Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I know I am thinking about everyone on the east coast. I have been in touch with some friends in the Outer Banks in North Carolina and they say Sandy is pretty miserable. For all of you in the path of this storm, I hope that you all keep your power and that you are hunkered down with everything you need and that everything blows right by with no damage and that the rest of us are thinking about all of you.


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miznilknarf said...

Hunkered down in Va Beach, va

miznilknarf said...

Hunkered down in Va Beach, va

Nancy said...

Thank you! I am in Philly and watching the news, there are already accidents on the major road ways. Please, everyone, stay safe.

Susan said...

The storm hasn't even made landfall yet here and I was up ALL NIGHT from the racket. Still hoping it won't be as bad as they say, but according to the reports, Jersey is screwed.

Stay safe everyone!!!

dia papaya said...

Praying for all of the CDaN family on the East Coast. I am originally from DC, with most of my family still there. I want everyone to stay safe and know that we are praying for you!!!

Big Hugs! Stay strong! We will try to help you laugh your way through this storm!

a non a miss said...

I live by 3 major rivers- fully expecting my town to be flooded by tomorrow and I'm hours from the coast.

Stay safe everyone! I bought dog food and water so I'm good to go! Hopefully hoarding candles will finally pay off.

Susan said...

And mad props to all of you who have to go to work during the storm: As a retired newspaper editor, I always think about the newsies, the po po and emergency personel who have to get to work come hell or high water (no pun intended.)

a non a miss said...

Oh my favorite bad pun name for the storm: WhirlWolf

goheels83 said...

Stay safe, CDaNers! Keep up updated if you are able.

SusanB said...

Best wishes to all you northerners!

@Susan - don't forget health care workers in hospitals & nursing homes. I know some who have worked 48 hours straight (with some cat naps of course) in major snowstorms. Also heard a lot of horror stories about health care workers in hospitals during Katrina.

And @Robin the Mad Photographer - I just caught up on yesterday's thread - any chance of sharing that ragout recipe from the Titanic? (assuming you can get on line)

Good luck to everyone!

dia papaya said...

Carebear I love it WhirlWolf! Are you near Philly? I can't remember.

Susan said...

SusanB - Of course!!! Thank you for pointing out the healthcare workers. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, too. Sorry!

a non a miss said...

Dia- I live in Pittsburgh, home of the 3 rivers! We flood anytime there is a major storm but this one looks pretty freaking intense. I'm mostly worried about the wind and the chance of snow!

libby said...

Everybody stay safe! That storm is HUGE!

This is part of the warning to NJ residents, for anyone who hasn't seen it:




Damn, huh? They're not playing.

Mindreader said...

Hunkered down here in south Jersey. Wind is starting to pick up a little...but it's not too bad...of course, people are still on the streets too.

katsm0711 said...

People in Connecticut already lost power and it isn't making landfall for 3 hours. About 500 in a town with 1 town inbetween us lost it last night!
Last night I dreamt I told Miley Cyrus she is annoying. I think she represented Sandy to me.

Amber said...

Ugh. PLEASE be smart and be careful everyone. STAY HOME and snuggle up!! Thinking of you. Keep us posted to let us know you're okay. Xo

Roman Holiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Be careful everybody. Thinking of all of you during this time, and hoping I don't lose power.

Karen said...

I'm at work, but I'm about to drive the 20 miles home (I live a few miles outside of DC) to get hunkered down. After a trip to the grocery store. Can you tell that I didn't watch the news/weather at all last week?

StewMcG said...

As I said to my husband last night, whoever thought that we'd be getting hurricane warnings all the way out in Northeast Ohio?!? We're right on Lake Erie and the rain & wind is already starting.

Granted, we're used to Nor'easters and hurricanes (we're originally from Greenwich, CT) but this is crazy.

Hope everyone back east stays safe and for FSM's sake, if you're told to evacuate, DO IT!

dia papaya said...

CB: you stay safe with those crazy rivers. I akways forget about PBurgh bc most of my peeps are in eastern PA. Thunder Snow!!!! I didn't even think about blizzard potential. I hope this storm will bring out the best in everyone and we'll have some good old fashioned community spirit of togetherness. I think that's the only way to get through tough times like these!

My best GF in NOLA says the noise from the wind is the worst part. It's so loud!!! She could handle everything else but the noise is what got to her in the end.

And to all of you who so thoughtfully mentioned - a BIG shout out to the emergency crew that have to work (police, hospital, fire, all "essential" personnel). You are the everyday heroes!!!

FSP said...

Hope all stay safe. Storms like these are no joke.

AndroidCookie said...

Stay safe everyone! As a person who is terrified of storms, I'll be thinking of you guys.

Cat said...

Good luck to everyone battening down th' hatches on th' East Coast! Here in Vermont, we're still dazed by what happened with Irene LAST year, and having a hurricane come through again...?! Sheesh.
Fill your bathtubs and start making those PB&J sandwiches by candlelight, 'cos we're in for some Storm Parties!

roseformyrose said...

Stay safe all you CDaNers.

