Thursday, January 31, 2008

The World Of WD

The difference a week can make...

I really loved reading your responses to my question. Sad that some of you were having tough weeks but you can learn so much about people by their responses. Who's charming and who's not. Who's a trouble maker and who's a peacemaker. And it makes me wonder how much of who you are in your online life is who you are in your real life. Are your comments a true reflection of who you are or who you wish you were? Are you really a quick witted, clever, malicous person in real life or shy quiet guy who always comes up with the perfect response 5 minutes too late? And
whoever is making peace, do you do that in real life? Do you often find yourself minimizing your emotions to end a fight faster or find yourself in the middle of two extremely emotional people that you are always trying to calm? Or is it the opposite, do you start the fights?

I'm not asking because I'm probing or trying to be all deep. It just occured to me, while reading your comments, that blogging, online chats, comments are not that different from the acting profession. They are a side of you that you wish you could show in your real life but are afraid to.

Alison Janney, almost always plays characters who are brash, or low class, or superficial. In real life however, she's the sweetest most geniune person. Lisa Kudrow made a career of playing a ditz but in real life she's really bright. And so on. I mean it's not always true. Some people just aren't acting. I mean Eva L plays a self centered bitch on DH and many reports so far have confirmed that. I haven't met her personally but I trust the people I've heard it from.

My best characters that I play are ditzy (I'm smart but I can be a dingbat at times), and tough ass kicking types (I'm a peacemaker in actuality). I also get cast as bitches (Again a peacemaker). And MAN I wish I was all of that more in my life. I'd love to turn my brain off and get taken care of for a while. I'd love to tell a few people just what I thought of them! And while I didn't love the movie, there's a scene in Domino when Ian Z is giving Domino a hard time about being a scared little girl with daddy issues and she just turns to him and punches him in the nose. Breaks it. MAN I WISH I COULD DO THAT! I guess with my training I could do that. So what I mean is "Man, I wish I WOULD do that!!!"

As for my week.. more exciting promises and more waiting for them to be real. Had a meeting with Paul Rudd and Brad Pitt's manager. They might be interested in repping me. Which would be CRAZY cool! But they need to see what the strike is doing before they take anyone on.

Still no word on Gentleman Bronco's. Think it's going to be a while on that.

Still no word on the Ad Campaign. They are still auditioning people for all the roles (including the one I want).

Ran into the lead actor in a pilot I did stunts for at Vons (grocery store). I talked to him for a while. He's so nice. But found out that the pilot will not be picked up. So that's a bummer.

And I'm going to Pauly Shore's birthday party tonight. So that'll be an experience!


califblondy said...

Have fun at the party.

I think our personalities come through in our writing. While I might wish to be a little one way or another, I think my writing reflects who I am in person.

Anonymous said...

Hey WD, you like us, you really like us!

Good luck on getting those roles, sorry to hear about the pilot.

Forgive me if you addressed it weeks ago, but what is your overall goal in Hollywood? Acting, directing, etc.

And you better give us the dirt on the Pauly Shore birthday (even if it's a blind item!).

michele said...

I would love to party with Pauly Shore! Chillin with the weasel." Have fun and thanks for the insight.

jax said...

I'm the same person here and anywhere else, but depending on the mood and thread i can be the peacemaker and crusader.

good luck on all your projects!
maybe one day i can join you guys for some In n

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maja With a J said...

I am pretty quiet in real life (or "IRL" as we call it here on the interwebs), but then again, I don't really make that many comments on here, really.

Paul Rudd makes my loins quiver.

And yes, I would say that out loud, in person. "PAUL, YOU MAKE MY LOINS QUIVER".

Like that.

Dick Insideu said...

Are your comments a true reflection of who you are or who you wish you were?

Nope, I horse around online because I'm bored. I try to amuse, but tend to offend.

Are you really a quick witted, clever, malicous person in real life or shy quiet guy who always comes up with the perfect response 5 minutes too late?

I am a goddamn Master of the Universe.

And whoever is making peace, do you do that in real life?

That's me, the peacemaker.

Do you often find yourself minimizing your emotions to end a fight faster or find yourself in the middle of two extremely emotional people that you are always trying to calm?

