Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I have been trying to finish a long blind item and hopefully will get a chance in the next day or so. It won't be as long as some of the others I have written, but will give you an insight to some celebrity lives that will definitely jade you if you are not yet jaded about Hollywood.

So this is barely a blind item, but we will count it as such. Last night at a movie premiere, it was discovered that a recent romance with a very unlikely couple should actually be categorized as a "romance." Seems our actress was looking for some publicity for her new film while her new "boyfriend" agreed to help because he had started to fade from the limelight as well. Our actress made one other recent attempt to garner some headlines, but no one was buying what she was offering. Whatever kisses you saw on camera were the only kisses these two shared. Although good friends, they are only good friends and more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend.

This award winning A-list actor has been in and out of numerous relationships this past year. His current girlfriend thinks she is the one because of what he has been saying to her in private and in public. What she doesn't know is that when he has been doing interviews for his latest film and has been alone, he has been passing out a phone number to ladies that catch his eye. When they call the number they get one of his assistants. The assistant then schedules a time for the actor and woman to get together for an extended "interview." These extended interviews are one of the reasons the actor's recent marriage did not work out.

This B list actress has always had a career with lots of starts and stops. At one point everyone she was the next big thing. At some point though, her moods and her sexuality caused her to lose a few parts that she would have otherwise been given. Now, with her career back on track and concerns about which team she plays for mostly irrelevant, there is a new problem she is being forced to face. Face literally. She was given some bad botox injections and has had some intermittent problems moving her facial muscles. Right now doctors are taking a wait and see attitude to her most recent outbreak, but our actress is really afraid she will start to sputter again and never get back.


Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen for #1? The NY Daily New has just printed they were deeply in luvvv...

Anonymous said...

"it was discovered that a recent romance with a very unlikely couple should actually be categorized as a 'romance.'"

I'm confused. Do you mean it was a real romance, or do you mean to imply "showmance"?

Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller and P. Diddy?

Anonymous said...

He said at a movie premiere LAST NIGHT. The premiere of Factory Girl was on the 29th. Last night was the premiere of "Because I Said So."

And Jeeze... instead of romance he said to call it "romance". I guess the parenthesis are supposed to imply that it's not real.

Anonymous said...

Siena Miller and P. Diddy were not at any shows last night.

And they're also not girlfriend and boyfriend.

MnGddess said...

Who's the botox girl?? People??


Anonymous said...

I say for the first one is Mandy Moore and DJ Adams(?) the guy that use to date Nicole Richie.

Anonymous said...

#1 Mandy Moore & DJ AM

#2 no clue....yet...

#3 Sandra Bullock?

Anonymous said...

Actually, #3 could be Anne Heche.

Anonymous said...

mandy moore and dj a.m. for the first one

Anonymous said...

Anne Heche doesn't have many starts and stops in her career. PLus she's on a television show now...

Anonymous said...

Botox girl: Rose McGowan?

Anonymous said...

Does Michelle Rodriguez have starts and stops in her career? I've heard rumors about her sexuality and temper, but she doesn't seem like the botox type.

Anonymous said...

I thought Rose McGowan for #3 - he droopy eyelid??

Anonymous said...

Gina Gershon for #3. She was in "Face Off" and she's "of the age" for botox. Also been rumors about her sexuality. She has several projects in production/post production and has recently appeared on Ugly Betty.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% w/the Mandy Moore and DJ AM for #1 - that was the first one I thought of too. He's said before that he missed Nicole because he got press because of her and its been said before that MM and DJ have been friends for years...

Anonymous said...

BI 2: Eddie Murphy ?

Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore for the first one:


Anonymous said...

Actually, Anne Heche does have some major stops and starts to her career. Keep in mind that at one point before she got involved with Ellen DeGeneres she was the star of a romantic comedy with Harrison Ford and was being promoted as this hot new movie actress. She's never regained her box office status because of her "sexuality." Then she came out with a memoir that was way over the top about her bipolar depression, history of abuse from her dad, and so forth. Around that same time I believe she was found wandering around some stranger's house talking insanely about totally bizarro stuff. In her memoir she even talks about her alter ego who is a space alien. It's kind of amazing, actually, that she had ANY career after that, but she lucked out by appearing in some well-receive stage performances and then gradually working her way up to being on TV. But if you look at the trajectory - from hot Movie almost "A-lister" to "no lister" to "stage actress" to "popular TV actress," that's a lot of changes in just a decade or so.

So -- my vote for #3 is definitely Anne Heche.

Anonymous said...

I think he meant to say 'nomance' but spell check caught it.

Anonymous said...

Botox- Diane Kruger or Kristina Loken?

Anonymous said...

12:35- yes!

