Monday, January 23, 2012

Tracy Morgan Falls Down Unconscious At Sundance- Blames Altitude

Shortly after giving a speech at an awards ceremony at Sundance, Tracy Morgan was outside and collapsed and was unconscious. An ambulance was called and for the next few hours everyone said it was because Tracy was wasted. Turns out that at least according to what the doctors said, which may or may not be true, that Tracy had no drugs or alcohol in his system. His spokesperson said Tracy collapsed because of exhaustion and the altitude. I am glad he is ok. It is not like the doctors have an obligation to tell the world if someone was knocked up full of meds or booze. Unless someone dies from it, then you are probably never going to know the answer.


FrenchGirl said...

is he not diabetic?
because i was in holidays in the alpes(french mountains)this year and my boyfriend felt faint and the first stuff that the doctor asked him if he was diabetic and if he was drunk or drugged ( in fact,there was a trouble of meds)

EmEyeKay said...

Was wondering the same as you, Enty - doctors don't have to say anything about it, why would they?

@pomme, I thought he was diabetic, too.

Hope he's okay. Been watching him since SNL (That bird's a LIAR!) and I still love 30 Rock.

Beth said...

He definitely has diabetes.

I was under the impression that he was actually getting an award. Did they actually make "Hard to Watch"? Will the real Tracy EGOT?

Princess said...

He had a kidney transplant last year. Hope he is ok.

MISCH said...

Could be....he needs to be more careful.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

He IS diabetic. And a high altitude is no joke. Every time I visit my relatives in CO, I feel a little faint and lightheaded the second I step off the plane.

CaliGirlinVA said...

This is absolutely a plausible explanation for his behavior. In addition to diabetes, which if uncontrolled may appear if someone is drunk, he is also a transplant patient on some heavy duty anti-rejection drugs. Severe altitude sickness can put fluid on your lungs and even kill you.

FrenchGirl said...

@CaliGirlinVA: thank you for the informations

Tempestuous Grape said...

Poor Brian Fellows :(

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Yeah, I'm going to cut him a little bit of a break because of all his known health issues.

Robert said...

@EmEyeKay: Hopefully, we will fix this in editing!

weezy said...

Aside from diabetes (which he's been careless about managing, at least i the past), he's had a kidney transplant -- he may also have high blood pressure.

Linnea said...

I went to CO for Thanksgiving, and I had no idea about the altitude (geography was never my strong suit) and I couldnt understand why I was feeling so horrible - like I was jet lagged after changing a bunch of time zones. It took me a couple of days to figure it out! :P

__-__=__ said...

Could be legit. I've been there. Folks told me to take antihistamines to help with the altitude. It's up there, without a doubt.

Lori said...

i dont have all of his health problems, and I have fainted from altitude. My dad has diabetes, and he recently had one of those episodes (diabetic shock) when he appearred to be drunk and was all woozy...very scary stuff.

Seattle_Strips said...

Wow, you guys are really educating me :) I went to Sedona over xmas with the ex (don't ask, lol) and he was seriously huffing and puffing on the hikes, while I felt great, honestly. He chalked it up to the altitude, but I was wondering if he's just letting himself go. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt :)

feraltart said...

One of my co-workers is diabetic and he was telling us he passed out on a plane and wet himself one time. One of my close friends is also diabetic and had a hypoglycaemic incident where she appeared drunk and the manager in a bar wouldn't let us lay her on the floor. We had to call an ambulance and they gave her the liquid glucose to rouse her. It was very close to her having to be hospitalised. They are both insulin dependent diabetics.

SkittleKitty said...

I'm inclined to give Tracy the benefit of the doubt here.
Yep, I've fainted (when I was young) from altitude. I always take it easy the first 24-36 hours when I go to Colorado for a break. Have to drink LOTS of water to avoid a headache and dehydration.

nolachickee said...

I was in CO for a training class. We're below sea level here in NOLA, so I got light headed as soon as I arrived. I had to do little presentations during the class. Every time I got up and started speaking, I almost passed out. The instructor said just present from the chair. Speaking and sitting even winded me. I can't imagine giving a whole speech. And I don't have the health issues that Tracy has.

ForSure said...

When I heard this over the weekend my spontaneous thought was 'uh oh, he had a kidney transplant and he has all kinds of health issues. hope they figure it out' Not everyone in H'wood is strung out or drunk.

Not A Ninny said...

Y'know, Enty, if you're going to censor comments at least give a reason. What's so awful about saying that drinking was still the most likely reason for this collapse? The guy's had like a million DUI's.

mooshki said...

B.Profane, Enty almost never censors comments unless they're extremely obscene. I'm sure this was another Blogger problem. Comments get lost or duplicated all the time.


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