Friday, November 14, 2014

Today's Blind Items - MV And The Annual Clue - Anniversary Month

It is Friday and a very special Friday at that because it is time for the annual MV clue. This is one of my favorite days of the year. Right up there with the free all you can eat buffet on my birthday. A quick note on the site and its progress. By Tuesday I am told there will be the most glorious mobile and iPad site the world has ever seen. So, fingers crossed for that. Many of you have asked about the "companion site." I am letting lawyers handle it all but I will say that you can't blatantly steal and then promote your stealing and not expect consequences. They wouldn't copy and paste TMZ because they didn't like a background color or post a Harry Potter book because they didn't like the font, but apparently they consider it ok to do it to me. It is not ok. It is theft and is being treated as such. If you would like a healthy dose of reveals and blinds this weekend then I will be here posting and if you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

The clue is at the bottom of the post.

November 21, 2006

Let me preface this post, by saying that if this story ever comes out, it would blow the music world up and shake it to its core..This would put the Milli Vanilli scandal and Ashlee Simpson SNL situation so far down the ladder it would be crazy..

Towards the end of last year I had a woman come into my office and she began to explain what she had done and had been doing for several years and it was one of the very few times that I just could not believe what I was hearing..I know the music industry inside and out, and I had never heard of something so extensive and pervasive as this..

This woman (S) came into my office because the payments she had been receiving had stopped and she wanted to either get the money that was owed to her, or expose what she had been doing to the light of day..

S is a sessions/studio/backup singer and is very good..Prior to her involvement in what I am going to describe, she made a very good living singing on commercials and being a backup singer for groups and other solo acts, etc..Like I said she is very good, but she does not really have that “look” which would make her a star, so record companies did not put her out front, but just used her talents..

In late 2000, a man came to her one day and said he needed someone to record some demos because he had written a lot of songs, but wanted a demo to shop the songs to singers and record labels..This is not unusual at all and she had done this type of work before and it paid pretty well so she agreed. What was unusual about her recording of the demos was how much work was put into the actual recordings..It was extensive..Generally there is not much time put into the recordings because you never really know if the song will even sell, and the money spent on recording could be put to better uses..These demos she was recording were actually being treated as if they were going to be released on a CD or to radio..They even did some mixing which was REALLY unusual..

After a few weeks she had recorded about over a dozen songs and she went on her way and was really oblivious to anything else pertaining to it, UNTIL several months later she was in her car and heard her voice coming from the radio, only it was another singer being given credit..(We will call this other singer MV for Milli Vanilli) She could not believe what she was hearing and did not know whether to be excited to hear herself on the radio, confused about the credit given to another singer or just pissed off for the same reasons..

What she did do, was to call the man who had originally come to her and had her record the songs..The man agreed to meet her and gave her a substantial sum of money and promised to keep giving her money every month as long as she kept her mouth shut. MV was taking off..(MV has/had several Top 40 songs and CD's. They could have gone to #1 or languished in the 30's..I really cannot go into much more detail or else it would be too easy to discover) MV was everywhere..on television, radio, awards shows, commercials..EVERYWHERE..meanwhile, S continued to get money every month and kept her little secret to herself..The guy who picked S was VERY lucky..Most singers would have caused a fuss, but S has always been in the background and was resigned to the fact she always would be, and was very happy just taking the $$, and did not want that to stop..

About 9 months go by and S is called by the guy because MV is going on tour and they want S to record some extra mixes and such for the tour..She agrees and does not really do much, but money is money..

Fast forward another year or so and S stops receiving money and after a few months of missed payments, calls the guy who explains that they need S to do another CD and then the payments can continue, but there is no more money unless she does more recordings..

S agrees and records another CD worth of songs which is released several months later and does even better than the first CD. This same process is repeated (I am not going to tell you the number of CD's because again you may be able to deduce and so I will just say the process repeated itself several times)

Well everything goes well for the most part for all these years and then no more payments, and no more calls and she cannot even locate our mystery man..S has not received a payment in six months when she came into my office and related this story..She did not even know the guy's name, but when she described him, I knew who he was and was even more floored than I had been previously..This was just something I had really not heard before..

I had heard of really altering voices in the recording studios and bringing in hired hands for one song or a large portion of a song, but never CD after CD and even doing extra work so a live performance would not sound staged..I told her I needed some time to check into her story and then we could proceed..It took two calls before I got the guy on the phone and he was pissed, scared, angry, threatening, remorseful..everything..It turns out the reason he had stopped making payments was he had been playing some shell games with the money between the record company, MV's earnings and MV's investments and just did not have any additional money..In addition, MV was not sure she wanted to continue on with what had been happening and so our mystery guy might be completely out of the picture..

I actually think the record company to this day has no idea what went on as the Guy was very good at what he does/did and knew how to make sure the record company was always happy..He stayed under budget, toured, made MV available, and made the record company money..