Sending lots of love across the Atlantic from London (that was nice and alliterative) and hoping that it isn't going to be as bad as feared.

Unknown said...

sending safe vibes to all the east coasters and any CDaNer in the path of the storm.

TV Junkie said...

We're far enough away that we're just getting lots of rain & power outages, but I can't even imagine how awful it must be farther east. My only worry is that my brother is in the hospital after a terrible motorcycle accident, and I'm afraid of how long the hospital's backup power will last!

kathy said...

I'm in a Jersey shore town. Still have power, but probably not for long. Will be taking a long nap this afternoon so I can stay awake and alert for the worst that's coming. Fingers crossed. Only worried that a neighbor's tree is going to come down on my kitchen....

M said...

@Mary I'm originally from the Erie area -- enjoy the snow you're about to get!

Silly Girl said...

Even out here in Detroit we're feeling this storm! Thoughts and prayers to our East Coast friends and family through all of this. I have one friend from Florida that no one has been able to reach. Hope nothing happened and she's just 'off line'. Sort of hard to do in the land of cell phones, so fingers crossed everything is OK.

Not A Ninny said...

With all due respect to your mortality, those of you in VA or NC should weigh the necessity of voting early or making it back to your polling stations in deciding whether to evacuate. This storm, bitch though it is, is just gonna break a lot of glass. The outcome of this election will determine the fate of the nation for decades to come.

artemis said...

Sending positive thoughts and energy to those in the affected areas!!!

TV Junkie said...

@M - I'm from Erie, too!!

Frufra said...

Stay safe, all, and TV, I'm sure they're got your brother covered - as many have already said, our first line folks like medical personnel and police and fire are THE BEST.

libby, I like that warning - it practically shouts "Hey Dumbass, Listen Up!" Having been through Hurricane Dolly a few years back, I think all warnings should be stern and shit. Mother Nature don't play.

StewMcG said...

Thanks, M. I'm dreading the thought of snow this early but I'd rather have what we're supposed to get (6" of rain, 70 MPH wind gusts, and possibly snow) than what my family & friends back in CT are getting.

Anonymous said...

@Silly Girl, thoughts and prayers with your FL friend.

a non a miss said...

TV Junkie- I went to college near Erie (edinboro!) And I hated the snow up there. I always said Erie was the bastard child of the Arctic and Alaska ;)

MISCH said...

In New York, so far just rain and wind in the city, there are some stores open mostly grocery and take out.
But there's not a battery to be had.
The biggest problem is the dogs....this is not going to be fun..

Ashlea said...

Me too Mind. We've got our generator all ready to go. Our power ALWAYS goes outduring storms.

TV Junkie said...

Rejectedcarebear, I drove from Erie to Edindoro for 12 years for work. The amount of snow we get it just ridiculous!

BlindItemMe said...

Thinking of all the cdaners and your loved ones on the easy coast! It's big news here in Australia and my thoughts and prayers are with you! Please stay safe!

Topper Madison said...

The good news is O'Toole's Pub in New Haven is going to open as usual at 11:00 a.m.! said...

Thanks so much for thinking of us! And THIS is why I love CDAN. Everyone please stay safe.

B said...

Philly burb here. Just a normal rainstorm for now. Later today or tomorrow I'm guessing we'll have to figure out how the Amish live.

Eeekalicious said...

Thank-you Enty from Central Ontario. Not much here so far...just rainy

dia papaya said...

Topper: that sounds like the best place to be. At the pub with good friends or by the fire with a flask of whiskey and furry dogs!

I'm just visualizing for later in the week. I want to see that everyone is OK and safe and wearing their "I survived Frankenstorm 2012" T-shirts!

NapAssasin said...

Good luck everyone. Be kind to each other & protect yourselves. We are thinking of you!

Unknown said...

Evacuated from our water-front house on the Jersey shore. Hoping when we go back in a day or two we still have a tiki-bar and the bay hasn't taken over.

hunter said...

Hey everyone, midtown Manhattan here - nothing yet, hope some bars are open later.

@rejectedcarebear - I really think you're better than that and deserve the luxury of buying people food too. :P

I'm going to be really pissed if it turns out I didn't prepare properly for this - I live in the middle of the city so I don't expect any problems with electrical or water but I could be REALLY naive about this one. Thoughts?

hunter said...

Oh & I have today (prob tomorrow) off, as well as most of my friends so that's cool - just hoping there is somewhere to celebrate!!

Topper Madison said...

Hunter. it's probably that you may lose electricity, so if there is a black- or brown-out, just stay inside. Unless you want to go looting, of course.

L'auteur said...

This is scary stuff. I hope and pray that everyone stays safe and soooo respect those who have to go out and do their jobs during disasters. Hang in there!!!

Gossiping Gertie said...

Hunkering down in Maine- though we usually get the tail end of these things! Stay safe CDANers!!

MISCH said...

New York downtown, stores that didn't open are all boarded up it's so bizarre looking.......very little stops New Yorkers hope we don't loose power...walking up 18 floors is not fun.

danatestingsite said...

Thanks, Enty.