I find myself winning fights. I am a goddamn Master of the Universe, a winner, a closer, with a big cock and the big corner office with the overstuffed leather chairs.

Or is it the opposite, do you start the fights?

Only when bored.

ladorabelle said...

My first post here was a peacekeeping attempt. I've always been like that in life -- my sister is loud and, while intelligent, brash and unable to gauge the appropriateness of what she is about to say. She takes after our mother, so I was always stepping between them.

My comments are just usually what I like or don't like. I don't like not being able to see my Oscar-Wilde-is-a-pimp avatar, but I understand why. Crusader mode only comes out when someone blanket-attacks children. They just don't deserve that, and I always crusade for them.

P.S. Love Paul Rudd.

GammaGirl said...

Great insight into online life WD! I didn't really get into the blogosphere until I started taking a lot of boring classes in college that happened to be held in a computer lab.

I think it brings out the best and worst in people. Some of the comments I read on the sites I visit are much funnier than the actual post. On the other hand, people will say things that they would never say in real life.

Good luck with the manager!

~crazy peanut~ said...

I am the shy one usually. I dont say a whole lot, but sometimes, well.....I have my moments.

I will not be a doormatt to ANYONE tho.

I love the commenters here, they are the reason that I returned.

The reg's will bitch each other out, but watch out if a stranger or troll does it, you then see thier true colours, they stretch out thier protective arms and rally around the attacked, and ~poof~ the troll vanishes as quickly as they came.

....and as I am learning, here you have to keep up, things move along quickly.

Lovin' yer post hun, lots!

P.S. pretty long winded for the shy one. :)

~crazy peanut~

Unknown said...

"I find myself winning fights. I am a goddamn Master of the Universe, a winner, a closer, with a big cock and the big corner office with the overstuffed leather chairs."

Translation - "I'm a short balding little runt with a small dick who works in the mailroom and would rather rub one out to a picture than get up the courage to ask someone out on a real date. In other words, you're loser."

parisss said...

Good luck still on Gentleman Bronco's! You seem like a very sincere, hard working person. So I hope things work out well for you! A Pauly Shore party seems like it'd be fun and a little crazy!! Have a great night!

Unknown said...

And WD, I don't know why I get such a kick out of Pauly Shore, but I cannot watch Son-in-Law without cracking my ass up every single time. The part where he notices the old grandfather whittling wood on the porch and says "Oh my god, is it Bartles or James? Dude, which one are you?"

I swear, I almost pee a little.

kaitlin said...

i think i have an internet crush on les suckno.

notvotingforsuckno said...

kaitlin, you just made me throw up in my mouth a little...

YahMoBThere said...

WD, the more you write, the more I like you. You're a thinker and you come across as very genuine. Continued good luck and have fun at the party tonight.

p.s. If I told you how I was in real life it might sound contrived, so hopefully you'll get a sense of who I am in time.

YahMoBThere said...

Who are these 'regs' people keep complaining about? All of you are regs, no?

jax said...

kaitlin you're not the only one.

jax said...

twist reread her comment i think it was a compliment rather than an insult. and if i read that wrong then suck it.

mooshki said...

WD, I'm afraid you'll never make it big in Hollywood because you aren't enough of a narcissist. Being interested in other people is definitely not the "in" thing. ;)

I definitely comment like I live. Sometime cautious, sometime impulsive, depending on my mood and the mood of the thread/situation. I participate in web communities the way I pick friends - I love snark and good humor and hate unrelenting negativity.

I'm not good at pretending to be someone else. Even in my imagination. Like, I could fantasize about winning the lottery, but not about having been born rich, 'cause that just didn't happen. I get totally enthralled by fiction - books, movies, whatever, but when it comes to me, "I yam what I yam."

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, I don't know if it was a compliment or a slam - matters not - I just want to know who the regs are. I'm always so

mooshki said...

p.s. I hope Pauly's party is a hoot!

~crazy peanut~ said...

If it was my comment, I meant no harm, sorry.

I just meant that you all look out for each other, and stick up for one another. Thats all.

