Thursday, April 03, 2008

Random Photos Part One

When Agyness Deyn wears this outfit, it looks cool. When Juliette Lewis wears it, not so much.
You know what I love about Heather Matarazzo? The fact that she is proud of who she is and doesn't care what people think. Wish more actors would be the same way.
Eddie Vedder - Vancouver
David Foote scares me. He is a talented artist, but he scares me.
Mr. Ben, "I use Grecian Formula" Stiller and his lovely wife Christine Taylor.
The lovely Ali Landry at a hot moms event.
Louis C.K. is hilarious.
I would be getting drunk off my ass also if I was getting married to Beyonce on Friday. In fact, it would be the beginning of a lifetime bender of biblical proportions.
That whole Full House thing was kind of a premonition huh? That is one Full House Jodie Sweetin has going on.
I love Jena Malone. Love her, love her, love her, but she really needs to hook up with David Foote and they can make their very own Addams Family.
Julianna Marguiles certainly seems happy with Keith Lieberthal.
Mena Suvari and her boyfriend.
Mena Suvari and her girlfriend?
Is there a flood coming? Matthew Broderick must be expecting one because those pants are about a 1/2 inch from being embarrassing.
Lindsay Lohan visited the set of N.E.R.D.'s new video. Want to know the name of the song. Everybody Nose. Kind of appropriate huh?
Lifehouse - New York
Wow. Norah Jones looks amazing.
This cartoon seems appropriate in light of Naomi Campbell being arrested for spitting on a London policeman today. Hey, at least it wasn't a cell phone.
I admit it. I watched Perfect Strangers.

The lovely Melora Hardin and her equally lovable daughter.
Zoe Kravitz and Ben Foster are still going strong. That new haircut though just screams "I loved my mom on Cosby."
The Sutters. Dad doesn't seem to be working out as much.
Tell me again why Taylor Dayne isn't the female judge on American Idol.
Wow. When you become royalty they must just teach you from day one how to look as stiff and uninterested and emotionless as possible.
Norman Reedus looks like he could use some sleep.


merrick said...

Thank you thank you thank you for the eddie vedder picture .. is there any wonder why "black" is not only my favorite color .. but song as well!

Anonymous said...

LOL - I am into the Eddie Vedder pic too. Looks like an interesting show going on there - lovin' that old-fashioned film projector.

mooshki said...

Hey, be kind to Stiller - he has said he hates dying his hair, and only does it when he has to for a movie, so it's not his fault. :)

Unknown said...

Mena Suvari has cankles!

Zoe Kravitz looks as if she's going to be hot and racey as her parents are... the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

OMG EL if you were trying to get me to love you, it worked. Louis CK is the best comedian...ever.

Unknown said...

Heh. I totally thought that last one was Leonardo di Caprio. said...

Do ya'll think that Mena Suvari has butt implants? I never thought of her as being so curvy/thick (not being mean) I guess I thought she was really petite. Of course, the only thing I have really seen her in was American Beauty and I think she was pretty much still a kid back then. Who in Hollywood has butt implants so I can take a look?

califblondy said...

I don't think it's implants so much as the way she's posed. Look how her back is arched and her tummy is sticking out in front so she can get that ass way up there.

If I posed like that my butt would look good too. Okay, maybe not that good.

Unknown said...

Wow! Mena Suvari's butt is round. I thought she was a petite little thing too. She looks cute.

Who's that guy with Juliana Marguiles? Is it a co-star or something? Only ask because I was thinking of that blind item about married co-stars having affairs.

Unknown said...

I see that perfect strangers dude all the time! i think he might live on my block (UWS in NYC)

def has gained some weight since his tv days...always want to ask him what he's been up to lately, but it's NYC- we have to pretend not to notice here.

captivagrl said...

mena has a cute figure and that suit really flatters her shape. i want norah's little black dress.

Unknown said...

I don't like that Agyness Deyn chick. Don't know or care who she is, but something about her irks me.

Marisa, I've seen that guy from Perfect Strangers on Law & Order and just recently in a movie. It was either Number 23 or Stranger Than Fiction (got those from Netflix at the same time).

YahMoBThere said...

Who is the woman who has her arm on Mena's ass - that's what I want to know.

kellygirl said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Eddie Vedder!!!

I wonder if Mean is as kinky as she seems.

I wonder if Zoe Kravitz is as cool as she seems.

Anonymous said...

Dear God,
I was really good in this life. I was kind, caring and sharing. As my reward, may I please reincarnate with an ass like Mena Suvari's?

Tracee said...

"When your pants are too high and they reach for the sky — high waters!"

Man my sibs got me good with that always. But how in the hell can you tell Broderick's wearing high waters. You need a microscope to see that mess.

Hi Brendababy! I wish my ass looked like Mena's too. I think I can get it too if someone's got some sandpaper, chisel and some concrete.

Mother Campfire said...

I am with you Brenda. I saw those pics and immediately planned a work out. haha Damn it, I can try.

Production Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Production Girl said...

DAMN!!! Mena has got a HUGE ass. I so envy her, LOL.

*well I have to go and do some squats now*

moira said...

I'm with you Rebecca, I do not like that Agyness Deyn chick. Her name alone is too much pretentiousness for me. (It's fake by the way, she wasn't given that by her folks.) But I DO like Jena Malone, she is adorable and has a great style.

May I start a petition for no more Lohan attention? She's become as useless as a Hilton.

I tried on a dress at Forever 21 that looked very nearly exactly like the one Norah Jones is wearing. It cost $12.50.

Anonymous said...