So a meeting was arranged in my office and S and MV finally met face to face..they had never done so, even though it was S who made MV a star..MV was rude to say the least when she saw what S looked like and it really upset me although S being her normal classy self could have cared less..

What we agreed to do that day was to provide S with one lump sum rather than a monthly income which was easier for Guy to pull off and S also agreed to never disclose her role in this drama and MV was on her own for future recordings and tours..

This involved literally millions of CD's and hundreds of concerts all over the world..The one thing I did get out of this beside my fee of course is a Gold Record autographed by S and by MV..I know it is the only one in the world..

CLUE- MV has done or is contractually agreed to do a Las Vegas residency.

CLUE #2- MV broke up with a significant other this year.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 327 of 327
Count Jerkula said...

You are one of Fugazi Enty's tech staff, trying to get me into an argument, so I post more stellar stuff here, huh?

It is no surprise that people today have gone after Derek, 7, and myself. We are all tremendous posters and assets to any site we grace with our presence. Go ask Mooshki what happened when she gave Fugazi Enty a "Jerkula or me" ultimatum.

P.S. For anyone interested in when CDAN was sold, ask Mooshki when her log in was taken away, so she could no longer delete comments she didn't like. Then you will have your answer. It was long ago.

El Materdor said...

Ginger was right. You're just like herpes. If the companion site is so awesome, why are you even bothering?

I know the answer: it wouldn't exist without Enty, regardless of who owns it.

This is Enty's site. He can do whatever he wants w it. Get over it!

it took forever said...

wow just wow, one of the reasons i never even visit the new site was cause i was ok with not having to scroll through the shit i sometimes have to pass here when derek had a breakdown and the trolling from others. Was such a breath of fresh air after the "gang" moved out.

Mooshki said...

Are you on the bad drugs again, Count? I never gave him an ultimatum. And my login wasn't taken away, they just updated the password and I never bothered to ask for the new one because the racist guy had mostly gone away. I did have the login for quite a while and never deleted a single one of your posts, so I don't know where you got the idea I was trying to lord some kind of power over you. I think you're a pimple on the ass of the internet, but I'm happy sticking to expressing my opinion about your worthlessness the same way you express your own views.

Sigh, those few days when the redesign scared all you brats away were great. I should've known you'd be too desperate for attention to stay away for long. Guess it's back to lurkerdom.

Mooshki said...

I guess it was too good to last, huh?

it took forever said...

i think this is jlo, from the wording of the bad attitude

Karen said...

First of all, it's not MJB -- I've heard her sing live.
Secondly, what's going on over at the "companion" site? A bunch of off-topic bullshit in the comments? That's ok, I'll pass.

Charley said...

I've been reading this site daily for about two years. Not every day, but about 4-5 times a week. The redesign was too slow at first, but it's gotten better every day and now it's fine for me. I can't say I'll miss the clique. I never commented not even once. It was a bunch of bs chit chat, back and forth. And I used to have to scroll past Jerk's comments, because I don't find filthy misogyny and degradation of women, and rapey behavior funny at all. What disgusted me more was the women posters fawning over him. Man, you really have to be desperate. Just my two cents.

Boishglamorpuss said...

JESUS CHRIST, THISx100000000000

Boishglamorpuss said...

....and this one too.

Karen said...

They do not need to "gain" anything. Lifting the entire content of a website and posting it on your own website without permission is actionable. Grow up, and keep your misogynistic "midol" comments on the "companion" site.

Knock It Off Already said...

As far as I know, MJB doesn't have children. See the clues mentioned from the previous blinds above. Now drop it.

Karen said...

I rarely posted before for the same reason.

Coke Mom said...

Congrats on the redesign, friend!! I would comment more often, but with each page taking FOR-FUCKING-EVER to load and the comments scrolling at a glacial pace, I just don't have the time. I have episodes of Mysteries of Laura I could be catching up on!!(remember that time when you predicted it would be the first cancelled show of the tv season?) You're about as good at predicting the future as you are at keeping up this "Enty" character and running a website.

Char said...

Mooshki, for commenters who say they love the new site and are glad most of the previous regulars are gone, there's a rather large disconnect between that and your nasty TONE. All the well adjusted people I come into contact with don't have to announce it - it shows, and they certainly don't throw gasoline on a situation they claim to abhor. Do you have some choice names you'd like to hurl at me now too? Don't hold back... but I don't need to say that, do I.

it took forever said...

that new companion site served its purpose , to keep the "gang" out , but was so pissed when i logged on after work and find their shitty comments here, isnt one site enough to bitch on, must they come here to bitch too

Derito Harvey said...

derek try nut to suk any diks on ur way to da parkin lot lolol u bipolar by betch lolol njoy ur nu site wit pip lolol

Char said...

it took forever, you can thank the Enties for their inflammatory comments in this article, and don't look now, but you're bitching too ...... so get a grip and snap out of it ;)

Count Jerkula said...