Anonymous said...

Botox = Portia DeRossi (or however it is spelled)?

Anonymous said...

#1 screams DJ AM and Mandy Moore...

Anonymous said...

bi 1: Sharon Stone and Christian Slater

Anonymous said...

#2 eddie Murphy
#3 either M. Rodriguez or Gina Gershin

#1 - it screamed at me Sienna and P diddy , but it could be Sienna and Hayden

Is DJ AM that popular? BTW- I saw pics of him when he was younger - he was FAT:)
oh well - so am i. :(

Anonymous said...

dude i agree sharon stone and christian slater for number one

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae So palese dnot copmilan aoubt my tpynig you know you can raed it

Anonymous said...

I'm totally on board with MM and DJ AM for #1 and Anne Heche for #3.

But who for #2? What A-List star was married, but didn't work out? Was the marriage recent AND recently over or was the marriage ended recently. Doesn't say divorced, just that it ended. And he's been in and out of numerous relationships in the past year, likely since the marriage ended. Ryan Phillipe? Eddie Murphy? If it didn't say A-List, I'd guess Chad MM.

Anonymous said...

award-winning A list usually means Oscar, no? i lack the time/google-fu to cross-check past male Oscar winners with at least one previous marriage and new/recent movie. anyone?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Sheen for #2?

Anonymous said...

#2 can't be eddie because he would be passing his number to guys not girls

Anonymous said...

#1-Diddy and Sienna, or Hayden and Sienna
#2-Eddie Murphy
#3-No idea

Anonymous said...

What about Terry Hatcher as the Botox victim with the starts and stops? She's said that her career was in the toilet before DH came along.

Anonymous said...

Man some of you people are dumb as rocks. He said that they went to a movie premiere last night. Did you see Christian Slater and Sharon Stone at a premiere last night? Can't you people read?

Anonymous said...

Are there photos of Mandy Moore and DJ AM kissing?

Anonymous said...

#2 Eddie Murphy 100%

Anonymous said...

Yes there are photos of Mandy and AM kissing

Anonymous said...

I'll slap my own hand for not Googling before posting. I haven't seen these photos, but they exist!

Anonymous said...

Hayden and Sienna were actually dating/sleeping together while filming factory girl in TO.
#1 Mandy and AM
#2 Eddie
#3- hints to starting and stopping, sputtering... car movie or something like that. dont know though

Anonymous said...

toots, yes there are.

Anonymous said...

Couple questions and stuff..
1. doesn't specifically say they were tog on red carpet last night.. maybe that's how we know it's not a 'romance'?? or do you guys think we are to infer they were tog at the premier last night?

okay so if they are suppose to be tog kissing on red carpet last night it can't be djam and mm bcs i just read this.. on justjared...
'Mandy Moore arrived last night at the world premiere of her new chick flick Because I Said So at ArcLight Hollywood, Calif. Her unconfirmed boyfriend Adam “DJ AM” Goldstein was not in attendance, sadly.'
that being said there are pics of them kissing in sundance.
i'm thinking it may be them, but am confused on if they were suppose to be tog las night.

2. did lots of searches for actors recently divorced; got nobody that fits. chad lowe, k sutherland, j law, e murphy, b pitt.

3. heche sounds like the one to me

Anonymous said...

#3 is so obviously Anne Hathaway. She's solid B-List, and kind of scattered (Princess Diaries, that role in Brokeback Mountain, Ella Enchanted then Devil Wears Prada... I'm sure I missed some in there but those are the biggies). I don't know anything about her mood swings but her snappy "sit down and shut up (although a little more eloquent)" comment at the SAG Awards the other night while honoring Julie Andrews does come to mind. Plus I have been reading everywhere that people suspect that she and her best friend from the Princess Diaries have a romantic relationship. When's the last time you heard about her and any guy? Never. I'm going to keep working on this.

Anonymous said...

I am slow today. Eddie Murphy for #2. The award-winning made me think him and he is currently promoting Dreamgirls and Norbit.


Still thinking about #3

Anonymous said...

oh sorry, forgot to ask..
what do you guys think the other attmept was???

'Our actress made one other recent attempt to garner some headlines, but no one was buying what she was offering.'

Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with the dumb as rocks comment. If you read this blog ever so often (or any celeb trash) you'd know that Eddie Murphy was on the down low.

And it's REALLY annoying when people make guesses that are wrong because they didn't read the BI all the way through. For example: "OH MY GOD IT'S CHRISTIAN SLATER AND SHARON STONE I'M SO GENIUS" when it's blatantly written "at an awards show last night."

Anonymous said...

okay i think you're right and maybe 2 does fit for e murphy!

Anonymous said...

#3 Michelle Rodriguez.