Very sorry if I wasnt clear. I will go back to being quiet again. :)

YahMoBThere said...

NO NO NO, Onecrazypeanut.... It was an interesting observation and thanks for posting it. NO HARM and I'm so sorry if you thought I was being critical.

And if you go back to being quiet again, I'll come and make peanut butter out of

My only question to people who post about 'the regulars' is - who are the regulars? I consider almost all of you regulars, since i see you contributing more than once.

You're a regular, too, you nutty little peanut. ;-)

Tracee said...

Janele, I heart you.

OneCrazyPeanut, don't stop commenting. I'm a reg and I didn't find offense in what u typed. Shite, you didn't even need to clarify urself.

It's true. The commenters are like a big dysfunctional family — we have our days where we get on each other's nerves, but we've been through so many BIs how could we turn our backs when some troll is slamming another CDANer?

WD, you ask a great question. I am the same online and off. I am a peacemaker, a lewd bitch and a big ole dork. I was the youngest in my family and that was my role — to keep the peace and be the distraction in the house, be the entertainer. I might not entertain people on this blog — that's Ent's thang — but I do entertain myself.

Peacey Greasy Lady!! (Oh and good luck!!)

Marisa said...

Ali Larter...I mean WD--

Have fun at Pauly's tonight. Good luck getting a taxi home!

kellygirl said...

WD - you tend to bring out the "real" in our little comment community. On snarky posts, or gos about skanks, we shred the shit out of them. But when you share with us like a real relationship, we seem to rise above our "ugly" side. We come here to sort of let that beast loose a little. But we love having you around to ignite new thoughts.


Anonymous said...


I enjoy coming here to read what everybody writes/comments. I especially like the jokers in here LOL. Keeps me laughing but have to be careful since I am at work LOL. Don't want people looking at me like I have a problem or something.

Anyway my husband says he likes that I am honest and up-front. Hate liars and men chasing after every skirt they see walking by.

I say what I say in here as it is. Try not to offend anyone which I don't think I have so far.

Enjoy a good laugh.

~crazy peanut~ said...

Thanks all for the nice things said. :)

Me...a reg? I dont know what to say?

~looks for papers, clears throat~

I'd like to thank the Acadummy, and my parents....hehehehehe

jax said...

Jewel- will you be my mommy? lol.

Group hug peeps!
(sorry im a mess this week)

YahMoBThere said...

LOL - don't forget to thank EL and all the little people here.

Jax, what's wrong??

Justa JobSeeker said...

I think I am as similar here as I am in real life.

I drop by every day (my favourite things are the random photos for Enty's comments, the spy reports from the awards shows and your posts).I truly suck at guessing the Blind Items although they make laugh (I am constantly coming up with the same people over and over and I am almost certain no one is THAT debauched with the exception of maybe Jack Nicholson).

I don't comment often here unless I think I have something of consequence to contribute and I am exactly the same way in person. Quite quiet but when I do pipe up, it isn't for shits and giggles.

I can totally relate to the wanting to drop kick someone for once though. I do have my days.

Have fun at the party and don't drive. Would suck to have to add your mugshot to the gallery :)

Tracee said...

LOL-One crazypeanut.

What is wrong Jax? Where's the snark?

Kellysirkus-so true homie. So true.

kaitlin said...

jax, i feel confident that we can share.

kaitlin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dijea said...

I pretty much am the "don't rock the boat" person. I go along with everyone so I don't make anyone upset. I kind of lose myself sometimes.

But I have the driest sarcastic sense of humor and that makes me come across and a total b*tch sometimes. Of course I am not, but to know me is to love me. I swear.

SisterMaryHotPantz said...

I am coRnfused. WD you say you ran into an actor you did stunts for and talked to him for awhile. So you are a HE? Or are you a SHE? Or are you a HESHE?

I am an attorney....and we are always looking for trouble in one way or another.

jax said...

oh nothing is just a damn tired this week.
sorry my snark o meter is off.
thanks for askin though!

im hoping for El to post about Billy Bush givin it to ol Mary Kneepads Hart about the Heath Ledger vid.

jax said...

sister..took me a second too but what WD was saying is she met up with a guy on a show she did stunts for...the show not him. right?

