Monday, February 03, 2014

Your Turn

Is anyone caffeine free by choice?


Kim Kardashian said...

My favorite drink is Midori!

Paris Hilton said...

I'm Kardashian free by choice!

aemish said...

I noticed sometimes my tea says naturally decaffeinated but I never notice a difference either way..

Unknown said...

I am really strange in my hatred towards hot beverages. So I have a can of cola in the morning for my caffeine fix and a couple more through-out the day.

Brody Jenner said...

You can't say you're Jenner-free! Been there, done that, couldn't pay me enough to do it again

aemish said...

soda stream! :p

Mama Ray said...

Caffeine free? Not with 3 kids to keep up with! ;)
I'm busy maintaining a 4 shot/day espresso habit!

aemish said...

@Derek.. even hot cocoa though??

Unknown said...

aemish---nothing hot ever

Rob Kardashian said...

I remember when my mom put some herbal Viagra in Bruce's coffee but I accidentally drank it instead and woke up from my nap with the biggest and most painful boner ever. Going to the doctor over that was so embarrassing.

Paris Hilton said...

Do you like the gift I gave you?

guidedog said...

Doctor's orders. Not happy!

Paris Hilton said...

Why didn't you just have one of your sister's rub it out for you? It's not like they haven't before.

Lord Disick said...

I like my coffee and sodas. I don't use coasters because I don't respect surfaces.

Brody Jenner said...

I got rid of it. I don't know how you still have it. Aren't you supposed to be rich?

Erin said...

By choice! I gave it up when pregnant with my first. That was 9 years ago, it's great to not need it anymore.

Anonymous said...

@lord disick


Jason Blue Eyes said...

Caffeine and me are TIGHT. Got to watch out for coffee breath though. Who wants a kiss? I know you do, Paris.

Kelly said...

I'm down to one diet coke a day. I used to drink tons!

Rob Kardashian said...

Not cool, Paris. Not cool. I still remember your cold, scaly hands trying to get down on my jock one night at the Bellagio.

cece said...

Hell no.

Bruce Jenner said...

Rob, that was one of the lowest things your Mom has ever done. Like I need any help in the boner department! Ask Kayne.

HippieChick said...

I am. I like my coffee with a little milk and I finally admitted to myself that the milk was messing up my throat. So I quit about a year ago. The funny part is, I don't miss it. Don't mess with my wine, tho!

OneEyeCharlie said...

Satan worshipers; with the exception of Ms. Frueh.

Rob Kardashian said...

She only did it for ratings, Bruce. That was so irresponsible of her. Everyone knows you don't have any trouble getting it up for the ladies.

KhloeK said...

Cortadito's!!!!!! <3

Unknown said...

95% caffeine free.
But I'm usually stuck with caffeine at most restaurants with their pop.

Plus, I'm convinced that a large percentage of hyperactive kids have that due to their caffeine consumption in Coke & Pepsi.
Caffeine is a drug & the ADDITION of caffeine to anything should be banned.
Coffee, which has it naturally would be OK, as would tea & chocolate, which have theobromine, a variant of caffeine would be OK.
Coke & Pepsi get the caffeine for their pop from the coffee companies, which have removed it for their decaf coffees.

Unknown said...

been caffeine addicted since teenage years. tried to quit... its lessened now, maybe 300mg daily to feel good and sleep at 11pm (early)

Bruce Jenner said...

Thanks, Rob!

Merlin D. Bear said...

I was put under Dr's orders to drastically reduce my caffeine intake after developing a heart issue ... I went from about 3 pots a day down to 2 cups (ok, sometimes 3) a day, with none after 6p.
That was a close one, he wanted to eliminate it completely. I said there was no way in hell.

sweetstarshine1 said...

i am caffeine free for the most part. I will have my decaf vanilla lattes from starbucks or my light and sweet coffee from dnd on occasion if i pass by one. Ill have a pepsi but only the throwback one which has real sugar not that fake stuff.

But otherwise caffeine is a no no for me. I dont want to be addicted to anything. I am only 28 so it could be told that in a few years I might change my mind. I notice i have more energy when i work out and eat right which is what I use to keep me awake.

Paris Hilton said...

I was looking for one of your socks.

Harry Knuckles said...

Deborah, how was milk messing up your throat? Did it make you flemmy?

Unknown said...