"Never get back" - Lost

Car references - she was in "The Fast and the Furious"

Anonymous said...

Ok I will go with Anne Heche because it sounds right, but that doesn't mean squat. Anyone in this sad town could of gotten bad botex. I am just waiting for them all to die of botulinum.


Anonymous said...



Anne has been in a relationship with a man for over a year now. It's kinda serious. Regardless of whether she's gay or not, she has a very public romance.


Anonymous said...

I think you meant "hey idiot".

Anonymous said...

doh, plus 3 can't be a heche bcs we've seen her all over promoting her tv show. and recent pics of her with the co-star she's leaving her husband for. no face issues that i've seen.

maybe m rod?

Anonymous said...

I'm leaning towards Kiefer for #2.

Someone I had drinks with last night knows him quite well, He told a story that showed just how deluded his girlfriend is about their exclusivity. On his behalf, she hosted a "24" party for the Golden Globes, told friends she was really feeling like it might turn into an engagement party, and not only did Kief not show up, he either went solo to the awards or had another date. (I missed the last part of the convo, sorry).

Anonymous said...

I agree that #1 is Mandy Moore and DJ AM. The other recent attempt to garner some headlines could be in reference to her hanging out with ex Wilmer V. (around New Years I think...)

Anonymous said...

wow great scoop... and fits too as 24 is def award winning.
i'm off murphy and with you on sutherland.

so you missed the rest of the convo..did you start day dreaming about Ent and slip off into a great fantasy? ;),

Anonymous said...

Is Michelle R. really B List? I'd say C.

Anonymous said...

to: anonymous 1:57pm....

don't be so quick to judge who read the post all the way blatantly says "last night at a movie premiere," NOT "at an awards show last night," as you claim it does.

Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore has a clothing line - MBlem - or something like that. I think there was some recent publicity about a new collection. "No one buying what she was offering" might make sense in that context.

Anonymous said...

I blame the scotch, radihogirl.

I look forward to the day when he and I shall finally meet and embark on a torrid affair, but you know you can't spell "patient" without ENT.

Anonymous said...

#1 is Sienna Miller and Josh Hartnett
#2 ?
#3 Penelope Cruz

Anonymous said...

Another attempt Mandy Moore made was her recent admission about suffereing from depression.

Anonymous said...

Good deducing on the "not buying it" front, Cali Girl.

Hez, you slay me.

And to anonymous 1:59, 1:57 and the 2nd 1:42 - what a bunch of cranky pants!

Anonymous said...

#2 is doing press for a movie. Kiefer doesn't have a movie out right now.

Anonymous said...

That's MS. Cranky Pants to you! :)

Well if it's Keifer, then what is his latest movie that he is doing press for? 2006's The Sentinel? Or the Upcoming 24 The Movie in 2008?


Anonymous said...

Oooh nooooooo - I didn't mean you GGA! You never wear the cranky pants or even twisted knickers. A thong, I've heard, at least that's the word on the street. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think #3 is Portia De Rossi... Portia = Porshe, like the car: "starts and stops", "back on track", "start to sputter"

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if this is Brad Garrett from Everyone Loves Raymond. A List tv actor, award winning. Recently ended a "secret" marriage. Currently in the movie Music & Lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Something does not make sense...#3 had bad botox, and the dr.'s are taking a wait and see about her "outbreak"? Since when is a paralyzed facial muscle an outbreak? Perhps a disease reference? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 12:35 - #3 is Anne Heche.

She has had major "starts and stops in her career" - Among other things, she was hot and damn charming in that movie with Harrison Ford. Then Ellen happened. Then crazy happened.

Also, just read these two sentences of the BL:"At some point though, her moods and her sexuality caused her to lose a few parts that she would have otherwise been given. Now, with her career back on track and concerns about which team she plays for mostly irrelevant.."

"Concerns about which team she plays for" - there was a lot of public discussion of her relationship with Ellen.

"now mostly irrelevant" - She's back with men, which could be argueed as making the gay thing irrelevant.

"Her moods" could loosely be interepreted as her crazy episodes.. maybe I'm stretching it here, I don't know?

But her career is "back on track" also.


Anonymous said...

Also, sorry for the long post.

And #1 is probably Mandy and DJ AM. Mandy needs tabloid attention for her name recognotion. Just based on her acting, charisma or career, she's nobody (though she seems nice and all).


Anonymous said...

hello, number 3 is portia derossi - that girls forehead is so botoxed that it is not funny...and her grimacing smile kind of gives it away

Anonymous said...

Re: #3 "A career with lots of stops and starts" = Arrested Development

Portia is looking very good for this one suddenly.

