Saturday, June 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 31, 2016

The girlfriend of this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who was married to someone forever from a Hollywood family is really jealous. How jealous? She blocks and woman under the age of 40 from taking a photo with her boyfriend and attends every single meeting her boyfriend takes.

Antonio Banderas


sandybrook said...

She didnt look happy in the randoms the other day for sure.And she didnt look very attractive either.

Kno Won Uno said...

Out of the frying pan, Antonio? Oopsy

Tapioca said...

poor thing, if he wanna cheat on her, he will find a way.

Kno Won Uno said...

That's me - I just mistyped the email address

nancer said...

you know, if you have to watch a man that closely, he's not worth it. shit, all she has to do is look at his history---melanie had him under lock and key too. didn't change a thing.

Derek's Thong said...


America hates you said...

Die. Just die.

Malibuborebee said...

She can't watch him 24/7 and he'll never be faithful. Just ask Melanie or his first wife.

He won't put up with her helicoptering for long. He didn't get out of that marriage to have his girlfriend could act like his wife.

texasrose said...

Well she knows how he operates and also how she probably snagged him so probably right but ultimately will be unsuccessful in stopping him from cheating.

Aeol said...

About 10 years ago in my mid-20s, I was friendly with Huey Lewis. Women aged 30s-50s would go absolutely insane over him. Like, throwing panties on the street insane. And the looks they would give me, perhaps assuming I was his far-younger girlfriend, were aimed to kill. I seriously thought this one woman was going to spit on me when I came out of a stage door with him.

Penelope2 said...

You can't blame him. Groupies and skanks everywhere WOULD have a two minute against a tree quickie with him because of who he is. People are low class and cheap these days.

Studio54 said...

That's how Melanie acted with him too. Of course, she was the other woman in his first marriage, Melanie lost him despite her hyper vigilance, and now this woman is acting the same way....

OKay said...

Why can't we blame him? Why shouldn't we want to hope guys would have more discriminating dicks?

Hot Cola said...


back again said...

yeah,keep that up why don't's so attractive & appealing.

Whywhywhy??? said...

He's a short insecure man whose lost his looks and requires a jealous female to make him feel validated. He loves every minute of it and when she goes, he will hunt down a new one just like her.

Meg said...

She must've been the one who dressed him in that hippy horror show from yesterday. A surefire way to ensure no woman fucks your man. It all makes sense now.

Mrs.K said...

Why do women become like this when they are with him? His an average looking dude with a terrible accent.

Truther said...

You must never have dated someone worth millions of dollars before.


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