Friday, November 16, 2007

You Knew It Was Going To Be Like This

Does everyone remember Kyla Ebbert? No? Didn't think so. But, I bet everyone remembers the woman who was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight last July for wearing revealing clothing. Well, after making Southwest apologize and look bad for their behavior, Kyla did what every woman who loves exhibitionism does. That's right, Kyla, the former Hooters waitress, who wants to be a lawyer, posed for Playboy. I guess she wasn't hot enough for the actual magazine though so they just threw her up on their website.

Kyla says she got paid less than six figures for her pictorial. What that means is that she got about $1000 and got to see the Mansion. The photo at the top of the post is what she was wearing when she got kicked off the plane. The photo at the bottom of the post is the most she wears in her Playboy shoot. To see the rest of the very NSFW photos click here.


Anonymous said...

Oh, great, ENT, so give her whats she oh so pathetically wants: the validation that will only prompt her to spread around her fug face even more.


jax said...

I's pay $1000 to read her college essays.

I imagine it to be a cross between Super Sweet Sixteen and a bad Nancy Grace segment.

Reese said...

Playboy overpaid her; I think two figures would be too high. I'm surprised even Hooters has standards low enough to hire her.

No Friday treat of photos of lovely men, just this idiotic, revolting, surgically altered, peroxided doused slut? Long court date or not, I'm annoyed with you Enty!

littleoleme said...

Her nipples in the last shot are hysterical!!! One is pointing up , the other pointing down and they're not even across from each other!

Unknown said...

I bet she uses that $1000 to pay off the plastic surgeon that gave her those botched hershey kiss tits.

She's a skank just like Kim Turdassian.

YahMoBThere said...

And can you believe they photoshopped her head onto Rachel Ray's body?

Julie said...

i wonder what dr phil would say?

Anonymous said...

Hey, when your 15 minutes unexpectedly shows up, you gotta get paid.

shaynapunam said...

I am glad I am not the first person to look at those pics and think, you need to sue your surgeon. Those tits are awful--and I appreciate a nice rack as much as the next person--but those would put an eye out!!

Anonymous said...

i'd tap that, and so would most other guys.

Karen said...

They kicked her off of the plane because Southwest Airlines thought her implants would explode.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

Well if there was ever a great example of Butter-face... this girl would be it. Bless her heart... she is not a pretty girl. But then again men never looks past those wonky tits to notice... hahaha!

Jerry said...

from some...
i'd tap that, and so would most
other guys.

And some of us have the willpower to resist bad fake boobies.

By the way, "most" other guys would tap a sun plugged watermelon.

dr burro said...

now jenna jameson will call her to offer her a gig in the porn industry.

i bet a clam chowder at hooters she will be playing the pole on playboy channel in a few months

silly airhead, at least she will have money to have those funky boobs redone

RickPam said...

She got what she paid for, and she was compensated by Playboy more than enought to cover her surgeon, the SW flights she took for follow up visits to see the surgeon, plus numerous future re-do's (pamela anderson has had a dozen or so and so what, each increase in size has probably increased her income three fold). Her surgical results beats out most of what Hollywood chics get. Men aren't even mildly interested in the face, the brain, or whether there are implants. Kyla's real size is in the earlier photos showing her with a couple guys her underwear. There was nothing wrong with her proportions then, but she knows what every woman knows. That original size she was born with isn't good enough if a pair of DD's strolls by her boyfriend's eyes. Ogle Ogle Ogle, lust lust lust, and she is supposed to tolerate it while feeling inadequate. It is the sad truth. Men cannot seem to get it up for 'normal' anymore and are quite indignant at the idea anyone would critcize them for there conspicuous behavior. I hope she makes millions, at the expense of every jerk who diddle's over her photos. Way to go Kyla. And, way to go mr flight attendant for trying to stand up for decency.

Jerry said...

p sez...

Men cannot seem to get it up for 'normal' anymore and are quite indignant at the idea anyone would critcize them for there conspicuous behavior.

You got it backwards. While it's true we look, I hear more and more men, me among them, say "yuck" when confronted with hydraulic chesticles.

And we no longer get indignant at criticism of any kind because we're so used to it.

Bill Lyons said...

wow i thought SWA was smart but not that smart. Please give the PR team of SWA some stock options. Way to go!

GRIDE said...

You guys are haters. I'd love to see what kind of trim you computer nerds can get. Any takers, please post a pic of them with you and another of just you alone. I didn't think so. 98.1% of you dorks will never get a chick like her. And no, I don't know here and could care less if she did. Haters.....


Fug face Trix? I don't think SO! Otherwise she wouldn't be in Playboy.. NICE T&A!!


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