I'm in Jersey, right outside of Philly, and it's rainy and windy now but nothing too scary. But all roads are closed to everyone but non-essential personnel. It should get pretty bad at about 2pm EST, I've heard.

I'm just hoping to get some good TV watching in before our power inevitably goes out.

hunter said...

Oh crap Misch, hope it doesn't come to that for you!

Thanks for the tip Topper, I didn't even think of that. LOOTING!!!

Crap, I live next to a bunch of bodegas and tiny restaurants. If I lived by Saks looting would totally be in the cards.

Colleen said...

Everyone stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Be well, everyone. I remember being without electricity four days after Hurricane Katrina, even though I wasn't in the direct line of the storm. It was miserable, August heat and no air conditioning, going to bed at 8 PM because I was tired of sitting by candlelight. Bad times.

Take care and stay safe.

selenakyle said...

I live in Nags Head, NC. We have had 48 hrs of rain, canal is coming up, sound is cresting bulkheads. Not NEARLY as bad as Irene was. Just a PITA!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Inner Banks here...first hurricane...well, there was the one in Florida when I was 3, but I don't remember that! Anyhoo, I'm just glad it's not worse than it is is. I'm freaking because my b/f's mother keeps freaking 20+ times in the last 24 hours!! She's been here all her life and she's freaking me out! lol
I'd like to thank *Agent* for her helpful hints. safe and be well. <3

@Barton...I voted last week!

Beca said...

I'm right outside of DC and we're safe and prepared with lots of clean water and canned goods. Stay safe and STAY HOME if you can!


discoflux said...

Coming from the Gulf Coast -



3. BATTERIES, BATTERIES, BATTERIES. Use candles as a last resort in order to reduce risk of accidental fires.



6. STAY INSIDE AND AWAY FROM URBAN SHOPPING AREAS FOR 24 HOURS AFTER THE STORM IF YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES. They will be ridiculously packed and this will keep you safe from looters, should the situation rise to that.

7. BEER - LOTS AND LOTS OF BEER. Hurricane Parties can be fun!

Thinking of you all. Please take care and be safe!

The Black Cat said...

Hunter, I for one always try to make lemondade when the lemons start pouring around me :)

The Real Dragon said...

NYC just strong wind

Agent**it said...

Do your laundry. All of it. Get rid of trash now. Charge your phones. Get cash. Looters will be shot on site per police reports. Waiting for word on National Guard orders re looters. Fill up your tubs with water. I am in SoFla and didn't sleep all night with worry for you folks. Robin in Boston my family is on the South Shore and if you need assistance and that area is safer (who knows) I can get you there .My people on the Jersey Shore are out. We flew them out Sat. Please pay attention. I am sending all my positive vibes and prayers to you.

M said...

@Erieites: Be safe. Stay away from the dock and Presque Isle. Hell, stay away from the Bayfront. And Walnut Creek.

(I live in NC now)

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

So far, so good here in scenic Somerville/metro Boston--a fair amount of wind, some rain, but nothing too horrible. They're shutting down the T (our local public transit system) at 2 PM, which I'm not convinced is necessary (how are those emergency personnel going to get from here to there, pray tell?), and which I don't recall them actually doing before, which is a bit scary. Overall, I'm not terribly worried; God willing, I won't have any flooding issues in my (basement) apartment since the rain should be spread out over some time. Our big concern right here is wind--there are lots of big trees in my neighborhood, and I won't be surprised if we lose power for a while. I'm going to be optimistic and think that, once the wind dies down, NSTAR will get us back up & running fairly soon, since we're in such a densely populated area, but I've got batteries, an oil lamp, etc. Here's hoping I have enough cat food, though; I thought I'd bought enough in cans, but for some reason Jezebel is being a total PIG lately, and keep waking me up in the middle of the night, over and over again, to be fed more, damn it. It's a good thing I love the furry little pain in the ass...

Just Browsing said...

@rejectedcarebear - I didn't realize you were in the Burgh! I spent 12 years in Pine Richland before moving here to State College in '05. I'm sure the point will be underwater soon - at least the Steelers got their game in yesterday (ridiculous uniforms notwithstanding). Schools are closed here and expecting super high winds by this afternoon. So far we're just soaked. Stay safe all!

Unknown said...

aw shit, I forgot about my good friend's waterfront home on Kelley's Island (Lake Erie).

She'll be crushed if anything happens to the house....

Stay safe people.

katsm0711 said...

@marystewart hey ex neighbor I'm in Fairfield ct!

katsm0711 said...

@topper are we neighbors?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

SusanB: The original recipe is in Last Dinner on the Titanic: Menus and Recipes from the Great Liner by Rich Archbold & Dana McCauley, but I've taken the liberty of tweaking it a bit. (Oh, dear, I just heard a siren go by...):

Olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, squished
2 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
3 medium potatoes
2 lbs. lean stewing beef
1 cup each beef stock & tomato juice (or more if you think you need it)
salt & pepper to taste
1 T. cider vinegar
1 - 1 1/2 cups frozen peas

Get out your big pot or Dutch Oven for this one! Cook onions, carrot, garlic, thyme, allspice & nutmeg in olive oil, stirring often to keep it from burning, until onions are translucent & soft. Cut up potatoes small and add to pot; cook those for a while. Rinse & pat dry beef cubes and add to pot, but don't really let it brown; then add broth/bouillon & juice, salt and pepper. Bring it to a boil, then turn down to a low simmer & cook for 1 1/2 hours or so, or until meat is tender enough for you and the stew is reasonably thick. Stir in vinegar & peas and cook for another 15 minutes or so; adjust seasonings to taste.

