into play.

Based on your reactions in the post the other day, I'm done here as I have no wish to light your fire (Count apparently does that, and very well). Have a great life, and karma will that the odds be ever in your favor.

Kels said...

I'm not Eros, but I have no problem with the comparison! I talk different- cant yall tell I'm a lil bit country?

Kels said...

That sounds absolutely horrifying! :( poor thing

AndyCane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AndyCane said...

Can't we all just get along!!!

Kels said...

They form alliances and back up these fictional accounts. I guess because they have nothing else to do. I'm bored too obviously lol but....Now I know why I never had friends at my HS and I just waited for college....it's a confusing web of unfounded loyalty, bullshit, and "you're just annoying because such and such said so" and it's rather that so called adults act this way.

But alas, we're on a gossip site so I'm preaching to no one lol

Kimba said...

@Andy, grab yer bottle of wine!

Can't believe I'm doing this but.......#teamFONTLOVER!

Anonymous said...

What a terribly tough thing for anyone to go through ... I hope she pulls through; at least she has youth on her side and she seemed healthy before it happened (there were no pre-existing conditions that were made public, anyway).

I thought I read somewhere that someone denied she'd had to be brought back the first time; yet her Dad made it very clear on Feb 10 that this was the case (see: https://twitter.com/lorenzolamas)

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Rosie said: "...as if you people will ever meet."

You never know. I've met a lot of people in real life after first meeting them online in various fan forums. Probably upwards of 30+ people. Not dating situations either, just random folks with my same interests.

Anonymous said...

@Derek - he's since branched out - writes this one now, too:


JoElla said...

I just can't with this blog sometimes..

Poor thing, I hope she pulls through. So many things could go wrong with a pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

@S.joy - she's Lorenzo Lamas' daughter (gorgeous specimen who starred in an '80s drama by the name of Falcon Crest).

She was the chosen one on an episode of The Bachelor (but that relationship ended; her now-husband was not the Bachelor in question).

Eros said...

@ Rosie and Kels its a little effin scary. Did either of you see that little ggrotesque display of drama when I dared to have a difference of opinion with many of the same individuals youre having your disagreement with, Rosie. They are like a fucking cult mob. Don't you dare have a dissenting opinion or they go straight for the jugular. Its a complete mob rule/sheep mentality and sad. I feel sad for them-- incapable of forming a unique opinion that doesn't jibe with the masses. Definitively speaking, hell on earth basically...

Mari (from her other mail acct.) said...

I feel really badly for Shayne's child. This must be a really terrifying experience for her.

Rosie riveter said...

*Clap *clap**
It is disheartening to see so many blind followers..Like lemmings, walking blindly off the cliffs. you can take a lookey up there^ and see how people will twist your words, put words in your mouth, anything they can to perpetuate the (pseudo)strength they feel in ganging up. if I ever caught myself following the in crowd just to have a voice, Id want you to shoot me.

Seven of Eleven said...

@Eros, your "difference of opinion" was to imply that women were more respected when they were repressed. That is definitely a unique opinion, but don't get on your high horse when it's challenged. My hell on earth might include having to agree with women who believe the 1860s was a much better time for women than 2014 - you know, what with being able to vote, speak, have control over my reproductive system, press charges against an abusive husband, etc. Get thyself to a time machine and have at it.

For the record, I don't go for the jugular in a dissenting opinion. I welcome them as food for thought and challenge them based on my own beliefs. But when you offer a dissenting opinion and then cry mob rule! mindcrime! thoughtspeak! because your opinion isn't widely embraced and/or you don't receive the adulation you feel you deserve ... well, I for one take someone who does that less seriously and eventually not seriously at all. If dissent bothers you, don't speak.

BTW, you know who else said they were a victim of the supposed mob that doesn't appreciate dissenting opinions? Everyone's favorite racist, who posted a long, loving diatribe in the Sheen post about how Jews rape babies and the reasons America should be a "white" country.

Beetlejuice said...


Eros said...

Ms. Rosie they dod the same shit to me in that thread. I finally said a mental fuckallyall and refuse to discuss the topic anymore. Heres my rhetorical, how sad and insecure of a soul does a person got to be to twist what you say into something completely different and then for that person to harangue you like you beat their family or cussed their mama out. Fucking ridic is what I say. In the words of tamar: AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. Lol

Eros said...

Egads on my typos. ..*did *refused.

Eros said...

@ Rosie And I feel totally the same way about that follower mentality.

Im not here to blow sunshine up nobodys ass. #fuckthedumbshit

Unknown said...

