Friday, March 07, 2008

Who Cares If It Is True

You remember Ashley Cole don't you? He is the star soccer player from the UK who has repeatedly cheated on his wife, Cheryl Cole or Cheryl Tweedy from Girls Aloud. Surprising many in the world Ashley actually cheated on Cheryl with other women. I actually thought the guy preferred dudes, and maybe he does but was more careful with them. So he and Cheryl had a big fight, she moved out, and now wants to move back in, but only if Ashley sells the house they currently live in. Cheryl has visions of being the next Posh and wants fame more than any other person on earth. OK, everyone clear and up to date? Do I need to talk about the other girls in Girls Aloud? I am sure they have a wiki entry if you want to catch up. Just remember that Nicola drinks if you call her ugly, or the ugly one.

Now, the good part of the story. According to The Mirror which I love because they sent me a very nice note, Ashley Cole's mom is making Ashley apologize individually to each and every member of the Tweedy family for being a cheater. He also then has to apologize to each and every member of his own family. Of course this could be right up there with the selling the house thing, so I don't know if he would go through with it unless he was going to get back with Cheryl.

You know that show Cheaters right? Do they have it outside the US? If not, it is a show that gets a tip from a person who feels like they are being cheated on, and then the show follows the other person to see if it is true or not. Since it is television, they are always caught cheating, and there is always a huge confrontation at the end. I would love Celebrity Cheaters. Yes, the paps will get a photo every once in a while, but I want the full television crew and the night vision following them around. That would be great. It could be D or even E listers I don't think anyone would care. It would be better than watching Flavor Of Love 14.

As far as this whole Cheryl and Ashley thing goes, I don't think there are anymore stories that can be rung out of it. I think it is done until Ashley cheats again, or Cheryl cuts his hamstring while he is sleeping.


captivagrl said...

Celebrity Cheaters, yes do it! I'm watching that one! did anyone else see the Cheaters episode with the boyfriend who caught his girlfriend tied up and having relations with several other girls? they were costumed and tied up with yellow caution tape that road crews use. they even had the orange cones and other stuff as props. it was weird, funny.....

captivagrl said...

i used the term "relations" because i don't really know what the hell they were doing. they were half naked though in the bedroom.

mandythegreat said...

Does she think selling the house will stop his screwing around? I mean, really.

Pinky said...

I'm with you Captivagirl. Celebrity Cheaters would be awesome! I didn't see the one you're talking about, but I saw the one where the host got stabbed by the cheating boyfriend. On a boat.

Unknown said...

I think the question is WHEN he will cheat again ... not if.

I agree Mandy ... why she thinks moving will solve his roving penis issue is puzzling for sure.

lyz said...

Okay, off topic but this makes me wonder...why do we never hear rumors of Posh's hubby cheating? Is he really faithful? Surely not. Are the rumors there and I'm just oblivious?

captivagrl said...

pinky - watch the Cheaters episode. it's the "Village People" episode. there was a recap episode later. watch the original on youtube.

ms_wonderland said...

lyz - David Beckham very famously had a thing with the family nanny, Rebecca Loos, and I think someone else. Loos gtried to make a career as a 'model' is still a Z list celeb.

Posh took Becks back because she din't want to loose her status as the wife of the England captain.

Anonymous said...

lyz - their were rumors of Posh's husband cheating with his assistant or nanny can't remember which she was or both.

Their was also a story that the kids nanny was going to write a book (I believe about their fake marriage). I think the Beckham's took her to court.

This happen Hmm if not a year ago probably 2.

I read this I believe at the News of the World. If my memory serves me right.

lyz said...

Oh that's right. Ya'll are so smart!!! So, he's been on the straight and narrow since then?

Anonymous said...

Well he hasn't been caught yet hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Probably thats the reason they came to the States. Besides for the money.

Anonymous said...

Making him apologize? How old is this guy?

I just rolled my eyes so hard that they seem to be stuck in the top of my head.

lyz said...

lo and behold.....the new item posted is about Becks!

The Bad Seed said...

Captivagirl, I saw that Cheaters ep. cheater girl was this little fem thing, the others were total dykes and the bf was confused, didn't know if he felt turned on or castrated. but he made up his mind fast cuz they stayed together. and you fuckin KNOW what their sex life was like after that little fantasy got revealed. lol

captivagrl said...

bad seed - could not figure out the clown make-up or props...??? didn't look sexy to me ,BUT, each their own...i loved how it was a complete surprise. no one could have written that better. i'm guessing their sex life after that was...he was the guy with the orange flag waving the cars through? SLOW.

J said...

Yeah rumour had it that Ashley used to have shower(fun)time with a former teamate, and that the romance with Cheryl was all a bit Tom Cruise-ish....
All completely untrue though...;)

Amber said...

I just recently found a computer game based on Cheaters, it was hilarious! The host of that show is a fox rawr


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