Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Links--Like They're Any Different From The Rest Of The Week

Chevy Chase was abused as a child.

Salma Hayek, believes in God, but dislikes the Bible.

J-Lo is available for parties for $2M. Marc Anthony on the other hand is available for $516.32, but he does make balloon animals for the kids. In addition, if you schedule far enough in advance he can be the ghost in any Scooby Doo themed parties.

Kristine Lefebvre from The Apprentice is taking it all off for Playboy. I don't think anyone watches The Apprentice anymore, but I do know Kristine. What is the etiquette here? I would think that going out of my way to buy the magazine might be too much. But, what if it's available at a friend's house and I just happen to pick it up and glance at it? Would it have to be an accident, or could I just go over to his house knowing he's a subscriber and casually ask where the current Playboy is. If I see Kristine at a meeting, do I offer a compliment much like I would if she was dressed nicely. "Kristine, you look great today. That's a really nice dress." Would that turn into "Kristine, you look great today. I just wanted to let you know that your nipples are fabulous." See, where is that line you can't cross?


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Nowadays the ghosts in Scooby Doo are real....Marc Anthony can totally have a valid career now!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    ...m.a. has a valid career. had it before jho and will have it after. many of you general market peeps don't get it, but marc anthony is the real talent in that family. seriously. dude looks like a homeless crackhead but listen to his music. he's really an incredible talent. has been respected in latin market forever. he looks like a mess, i know, give him a break. listen to his music or better yet catch him live, he's phenomenal.

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    define "general market"

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Poor Chevy!

    People who have gone through far less have ended up far worse. I certainly understand his lack of "forgiveness" Damm, what a piece of work that mother was!

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    brendalove: heehee, this is what i get for assuming everyone understands marketing terms. sorry. a market is a populus to whom a particular product is "marketed". (this is done by age, gender, geography, and/or socio-economic grouping). "general market" is target-specific, and in the u.s., it means (and includes) the "masses", that is, in a nutshell, "white folks". so what i was trying to say is that the general public in this country may not know squat about marc a., but latin market...that is, the latino population in this country, does. very well, in fact. and recognize him for the talent that he is. to say he's huge in latin market is an understatement.


    ya get it now?

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    You mean some rich idiot thinks JLo can actually sing???

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    We have a lot of latinos living here where I do and all I ever hear them playing is accordian music. I'm trying to figure out who the JLo/MA fans truly are.

  8. Anonymous11:52 AM

    bl, lol, sounds like you're on the west coast or the southwest, given your accordian music reference.

    just so you know, there are many latinos living in the u.s., and we don't all listen to accordian music. in fact, it's borderline offensive to some of our ethnic groups, heehee. but then, we are 22 different countries that wear the latino hat, and we're different races and have very distinct cultural differences. sad to see you may not get that cultural diversity where you're at. awww.... :( but we're out there! ;)

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I live in Vancouver and the only music the latinos play here is Cypress Hill...LOL,,it is Vansterdam thoughs so..

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    vancouver rocks!

  11. Anonymous4:07 PM

    brendalove, i agree! everytime there's a party down the block they blare that mexican polka stuff.
    but it beats the kids blasting the rap music and rattling my crystal about. i swear i have to take a xanax everytime they start!

  12. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Aside from modeling, Kristin L.'s an IP atty., a licensed stockbroker, and a marketing exec. And you want to talk to her about her Playboy spread? Please, EL.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    i feel soo sad for chevy! :(



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