You think this is the only place on the internet that I dish out phenomenal verbiage? You couldn't catch a clue if you pulled yer pissflaps apart and people threw em at yer bucket cunt.

Count Jerkula said...

I'm totally over it. I am just here for the chaos.

Princess Demandy-Pants said...

Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!

mooshki said...

I said I *was* glad. That ship sailed a couple of days ago when all the old creeps came back. I used to ignore them but that just made them come after me even worse. They don't need me to throw gasoline on anything - they're fueled by their own need for attention.

I don't hurl names at people until they have repeatedly demonstrated that they deserve them. Unlike some people, I don't have the time to make a spreadsheet of the many identities people use around here so when someone starts coming after me in the old familiar way, I just assume they're one of the old faces with a new name.

There's a really long history here that created my hostility. I guess I'm weak, because who I am on this site now is who they made me.

Count Jerkula said...

"And my login wasn’t taken away, they just updated the password"

Are you stupid or delusional?

"Oh, they didn't throw me out of the house, they just changed the locks, and I knew better than to ask for a new key." LOL!

I am reminded why you were no match for me in a battle of wits. I wish my sweet Lola would rush in to defend you. There was a fiesty 5'4 adversary who was worthy of my time.

Anywho, You couldn't delete one of my posts, because you had no administrative powers when I got here, but many times you proclaimed you wish you had it, so you could stifle my posting experience.

When you couldn't convince Fugazi Enty to ban me from the site, you disappeared. Wasn't it a "piece of shit" your dumb ass called me when you tweeted Enty about me? I have the screen cap, so I can find it if I must. You turtled up the day I found out about it, and your defenders flocked to try and protect you, because they felt bad for how dumb you are.

:) said...

I'm still in disbelief the site was sold, omg!!

Derek Harvey said...

oKAY So us "cliquey" people have found an alternative and evidently will be out of your hair----so who's complaining about what? Enjoy each others nasty company---you deserve each other and the only thing more empty than the woodworks will be the comment sections on this site. So razzle us with your amazing guesses and quick wit. I havent seen it.

Me said...

I think Brittany can sing. Her she is at 10 years old on Star Search.

PS First time poster. Reader since '08

MooshkisBoobsweat said...

Thank god the trolls are gone for good. This site is the bees knees!

Ginger Haired Pig Balls said...

hai fag. what clique u in? u hate everyone. u hate pip, tricia. jerkula makes fun of you for havin a big asshole (insider info, that account is him)_

Sarah said...

Amen! It is just different. Once you figure it out, it is fine. People complain about "huge" ads. I don't see any at all. I have ad blocker. No ads. No autoplaying video. And no, I am not a bot or a plant nor paid to say this.

Char said...

"I don’t hurl names at people until they have repeatedly demonstrated that they deserve them."

Because they deserve it and you don't, so you can but they can't? As if ANYONE who hurls names is mature enough to justifiably be on the offensive.

The truth is not in you. I've heard enough - don't bother.

jack bacarak said...

wow, way to apologize and mend fences Enty.
calling your readers thieves. dimwit.

Char said...

I'm Char, I go around scolding everybody !

Derito Harvey said...

derek da smartest thing to come outta ur mouf is mah dik lololol errbody h8tes derk and pip da popo lolol by betch lolol u practise dat response 4ever lolol u crazy take ur meds stop cryin it makes u look phuking phat jokesjokesjokesnotjokes

Sider said...

You're obviously not Char. Char speaks the truth. You're obviously upset about that.

Char said...

^^^ another problem with the site. Impersonation.. by adults, naturally. Mooshki is the self-appointed scolding agent around here.

November 14, 2014 at 5:30 pm

"you're pimple on the ass of the internet"

"I’m happy sticking to expressing my opinion about your worthlessness"

"those few days when the redesign scared all you brats away were great"

It must have been her charm that drew me in.

Derito Harvey said...

lissen to dis diva betch tryn to frunt lolol ur frends make fun of u all da time an now dey stuk wit ur crazee azz! lololololololollll mentle brakes on pips site lolololol syko tantrums 4 seven lololol by bottum betch

Derito Harvey said...

shaddup char

Char said...

@jack, close to 250 negative comments, people turning against one another (putting it mildly), and you just KNOW it wasn't Enty's doing.. perish the thought.

Derito Harvey said...

no pips da scoldn agent stuped

Derito Harvey said...

char iz pip lolol pip still maken fake acountz errbody lissen to pip lololol

mari said...

Im backing this up- used to look at CDAN daily, but it blew my computer up too much- it's just not working right...simple is better when the content is good, enty

Char said...

dog penis?

Char said...

You're obviously Pip! Pip speaks about Pip in the third person! Pip is fucking batshit crazy!

Derito Harvey said...

no no no not char pip da BOZZ pip get ANGRY pip cum YELL folluw ur rulbook notchar r she gun make dem fake ACOUNTZ no justise no pease freedum fightr pip!

