Friday, February 23, 2007

Perez Interviewed By BBC --Article Linked To By--Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Actually it is a pretty good interview and Perez discusses his objectivity in relation to Paris Hilton and even hints at it some more when he talks about access and how it can be a hindrance. Unlike me, the BBC reporters can write well and do not just throw out softballs. It is worth five minutes of your time reading it and I don't want Perez to be the only site linked to it all day because no one wants that throwing a party and no one showed up kind of feeling.


Anonymous said...

Are you fucking kidding me?
You want people to support this asshole?
So over your site.

That's all I needed.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't love the snottiness of his blog but was surprised that he comes across in the interview as - gasp! - almost likeable. And I liked the honesty. Good read, Ent. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Awww....did u have to put a picture up too?! I did not wanna see that clicking on my fave blog!(Now gonna be sad all day)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with UKgrrl. Between this "prettyboy" and the now ubiquitous Pottercock, I need a little mental sorbet.

Find us a nice Johnny Depp or Daniel Craig photo for this afternoon, willya, Ent?

Anonymous said...

Though I'm not worried that Perez doesn't have enough fans who will follow up the link from his own page I kinda appreciate the sentiment on your side. Just try to look at it like this: Perez calls himself the gossip gangster. Because he never links to anybody else and surely does not ask for return favors. So please do not get overly sentimental about him. He does his own thing and is (justifiably so) the most famous gossip blog. Still, kudos for your statement.

Anonymous said...

Perez lost me as a reader when after posting a petition to get Isaah Washington fired for his racial slur on his site, did not have the balls or even respect for the gay community to stand up against his "friend" Paris for exactly (actually worse) racial slurs . He actually defends her in that article! He gets no respect in my book. Paris is using him and I personally think he's paid off to not post blogs on her.

Anonymous said...

Perez is one of the poorest excuses for a person out there.

He has the gall to talk about publicists and spin, he is doing the very same thing for himself.

He uses the Perez personna as an excuse to behave like a jerk and now he is believing his own press
(although I must say I took great pleasure in reading of his discomfort at an event awhile ago, when he was all alone on a red carpet and no one would photograph him, they all put their cameras down)

I'm quite sure a good many of the hits to his site are from tweeners judging from the stupid comments.

I'm really disappointed to see you support Perez, and I think this is the second time I've noticed it.

It's interesting...

Anonymous said...

I'm quite proud to say I haven't visited Perez since February 7 and I feel great about it!

That said, I don't think Ent is saying he likes Perez as a human being, he's just tipping his hat to a fellow blogger, much like opposing attorneys are respectful to one another while at the same time thinking each other is on the wrong side of the issue.

Saying someone is good at their job is not the same as saying you like them.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about Perez.

But I am down with the Johnny Depp photo suggestion!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insights on what ENT really thinks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, it is a good read and good choice to stir people up.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 10:24, not true that Perez never links to anyone else. I actually discovered EL through a link from Perez's site.

Good catch to the person who mentioned the Isaish Washington scandal that was not followed by an equally aghast reaction to Paris' racist remarks. That's definitely food for thought.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 10:24, not true that Perez never links to anyone else. I actually discovered EL through a link from Perez's site.

Good catch to the person who mentioned the Isaish Washington scandal that was not followed by an equally aghast reaction to Paris' racist remarks. That's definitely food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Perez > EL

At least he's got the balls to show the world his face.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't walk across the street to see this asshole eat a bale of hay. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:46, that's pretty rich coming from someone who won't even sign their name here.

And I'll wager it's not "balls" that makes Perez foist his homely face on us every five minutes, more like "narcissism".

I'll take a behind-the-scenes gossip blogger over a shameless publicity whore any day.

You are of course, free to disagree and free to spend as much time over on his site as you'd like. A few less whiners here would only mean more fun for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

EL doesn't sign his name here, so why should I?

Anonymous said...

ughh he's a disgusting human being. sure he's got his "sources" but he's so vicious and cruel, and even has the gall to wish death upon someone who is really messed up (britney). and let's not even get into his devotion to parasite hilton.

you can't possibly throw that much hatred out there in the world and not have it return to you in some way or fashion. karma will get him one day.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, 2:56 -- EL has a screen name. He "signs" every post with it. Sure, his identity may be unknown, but at least we have a name by which to address him.

For the record, it doesn't say "Hez" on my birth certificate, either.

Anonymous said...'s not "balls" that makes Perez foist his homely face on us every five minutes, more like "narcissism".

I'll take a behind-the-scenes gossip blogger over a shameless publicity whore any day.

I just had to quote the above because hez said exactly what I think but said it so much better.

She?/He? (Hez) is dead on with Perez and his "narcissism".

Anonymous said...

Ahem... That WAS a real good one, 2:56. Plus, you made a witty remark before (Perez at least having the balls to show the world his face).

Perez may be spiteful, immature, pink-haired, whatsoever. At least he's never been a fraud. And never made a secret out of his original adoration for Paris Hilton (being a total fraud too) either. He's applauded her for her career and created a worldwide-known name out of his blog about her & her contemporaries. He was the first, by far not the best. But even though he's become a househould-name he's not really relying on his fame now. He's still the quickest in updating and reliably so. His pictures & name creations are disgusting (though somewhat to the point), but maybe that's a real example of tongue-in-cheek?

syd said...

Hez is right about Perez. Thats why everyone is happy Hez is around she always hits the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - what exactly was that nail? And what hit it?
The behind the scene remark?
Not getting it...

Anonymous said...

Perez is a fat fuck who deserves everything negative that happens to him. I can't believe you're friends with the motherfucker. I am so over this column. Go fuck yourself, and go felch Perez, you asshole

syd said...

Hez Said "And I'll wager it's not "balls" that makes Perez foist his homely face on us every five minutes, more like "narcissism."" At 2:44

Its exactly how I feel about this person.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:04, settle down. You're jumping to some pretty huge conclusions. Ent has never met Perez and makes no claims to be his "friend". I'm no fan of Perez, but one mention of him isn't going to ruin everything else awesome the EL has got going here.

If you read this post a little more closely, Ent takes a pretty good dig at Perez at the end, taking 'pity' on the fact that as usual, his own site will be the only one to care about him being interviewed. So, maybe not so friendly after all...

Anonymous said...

Ok, still clueless. When is Perez doing his "foisting" thing? He may well be, but I still dont' get it. Could you please explain?


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