Tracee said...

Dijea, you are a total bitch and it comes off that completely. I kid!!! There are lots of bitches over here...welcome to the darkside.

Jax, glad it's nothing serious! Had us worried! This week has been a grinder. Hang in there!

Kat said...

Really love your thoughts and words, WD. Obviously, as people who enjoy the salacious side of celebrity, as well as the art, it's a huge privilege to be able to see things through your eyes. Really, truly wish you all the success you're working toward.

tigereye said...

ha! i love the term 'dingbat', yeah I can be one too. =) I feel like who I am online is pretty similar to who I am in real life. Although, I am something of the type that thinks of the right thing to say hours later. I do have to say I'm getting better at that though.

I don't know if we've speculated on your age, or if you've told us. But your use of crazy to describe the level of coolness working w/ Rudd is something I do and I think it tends to be people closer to my generation (I'm 26). Just something I noticed...

whoa, Paul Rudd and Pitt's manager, very nice! I've always liked Rudd. For some reason I've always imagined him to be similar to his characters. Is he at all? I guess he's probly played several, but still...

I can't even IMAGINE what Pauly Shore's birthday would be like. I remember he was on Tan whatever and knew the 'Olly girls'..helped throw a I'd guess that he knows how to party..well that and his characters always seemed to be the type that would prob own their own bong. =)

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, get some sleep!!! You'll feel snarky in the morning.

Sistermaryhotpantz, a nun AND a lawyer. Talk about your overachiever. ;-)

CT-Hilltopper said...

I relate to the above poster thinking of herself as a newbie. I still think of myself as a newbie too, and I've been posting on and off since the Timmy/Shimmy blind. I was a reader for a long time before that, but it was that post that brought me out of hiding.

With me, what you see is what you get, pretty much, online or off. I think of things off the cuff (like the other day when I said that Miley Cyrus's "pouty face" poses remind me of Donald or Daffy Duck)and usually there is no filter. That can be very good or very bad. My saving grace is that I am, for the most part, a good person, and I care a lot about other people. But I can be mouthy, heh. said...

It's funny that you ask that question now. I have been angry at myself lately because I "minimize my emotions to end a fight faster". I have always called it choosing my battle, but lately alot of those old issues havee been bugging me. (It could be hormones, I got a Depo shot for the first time about a month ago) I hate to fight. I get my feeling hurt and cry, then I get mad and mean. So I don't do it. I hate it when people fight and say mean things they don't mean or are better left unsaid. I have gotten very good at diffusing situations before they escalate. Sometimes, I can make the person see it my way later, when emotions aren't running so high. I wish I could stand up for myself better in the moment. I get to nervous and addled. Yelling makes me anxious.

In real life, I am considered a nice person and people like me. I can talk to anyone and will. I try to be nice to everyone but I guess I say things online about celebrities I wouldn't say to their faces. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

SisterMaryHotpantz - LOL what a nic for an attorney LOL

bionic bunny! said...

i, too am pretty much the same here as in real life. i like to keep the peace, but get my dander up and i can be a bitch. my medications mess up my mind a little bit (PRESCRIPTIONS, folks!) so i don't always get my thoughts across very well. i'm tickled pink that you (WD) take time from your week to give us the inside scoop and are honest and open with us!

i also seem to be a major thread-killer, and for that, guys, i apologize (oh! i rhymed!)!!!

touched said...

Jax, I find sipping on a warm cup of vinegar and reading the commets on perezhilton for 5 min's or so usually brings my snark right up to snuff.

Anna said...

I have only posted comments once or twice, but I read the comments every day...I never read comments anywhere else, but I like to read what the people who post here have to say.

I blog, and I write regularly, and I can't really say that my writing reflects my outward personality. In my writing life, I assume a persona that I wish I could be most of the time. I've been shy all my life, and very few people know the "real" me.

jax said...

lol thanks for the tip Micheal...i've tried but lose interest after the first 3 pages of "first" and "fat fuck".

Anonymous said...

