Saturday, May 27, 2017

Blind Item #1

Things aren't getting any better between this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor who is finally going to break away from his superhero franchise and his wife. That four or five months apart didn't help like they thought it would.


Don said...

Hugh Jackman

Sunspirit said...

Chris Hemsworth

Guesser said...

What was it supposed to help? If he is gay, why would separating help save the marriage? I think it's just to soften the announcement.Will he come out?

dianavonthirstybird said...

I think Hugh Jackman has signed on for life with his marriage. They have an understanding. Two great kids they adore. An upscale lifestyle. He isn't going to jeopardize all of this to 'come out.'

FairyDogMother said...

Agree with Guesser

mariaj said...

perhaps he is just tired to pretend to be in the marriage thing ( without necessarly wanting to come out ) took some time from his marriage to see if he still could do it, but in the end didn't help

must be very tring to pretend daily, i don't know how they ( people in the closet, with beard, wifes, etc ) manage

Andy said...

Hugh Jackman is GAY I believe a NY Times theatre critic outed him a few years ago. Jackman wife looks like his mother and they got two adopted kids. They clearly do NOT have sex with each other or maybe they did or do? But the wife accepts Jackman sexual attraction to other men. Jackman used to have some young hot male producer as his gay lover Joe Palmero.

dianavonthirstybird said...

They both play for the other team, Andy. It's common knowledge here in NYC as they live in Greenwich Village and are seen often with their kids. I still think they will weather any storms that come their way. He hasn't been well and needs the stability of family and friends.

mariaj said...

wishing him all the best

Snifter said...

Huh. Thought for sure this was the Cumberbatch blind-o-the-day. Haven't seen the Missus in forever.

Doh! said...

Strangely though, or maybe it really isn't all that strange, but I do believe Hugh and his wife truly do love each other. Regardless of the circumstances and the what ifs and oh you knows, they really do seem like a happy couple. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Wildguess said...

Andy, your naive perception of the attractiveness or non-attractiveness of Ms. Jackman has no bearing on the conversation, so please keep your misogyny to yourself.

Wildguess said...

Guesser, I don't know anything about the Jackmans, or if one or both are gay. But assuming for the moment that they are, and nevertheless decided to build a life together, there could come a time when they no longer want to be together. Just like any other relationship. It doesn't have to mean more than that. It doesn't have to involve coming out, etc.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

What? No. He's going to "finally going to break away from his superhero franchise"? He can't stop playing Thor. If they let him go, I might bitchslap someone.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Yeah, no. Enty said "finally going to break away from his superhero franchise", how do you "finally" do that when you've only just started.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

There's 666 on this blind's URL.

notbornyesterday said...

Um, because you 'finally' made the first step?

Wildguess said...

It's hard at times to make sense of Entyspeak, but the implication was the actor was finally leaving a franchise he'd been part of for awhile, and Cumberbatch has only filmed one Dr. Strange film. It was said this weekend by a source close to Cumberbatch that he had a shotgun wedding and they're still trying to make it work. It's true that the wife hasn't appeared in the public eye for many months, though.

Fluff said...

She just had a baby, so it makes sense she's not doing red carpets (and she's never done many). Ben just announced they're producing a movie together to evidently not planning on splitting anytime soon.

Fluff said...

Sure, Jan.

Totally believable that someone close to an A-list movie star would be spilling secrets about his romantic life, but only to obsessed fans. Not to, say, tabloids where they could make $$. Nope straight to Tumblr!

Ben and his wife have been seen together a bunch of times, just not on red carpets because she just had a baby and he's been filming. Ben's only been seen solo a couple of times (not counting the set pics the haters tried to pass off as off duty pap pics).

Fluff said...

They live on different floors of their townhouse, but seems to work for them.

Barbara ackerman said...

Jamie dornan and his wife

Wildguess said...

Jan? Since you're so skeptical of what I said, I'll say that the comments about the marriage were made in public at the Sherlock convention this week, heard by many, and reported online by fans. No secret. The actor works but not 24/7 and is seen out and about. The wife has not been reported on or photographed in public for about 6 months. Nothing I've said is untrue, and nothing I've said is negative. Feel free to bark up another tree.

Sarah said...

The way this blind is worded scream Hugh.

notabitch said...

I agree that the actors mother is a close source.


[…] May 27, 2017 […]


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