The original recipe calls for chopping up 2 strips of bacon, taking out the cooked bacon, and cooking everything else in the leftover bacon grease, but I didn't need a pound of bacon sitting around the house, lest I be tempted to cook & eat all of it myself. ;-) It also calls for 6 potatoes, but I realized I only had 3, and have decided not to make a run to Davis Sq. to see if I can get some more. I added at least 1 more cup of liquid than called for, which made things a bit soupier than perhaps they should have been, but I figured the meat ought to be covered while the pot simmers; I left the lid ajar to let off some of the steam later on, and it thickened up nicely after that. I also used beef bouillon mix for the broth, and a can of V8 for the tomato juice, since it was at hand. Since I don't have the extra taters, I may end up cooking some egg noodles and serving it on those; also, the original recipe suggests serving it w/pickled cabbage, which I don't like. I took it off the heat last night before the vinegar/peas stage & stashed it in the fridge, so I'll be finishing it up today and can tell you then how it worked out, but if the smell is anything to go by, it should be just fine. (I'm also making the currant buns from the same book, which I need to get out of the bread machine & shape to rise, but that's another recipe entirely.)

Bon appetit, and stay safe!

a non a miss said...

Just Browsing- seriously, what is up with those throw back uniforms! They look like imprisoned bumble bees in those! Its been raining here since saturday, the point will be totally flooded by tomorrow am.

katsm0711 said...

If u have an iphone put te brightness down low so the battery will last longer. Even if u can charge it in your car you probably won't want to go outside in pitch black winds to get to it. I'm in Connecticut on a costal town but inland enough so I won't get the ocean surge. I'm sp worried about new Jersey I hope everyone is ok. And PLEASE I know everyone jokes about drinking and having a hurricane party but was it Galveston island during Katrina or Irene? I can't remember. The bars held parties on the docks, everyone was drunk and then the storm swept them all out to sea. If you're having a party now and all of a sudden a tree crashes on the building or you MUST evacuate, you don't want to be the drunken jerk that the smart people have to take care of. You need to be alert so you can help. Have the beer after you survive as a celebration!

LA Mac said...

East coast of Canada here, by the time it gets here, it will just be a bit of wind and rain, usually not too bad. Thinking of all of you in the brunt of it! It is still sunshiny here, and a little windy, but it is windy about 95% of the time anyway

kathy said...

Here at the Jersey shore one cop tells people to leave, then another comes by and says not to leave. Sheesh. At this point leaving shouldn't even be on the table since many of the roads are already flooded.

SusanB said...

@Robin - thanks for the recipe! The seasonings look really interesting - I'm going to try it this weekend.

@ Rejectedcarebear, Just Browsing, et al - I'm originally from Pittsburgh (the Pirates broke my heart this year) - seriously - those uniforms looked like prisoner uniforms from the county jail. Go Steelers!

@ all northerners - good luck - we're still getting some wind from Sandy here in South Florida (I heard the winds go all the way down to Cuba). Sounds like you've got a long slog ahead of you - hoping for the best.

amused bush said...

Please everyone, stay safe! Hoping that the storm weakens and turns out not to be as bad as anticipated!

Agent**it said...

Robin, My cousin can pick you and Jez up at the Braintree T if you want to stay in a house with a generator? Hope you made yourself a huge batch of brownies. xoxo.

Dementia said...

I live in Jersey City on the NY harbor. I can report Miss Liberty is still there. The wind is blowing pretty hard, but we haven't had much rain yet. The river is coming up-maybe about 2-3 feet this morning at high tide. Just across from me is an area for walking - dogs and people - and part was under water this morning. Dogs not on leads were jumping into the water to catch a swim.

We are more worried about the surge than anything else. The people on the 1st floor have been evacuated (I'm on 3). High tide tonight will tell the tale. (Same as for Battery Park). Power on - beef and barley soup in crock pot.

canadachick said...

Hey La Mac PEI girl here and we've been removed from any warnings, just wind supposedly but a 50km wind is a Tuesday around here so no biggie.

Stay safe everyone !!

Cryscee said...

Hey @miz, I'm in Virginia Beach too! I hope you faired well.

Cryscee said...

And everyone be safe!

Just Browsing said...

@SusanB - At least the Steelers won in those ridiculous prison jerseys (and the SOCKS, too?!?!? Why????) It's probably best if you and the Pirates see other people - you'll minimize your heartbreak that way! <3 Neil Walker, tho - he's a Pine Richland boy.

SusanB said...