Get over it or Move on said...

All these people keep saying they are done and leaving and going to the companion site. Yet they continue to comment on all the stories and keep giving Enty hit page hits. LOL What complete failures.

Derito Harvey said...

hows else seven gona get contant if she dunt cum here 2 stealz it? lololol sillie queen

Count Jerkula said...

Charley, do you even know what misogyny is, you dunce? It is a hatred of women. I do not hate women, I love women. I hate cunts.

I do enjoy the degradation of women, but only if they are into it.

You are an uptight and stupid cunt, who displays that you hate women, by attempting to slut shame the women who find me entertaining. There is no one definition of a women. Part of the inherent beauty of females is that they are so diverse physically and mentally. Idiots like yourself do nothing but try to box women into one way of thinking, inorder to justify your narrow minded and ill conceived beliefs. Me, I allow women to be who they are. Not all are my cup of tea, but I honor their right to be who they want to be, except in the case of a dumb cunt like you who chooses to be stupid when speaking of me. I hope you get warts on your asshole, from the next poor bastard who is drunk enough to fuck you.

Count Jerkula said...

I appreciate your efforts, Char, but Duumski is as incapable of introspection as she is of rational thought.

becca said...

I find this site much easier to get on. The old one would take so long just to appear. I have no problem with this version.

Count Jerkula said...

The long history is of you attacking me and me not running and hiding, like the many female posters before me did. You stepped to me, you dumb fuck. After initial contact, I put my boot firmly in that sloppy ass of yours and you couldn't handle it.

The worst thing was that instead of attacking my words, you attacked me. Instead of engaging in a heated debate, you took the base tact of hurling names and insults. I know it is because you are slow witted, and have a better chance of getting pregnant by your dolphin vibe than being victorious in an argument, but that is no reason for me to have to sit back and take it.

You should really stick to Farmville and leave social interaction to people who understand it.

C said...

Oh "enty"... (yes, amateur, I used a lower case "e"). Amanda Bynes makes more sense than this shit show you call a re-vamp. It sucks ass and so do you. : )

Derito Harvey said...

u confuse enty wit derek he let u suk any of hiz holz lololol

D said...

Real Enty used to text me. :/ What happened??

webdesigner said...

This site is fine and loads like a champ, on desktop and mobile. I wouldn't use gray and orange together for aesthetic and accessibility purposes, but it's built on WordPress, which powers nearly a quarter of the world's websites. People just don't like change.

fuck off said...

go smell your armpit bitch!

pauleddie said...

This can't be Jennifer Lopez or Spears. Neither of them, on record or live, have ever had a voice that one would describe as "good" Their weak vocals are obvious on their recordings, even with studio trickery. This is someone who is thought of as a very good singer who broke out between 1999 and 2001, roughly. Why would you PAY someone to sound like Jennifer Lopez?

Me said...

I feel so torn I enjoy both enty and the crazy characters on Cdan. But it took me 8 mns to scroll to comment section. Something is truly a missed, using Iphone 5 and it will take another 8 mns to find section for next article.

Has anyone else noticed most articles this week have fewer than 20 comments. Huge drop-off considering previous layout.

Good luck on fixing site.

Count Jerkula said...

@Curious: You should be so lucky as to get date raped. No one would waste a roofie on you.

PrincessTurkeyEar said...


Count Jerkula said...

Sure. I only ever started posting on this site to troll rubes. If all the people I chit chat with are moving on, I will follow them to chit chat, but I will still come here for the rubes, like yer dumb ass.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you Becks.

RowdyRodimus said...

Becks, I hope my inane comments and stories have brought you a smile or two over the years. But yeah, like the real commentators, I too have left this eyesore for a more appealing overall design.

And people, with the way "Enty" has fudged the facts on the MV Blind it could be anyone. I really think this was an aborted Fan Fiction "he" wrote that made most Harry Potter/Gilmore Girls Slash Fic look like Shakespeare, in other words, it's all bullshit he trots out when "he" needs hits.

By the way, Enty. Using the paps photos in your random photos everyday without paying them for it is stealing, you do realize they own the pics that you post and make money off of by promoting your stealing.

Derito Harvey said...

fewr comens bc seven stealen da blins 4 hur own site. enty say mobull site will b glory us by Twosday tank u 4 ur ? me.

Lola said...

So. Same ole, same ole, huh?

I question the accuracy of "sweet"....

Kimba said...

Your anniversary surprise sucked. Bomb of a makeover. Tacky and wastes time - you know the story. January, February, May and July were troll-fests. July was the worst, lost some favourites.
Anyway, ciao - my lurking is ovs. Keep your paid trolls and ads. I'll take me elsewhere.
See yous later ; )

Mooshki said...

Count, we don't inhabit the same reality, so there's no point in my trying to have a rational argument with you. I do think it's funny that you're always proclaiming how much smarter you are than me. Insecurity much?