Pregnancy can be fraught with all kinds of dangers- which is why teenage pregnancies are no joking matter esp these girls who are younger and younger getting pregnant. Even if you are healthy going in but add pre existing conditions, whether congenital or not, stuff can happen. Because of better prenatal care and advances in medical science, we don't hear about it as much.

For example someone with a preexisiting heart problem or high blood pressure or diabetes or lupus.

Unknown said...

Oh anothergreyhare beat to me, and more eloquently.

Eros said...

Im not reading all your mindlesd dribble, convenience store girl. Those are your words not mine because you twist the words because youre incapable of grasping simplistic concepts that were presented to you. Im done addressing the matter. Just knowmore than a few see through the cult like bs tactics. If you dontagree with someone and you cant be civil just ignore them instead of attacking them because their opinion differs from yours. It makes you look insecure and small minded. Mind you I didnt say you were. I said your behavior and comments make you appear that way.

Eros said...

Kels you speak beautifully! Never change girlfriend. ;)

Rosie riveter said...


Rosie riveter said...


Rosie riveter said...

oh sweet baby jesus GO GIRLS
this is fucking awesome.

Seven of Eleven said...

I don't attack, cupcake, nor am incapable of grasping "simplistic" concepts.

You know, like apostrophes.

Also - insecure and small-minded? Get thyself to a thesaurus. I'm secure enough to not whine because you don't agree with me. You and Rosie can go to your special place and gleefully shout "BOOM!" all the day long, and I won't even be sad. I shall cheer for you! Empowerment FTW!

hairydawg said...

Anothergrayhair beat me to it, also.Blood pressure frequently spikes during the second trimester and can result in miscarriage and even death for the mother. Not sure why modern medicine hasn't been able to find a solution for this. Enty's last sentence in the post implied something nefarious may be responsible for this poor woman's health crisis. He is baiting us and instigating fights. Don't take the bait.

usernametaken said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprink said...

This happens more often than people realise. It's been happening for at least 20 years.

feraltart said...

We are so lucky in the Western World that advances in medicine have allowed us to have relatively "safe" pregnancies. However, women can, and do, die from pregnancy and childbirth.
I think there is often too much medical intervention, and not enough listening to the woman (I know of two cases where a pregnant woman said she was ready to push, the nurse dismissed her, and when they insisted they be examined they were fully dilated). In this case, thank goodness for the medical intervention. I hope she recovers and doesn't suffer too many complications in the future.

nancer said...

ruptured ectopic?

Eros said...

No need for a thesaurus. If you had the intelligence of a thimble you could see that. Why would I need to use an apostrophe on a gossip blog. It shows you havent a leg to stand on so you quibble over punctuation and semantics. My words are understood by those who have a brain and by those who can think for themselves. You have the audacity to question Rosies maturity (look ma no apostrophe! ) when you harangue her and others when their opinion doesnt agree with yours. You and your little cult have the emotional maturity of a 2 year old. So please keep whining and sniveling over dissenters comments because we aren't ballyhooing over the tragedies of strangers and because we wont jump on the 'attack enty for existing ' bandwagon. Carry on convenience store. Nothing to see here.

Sprink said...

I'm not sure why everyone's coming down on Enty about this (with vippy leading the way). I genetall like vippy's contributions but it was Nik Richie who out the information out there.

And it's not as though contributors haven't hounded slebs on other blinds. So let's do a quick self-check, please?

Also, if you're not Buddhists, please will you all just STFU about karma? You're (almost) all clever and amusing, but it doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. Thanks. x

AndyCane said...

God I wish there was a like button

OneGirlRevolution said...

God help me but "convenience store girl" made me literally laugh out loud.

Who or what Nik Richie is means nothing.

A woman lays fighting for her life after losing a child that they both seemed to be welcoming. I hope for her sake (and his) that modern medicine can pull her through as whole as can be expected after such tragedy. We should all hope that in our times of need (whether for us or a loved one) that our transgressions aren't laid at our doorstep for everyone to measure whether or not we are worthy of good wishes, prayers or miracles.

My heart goes out to her-- I hope that she pulls through and for whatever it means (or not) I send my best wishes and thoughts out into the world for it to be so.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Very well said, Lola.

Good to see you @SJoy.

Anonymous said...

I hate u guys for killing the hashtag. It USED to b funny whilst used casually. May u all burn in Hades for its aggressive use over the past three days!

Anonymous said...

Haha so true!

Sugar said...


Anonymous said...

I've been begging them to stop (in my head) for days now. I don't think I'll ever look at a hashtag the same. I'm so over them now.



Anothergrayhare said...