@Justbrowsing - Yeah - my backup team this year was the Tigers :( . But we're planning on going to Bradenton in March to see the Bucs in spring training (and probably the Yankees in Tampa, too). I usually glance at the Pgh Post and the Trib on line every day but haven't yet - you're expecting snow? My poor cousins! I was in thunder snow once (Atlanta, blizzard of 1993) In a way it's as scary as a hurricane - it just sounds like the end of the world. And I agree with all the above - if they say evacuate, then EVACUATE!!! When the storm is at its height, the cops, FD, etc, WON'T come out to rescue you. They're looking out for YOUR best interests.

Gtzisshe said...

I really have no great advice for the storms and keeping safe (CA chick), BUT, don't forget the bored kids! I can't imagine the stress of a HUGE scary storm and a whiny bored child tugging at you letting you know exactly how bored they are. Stay safe. Maybe enty can do a check up post?

SCat07 said...

I'm in NY (Northeast Queens). At the moment it's just really windy & more worried about losing power (I'm not in a low-lying area so for now, don't have to evacuate). We're all expecting the worst when the hurricane fully hits in a few hours. Am working from home today & praying it passes quickly & doesn't do too much damage!!

Everyone be safe!!

car54 said...

Western suburb of Boston here--I work for a chain of retail stores in MA, CT, RI and NH and they closed all locations today and told the corporate staff to stay home.
I've got flashlights, candles, firewood, bottled water, batteries, food, and kindle are charged.

Sitting watching the rain blow sideways but as of now that's about it. I live on a state road and there is still a fair amount of traffic going by....hopefully people going home to sit it out. Last year for Irene, we lost power for about 1/2 a day in my town but it wasn't really that bad.

Hope everyone stays safe and dry!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Agent**it: Thanks for the offer, but considering that the T is shutting down at 2, I wouldn't even be able to get to Braintree, plus I think we'll be OK here. It's not cold enough outside that heat is an issue, and I like being around to keep an eye on things, so as long as the power isn't out for more than a day or so, we should be OK.

libby: Another variation I've heard is "If you're going to stay anyway, write your name/Social Security Number on your arm with a Sharpie so they can ID your body when they find you." Um, if it was going to be THAT bad, I think my ass would have been out of there a looooooong time ago, but perhaps I'm just lacking a sense of adventure...

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

katsm: How are you doing in NYC so far? Do you have enough supplies now? As for the hurricane party episode, the one I remember se I am an old geezer) is Hurricane Camille in 1969; a bunch of people in an apartment building in Pass Christian, MS decided to have a hurricane party; unfortunately for them, the whole building blew down/was washed out to sea. I think there was one survivor, which is how we know what happened...

El Roy 13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Princess ButterKwup said...

Please everyone- be safe and smart. If you're supposed to evacuate, please evacuate! You're all in the entire nation's thoughts.

LA Mac said...

@canadachick - PEI here too!

wenx said...

Another Va person just outside far, just pouring rain and some breezes, but we're not due to get the real winds 'til later. I'm snuggled in with the pups--just ate a big lunch b/c I figured it might be the last warm meal I get for a while. All batteries/power packs charged and ready, and I'm glued to the TV and web until I lose 'em to keep track of friends & loved ones to make sure everyone's doing OK.

Stay safe, everybody, and good luck! *hugs*

Brenda L said...

raining, cold and windy in NC. Stay safe.

SusanB said...

Just saw on the New York Post website that they're closing the Holland and Brooklyn Battery Park tunnels at 2pm. Have they ever done that before? Other than 9/11 of course. Also if gusts hit 60 mph they're closing the bridges. Stay home everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm in MD and we are ready for the storm. It looks like sleet outside but it's not. My family in NW PA can't believe what they are getting.

Pogue Mahone said...

We're all the way in Canada and we have weather warnings here and have been warned to prepare for it. I brought in our chairs, hanging plants, garbage cans, etc. indoors from the veranda in preparation from 100 KM/ HR plus winds and torrential rain.They warn we might have massive flooding as well.We have been told to expect power outages and to have water, batteries,flashlight, radio,etc. on hand. It's better to be prepared just in case.

Anonymous said...

I'm a resident of the burgh myself rejectedcarebear! Glad to know I'm in good company!

canadachick said...

@ LA MAC - WHAT are the odds :ha

Agent**It said...

Enty - we need to beam our collective Cdan power/ prayer or whatever on the hour to whomever needs it to cope with Sandy ! Thank you for leaving this post at the top today so folks can communicate throughout the day.

hunter said...
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hunter said...
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surfer said...

Where are you Pogue? I'm in Toronto, and we're just waiting. At the moment, it's not even raining, but it's supposed to get really crazy this evening and tomorrow.

katsm0711 said...