"that is no reason for me to have to sit back and take it."

But I should have sat back and taken your disgusting misogyny? Okay, then.

If you've gotten the best of me, explain why I ignore you most of the time now but every time I post you hop all up in my ass?

I know deep down you desperately want my love and attention, but you really should find someone else to crush on.

barbon said...

I agree this format sucks. Impossible to tell what I read and didn't read. So much crap on here it's near impossible to navigate. So, now I read the relevant posts reposted on AGC Main Page which are the same posts in the old format.

Mooshki said...

p.s. The Farmville comment is interesting - you're so obsessed with me that you've friended me on facebook under a different name? Stalker much?

Dreck Harvey said...

Goodbye clique-y bitches! Goodbye Borg Queen! Good luck with your Anarchy project! You assholes won't be missed, nor the ass-kissing assimilated commenters!

RowdyRodimus said...

@Count, do I have to give you that whole lecture about getting into arguments with people with an extra chromosome again? I mean, it's bad enough they were given the right to vote then promptly put Obama in office and being able to eat ice cream without a helmet. We don't need them crying and running to their hug boxes and bringing in Chris-Chan to defend their honor in hopes of getting whatever they have in their pants.

I'm sorry for that remark. Christian Weston Chandler would NEVER be so stupid to engage in defending people that seem to think this is a good redesign. The new layout makes a Sonichu Comic look like it was an art jam with Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, John Romita, John Byrne and Jim Sterenko whereas this site now looks like a page Rob Liefeld thought was too bad to send in for X-Force.

a said...

Olivia Newton-John

Gold Peak said...

If the companion site wasn't doing anything wrong, why would they be hastily taking it down?

Curious said...


Poopyface said...

Funny that people claim to be happy the clique is gone because they finally feel FREE FREED to post yet aside from this article there are very little comments on most of the blinds,etc.

And why? Because faux Enty mentioned the companion site. Why, I find it ironic that that brought the most comments you have had since the relaunch. Wow. Everyone think about that one for a while.

Canadianmiss said...

Ugh. I tried to post about my disappointment about lack of popcorn for this post, and the webpage broke.
Also. Count, is your avi suppose to look like what I think it looks like?

GiGi said...

It's not Mary J. Saw her perform at a corporate event (literally 15 feet from the stage) in 2005? and was definitely a live performance. Her voice was fine. If I am wrong, whoever pulled that off is a wizard. And my opinion on the new site, meh, but getting used to it.

Suzanne said...

I don't know the back story of this site and haven't interacted with the commenters. I just started reading within the last 6 months, after finding out about it from Beth Fan. (That is another blog.) I really enjoyed the crazy information never found in the tabloid mags. Don't really care for the photos or the information about "real housewives" or other reality type D-list celebs.

This updated site is unusable and looks like a high school student put it together. You can't read an entire blind item without clicking because each one has a gigantic "pulling back the curtain" icon. Why can't you make that icon smaller so that the entire text can fit? Why do I have to look at TWENTY advertisements each time (on browsers without ad block)? The advertisements occupy most of the page and obviously have higher priority than any of the gossip information. You'd think that these things would be easy to fine tune for any professional website designer. It does not take WEEKS.

The gossip items are not only available on 1 other site. They're recycled at plenty of other sites, so why threaten to sue instead of getting back readers by fixing the problem here? The longer it goes on, and the more threats and insults are made, the more readers will drop off.

headrot said...

just popped on to say that i COMPLETELY support ANYONE who is ripping enty off. where can i find the rip off sites? i'd rather patronize that than this garbage peice of shit for a website. seriously, i cant even browse this thing on my phone, and it wrecks my computer too.

fuck you for doing this enty. you always demonstrated you were the worst, morally and ethically, but now you proved you dont even give a fuck about your website or the community.

go to hell. i hope you die poor and miserable like you were born.

Rozina said...

@Suzanne, a brilliant and unbiased take on CDaN currently with sound recommendations the owners would be smart to read, digest, and act on - smart being key here, because it's looking like the powers that be aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, unfortunately.

Rozina said...

@Gold Peak, they're not hastily taking it down. It was only intended to be temporary while Enty fixed this one, but Enty's threats have communicated he fully intends to remain obtuse on the matter, obviously pissing EVERYONE off, so the temp site is being abandoned in favor of launching a permanent new one.

Ay said...

Um, enty how come the comments on old blinds haven't appeared yet? You said you went through this whole change over knowing the old comments would be preserved. Haven't seen them yet....

Anarchy is coming said...

CDaN Companion was meant as a band-aid in hopes that Enty would open its eyes and realize it's mistakes - a completely different and BETTER and USER FRIENDLY site will be going live in its place Monday

Todd said...

This site is strictly a business venture for those in charge. They do not care about what you want. It's all about the ad revenue or it wouldn't exist. Hello.

Danton said...

EEK! An Internet Tough Guy!

