Monday, May 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 2, 2013

This former A list tweener is going to be in an RIP post soon if he doesn't get his act together. For the second time in  a week he overdosed and is throwing together some crazy drug and booze combinations. His girlfriend is enabling because she loves going out with him and being seen and doesn't want the party to stop. The tweener refuses to get help and says he doesn't have a problem.

Zac Efron


Unknown said...

..... girlfriend?

Kelly said...

Get it together Zac!

Violet said...

Was he saved by Sophie?

Count Jerkula said...

No big loss.

Seven of Eleven said...

@NaughtyNurse, can you help a commenter out? Don't they keep you for observation if you overdose? And if you did it twice in one week, wouldn't they start talking about transfer to a psychiatric unit?

cubsfan1990 said...

Was this item made around when he was seen with lily collins and one time with Brittany snow?

SugarTitz said...

Not unless someone puts you on a 5150. Which his people won't do because I feel bad pr.

Unknown said...

i was more confused because its been rumored that hes gay.

cubsfan1990 said...

Well it's now 7 months later so ?

plokzy said...

Im more stunned at the girlfriend part

cubsfan1990 said...

i think tihs item was made when he was 'linkd' to lily collins back in october/november , so take it whatever

Riven said...

@cubsfan1990 :
Yes, this blind was right around that time. There was one that said his new gf has "connections" to his coke source and it's been rumored for years that B Snow loves her cocaine.

Of course after that blind was published Zac and Brittany never appeared in public again and she had an obviously pre-arranged "passionate PDA" sesh in a bar parking lot with her supposed actual bf at the time, Tyler Hoechlin. Supposedly they're broken up now too but who the heck knows what their contract stipulates...

Riven said...

Oh god. I can't believe I know all of that. Or that I admitted to it somewhat publicly. I'm just gonna go take a Xanax and find a bottle of wine and convinced myself this is not actually my life.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@7: I want NaughtyNurse's input here too, but in CA, that answer is no. They can only keep patients against their will if they are clearly a threat to themselves or others. The longest they can keep you is 48 hours. Most overdoses are accidental and done without intent to die, so they really can't keep you there. Our system would probably collapse if the hospitals had to keep every OD patient around for a while. Our psych wards routinely release patients even when they know they are suicidal, but that's a whole other can of worms. Let's just say such a situation would be very unlikely to happen here

Violet said...

Riven don't be embarrassed - I think everyone on this site has rather too intimate a knowledge of celeb gossip than most would be happy to acknowledge in real life.

Jessi said...

@riven - No shame, no shame at all. We all have tidbits of information that we probably shouldn't know, but that's why we come here to disclose that information and to get even more dirt! : )

Henriette said...

There is no shame in knowing celebrity gossip! It keeps the brain limber for obscure facts.

Poor Zacquisha.

Sadie said...

He just gave out an interview saying Matthew McConaughey's his big brother and has been helping him, etc.

Hmm. The blind leading the blind...

Anonymous said...

He has a girlfriend? Lily Collins, his wing woman? Or some random girl he was seen doing coke with?

cubsfan1990 said...

why are you always so bitter towards zac?what is your problem with zac ?????huh

also this item was written around the time he was seen with lily collins. learn how to read.

Sherry said...

G/f may just be a friend who's a girl also. Poor Zac. I do hope he's getting help.

Brenda L said...

Is Zac really a tweener?? I dunno....

Eros said...

Zac's not gay. Ijs..

Hayden tho .. ive never heard of him linked to any girl except rachel b. I think he might be.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Can I ask for clarification from Riven?

I know nothing of Brittany Snow gossip. I love her. What's all this about coke and fake boyfriends? Help a fellow gossiper out?

B626 said...

He must have some great handlers now.
He looked/sounded FINE on
Kelly & Michael today!

ladybaus said...

I watched 17 Again on tv last night. What an awful movie. Who was the target audience for that? Too boring for teens and too unfunny for adults...

Snootches said...

I love Zac. I so want him to succeed...oh, and LIVE. Hate to say it, but he needs to getthefuckoutta LA and work on getting his shit together.

Unknown said...

Zac Effron leaves me feeling ambivalent? I hope he doesn't die, I hope that of most people, but I also hope he doesn't continue to make movies as there are more talented actors out there. I guess whenever I see his face I think, "Oh geeze, not HIM again." I won't see any of his movies because I know they won't be good, because he's in them.

Riven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sillygurl said...

You win today! Lol

NaughtyNurse said...

Sorry guys…just got home from work. If he truly overdosed, they would treat him to stabilize him and send him on his way with referrals to rehab. Was this when he went into rehab?

Princess ButterKwup said...

Thanks Riven! It makes sense that Hairspray would have been where stuff started happening. I really don't follow her much and think of her as a low-rent Mandy Moore (ouch!) usually, but that's interesting.

Lila said...


Aoife said...

I saw a commercial for his new movie during one of the NBA playoff games Monday night. We're talking Hollywood, land of doctors on call and hospitals that know how to hide a famous patient.

But wait he has a girlfriend? Really?


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