Holy, that David Foote guy is the stuff of nightmares. Do you think he goose stepped into that venue? ;)

I hope Ben & Christina aren't the answer to some blings, I really like them both :(

Louis C.K. - gotta love the dude who wrote Pootie Tang, AND ESPECIALLY anyone who was on Dr. Katz :)

I have had a girl crush on Mena ever since she shaved her head. Not just because she looked so HOT but bcs she had the balls to do it in the first place. I SO would... *wink wink*

Why so ashamed about watching Perfect Strangers? Didn't everybody??? lol

mmmmmmmmmm Norman Reedus....yeah, not the best pic, but DAMN he's hot...

Anonymous said...

francesca fiore said...

May I start a petition for no more Lohan attention? She's become as useless as a Hilton.
2:50 PM

I second that. Great name, BTW, now we just need a Bruno ;)

YahMoBThere said...

Jenner, good luck with that. I started a petition months ago, to no avail. Paris and Brittney were on it, too. You can see how far it

Anonymous said...

Mena Suvari looks amazing! Finally, an actress with a great body who is not trying to be a size 0!!

More Mena!

jax said...

damn that is an ASS.
i have no booty. none!

good on Heather Matarazzo!

Jodie Sweeten preggers and unmarried??? HOW RUDE!

Anonymous said...

lol Jax, she IS married.

anna said...

i've been trying to get the motivation to start working out again and meana just provided it -- and jenner, she looked gorgeous with the shaved head.

ben stiller -- used to love him, but soured on him when his wife started getting so skinny and there were rumblings that he cheats on her all the time. (although she's not looking as thin these days)

norah jones -- adorable as ever. love the short hair on her.

and is ben foster the guy who was with claire danes, or is that some other ben?

trista rehn. ugh.

and yeah, please no more lohan. please?

Unknown said...

Mena Suvari probably gained weight from being in love -- she's usually stick thin.

Zoe Kravitz is going to be the next little ho, I just know it...

Julie said...

i really don't like mena suvari, but i like her ass lol, i wish it were mine lol

Jena looks cute. Mary Louise Parker should be her mom in real life lol

Poor Jodie Sweetin.

i can't stand pearl jam, sorry. my husband does. when i went to their concert it was a horrible experience lol but Sonic Youth opened, so that salvaged it a little.

Whos Heathers girlfriend? She looks really familiar?

Julie said...

oh and, i imdb'd heather after seeing this.
i didn't know she was adopted. she totally looks like she could be debi mazars daughter lol

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Keith Lieberthal is Mr Julianna Margulies. So, what BI are they the answer to?

trashtalker said...

I have to disagree about Norah. I think she looks like the current Katie Holmes model.

Apparently, Heather's GF is named Caroline Murphy. I don't know if she's an actress. I don't see her on IMDb.

Julianna looks pretty darn good, considering she had her baby about two months ago.

La Sol said...

I have a butt like that, am still a 0, and have no boobs. You can have boobs or a butt, I have determined, but not both. Case in point - Mena, she is has a fairly small chest but great butt. I guess we always want what we don't have, because I always rather have had the boobs than the butt.

Pinky said...

I don't know you la sol, but I want to knock you down. Size 0 and an ass like Suvari...grumble grumble

Unknown said...

mena's always had that heavier-on-the-bottom shape (pay attention to her whole shape in the american pie movies, not just what the camera wants to emphasize) and there ain't nothin wrong with the way that looks, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

^you beat me to it. she's small but bottom heavy and has been for a bit now. it's the same with j.l.hewitt- if they dress to camoflauge it they look thin because of their small bone structure.

mena just has a better stylist and more personal style. and a better ass. lol

TV said...

i think mena looks great and real.

does JayZ look uber thin?

Anonymous said...

OMG Norman Reedus. Lust city.

He does look hellish there, though.

Julie said...

i have the boobs AND the butt, but the hips to go with them lol.
i mean, i'm not fat by any means, (5'6, at MOST 115.)
but my boobs just don't do what i want them to do. i'm a 34c, and can't get them to make cleavage no matter what (well minus duct tape and cutlets xD) after my son, i had a wonderful body big boobs, nice butt, no fat. back to 98 pounds the day after. then i started prednisone EVIL! I tell you! messed my body up beyond repair :( After that, I had my daughter. and nursed her for a few months. lol

but yeah, i miss having narrow hips...i look at myself and say PEAR! wish i had a measuring tape right now :(

Amber said...

I'm not a huge fan of Mena Suvari, but her body is bangin'. Yeah, I said bangin'.

Unknown said...


nothin' wrong with a little bangin'

I just started going to the gym again...I read recently that it takes 21 days to change a habit- so i'm going to the gym every other day & walking home from work on days i dont go- for 21 days...also not smoking or drinking for 21 days...god help me. it's a good motivator though if you want to get in shape/get a suvari ass...

Sydney in Wonderland said...

la sol -- Boobs and butts sometimes come in pairs. Size 4 (I know, I know, not a 0, gasp!), full D's and a Mena butt. Try finding clothes for that. I wind up looking like I'm trying to hide a preg-belly with the shirts I have to wear.

sillyme said...

Who are the royals in the photo?

Moonmaid said...

Yes, Taylor Dayne would be a nice addition to American Idol - great pipes, years in the business and would add some needed credibility to the judges. Paula is ridiculous.

Leah said...

Ahhhh eddie vedder. I fantasize about him all the time.

Unknown said...

If anyone really wants an ass you can bounce quarters off, it is achievable for anyone.

You have to work out A LOT, and stay committed even when things are hectic. It takes years. It is excruciating, and you have to make it one of your top 5 priorities.

Don't do the butt implants. You won't be able to hold in your farts. And there is no need to ruin your perfectly healthy body with an implant. Mena's ass is real I believe.

I agree that a girl does not get blessed with all three: face, tits, ass. And real boobs do not come with a flat stomach. Ask any female body builder.

Has Heather M done anything since Welcome to the doll house?


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