Danton said...

I for one don't think this is the only place on the internet you obsessively post on. I never thought you had a life. Now you've confirmed it.

Nik said...

@SevenofOuttie, they'll have a long way to go to catch up to the ad fest that CDaN has become. The only thing comparable in terms of the aggressive, excessive ads you see here are the sleaziest porn sites. Regardless of which side of the format change argument you fall on, this site is in an ad abomination, in a class by itself.

N_N said...

ROFL!!! Your resources are better used suing the Venezuelan teenager who sold you on this site re-design.

Couldn't have said it better myself. No self-respecting web developer would EVER choose this design, thinking it's better.

I personally don't care about the colors, my issue is that I cannot scroll on my mobile devices (TOO MANY ADS!!! and ad block doesn't seem to fix the issue), not to mention the horrible display of chronological order. There isn't any!!

Trying to remember what was read, what wasn't....I can't imagine trying to get through this mess during Reveal Day. On the old site, I could tell what was already read and what wasn't (as I check in several times throughout reveal day) but now I don't know how I'll get through it.

I understand wanting a new design and wanting the ad revenue (it's easy money) but not at the expense of long time readers. I just want to be able to check the site on my mobile w/o clicking on gazillion ads and still not getting to the blind item.

Coming from someone who has designed websites since 1999 (yes....way back then)....a website, first and foremost, should USER-FRIENDLY. Trust me, I learned by experience, if it's not user-friendly, the users will leave and go to another site. Simple as that. I understand wanting to make money (google ads, etc), but this design is really geared toward trying to trick people into accidentally clicking on ads (so they can get those clicked-on-ad checks) and really not much else. Therefore, it's premise seems very shady and untrustworthy.

Also, the easiest way for someone to get malware is by ads since it's an open-source for the's called "drive-by-malware" and it could be a huge detriment to the users. Hence, the reason, I probably won't be reading this site any more and will wait for, etc to post the blind items from cdan.

Reading blind items is fun, but not worth it to get malware and have my life turned upside down.

I'm all for redesigning a site, but as I said above, it truly should be user-friendly and not malware-friendly.

Count Jerkula said...

Yes, CanadianMiss, it is. It is a chocolate anus from The refused to tell me if the model was male or female, so I never ordered any. They also sell Sterling Silver, Bronze and Crystal anuses.

Count Jerkula said...

There is nothing misogynistic about my posts. Just because I hate you does not mean I hate all women.

Quite telling that you didn't deny personally attacking me first. You bit off more than you could chew.

Count Jerkula said...

Because you hate me and Fugazi Enty likes me.

Count Jerkula said...

Paying my way out of debt doesn't allow for much of a life, that is correct, but next year I will be 40, and 100% debt free. No house, car, credit card or personal debt.

Count Jerkula said...

I do this for fun Rowdy. I call this my Spinning Idiot Troll, where I know the adversary is too stupid to accept rational thought/reality, so I just keep em going as long as I can.

Count Jerkula said...

As much as I would love to run a paranoia troll on you and tell you I'm on your FB friends list, I am not. You would be surprised and scared of the shit people email me.

Count Jerkula said...

Moo isn't even tough on the internet.

Count Jerkula said...

How dare you question my accuracy! You are one of the sweetest women I've met here. We both know the passion used in arguing with each other is derived from sexual tension. I know it will never be, but if that tension ever had a chance to be released, it would be as hot as two suns colliding. From the "superstar" comment to yelling at me to take out the trash, you have always been feisty, fun and sweet.

Flat out, sight unseen for either of you, I would clothes pin my nose and go through that Mooshki dunce to get to you. My biggest CDAN regret is that I'll probably never see a picture of you.

Svlvie said...

I don't post often, but I'm always baffled by the nastiness towards other posters. Main reason I rarely post, I don't want to be attacked. What's this new site? These ads suck!! I keep getting a black box popping up that covers half the screen. Try to be nicer people, you're only on this earth for a short time.

Carol said...

AGC is saying that this is J-Lo/Benny Medina.

AJ said...

Very Interesting.

AJ said...

It took me 5 minutes to get this page to load again so I could post 3 words after reading thru all the comments. Than another 5 to make this comment. It really shouldn't take that long to load and make comments.
Also there doesn't seem to be an email notification on responses to the post anymore which is annoying.

Eros said...

I agree. If you really hate the new format that bad then don't come back. It's really that simple. The constant complaining is getting annoying. I'm actually liking the new format for one reason alone -- because all the annoying fuckers are gone. If that's what it takes, I'm all for it. I think cdan needs new life, new blood anyways.

Eitan said...

Sia and Britney. Everybody knows that in the business. Seriously.

Eros said...