@robin in in Fairfield connecticut. It's on the shore but I'm 7miles in so I'm not affected by the storm surge. It is so windy right now. I'm looking outside and watching the hundred+ year old trees swaying. A lot of people for realize that Connecticut is known for its beautiful trees. We have scenic highways lined with them and we love them. We love them so much that even though every year a few people die on highways from trees falling on cars in a storm, we still don't vote to cut them down. My yard and basement will flood with tons of rain but I heard to expect 2 inches, or I'm worried about all the leaves clogging sewers. I'm ok with food now. I wish I bought a book light but I couldn't stomach $10 yesterday when I could find one for half that if I had time to shop around. And I regret not having a battery radio. Yikes wind is really picking up here. We have 1 radio in my house that we share. I won't lose water or heat. I just hope all falling branches miss my house and garage. Last year the 60mph winds terrified me and now we r getting 80mph winds. I'm not being dramatic but it's going to be horrendous. OMG I THINK IT'S SNOWING????

katsm0711 said...

I forgot to add the only thing I'm concerned about is that I'm not taping my windows. I never did before but we never had winds like this. They are Anderson windows, double pane glass with the what's it called, the dividers in between the 2 panes. And someone just said you're supposed to tape from the outside and no way I'm going outside now. News just said gusts up to 50mph now and I think we just had one... I'm planning to "sleep" in the downstairs hallway on the floor. I'm always scared of a tree falling on the roof.

Kloie said...
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Kloie said...

Hello from MD - will see you after the inevitable week-long power outage! I hope nothing too crazy goes down during that period (like the collapse of $cientology).

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

So I went to look up more info on the Pass Christian hurricane party during Camille in '69, and look what I found!

Apparently there never was a party to speak of--people stayed because the buildings were supposed to be safe (they were Civil Defense shelters made w/steel beams), most of them had been getting ready for the storm, and for various reasons couldn't or wouldn't leave, so they ended up in a 3rd floor apartment which they thought would be high enough to stay out of the floodwaters. There were 8 people killed out of those who stayed, not 23 as the legend has it, and the story itself seems to mostly go back to one survivor who claimed there was a party, but who was asleep w/her husband on the 2nd floor when the building gave way. (They found his body about a week later.) Too bad the incorrect version was the one that gained traction, but I guess the irony inherent in people staying to party dying in the storm was too good to pass up...

Anyway, getting much windier around here; the currant buns are out of the oven, and the ragout is being heated up--in lieu of potatoes, I just threw a handful of egg noodles into the pot. Lunchtime soon!

Anonymous said...

Good luck guys. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Hold tight!

SusanB said...

@katsmo - we've always been told taping windows is a waste of time - sort of an old wive's tale. They say boarding up or hurricane shutters are the only good solutions. I don't think taping would make thngs anyh worse but don't know for sure.

katsm0711 said...

Shit my power is already out :(( Bye until I'm super bored and can get to the car charger.

Nicola said...

Sending love from Scotland. We had a hurricane a few month back, which we nicknamed Hurricane Bawbag because it was more annoying than proper serious and scary. Gotta love the Scottish sense of humour!

Anyway, I'm watching various Earth Cams to keep an eye on my dear friend's flight path, she's in Vegas, due to fly to Atlanta then homeward to Rochester NY. She and her love are determined to get back to their boy, who's being watched by Grandma. They picked a helluva time to travel! Totally worried over here!

mynerva said...

Everybody be safe, I'm thinking of you from Ireland.

JSierra said...

Good luck everyone!! Hopefully it turns out to be like Rita a few years ago and you will all be dancing in the streets while it sprinkles a little bit.

Don't forget to tape and board your windows! I quite like this community and really want to see everyone back here later today and tomorrow.

Del Riser said...

From the West wishing you all the best of luck during the storm. Take all precautions, and know that we are all hoping to hear that you came through this safe and sound.

All about Eve said...

In NYC, rain and very windy, some flooded areas already by the beaches. Stay safe everyone.

mikey said...

NJ here - I was told to evacuate since I'm near the Delaware. Little dog and I made out way to PA and mom's house and we'll be staying here for the next couple of days. Wind and rain are coming down hard.

FSP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cassiopeia said...

My thoughts are with all our east coast CDaN friends. Stay safe.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

More wind now, and definitely more rain, although I think the rain looks worse than it actually is due to the wind. Just got a call from my mom in NH wanting to know if I was OK, and why hadn't I called my landlord to get him to unlock the utility closet w/the pump in it? (Because I doubt he'd actually bother to come, unless I called him & said things were actively flooding right now, that's why...I should never have mentioned that to her.) Cat is still sleeping, and I may take a nap, too. My roommate hasn't come home yet, though, which worries me; I hope he gets a ride home w/a coworker.

Oh, and I finally had the ragout & the currant buns...NOM NOM NOM!

smash said...

Robin- you are so cute! It sounds like a stormy feast for you. I hope your roommate makes it home safely. :)

katsm0711 said...

My power came back on after 10 minutes!! I come out of the bathroom, see lights on and I'm like I sat in there in the dark all this time for nothing lol?? It' flickered a few minutes ago. I know it'll go out I'm just hoping for bedtime of course.

Unknown said...

Katsmo & Topper Madison: Hey neighbors! East Haven over here :) stay safe fellow Cdaners

Sherry said...

Everyone stay safe and hello to all CDAN'rs from NC my home state. I'll be visiting at Christmas.

car54 said...

