Saturday, November 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 9, 2015

It was supposed to be a chance for her to get her life together, but this Teen Mom is lying about what she did for a month in her life.

Leah Messer


Derek Harvey said...

Nailed it

So, what- she DIDN'T GO TO REHAB???? WTF

Deryk said...

NAILED IT. BTW, who cares about the TeenMoms? They can drop into the void as far as everyone is concerned.

And-so-on.. said...

And it is written, probably with Ketchup drying on the family front door.. a child will be born named Honey Boo bob, she shall freak out the world dealing with her freaked out family and shall lead the Teen moms into that great void..


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