Also... I have to say this-- whoever created that cdan companion site has to be the dumbest bunny on the planet. That's a clear violation of intellectual property laws. You are a criminal in other words. Lmao..the decimated iq levels of some cdaners never fails to amaze me. I just don't understand how anyone thought creating a companion site without the without the legal, documented consent of cdan's creator was thought to be a good idea, given the obvious legal ramifications of pursuing such an endeavor. Very dumb lol

Whoever you are, you will be very lucky if the only action Enty takes is serving you a cease and desist letter.

The 10th Doctor said...

^5 Eros!

reuben said...

Could not agree more!!! Have also been a reader since day 1 of this site. This last bunch of self-entitled commenters nearly ruined this site for me. Wouldn't surprise me if this radical change was done on purpose to get rid of them. I have no problems with this new site at all. Don't know why anyone is seeing any ads at all...must be complete tech noobs.

Boycotting Citgo said...

Nice publicity stunt Enty. It worked because all the lying theiving ghost burrito whores are at and soon to be moving to your newer site at

Wow.... said...

Holy Sh*T, you people are just plain MEAN, from one set of bullies to another. YOU ALL SUCK! Enty-haters and the new improved Enty-lovers. You are all cruel mean people (Mostly the newly posting enty-lovers tho) You guys are a whole new level of internet bullying. I mean WOW, just......Wow

Jean said...

It's not Jennifer Lopez, it's Britney bitch. The evidence is here:

item says "MV" recorded an album, then toured, then did another album. JLo only toured after releasing two albums. Bertney did an album, toured, then did a second album.

Plus, JLo was never a big enough pop star for such a scandal to "shake the music world to its core". Bertney however, she used to be.

Nic said...

I think this is Shania Twain. I know her name is not 13 letters, and I know she is Canadian born. Enty said a couple of facts about the singer were changed, so I am willing to consider her for the following reasons.

Husband is known by nickname (Mutt) Lange. Lange is very good at what he does (produced AC/DC, Def Leppard, The Cars, Foreigner, to name but a few.)
Shania Twain and Lange are divorced
Twain and Lange have one child
Twain is remarried
After breaking up with Lange, she announced she "couldn't sing anymore" and had a nervous breakdown.
She wrote a book about "losing her voice" and promoted it on Oprah.
She is presently making her come back in LasVegas, her now husband is her manager and only her sister sings back-up. They are very tight, nobody else is "in".
She has released 5 albums, the first one is self-titled and was released 1993-94. Enter Mutt Lange and her break-out album, followed by the 97-2001 cross-over international break-through album. 2002 she released Up! and lastly she released released a Greatest Hits album. There was talk of a subsequent album, but it never materialized and anything that was between Lange and Twain (personal and professional) ceased to exist... with the loss of her "voice" coinciding with their break-up.
She has been on SNL at least once.

Nic said...

Just a comment about the turn of events. I liken Enty's comments above re shadow site as a 'shot across the bow'. What follows is up to [you]. Yes, most of the gossip sites borrow from one another. Or simply someone is tipping many at the same time and they write about [it]. Or if it is an "exclusive" the author of said 'exclusive' requests that credit be given to them, hence cross-referencing. My point being, from time to time, [they] commingle. However, there is a difference between commingling and lifting an entire site and posting it some place else, broadcasting the 'theft' and having the audacity to invite readers from said crime site to go [there]. Just saying.

I've been reading for about a year and rarely post for the mere fact I don't usually know the answer. Seeing as how I posted re MV I would like to take the opportunity to address the stuff that has bothered me!

Y'all b!tch for the sake of b!tching. I have never come across more commentary that views the raison d'etre of a site (BI posts) as an excuse to just plain b!tch.

Reference the disgruntled grammar police commentary: This is not a valuable historical document. It's entertainment.

To the disgruntled shadow site creator/s: Free means be thankful and gracious. What you're doing is stealing, repackaging and justifying your actions as "legit". It isn't.

Reference the new design: There is an old saying, "It may not be home sweet home. Adjust."

Sapphire said...

It's Paula Abdul.

I remember this from a while ago. She's a choreographer, not a singer. I also remember my jaw hitting the FLOOR! :D

Nic said...

Further to my Shania Twain guess, the song "Man I feel like a woman" was everywhere. From sitcoms, to perfume (commercials), radio, award shows (remember the CMAs when she sang that song?). Her image was everywhere and if it was her face, it was her song. I don't think the "rocking the music industry if anyone found out"comment was in reference to Shania Twain as much as it would be more so in reference to who produced her...

MV being on her own for future recordings and tours. Part of Shania Twain's comeback was voice lessons/coaching. Lots and lots of it. Like over a year? Maybe more. And as I noted above, only her sister sings back-up for her. Before LasVegas her sister never performed and Shania Twain is on record saying that her sister sounds exactly like her.

I know the break-up with significant other this year doesn't fit. But it doesn't say "her", as in husband/boyfriend. It says "a". So it could just be another business arrangement gone bust. In other words, a red herring.


Nic said...

Oh yeah, Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. 10+3=13

Boycott Citgo said...

