Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 24, 2013

This former A list tweener who has not had much success in acting beyond the show that made her famous might as well give it up at this point. Apparently her boyfriend is forbidding her to be naked in any of her films or to shoot any love scenes. She is only getting parts offered with love scenes or nudity. She just wants to make him happy because they almost broke up after her last couple of films and what happened on set which he says was because of the scenes.

Vanessa Hudgens


Count Jerkula said...

Another one where I'm only interested in nudes if there is butthole.

I predict she will leak a sex tape once she is past her prime, in a desperate attempt to get noticed.

cubsfan1990 said...

Wow if true

Unknown said...

I think she'll end up a trophy wife of a business man or Dr after she turns 30, then do cable movies from time to time & when she does an interview for those she will say she took off time to be wife & mom. But, by that time hubs is having affair with 18 year old "assistant" & the kids are in private school or with nannies.

sandybrook said...

She needs to change her job to yacht girl, she has no acting future

Unknown said...

It seems the BF's prob is that she cheated on him with whoever she did the seen with, she has a wondering biscut.

TalksTooMuch said...

This totally is the point in a starlet's career when the sleazes come out of the woodwork to capitalize, Alyssa Milano said she went through it also. She needs to hang in there, work on her "craft" and ignore the dudes waiting to see her naughty bits, eventually maybe she'll get a role that has something to with acting.

Unknown said...

Sandy - I'm not sure if her boyfriend would approve of that type of work.

Harry Knuckles said...

There was a blind a while back, maybe last summer, that seemed to be about Vanessa's boyfriend also shtumping Vanessa's sister, with Vanessa's approval. So, who knows? Hollyweird. Anyway, here's Vanessa's bikini butt.

lazyday603 said...

Nobody with internet access is waiting to see her naughty bits. They saw every inch years ago. I'm not complaining mind you.

XRaySpex said...

Women who allow their boyfriends or spouses to tell them what to do re: their career because they don't like them in sex scenes, etc., aren't doing themselves any good. If my BF/spouse said this, I'd tell him to fuck off. It's not their fault their BFs are jealous idiots.

Seven of Eleven said...

Word, XRay. SOs "forbidding" you from doing anything should be called "ex-SOs".

WritergirlinLa said...

Agree. She'll ultimately write a memoir that no one will ever read.

Harry Knuckles said...

Respectfully disagree with you two lollipops. If my wife is an actress, then I'd be ok with her continuing to work, but the clothes stay on and any and all love scenes will be as G rated as it gets. Period.

Unknown said...

The boyfriend is not very smart, the movie can be as so Disney it makes you ill but peeps be knocking boots.
It has nothing to do with the tone of the movie it's throwing young good looking horny people together.

Unknown said...

Look at the Twilight crew.

Unknown said...

I agree XRay and when the boyfriend dumps her and she realizes she blew her career then she is really going to be kicking herself.

Boyfriends and even husbands come and go. If she really wants this career it should be on her terms. If she has the same opinion that is one thing.

Be like telling some woman telling Michael Fassbender to stop that full frontal nudity or else - he'd laugh in her face and be onto the next woman, well he would be anyway but you get my point

D Brown said...

The way I read the blind everytime she got naked on screen (acting) she had sex with the co-star offscreen (cheating). Under those circumstances i can see the boyfriend's point.

Anonymous said...

Well, since her BF has no career, guess he doesn't want her to have one either.

S said...

Since her bf has no issues taking off his clothes and doing love scenes on camera (i.e. The Carrie Diaries), he's also a hypocrite.

Sherry said...

She can't afford to be picky when it comes to jobs but she could always try some theatre to up her cache and get some technique.

Sandy said...

Please - this trick would do everything and anything for acting roles. To say that she would listen to a boyfriend who "forbade" her to do nude scenes is laughable in the extreme. The truth is probably closer to no one has offered Hudgens any credible roles whatsoever and this blind is a PR attempt to create the illusion that she has "standards" or something. Bitch, your "standards" went out the window with those texted nude photos which were "hacked" when you sent them to Drake Bell.



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