Friday, January 05, 2024

Four For Friday - Boy Band Scandals

#1 - This "OG" boy band had a pair of twin sixteen year old girls they kept on an entire tour as sex toys. The crazy thing is, their parents never wanted them to come home. 

#2 - This dead permanent A list singer was on a personal email list of this boy band maker. The emails would invariably be random music news along with a code that changed each week and unlocked a website and the bedroom pictures the band maker took of his recent conquests.

#3 - This foreign boy band that never really took off in the US but was A+ list in their own country would have contests to see who could drink the most before a show and still be able to go on. There were several times where going on meant being late and spending time puking everything up.

#4 - This boy band that arguably has the most success with its members moving on to other things did a cruise ship thing and left two groupies from the cruise passed out on shore as the ship sailed away.

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