Thanks @Tina Millette, at least I'm not on everybody's shit list today. Rosie, I backed you completely but you're starting to sound like you've gone off the deep end. And enough with the stupid hashtags. I feel like I'm trolling my daughter's facebook/twitter/instagram pages.

Count Jerkula said...

4 Sugar:

SFW meme

SFW gif

@grayhare: See, even gray haired women make poor choices about who they get into bed with.


amanda_jf said...

Finally someone with sense. I for one am horrified that because people think Nik is a POS, it justifies Shayne losing a child in a horrific manner and possibly losing her life? Do we think Sharon Tate was karma for Polanskis deeds? Surely one is accountable for their own actions and I still feel for Nik Ritchie now, it's one thing to sit sit and comment on a faceless blog (ironic eh?) but to feel the enormous loss is completely different.

fontlover said...


Sugar said...


Anonymous said...


Tehehehe. ;^)

Rosie riveter said...

oh count, I thought you weren't posting on this anymore? you disappoint. its not nice to tell untruths. please keep your word. I thought much higher of you.
ok, no I didn't. but hey, im really glad you showed up today, I had some time to kill and this has been a fuckin blast. guess im not the only one who finds you *borderline-pedo* ? well, thems the brakes daddy

Rosie riveter said...

Do you like these*** anothergrayhare? I want to make you happy.

Rosie riveter said...

I think theyre called asterisks?

fontlover said...


Sugar said...


Anonymous said...


Jason Blue Eyes said...


Too long?

Really, that did just happen.

surfer said...

Haha - leave it to Jason to add some brevity.


Kelsey K. Smith said...

@Stepforded: Using Wikipedia to describe who he is talking about instead of having basic knowledge of the subject matter?! Looks like my days of checking CDAN are through!

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

Man, I'm behind today. I see nothing mean about Enty's post. I feel awful for Shayne and her family. Poor thing. Those saying they deserve this are just plain heartless.

surfer said...



Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Deleted my previous post to edit a word.

@rosie riveter, your definition of karma fits the word statistic better. This is not karma, the fetus/baby didn't send out nasty letters or egg her neighbor's home and in result lose her/his life for doing anything.

Miscarriage statistics:


Melpomene25 said...

What the fuckin' fuck is up with CDAN lately?!! It's like a virtual bloodbath in here almost everyday. Either Mercury needs to get out of retrograde or some people need to smoke a bowl, drink a bottle of wine, go on vacation, and/or get laid.

Sugar said...

sorry we don't understand unless you hashtag all your thoughts.


Melpomene25 said...

Haha!! My bad Sugar

Count Jerkula said...

If any broads need to smoke a bowl, I'll cop to needing to get laid, and we can work something out.

12-Inch Chewbacca said...

Shayne's trying her best to get the hell away from Nik Richie, but that sucker is dug in deep.

Melpomene25 said...

I could use all the aforementioned Count. Lol

Count Jerkula said...

@Mel: Age, Height, Location?

Melpomene25 said...

I think you prefer short girls, so I'm outta the mix. Lol

Count Jerkula said...

Life is all about compromises, Mel. You may enjoy attractive, well hung men, but you'd need to throw that out the window for an abundance of wit and charm.

Besides, maybe I never met the right tall girl ;)

Rose said...

Sugar, #that was so funny! I've been sick all day and it's the first time I laughed out loud today. #thankyoubutnowIhavetheJimmyFallon hashtagthemesongstuckinmyhead. :)

H888FUL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H888FUL said...

Seven, still obsessed with me, I see! I'm flattered, really!

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" -Aristotle

So, I gather that you didn't notice, or read the passages from the Jewish holy book (Talmud) that I quoted? You just start name calling. Why? Are you scared to find that what I say is actually correct? Or are you a member of the Tribe yourself?

I could post links here all day that would prove my point, but you would never, EVER read them and even if you did, no matter how overwhelming the evidence, you would refuse to accept it. That is truly a shame and I'm sorry for you.

For the record, I don't consider myself to be "persecuted" or anything of the sort. I have no problems whatsoever with voicing my opinions, online or IRL. I understand that the truth is very scary and very unpleasant, and accepting it automatically makes you a "bad, evil, hate-filled Nazi", but people always shoot the messenger. The difference is, I'm always willing to read anything that people with opposing opinions present. I have yet to come across ONE of your kind that do the same. But I'm always hoping I will, I guess I'm rather quixotic that way :)

Leekalicious said...


No, I'd call you a "bad, evil, hate-filled (White Power) nazi" with full knowledge!!!!

di butler said...

He is human garbage. I am sorry for Lamas, and won't post what I feel certain is the cause of her dire condition. Hope she comes out of this ok, and gets real help.


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