Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Random Photos Part Five - A Remember When Edition

"Remember that time Solange went crazy in an elevator and we went to the NBA game and smiled all night?"

Remember that time they decided to cast Ben Affleck as Batman?
Remember the time the two billionaires fought like crazy because they both wanted to have sex with Miranda Kerr?
Remember when Christian Bale was Batman and all was right with the world?
Remember when Courtney Love wasn't a mess? I don't either. Oh, yeah, the dating Ed Norton period.
Remember when we didn't know Courtney Stodden existed and our lives were better for it?
Remember when Dolly Parton got her breasts tattooed and then talked about it on Today?
Remember when the only Fanning we knew was Dakota and not Elle?
Remember when Ellen Page pretended to date Alexander Skarsgard and her publicist went ballistic if you implied Ellen was gay?
Remember when Heidi Klum looked bad in a photo? Me either.


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Kristin Wigs said...

I have, like, a hundred Bacon Awareness ribbons made up.

Alita said...

Hey Kristin :)

It was hysterical when this story came out - one of the spare paps we have here randomly popped over to grab a Packer on his way home snap, and ended up with this mess. They interviewed the pap (we don't have so many of them, you see), and the guy was just about wetting himself that he'd been able to sell the snaps for $250k.

My take on Packer (and I reckon he's more interesting than Kerr, sorry ;) is that he's come out of a reasonably long marriage and he's now pretty keen on getting in shape and having frisky times with a pretty girl. It was just back in March, when I think the rumours about he and Miranda were already out there, he gave an interview (quite rare for him), in which he described his personal life as a disaster. Doesn't make it sound that serious. Seems more like FWBs, since they never actually go anywhere but behind closed doors.

I do think Miranda's very focused on money, but perceives that comes with fame (which she also clearly revels in for its own sake). She is always keen on starting new business ventures. We crucified Lara Bingle for being too messy - Miranda knows how to keep her nose clean. There was a recent dramararma with Kerr's family giving an indiscreet interview, but generally they're also all running businesses mainly spinning off Miranda's work. Even just what she and her family did to get her in position to be able to make it as a model shows the importance her fame and success has to them.

Interesting point about James Packer - he went $cio for a while - with no less than Tom Cruise as his recruiter. Big guns are out when you're talking about getting a billionaire into a cult geared to fleecing its victims. He was never confirmed, but probably in Scio for 3 years, reportedly quitting back in 2005.

I think this mammoth on-topic post makes me untouchable for the next few weeks of #banter and #fawning.

Alita said...
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Alita said...

Wiiii, it's a puppy party @JSierra!

Alita said...

@Dingle Barry, the joking around is the best part! Come for the gossip, stay for the #banter - a new jokey gossip friend is always good XD

@Heisenberg - chillax my love, and have a little read - there's some read gold buried away in here! It's just another day when people got a little CDaN ornery, but we ended up having List-ranked commenters! And you are definitely H list, for Heisenlicious ;)


Unknown said...

Hilarious, went to a club last night to see Blue October and they played Jay-Z's 99 Problems while the roadies were setting up. I am sure body language experts would have fun analysing BeyBey's body language at the basketball game.

Unknown said...

Daily Mail scoop on Solange-gate


RowdyRodimus said...

I love the Batsuit. Can't wait to see it in color. I'm hoping they go with grey and black/dark blue instead of the normal all black. They did a very good job of recreating the suit Frank Miller designed for Dark Knight Returns here with the short ears and huge bat emblem. If the actual body suit is a dark grey with a black cowl, cape and emblem it will really set it off on screen.

I hated the way the suit looked in the Nolan trilogy. The black bat on a black suit made it too plain. The emblem is supposed to show "This is who I am" and when you can't see it, it looks too much like a generic soldier or ninja outfit. It would be like seeing Superman in a blue suit without the "S". Just takes something away from the character.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Z lister, Newbie Here. Totes thought sandyb=female. Always enjoy u. Ray-totes thought ur male n like anyone who says "shenanigans". Pls tell me Sugarbread, renoblonde, aunttilde(?), wiglet, trose, ....fellow chicklets, right??? Sigh. I guess it doesn't matter as all u r funny and almost every poster on here. Well thanks for the entertainment y'all bring. I gotta go check in with PMK.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

PS. Almost forgot, looks like JslZ is wearing an orange Mohawk thanks to the wig seated behind him. And that pic of the Aussue moguls, all I could think
Is that's not how we fight round here. There's no nuzzling involved regardless of previous relationships

EastCoaster said...

I love Christian Bale, ever since "American Psycho." I can't understand why it took so many years for him to become a huge star. Extremely versatile, in the vein of Gary Oldman. There's nothing he can't do!

headrot said...

tata tats! tit-toos! hehehehe

FitzroyHipster said...

@BeckyMae @alita kind of what they said...

Gyngell isn't a billionaire, just a millionaire and not even a very big one at that I think. He is the CEO of the Nine Network, which used to be owned by the Packers until about 2006 (when it was bought out by CVC) not long after media mogul Kerry Packer (James Packer's dad) died. James then funnelled his financial interests into casinos. The Gyngells and Packers have been long family friends and TV industry stalwarts - David's dad Bruce worked with multi-generations of Packers and was CEO of Nine and Seven, amongst many others.

David is married to a Nine journalist/presenter, Leila McKinnon so deffo not boffing Miranda Kerr.

James was, as above, p1ssed because a Nine satellite van (parked by an off-duty camo) was parked near his house and apparently thought they were trying to pap him and Kerr, both conveniently in town that week. Miranda was allegedly to be a key element in his marriage breakup to Erica Baxter. So he put in a call to his mate Gynge to move the van. Shenannigans ensued.

Although the new rumour on the street is it was Lara Bingle, not Kerr, who Packer has been allegedly romancing on the sly...ooo

Alita said...

Hi @FitzroyHipster!

So ... Lara Bingle, eh? Dear me, that is good gossip. Hasn't heard a peep on that. Was just mentioning her to Kristin, and here she is.

Lara Bingle reminds me of that American singer that dyed her dog pink and went from 'nice conventional sexy' to a bit trainwrecky - Aubrey O'day, I think?

Lara Bingle's BFs always turn out looking fairly silly - if I were a billionaire and dating her, I'd keep it under wraps too.

Alita said...

@Kristin & @FitzroyHipster

The chances of you looking back are remote, but this is the correct place to post this article, hot off the Internet news* presses:

James Packer’s assistant seen leaving Miranda Kerr’s home clutching her self-help books

*it's News Ltd, so not really 100% bonafide 'news' ;)

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