Yes. I only drink decaf green tea, regular water, Honest tea, and Pellegrino. I hate coffee and I don't drink soda because of the its corrosive nature. No caffeine for me.

Krystie Rachelle said...

For the record, hyperactivity and caffeine. Don't go hand in hand. I have ADHD, and it doesn't give me any energy. In fact, caffeine can slow you down and make you focus better. But I'm sure making stuff up and blaming drinks for children's behavior is easier than making them behave.

OhMyGosh said...

I don't check this place often but something has drastically changed since my last visit here. It may be bit a offtopic but should I consider some specific accounts here like all Kardashians, Hilton and Jenner fakes?

fontlover said...


Cheryl said...

I have been caffeine free for years. I gave it up due to migraines. I accidentally had some high caffeine hot chocolate (Starbucks) the other day and while it didn't give me a headache, it made me really restless and hyper.

Bruce Jenner said...

Sorry Kanye, I'm dyslexic. I know you've never seen my boner but you know I love the ladies! That's what I meant. Ah geez, I hope I didn't make you mad.

Harry Knuckles said...

T.E., what works for me at home is to mix 1 jar of regular instant with 3 equal size jars of de-caff instant so I end up with 1/4 caffeine coffee. I drink this all day long, maybe 8 to 10 cups in the daytime and another 2 or 3 cups of full de-caff n the evenings. No problem sleeping. Pretty sure the Aspartame is killing me though.

Violet said...

I suspect we're all fake accounts to a greater or lesser degree (deep).

AListDiva said...

I rarely ever drink pop...probably 3 times a year at the most. It's terrible for u, not to mention very acidic and will rot your teeth out!

Bubbles said...

Yeah, I try not to put that poison in my body, although occasionally indulge in Lipton.

Henriette said...

Had to give up caffeine due to high blood pressure, but I will have a mix of decaf and caffeine flavored coffee every once in a while.

Pogue Mahone said...

I shun caffeine due to my killer migraines which caffeine worsens. I don't drink tea or coffee ( no problem though as I don't like the taste,anyway so I'm not "missing" anything) and I drink caffeine-free diet soda.

auntliddy said...

Yup, I am , for stomach and migraine issues. And yes, feel better.

ladyfoxy said...

When you say by choice do you mean as in you could drink it if you wanted to? Because I am indeed caffeine free- however its because I am allergic!

ladyfoxy said...

When you say by choice do you mean as in you could drink it if you wanted to? Because I am indeed caffeine free- however its because I am allergic!

Alicia said...

I am but begrudgingly by choice. I'm nursing the wee Astrid and I like her more than I like coffee. I do cheat and have a Viso ( natural tea caffeine ) when I'm super tired but otherwise I've had to give it up. I had headaches for weeks :(

Alicia said...

Haahahhahahahahhaha this is awesome

Not A Ninny said...

I fully detoxed off caffeine once. The withdrawal was worse than what it's reputed to be like to kick opiate. I had to smoke once for a play I was in and got hooked, but kicking cigs was nothing compared to caffeine.

I was living in Santa Cruz at the time. Baby, I was so mellow. Then I went to grad school and the bean monkey was on my back again.

Paint Chips said...

I love my caffeine. My pantry is basically filled with coffee and alcohol. It's nice.

My daughter however, will always be caffeine free. Caffeine gives her hives and makes her heart race. I didn't even know that was a thing before we found out.

NaughtyNurse said...

I was caffeine free for a couple of years until I moved to Manhattan, aka the land of Starbucks. Then it was all downhill.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Who are you calling fake? KNEEL!

Bessie Smith said...

Several times I've gone off caffeine. Had to take massive doses of iron, and caffeine prohibits absorption. I have always come back to it. I drink tea in the mornings, now, though. Seem to have gotten off coffee. Ah, but I used to love Starbucks STRONG coffee. Yum. But I really do need a boost in the morning.

audrey said...

I gave up smoking. Keep your hands off my coffee. I don't drink as much of it these days because of my work schedule, but I can't start my day without at least 2 cups.

Unknown said...

The consumption of caffeine laden soft drinks by children was extremely limited prior to WWII. There also was little hyperactivity then.
We've been doing an unsanctioned, 60 year long drug trial on children with devastating effects!

Reese said...

I'm not deliberately caffeine-free, but I consume very little. I don't like coffee and don't drink it; I drink mostly tea, mostly without caffeine.


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