Monday, August 11, 2014

Blind Item #1 - Teen Choice Awards

"I would probably kill myself if my thighs ever touched." Married B+ list foreign born singer who got her start on a reality show as she shared lines of coke with two equally tiny women backstage.


Violet said...

Uh oh. Now I have to go and screen the DM for TCA pics. And I thought I was leaving all that to 13 yr old V jr 2.

mystic chic said...

Cher Lloyd for the guess

Tricia13 said...

Katherine Jenkins?

Unknown said...

I hope her thighs DO touch. What a useless lump o carbon.

Violet said...

Not married. Not started on reality show. Pain in the arse though.

Violet said...

Oh that's a good guess. Is she a 'thing' in the US then?

Tricia13 said...

Yep Jenkins only engaged..

Cher Lloyd then..good one
@violet...not really big here, but maybe soon to be?

Frufra said...

Help me Jesus. This "thigh gap" culture makes me want to go teach middle school or high school and be that crazy hippie teacher who rails against everything. But then I think about how I'd have to put up with teenagers that aren't mine, and I think I'll just keep preaching girl power to my cutie pie elementary students :-).

Seachica said...

Oh, naive little girl. Just you wait 10 years

KMS from down under said...

This is the teen choice awards and peeps are just lining them up back stage. Doing it for the children

KMS from down under said...

Yes I know, there's no business like show (snow) business. And if your going to get a shitty ass surf board as a trophy than we might as well be riding a wave

Its just U said...

Was Cheryl Cole there? Sounds like something that vacuous airhead would say.

Unknown said...

And the coke didn't do the world a favor and blow her ass into the next life for her Dumbass self-centered idiotic comment?

Hope the teens do her in.

Its just U said...

@Violet Katherine Jenkins is a lovely woman. My man worked with her for ages and she was nothing but nice.
She gave my Grandma front row seats and sang a song dedicated to her, signed cd's and all kinds of stuff.
She's lovely.

auntliddy said...

Ahh, crap. One more thing for me to do today, lol

Anonymous said...

When I used coke and drank every day, it took absolutely no effort to keep my thighs from touching. Keep doing those lines and you'll never have a problem, princess. You'll probably have a heart attack before your 40 but them thighs won't ever be anything more than friends.

Sarah said...

My daughter's 13 year old friend used the term "inner thigh gap" about 20 times, even in public, when she spent a weekend with us.
I told her she sounded vulgar and she seemed shocked.
I said she may as well yell VAGINA and she wanted to die.

jane3113 said...

The thigh gap issue is proof that women want to look good to impress other women and not men.

bellaluna said...

Good on you, Sarah! :D

Bitca said...

What Jane said. Betty Grable may look like a thunder-thighs by modern standards, but the fashionable Thin is SO extreme now, that Beyonce & even Kate Upton types are riding a (relative) backlash. Aesthetically, for most men I know, it's still a matter of proportion & curves. This could be a misunderstood bit of slang, though. Perhaps they were talking about fave sex positions or something.

Bitca said...

What bellaluna said about what Sarah said, too.

Frufra said...

@Sarah - well played!

Nipple said...

I like meat on my women. Bones are only good for making soup. Theyre not very satisfying.

Count Jerkula said...

HOT! You gotta go the extra mile when yer looks are yer whole game.

Flora Goforth said...

FYI the thigh thing is genetic:

Thigh gap = wide vagina
No thigh gap = tight vagina.

warmislandsun said...

Flora lol

Jennmcn said...

LOL Flora! What man wants to nail a board to his ass so he won't fall in to screw a bag of bones?

Jennmcn said...

LOL Flora! What man wants to nail a board to his ass so he won't fall in to screw a bag of bones?

Jennmcn said...

LOL Flora! What man wants to nail a board to his ass so he won't fall in to screw a bag of bones?

Count Jerkula said...

That is silly Flora. My ex had thigh gap when I started dating her, and I couldn't slip a finger in without her wincing.


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