Monday, March 31, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which actor finds he is only able to perform in front of the cameras after a massive boozing session and five or more lines of cocaine?


Tania said...

Er, could you vague that up for me a little?

Seriously, it could be almost anybody...

mooshki said...

That's what it would take me to get in front of a camera.

Anonymous said...

Steve Coogan

jax said...

jude law

Maja With a J said...

Um...all of them?

YahMoBThere said...

Anthony Hopkins

Three sisters said...

Daniel Radcliffe!!! Haha.

Pinky said...

Jonathan Rhys Meyer

D said...

Hugh Laurie. He could write off the coke as a business expense, saying it "gets him into character". =P

But seriously, wtf kindof a gd blind is this?

Mother Campfire said...

I agree with Pinky...Rhys Meyer. Or at least thats what he looks like every time I see him...on camera or at a premiere. It's creepy.

dixiebell said...

this is the kind of blind that any more specific and enty could get his ass sued into next year.

YahMoBThere said...

EL wouldn't be sued - the Daily Mirror would be.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

All of 'em!

J Ruth said...

Robin Williams?

RagDoll said...

Keanu Reeves. Even if it ain't that would explain his acting, anyway...

selenakyle said...

I wanna act, too!

Peregrine White said...

Russell Crowe.


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