Oh it's definitely here now. Temperature has dropped and it's darker and grey out--wind is much stronger--trees are moving a LOT.

TV says the wind is up in the 50-60 mph range now.

Made a big pot of soup for supper. Am cozy on the sofa working til we lose power or internet.

TV is exceptionally boring because the local news has stayed on all day--watching a Project Runway marathon while I work.

Himmmm said...

be safe kids...thinking of u!

JJ said...

Its starting to get spooky out there. I am right along the Schuylkill river and parts of my town are beingg evacuated. My house should check be fine if all the trees behave. We are surrounded by some big ones.

I hope everyone stays safe and sound.

Jamie 2 said...

Don't have a hurricane party. If you're in the storm path, stay completely sober.

I just re-read The Perfect Storm over the last two days and the heroes there are the rescue squads, not the dead fishermen. Don't make the rescue team risk their lives for yours.

Possibly the first time I have agreed with the Gov of NJ: Don't be stupid. Well, that's good advice in any situation.

smash said...

Kastm- plug your phone or computer in to charge before it goes back off :)

Hey all!! Just changed Smashbash just to Smash and changed my AVi(I may change it back)

smash said...

I changed the AVI back. Too much newness at once for me!

katsm0711 said...

Hey @Valerie!

Now I'm mostly concerned about my impending boredom :( I'm seeing if I have any tv shows to put on my iphone for emergencies and once Sandy calms down I can charge my iphone in the car.

Jamie 2 said...

@JJ: Echo your hopes. I have friends and family in NY. I hope they just hunker down and survive.

I just read that the occupants of glass-enclosed condos in NYC above the 10th floor are being instructed to move downstairs.

That should be interesting.

discoflux said...

Soooo... Under the Big Skyy... why not keep our storm sheltered friends entertained by telling us what was up with that post to whocaresnow12?

surfer said...

kats - you're cracking me up with your updates (it's a Sandy miracle, lol)!

I totally feel for you - crazy thunder scares the crap out of me.

It's raining lightly here (the calm before the storm).

Stay safe everyone.

discoflux said...

Obviously Hurricane Parties are only to be had once you're evacuated to safety and have no choice but to stay put.

I figured everyone here was smart enough to get that...

Amber said...

@disco - you read my mind LOL

a non a miss said...

Cough what thread cough

katsm0711 said...

no @disco! People have tweeted pics of them drinking now and like i mentioned, that stupid thing in Texas from I don't remember which hurricane it was where the drunken partiers stayed on the beach bar until it flooded so bad and they couldn't leave.

Susan said...

Dude, the Jersey shore is getting tore up right now. There's flooding already in the casinos, part of the AC boardwalk is coming down and don't even talk to me about my beloved Fred's Tavern in Stone Harbor. I think this calls for a glass, make that bottle of wine. At least the kid is taking a nap...

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

So glad to get the scoop on taping windows. Two of my neighbors did it, and I just said to The Husband, "Should we be taping our windows???!!??!"

discoflux said...

@katsm - I have no doubt that the general population is that stupid, but I meant that I thought our specific group was smart enough. lol

Haphazard Chrysalis said...

Sitting in sunny Denver and sending good thoughts to all of you. Stay safe, follow evac orders and get inside. xoxo

Roman Holiday said...

The lights are flickering, the phone is out, The huge tree across the street is leaning over and I think the only thing holding it up is the fence that is ready to cave!

The sound of the wind is very scary, I didn't tape my windows I hope they can take the wind.....

Emobacca said...

Taping your windows is a bit of an old wive's tale. It won't do much.

Im on the south shore of Long Island, not quite an evacuation zone because im far away enough from the water, but this won't be fun.

Susan said...

The only good news is that the storm is moving faster, according to NBC Philly news.

discoflux said...

Everyone please keep safe. I'm sending all sorts of good vibes your way.

KellyLynn said...

I am glad so many are staying safe. We're not much for hurricanes up here, but tornadoes are a common occurrence. The only advice I have for y'all is to make sure you're closing out the background programs on your iPhones/smart phones to save the battery. The Red Cross does have a Hurricane App and a Shelter Finder app, just in case you need them. (I know, that advice is a little late for some, but maybe it'd help someone...)

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Stay safe and sound everyone. Take care of yourselves.

Like our nation's bastion of goodwill and sound advice, Lindsay Lohan tweeted last night in regards to hurricane "Sally" - "Think happy thoughts."

Anonymous said...

Can we offer LL as a sacrifice and then maybe "Sally" will go away?

urban chaos said...

Stay safe all, we're thinking of you!

Amber said...

Skyy - loud and clear. Brilliant.

misspeg86 said...

Sending everyone love and prayers from Australia. Please stay safe and try to comment afterwards to let us know you are ok! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Skyy, understood. I think I know their CDaN name too.

FSP said...

Am I missing something? wcn12=LR?

smash said...

Holy moly

SusanB said...

FSP - that's what I'm getting.

FSP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rubie said...

Stay safe!

discoflux said...

Thank you for the clarification, Skyy. I was totally taken aback when you posted that because I'd never seen you do anything like that.