I think I am pretty similiar IRL. I enjoy laughing and having fun, but I don't mind going off if someone is being an insufferable jackass.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I horse around online because I'm bored. I try to amuse, but tend to offend."

Lesuckno - its real cute the way you are trying to portray yourself as a misunderstood class clown, the only thing is no one is buying it. You know exactly what you are doing. If you're going to be a pornographic psycopath, at least own up to your freakiness.

Nicole said...

@ jax - I had to stop reading Perez because after ten pages of first, Im ususally enraged. I understand completely. LOL.

I don't post here much, but I read the comments everyday and I feel like I know you guys! I'm pretty much the same IRL. I ususally write exactly how I would speak.

Brenda22 said...

I think I'm pretty much the same online as in person. I think it's true for most people (which is scary when it comes to les suckno freak).

I love Paul Rudd, WD, but "Over Her Dead Body" I haven't seen it but WHY, Paul, WHY? Can you ask him next time?

Anonymous said...

unfortunately i suck at guessing the blind items, so i usually have little to no input. rarely comment unless i really have something to say. it also depends on my mood swings that day. :)
sorry if i don't acknowledge comments directed at me at times, i was not meaning to ignore. i'm just shy i guess. i do love reading the comments and the "cyber community" feel here.

enty/l, thanks for cheering me up daily!

keep on it, wd. h'wood needs some talent, we're tired of these mediocre excuses for movies.

noel said...

Nope, I horse around online because I'm bored. I try to amuse, but tend to offend."

Lesuckno - its real cute the way you are trying to portray yourself as a misunderstood class clown, the only thing is no one is buying it. You know exactly what you are doing. If you're going to be a pornographic psycopath, at least own up to your freakiness.

So true Brenda... mind you... I would like to meet les suckno in person- he/she sounds like they have a great sense of humour but alas les suckno takes it a bit too far...

noel said...

Oh yeah... thanks for the posts WD!!

Have fun and good luck!!

Unknown said...

Aw, Jax, come here, sit on mommy's lap, and watch this (I'm positive it'll cheer you up):


Haah! Haah! Haah! said...

jewels...very funny. I'm going to watch the rest of them at a reasonable hour. Haah..haah..Haah..HAAH. That is a trip.

mandjo said...

I think I'm the same here as in "Real Life". I tend to stay quiet and Listen more than I speak up. However, if it is something I
want to make a comment on-I will! Have fun at the Party!!!!

Tania said...

WD - does getting to play types which are your opposite in character, help a bit with the frustration of not being like that in RL? I've never acted, but I think I'd enjoy 'pretending' to kick someone's ass in a scene, and imagining they were somebody I'd really like to tear down a peg.

As you may have guessed from that, I'm not good at confrontation! But I do find it a little bit easier to tell people off online, if they have upset me.

liveunderarock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
liveunderarock said...

Love the post, WD. I wonder about those things too. Over the years I have visited numerous blogs and forums for info on things as varied as why my computer isn't working to why my orchids aren't growing. I think that on all blogs the frustrations people are feeling IRL come out online. Perhaps that is a good thing. Maybe it is better to bitch out someone you will never see than to take our frustration out on our children or spouses. Who knows.
I think I am about the same here and IRL. But I would have to ask someone who knows me online and IRL to get an objective point of view.
Jesus, I sound as wishy-washy as a politician. But United is refusing to hold my flight while I clarify. ;)

JM, As A Sim said...

Anna faris?

sauvage said...

First: Domino punches Brian Austin Green, not Ian Ziering, and breaks his nose.

Second: "It just occured to me, while reading your comments, that blogging, online chats, comments are not that different from the acting profession. They are a side of you that you wish you could show in your real life but are afraid to." - Believe me, Lady, I'm not one bit less teasy in real life. I love to bitch about dresses with real friends while watching TV, I am sarcastic in real life also, I enjoy good laughs.

And I'm pretty sure that goes for many of the rest of the crowd here. At least I like to think of my fellow commenters (I'm not posting to often myself, but I enyoy reading others' comments) here as the smart, funny, sarcastic, sharp-minded people they appear to be from their comments. You made me laugh loudly more than once and I love you. Just for the record.


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