Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Off Topic

Insomnia is a beast.


Christopher Cruz said...

Yep- It's almost 4am down here :/

Anonymous said...

It's a bear.

Anonymous said...

And wasn't that great of a movie either.

TalksTooMuch said...

Mr. Cruz! It's been AGES!

Anonymous said...

Insomnia tortures...

TalksTooMuch said...

OT OT can anyone ever hear the beginning of Bawitaba and not scream "My name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiid!!!!" along with? I startled a lot of old people on the track yesterday

Seven of Eleven said...

Pat Robertson agrees.

The Mark of the Beast - 700 Club

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not going to be able to resist NOW... Thanks a lot TTM! ;)

Kno Won said...

I prefer to say I'm a non-sleeper. had it for years, developed a sleeping pill addiction, went to a psycho-hypnotherapist in Berkeley (not effective), eventually took myself off the sleeping pills (took a year)and settled into sleeping a full night maybe twice a week, max.
Oddly, the single thing that stuck with me was an Elizabeth Taylor quote about being in Betty Ford. The phrase I hung onto was "No one dies from being awake all night". Meaningless, but everyone has different chords to be struck.
I will live through this sleepless night - and not only that...all the sleeping people don't give a rat's ass if I'm awake. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Just for that, I'll ruin Beethovens Ode to Joy. The words to Clementine fit PERFECTLY to the tune. "In a canyon in a cavern excavating FOR a mine..."

Christopher Cruz said...

It HAS!!! Been lurking, tho ;)

Snootches said...

And this is why I take 1mg of Lorazepam to sleep eat and every night. I don't/can't sleep without a little help.

Snootches said...

*each not eat

Sherry said...

Why ain't you graced us with your witticisms Chris?

Meanie Rhysie said...

Insomnia. Sigh...I want to sleep but I've been worrying and fretting over my Lil Puddin' (my roomie's cat but I steal kitties, so they're mine now). She's a feisty old girlie, though...just have been staying up holding her and cooing at her.

Sherry said...

Hate to tell you Kno Won but people do die if they cannot sleep. It's a pretty crappy way to go I'd think.

Sherry said...

What's wrong with Puddin'? Poor kittles. Lucky she has you.

ladybaus said...

I like my beauty sleep. hmmm mhhh honey.

Dexamyl said...

When I have it bad, even sleeping pills won't help. At least not the currently used benzodiazepines.

Oh, to have lived in the days of real "dolls" like Seconal and Nembutal.

Sherry said...

I truly feel for people who cannot sleep. It's horrible. I'm one of those lucky people who can sleep anywhere. The Opster is having back issues and once he's awake he's in horrid pain and cannot go back to sleep. It's seriously messing with him.

JSierra said...

Reddit is great for insomniacs. So many goodies to explore! This is one of my personal faves, watching while under any influence is advised (if possible).

TalksTooMuch said...

Reddit under the influence is never a good idea, those dudes on LBGW are always checking their comments

Unknown said...

Apparently the cumulative effect of insomnia is detrimental to your health for various reasons. As someone who suffers from it, I was pretty shocked to find this out a few years ago. For example, I just read that studies show that the brain produces a chemical that repairs your brain cells whilst sleeping, and only when you in REM sleep - so then your brain cells are ready to blast on full cylinders the next day. These scientists said that they think this chemical helps to keep the plaque from forming in your brain that is a factor in Alzheimer disease. Another article I read said you can never catch up for your lost sleep, it is all cumulative in terms of damage to your overall health and sleeping in too long to make up for the lost sleep doesn't help either. I imagine not everyone needs 7 - 8 hours sleep if the sleep you have is deep sleep.

PghGirl said...

Ive had insomnia since I was a teenager. Heard Colin Farrell would talk to Elizabeth Taylor on the phone at night as they both have/had insomnia. Now that she has gone (RIP). Colin...call me!!

mooshki said...

Melatonin!!!!!!! It's natural, non-addictive, and it doesn't make you drive while sleeping. :)

EastCoaster said...

Indeed it is, Enty.
I've had insomnia every night of my life, including as an infant. I'm told that I never even napped. When I was in my 30's the struggle to function with nearly no sleep finally became too great. I had tried all kinds of things but nothing helped, ie melatonin, valerian root, soothing teas. I resorted to medication and I thank God every day that it's out there to help people. Ambien is the only med that's been able to drowsy me. But it only keeps me asleep for about 4 hrs, so I was prescribed Trazadone to help sustain sleep. The 2 meds combined has made me stop fearing the act of trying to fall asleep. I'm sure I would have wound up jumping off a bridge had I not been able to find something to help my whacko nervous system.

Hammer_Girl said...

Forget Milli Vanilli, now all i hear is
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy
Diggy, said the boogy, said, up jump the boogy

nurysp said...

whats everyone favorite drug of choice

TalksTooMuch said...


Hammer_Girl said...

I'm a long time insomniac myself. I've had a sleep study done, which showed I don't enter REM sleep. I'm notorious for going 2-3 days without sleep, then I will eventually crash for maybe 8 blissful hrs.
When it comes to meds I've tried them all, some work for a month or so then it doesn't work. I've woken up with bruises from walking into walls, I've turned on faucets and left them running, left the fridge open, all because of insomnia or the meds.

NaughtyNurse said...

