Tuesday, March 03, 2009

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which sexy NYC-based celeb’s pickup line needs a little improvement? “Have we met?” he asks. “Have we had sex? No? Do you want to?”


Sarah Jane said...

Ugh, sounds like Piven. too bad he isn't NYC based.

Pookie said...

hmmm...ny-based...kanye b/c he's THAT arrogant, regardless of his most recent stripper, or woody allen cuz he's just plain old school pervy-creepy.

Anonymous said...

Whoever he is I wonder if women go for the line. If they do they are as stupid as he is.

caralw said...

I thought Kanye was Chicago-based.

canadachick said...

Damn it - whoever it is stole my line !!

Jungle007 said...

Phillip Seymour Hoffman?

Ha. Since I have no idea, I'm taking a stab in the dark.

Unknown said...

Alec Baldwin

shakey said...

LMFAO! I can totally see Alec Baldwin doing this! But ... is he sexy?

Goodgrief said...

Bill Clinton!!!!!!!!

mooshki said...

Conan O'Brien. Mmmmmm...

Babs said...

Mayor Bloomberg? Kidding. I DO like the Slick Willie, guess, though. Sounds like something he'd think was brilliant. Good one, Goodgrief!

Sean said...

Jimmy Fallon

B626 said...

This a tie between
New York based Yankees
Derek Jeter and

Anonymous said...

Ethan Hawke. Lives in Chelsea. Newly married or not, he's notorious for being a skeeze.

kanonymous said...

The key word here is sexy. Would you use that to describe Ethan Hawke, Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, Bill Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Kanye West, or Jeremy Piven???

And I think if this guy was married or in a serious relationship, the blind would say so.

Best guesses so far are A-Rod and Derek Jeter.

Green Wave Gal said...

Is Lenny Kravitz NY-based?

Robbie Rob said...

Duh, i am 100% certain this is Josh Hartnett.

MISCH said...


mooshki said...

Kanonymous, yes, I would say Conan is sexy, but I threw his name out as a joke. :)

Sporky said...

Bill Clinton for sure!

Anonymous said...

lol, Clinton is anything but sexy, although I can picture him using that line :)

Jeter and A-Rod may play for my beloved Bombers, but neither actually lives here in the off-season. Plus, I wouldn't call either sexy... now Johnny Damon, on the other hand. Rawr.

I just have a hard time thinking it's A-Roid or Jeter. Maybe a Mets player?

Jungle007 said...

Kanonymous, I gotta agree with Mooshki, Conan's hella sexy. I'd do him up, down and all around town.
It's a personality thing I think.

Ok I change my vote. Ethan Hawke.

Green Wave Gal said...

Hey Amber--Leave my Mets out of this! :) he he

Though I'm no Yanks fan, I must admit that Johnny Damon is yummy!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I like the Mets too! Hell I live about ten minutes from Shea Stadium- though I catch hell constantly for wearing a Yanks hat in Queens, lol :)

Green Wave Gal said...

awww...my mom used to teach over there (across from Shea). I was born in Floral Park but my parents moved to East Meadow, Long Island just before I was born. I live in Los Angeles now though the fam is still on LI!

Yanks hat + Queens = A BIG PROBLEM lol

Let's Go Mets!

Anonymous said...

I'm a full-on transplant here- born and raised in Austin, Texas. Always loved and fascinated by NYC, and finally made the move here about six years ago after spending practically every vacation coming here, lol. Met my husband here (a bred-and-born Brooklynite himself), and about to pop out our first kid here. I love this city so much, it's ridiculous.

LA is one of the few places I've never been! Not sure if that's good or bad, lol.

Can't wait for this year's subway series :)

Green Wave Gal said...

Congrats on the New Yorker-to-be! :) I'm 3rd generation born in NYC (except for one grandfather who came to Brooklyn from Poland when he was 9).

I went to college in New Orleans and I couldn't really see myself going back to the cold weather. I moved to Los Angeles for grad school and wound up staying. July will be 12 years that I'm here!

Nosey Parker said...

ITA with Robbie Rob =]

It's Josh Hartnett!

mooshki said...

Hey, Green Wave, your game show is on this month, isn't it? Woo hoo!

Green Wave Gal said...

Hey Moosh...

Thanks for the plug!

Yes, I'll be on Trivial Pursuit on March 27th! It's syndicated so check your local listings! (If you get 2 episodes a day in your area, it should be the first episode)

If anyone has a way to record it to DVD, please let me know!

My name is Ellen so you'll know who to look for (Moosh-I know you already know my name)!

Anonymous said...

The cold weather is the only downfall of living here, imo. Growing up in Texas, snow was always such a foreign concept, and I always wanted it. Now that I live in in New here, I hate hate hate winter! This snowstorm these past few days is killing me- enough is enough already, it's friggin' March! lol

ms snarky said...

ah, the newbies to the northeast.

March is freezing with the occasional teaser warmish day, April is chilly and rainy (yum, freezing cold rain!) with a few warm days just to stop you from running off, then sometime in late May the danger of frost to your outside plants is past. seriously. this is just wrong.

Jungle007 said...

Glad to know the big chill is reaching you guys down in the big apple too. Living in T.O the past week has been like living in someone's freezer, but without the yummy popsicles and ice cream.

Mmmmmmmmmm.... Ice Creammmmmmmm....

kath said...

I think it was TMZ that did a whole thing in NY on Jeff Goldblum where he was hitting on women (woman after woman after woman) using outragous come ons. And they got it on tape. This has got to be Goldblum.

joo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joo said...

I don't buy this story. The only way the pickup line would work if they had met before:

Q: Have we met before?

A: No.

Q: Have we had sex?

A: ???

Cooper's Mom said...

Whoever it is, i'm sorry but it's fucking funny! I'd piss my self laughing and then tell him to piss off! LOL!

RJ said...

whats the name of that guy that went out with Rihanna before Chris Brown? He also got some pictures with Sienna Miller.. I cannot remember his name.. He was in London lately doing theater before coming back and settling in NYC...

Kat said...

It's Moby.

shakey said...

I thought he was in Kentucky ...

mooshki said...

Kath, if it is Goldblum, it'd work on me. :)

Robbie Rob said...

To reiterate, i'm 100% positive it is Josh Hartnett.

slappywhyte said...

regarding Prisstina and shakey's comments ... haha

i will tell some ones i have used in the recent past ... some might just call it flirting ... of course i havent been doing much of this in the misery of the last couple months of this winter and stress from work

"if you break up with your bf let me know" -- that basically worked immediately, bf was gone within 2 weeks

last night this girl was showing me this large tattoo on her chest, and of course i said, "you need to pull your shirt down more, i cant really see it all" -- that didnt work

along the same lines, when women mention nipple rings and you say "let me see it" they will show you about 75% of the time or more, ive found ... and those tend to not be the most chaste women

"come over to my house and see my record collection, its large" or some such ... thats another one

"dam my couch is uncomfortable, let's go sit on the bed" -- which is true, couch isnt comfortable despite being italian leather

"you need a real man who knows how to treat a woman" -- that worked before ...

im thinking ...


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