Message received. Though that person is probably going to change their handle now.

smash said...

Can you gals give me just the day of this stuff? I missed 5 or more days with my dad in town and grandpa being ill. It is such a pain to try and weave through the iPhone site. :)

discoflux said...

I'm looking for it, smash!

smash said...

I finally opened it on my computer. Way faster! :)

BlindItemMe said...

Mind = blasted @skyy Thank you for sharing

Erin said...

What was the post it was under?

Eeekalicious said...

Ooh this is getting interesting

mynerva said...

@sky - before what seems like the now daily, inevitable argument starts, thanks for sharing.

mynerva said...

@tuxedo - have you got popcorn too?!??!

Eeekalicious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eeekalicious said...

@mynerva Yes I have popcorn

mynerva said...

@tuxedo - me too, lets watch the drama unfold!

letitbe said...

Anyone find it yet?

my glass slippers kick ass said...

Oct 18, BI #1 :).

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those people that have probably lurked on this site for over two years. I haven't had the balls to post because everyone is so clever! What if I'm not as funny. NEWSFLASH: not so much.

But, I have friends on the East Coast and they're starting to say it's getting scary. I'm sending good vibes to the CDAN'ers that live there. I can't believe a hurricane post got me out of hiding, but I wanted to send my regards and thoughts to everyone in the path.

Plus, I'm just tired of stalking. You are all brilliant.

smash said...

Hi Penelope! Good day to you :)

*Miss_P* said...

Watching the storm unfold on CNN from the comfort of my sofa. I live in the Lake District where it is nearly always wet and windy, but nowhere near as bad as some of you have got it now. We had some pretty severe flooding in 2009, lots of road bridges were washed away and travelling around the county was difficult for a time.
Sending positive thoughts and good wishes across the Atlantic.

smash said...

My glass slippers- you kick ass!

smash said...

Mind---literally blown.

SusanB said...

Thanks @myglasssllippers!

Sometimes I stop reading here later in the afternoon and never go back to posts. Seems like I miss a lot sometimes.

Back to Sandy - I hear they're closing all the bridges in NYC now - since it's moving so fast now perhaps it won't be as bad - at least that's what the news and weather channel are saying.

a non a miss said...

Woaaah! I missed that OG post but glad I caught it this time around.

Welcome penelope!

Western PA update: very rainy! Very cold! Kinda windy! Still have power and finally stocked up on human food hunter, I know you were worried ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks everyone!

I'm floating on some natural high after taking the plunge and posting.

whocaresnow12onamobile said...

I am NOT washed up!
I am NOT a hillbilly!
I do NOT cry and complain!
I do NOT drink too much!

Eeekalicious said...

@Big Skyy and my glass slippers

Holy Doodle! That was really something!

Eeekalicious said...

@Penelope Hi from Ontario, Canada

smash said...

Penelope. This is a great bunch of guys and gals! It's just like cheers sometimes.

As for this newest comment. Buhahahaha. Ok.

Jessie said...

Add me to the list of Australians thinking of you. Stay safe X

mynerva said...

@myglassslippers - thanks!!

smash said...

No your new comment Penelope! I totally understand the commenting euphoria. :)

Sophia said...

who goes to rehab for social networking addiction? lol..right.

Anonymous said...

smash: I know! I've been reading for years and have read all the personal comments about family members being ill and babies being born. I've actually found myself looking for updates in the posts. I've been stalking you all! You're all pretty great. Glad I took the plunge!

mynerva said...

@christina - good luck!!

Anonymous said...

maybe stalking was the wrong choice of words? anyway....[awkward]

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Damn, I go take a nap (or, perhaps I should say "try to take a nap," no thanks to my furball), and come back to find an occasional poster outed...hmmmm, must go check 10/18 posts. ;-)

We still have power here, and my roommate made it home (got a ride from a co-worker); apparently the roof of City Hall has sustained some damage, according to the latest robocall from the Mayor telling us all to stay the hell inside. If we can make it through the next few hours, we should be OK...*fingers crossed*

mynerva said...

Hi Penelope!!

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
surfer said...

To quote Amber from the Oct. 18th post, Whoa!

That was some reveal, Skyy. Thanks.

Sophia said...

this is so much more interesting than work haha

Evenundomiel said...

Hello!! First time poster, but I'm from the Outer Banks!!

Wanted to update you all on what I've been seeing it will update you all up North. This is a typical storm -- lots of wind, rain, coastal flooding, and some damage...but it's by no means the worst storm I've seen (and I've lived here my whole life). That being said, BE SMART! If you are told to evacuate, do so. At the very least make sure you have extra food, water, batteries, prescription drugs, and necessities. You might lose power, but it will likely be restored in a a few days. If you must evacuate, please bring your pets!! They need safe housing too!!!

but, if all else fails -- make my favorite hurricane cocktail...get nice and toasty...and wait out the storm. here's the recipe:

2 oz light rum
2 oz dark rum
2 oz passion fruit juice
1 oz orange juice
Juice of a half a lime
1 Tbsp simple syrup
1 Tbsp grenadine
Orange slice and cherry for garnish


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