Thanks Enty, this publicity stunt was real fun! See you at cdancompanion!

Simon said...

These comments are out of hand. It's total anarchy! I'm outtie!

AJ said...

I find the Shania Twain guess very intriguing despite her name not being 13 letters.

LaiLee said...

I don't visit often but I must weigh in the new site design isn't that good the ads great revenue generator, color horrible, layout is amateurish...try elance they have people who do great redesign. I will remain a lurker...can't commit.

Shell Shocked said...

Maybe the people that are happy the morons are "gone" are still wary of commenting because shitheads like the Count are never really gone. They ruined the site when they showed up and until they are really gone no sane people will feel comfortable posting here like they used to.

Nic said...


"CLUE #2- MV broke up with a significant other this year."

"a" not "her" (as in her husband)....and I acknowledge verb tense is past not future. Still...

After two years, Shania Twain will finally bid farewell to Sin City. The singer’s residency in Last Vegas will draw to a close on Dec. 13, 2014.

Nita_No am not a Bot said...

Hi Crila,
Long time lurker & now will be posting more often with the new website. Sucks for readers who don't know how to use those tabs at the very top of the page LOL!
Crila, I love that you've been following all the clues on MV and I very much believe that it's JLo. With her nasal voice, I doubt her singing voice is salable. Even the auto tune gives up!! LOL
My next question is why does Enty want to drag this BLIND for so many years?!? Both singers you mentioned won't fade into obscurity because the public interest in them will sustain their fame. Between the both of them, Britney is the more harmless & public can sympathize with her..Now, to me, JLo is too fishy..Her rise to fame from Flying Colors may seem legit..Her choice of men in her life is quite shady to say the least. It's as if she can't stand to be alone...without a man in her life!! She can afford the best protection program around and is always surrounded by her burly bodyguards..My question is why can't she be a single mom who's clearly enjoying her single life?? If Taylor Swift (Swifties, please don't attack me!!) can go dateless for a year or so, why can't JLo?? After Casper Smart was dunzo, JLo took to talking about Ben Affleck..Like how he really broke her heart yadayadayada...That was like EONS ago, okay?! Why bring it up NOW??
Still, my issue with JLo is she doesn't fit the image of a powerful rich single Latina woman. It's as if she's too clingy to her men. It's something like Stockholm Syndrome but not to imply that she had been abused. An event that she was a witness of that has left her distressful perhaps?? P Diddy and guns fired during a party and I only remember her revealing green dress to the Grammy LOL!!
To Enty, keep up the good work :D

Daria Morgendorffer said...

Can't stand the audio plays. Get rid of them. Do you have any idea what it's like to open several blind items in separate tabs just to have to listen to the same damn sound X 10, in the round? I don't mind the new layout, etc, but c'mon, let's not try to infect everybody with a virus, shall we?

Crila said...

There IS another thing that wasn't mentioned in this version of the Blind Item, that was mentioned in previous Blind Items.

MV apparently has only put out 5 albums, if I'm recalling correctly...with the 2nd album being the biggest out of all the albums released. She has international acclaim. MV is supposed to never be able to put out another album again or any new music again, because S passed away (MV also visited her in the hospital before she passed), so MV has no new material. This is why I have always suspected it to be Shania Twain. Only problem is...Shania doesn't fully fit, and have a nickname or doesn't have a 13 letter name. She has only put out 5 albums (I believe), but is a Canadian citizen, not an American citizen.

Anyway...JLo and Brit fit the best, but yet they've both put out new albums since S passed years back.

I find it strange that no one is able to fully nail it down, since so many people on this site are able to figure out most of the blinds.

discoflux said...

Name said...

I am really sure this is Kelis. If this came out it would rock the music world to its core not because of her, but because of Pharrell (Neptunes) who was her first producer at the very start of both of their careers.

I remember enty saying that the first album (released in 2000) was much more popular in europe than the US, and Kelis was MEGA in europe when the first album broke. Later, She made a really public split with the Neptunes even going as far to say: "I felt like I had a lot to prove with this album. People had started messing with me along the lines of 'Is she REALLY any good without The Neptunes?' Who says that – unless these people has heard her real voice...

She has had (prior to just recently) 5 albums, and an ex-hubby with a nickname, Nas, and a kid. She sings all the time in Vegas. Milkshake was everywhere.

Shes an ok singer, but her voice is really different from and not nearly as strong as her work with the Neptunes , compare i hate you so much right now which has a really strong vocal to milkshake or bossy, which are not so demanding vocally, the voices are totally different – her later voice is much deeper/lower and raspier.

Name said...

Exhibit A:

This is real live with what sounds like her real voice that is on later albums, deep and raspy, she is really singing here:

This is the same song / same period "live" (fake) performance, much greater range, and higher notes:

Mackdiva247 said...

I think MV is singer BillyLawerence and JLO is the singer.

I am transfering old cds to ITunes and watching AI

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