Anonymous said...

couple of things... 1) anne hathaway, although possibly a lez, does not need botox. 2) eddie murphy is either gay or into trannies so unless it's seacrest he's slipping his number to...

Anonymous said...

Sienna Miller has no neck

Anonymous said...

I dunno--#3 seems kind of straightforwardly Heche. Here's a picture of her looking totally 'toxed out a year ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Virgina Madison for #3?

Anonymous said...

Shannon is number 3.

Unknown said...

long time reader, but first post on here, so be kind...

re: #1- The DJ AM/Mandy Moore pix were lightly sprinkled all over the place on the gossip shows and such, as was her interview(s) regarding her breakup with Zach Braff and her following depression as well as her Wilmer hook up but neither proved very scandalous because noone really cares about Mandy Moore.

When I first read the blind item, I thought Sienna first, but the movie premire tip really solidified that logistically it has to be AM and MM.

re: #2- I'm not sure what movie Keifer might be promoting, but he is always promoting for his record label, and there are continuous repetitions of the words as follows 'numerous' 'one' 'number' 'number' 'time' 'one'- that really make me want to say that it's him because of 24, altho a similar argument could be made that some of those are references to eddie murphy (i.e. musical numbers-but I'm not buying it)

re: #3 I'm thinking Anne Heche all the way. It seems pretty blatant. I'm actually thinking that her using less of her facial muscles could be a good thing. And Anne Hathaway will need botox in about 5 years I'm sad to say. Steer clear of watching devil/Prada in hi-def.

Anonymous said...

Anom 12:17 has #3 right. It is so Rose McGowan. I saw photos of her this week from an event, and her face is soooooooooo messed up from botox or sumptin. It doesnt even look like her. Her sexuality has been questioned in the past due to her exBF Marilyn Manson.


Anonymous said...

OMG I luv your name SisterMaryHotPantz

I saw the Rose McGowan tragic face and it looks like much more than botox is to blame...
also... the concerns about her sexuality has not been made irrelevant by anything as blatant as Anne Heche marrying a guy...

The Black Dahlia was the only thing she did in 2006 apart from a few episodes of charmed...and a horror flick in 2007 is all she has on her plate... so her career is def not back on track

Anonymous said...

Nice one, Mia -- well spoken. Welcome to the forum. Come over to the message board as well, why dontcha?

Anonymous said...

When did Keifer and wife #2 file for divorce? Also, I haven't seen any pics of him and a girlfriend... drinking with his shirt off, sure. And then theres' the movie promotion clue. I really don't think it's him, not that I have some other genius guess on who it actually may be.

Anonymous said...

I remember a loooong time ago Anne Heche started on 'Another World' and she won daytime awards etc. She certainly seemed like she was going to make it big. She also dated Steve Martin in the 90' really looked like she was going to be a major force for awhile.
Mrs Mo

mooshki said...

#1 DJ AM and Mandy Moore
#2 Charlie Sheen
#3 Anne Heche

Anonymous said...

Remember pre-teen LiLo from AW too, Mrs Mo? I used to love Anne Heche as Vicky/Marley. She quit to attend Parsons School of Design and then obviously had another about-face. (No surprise in retrospect!) Another World was consistently the top rated soap in Canada and they cancelled it for the loathsome Passions. Unforgiveable.

But, that being said, I think BI #3 is Portia.

Anonymous said...

OMG - My mother used to watch A/W and I got hooked on it as a kid. Anne Heche was deliciously evil as the conniving Vicky (Marley, her twin sister was not as much fun.) I don't remember Lohan on it though. Who'd she play?

MikeandKathy said...

Mandy Moore was photographed over the holidays with Wilmer Valderrama in Miami and there was a gossip item speculating that they were going to get back together. (I was surprised she speaks to him because he announced on Howard Stern that he took her virginity!)

Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore is boring. I am surprised she still has a "career". She had an album and a few movies which I did not care for at all. DJ AM just wants to be with a celebrity as previous reports have stated. He is ugly and has a funny shape. I am still trying to see what in the world Nicole saw in him to begin with.

The only other one I can guess is Anne Heche. Very talented actress, it seemed like she was on the up and up, then came crashing down with her battle with mental illness. Poor thing. Has anyone seen how bad Melanie Griffith looks lately? Yuck. ENTL, do you have anything on her?

Anonymous said...

1. not sure

2. Jude Law? no real clues as to why, just putting it out there.

3. Terri Hatcher - i have seen her with a really nasty botox job on her face and a droopy eye lid. You cant tell when botox is done properly and well.

Anonymous said...

Pinky, LiLo played Alexandra "Ally" Fowler, daughter of Amanda Cory and Sam Fowler.

Thanks Wiki! (they even have a picture from that time)


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