Trazodone. Safe, effective and non-habit-forming.

discoflux said...

I go through periods where I can't stay asleep. I'll fall asleep but wake up 3 hours later and can't get back to sleep at all. Ambien CR has worked out well for me but I only take it after I've had a couple of days with no sleep, And I *know* it's not safe, but I wash it down with one 12oz lone star. Works every time. I do that for a couple of days and usually get right back on track. A 30 pill script can last me a year.

Elissa said...

My family suffers from a genetic circadian rhythm dysfunction called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome/Disorder (we don't sleep at night). My mother and those of us related to her have it (the step-siblings do not). I have pretty much heard every vampire joke possible, but eventually I just gave up and started working third shift.
It's not technically "insomnia", it's just a different sleep cycle, and I suspect that many people who struggle with insomnia actually have it.

Gayeld said...

Ambien didn't work that well for me. I could get to sleep with it, but it never lasted longer than 5 hours. You could time it.

auntliddy said...

Its brutal ive had interuppted sleep, wide awake all night but prob not sustained like months or anything. I have stuff to do if not sleeping, im pretty used to myself.

EastCoaster said...

So sorry to hear this. What a terrible struggle! Don't given up hope; they're inventing new meds every day!! There WILL be relief in your future. :)

JSierra said...

Welcome back to commentland Christopher!

JSierra said...

Then why don't they PM me baaaack? Just kidding, I'm too chicken to actually PM anyone on Reddit, let alone the LBGW hotties.

Sass71 said...

@mooshki, that worked for me. I have night terrors, and it really helps me. I used to take Benadryl, but I had a bad 'hangover' with it when I woke up.

Jerry Seinfeld said...

I used to sleep great.
Then Enty started talking about Adderall all the time and now I'm up 'round the clock.
Skinny and black circles under my eyes.
Love the look!

Cassiopeia said...

So you're one of the dumbfucks that makes it a rigamarole for me to get medication I actually need, and makes me look like an addict when I pick them up at the pharm. Thanks asshole.

Jerry Seinfeld said...

You are welcome!
Are you sure you only look like an addict when picking up your medication?
Might want to check in to that.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Allis, I'm also on adderall and for those of us that neeeedddd it to function, we know that it doesn't make us lose the weight and also can sleep after taking it. That is, if taking it properly.

I'm actually a borderline narcoleptic I think. I sleep too much once I'm asleep and there are many days that I cannot wake up, like in a coma. I need to see a doc bc it's just developed within the past few years. Two weeks ago, I fell asleep at 6pm and despite my hubs efforts I couldn't wake up until the next afternoon.

Cassiopeia said...


Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I've been having all kinds of trouble sleeping lately, between stress over being out of work, my sister coming to visit for the 1st time in years, and oh, yeah, probably menopause smacking me upside the head, too. :-( I'm feeling way too hot all the time, and couldn't sleep last night because of it; this waking up all soggy needs to stop, and soon, because I'm really fed up with it. *sigh*

Buddy Bones Smith said...

Reddit is a black hole! I have been caught at work, huddled over my laptop, crying from laughing so hard. But the gross-outs over there would haunt my dreams if I could sleep long enough to have them. Today's lovely was a photo of a woman who had injected heroin into an infected arm for so long that the arm just sort of rotted, with visible bone. Actually, it was a appetite suppressant for me today-no lunch after that!

Susan said...

I go through bouts of insomnia, especially when I'm stressed or have a ton on my mind. I was up all night last night. My parents sold their house and are moving to Florida. I'm a roller-coaster of emotions. Plus, my husband was away for work in Chicago for five days so I had no one to share my grief with besides one lonely text to him. So sad to see them go. On a side note I watched Ladies of London, which rocked. Then I cried in bed until a bleary 2 or 2:30 a.m. Awesome. And my sleep was like really awful bad airplane sleep. Gah. Honestly, I don't know how I'm not asleep right now.

I had mad crazy insomnia when I was pregnant. Like really bad.

I've worked weird hours my whole life, too, and I definitely think I'm just made to do that. I am not programmed to wake at 6 and work 9 to 5.

I've never taken prescription meds but I did have a love affair with Tylenol PM during my college girl party years.

I have totally functioned on days straight of like 4 hours of sleep when working retail and my newspaper gig. But then I crashed and burned and couldn't deal anymore. I also weighed like 10 pounds.

My advice about sleeping well in case it helps any of you: Eat a late-night snacky poof (especially if you have the pregnancy insomnia), exercise if you can during the day or take a late-night walk, make your sleeping space sacred: no tv or internets in your bed. I also need to have the fan on with the proper ratio of blankets and pillows, completely dark, door slightly ajar to hear my toddler just in case, and all closets and drawers must be closed to prevent monsters from getting me (not really, but I've done this since childhood, so.) Also, if you can't wind down and just feel really overwhelmed by thoughts read a bit of a book or magazine. I also find a good bout of sex helps me sleep, except for when I was obsessing about becoming pregnant in which case I was up all night being a spaz and worrying about not being pregnant.

I also stopped drinking caffeine after noon.

I don't know. I just suggest trying to make lifestyle changes if you can before resorting to drugs. That's all I got.

Christopher Cruz said...

Awwww, you guuuuys!!! Feels good to be back :)

Count Jerkula said...

Insomnia, yep. I gotta start smoking weed regularly again.


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