Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This B list television and movie actor is more famous for his current television role, than any movie in which he has appeared. Filming of his show is delayed by hours everyday, because our actor refuses or is unwilling to learn his lines each day and therefore necessitates take after take after take for him to finish his scenes.


JW said...

Laurence Fishburne.

Share said...

For some reason David Caruso popped into my mind. Which is sad, because I love Horatio and CSI Miami

ElsieFire said...

Share, I do believe that would put you in the minority on this blog site, LOL!

MontanaMarriott said...

Alec Baldwin

thisoldbroad said...

I'm with MontanaMarriott on this 1. Alec Baldwin

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

The Piv

Unknown said...

It sounds like something Patrick Dempsey would do.

Dijea said...

I liked the Alec Baldwin comment until Wade said Patrick Dempsey.

Patrick Dempsey for the win.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Isn't Baldwin considered A list by ENTy's standards based on his Emmy? Also, thinking he was equally famous for Red October and Glen Gary, just not recently. I think Dempsey fits much better.

captivagrl said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with the Dempsey guess.

littleoleme said...

I would totally agree with the David Caruso guess.

HRHKMiddz said...


Myrlin A. Hermes said...

Hugh Laurie is probably B list, and more famous for "House" than his movies...That said, I can't picture him acting so unprofessionally.

Green Wave Gal said...

Jason Lee popped into my head...not sure why.

Anonymous said...

Thirding the Piven guess.

Cooper's Mom said...

My first guess is Baldwin, but wouldn't he now be considered A list?

yellow said...

Dempsey. He blames it on being a slow reader because of dyslexia.

ThoughtElf said...


Erin said...

Sheen or Jon Cryer, although Cryer is probably C list at best.

Jillian S. said...

Patrick Dempsey

sunnyside1213 said...


0 said...

So Charlie Sheen.

Angela said...

Charlie Sheen: Platoon, Wall Street, Hot Shots 1 & 2 were quite a hit. He's the highest paid actor in TV, so it makes him A list by definition.

Kiefer Sutherland had Lost Generation and most of his lines on 24 are either "Damn It" or "Copy that".

Laurence Fishburne? The Matrix... Apocalypse Now, these aren't obscure arty movies!

Dempsey seems a fair choice: TV and movie careers in parallel but his fame mostly comes from Gray's Anatomy. Caruso could fit but he was first a TV actor then turned to the movies then went back to TV. EL would have precised this kind of stuff...

Angela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
asstronaut said...

i agree with sheen.

LauraM said...

I'm torn between The Piv and the Dempsey guess... But I think i'm leaning more on the Dempsey wagon.

Judi said...

Yeah, me, too, LauraM.

ms snarky said...

first thought was Diva Caruso, but the Dempsey argument is pretty good.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Assuming the correct answer is Patrick Dempsey, the Grey's Anatomy set has to be the biggest nightmare in television.

ardleighstreet said...

I could see this being Piven but will go with Dempsey. He prob thinks he is too good to learn his lines.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with Piven. Enty's comment in the random photos "what do you do when you love the show, hate the actor". His most recognizable movie role is in "PCU" which is really only recognizable to drunk frat boys and high schoolers despite being in Syriana, Smokin' Aces, Very Bad Things, all high profile box office blunders.

It would also explain why is cast hated him on Broadway.

Miss X said...

My first thought was Patrick Dempsey. But I like the Piv guess, too! Definitely has to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

completely off topic - there are photos of Katy Perry and Rihanna today on a boat somewhere and for some reason it reminded me of a blind item about someone who has taken up with women because of a bad break up.

does anyone remember that blind and what it was about?

Rachewbacca said...

Too easy -- Tim Roth.

Unknown said...

My first thought was Tim Roth....

Share said...

ElsieFire - I just love the show and the character. No matter how cheesy it and its one liners are. However Caruso is an absolute asshole. So I can love the show and hate the diva actor.

Karmen said...

Angela, I love your analysis.

I'm going with either Dempsey or the Pivert for this one. Not enough clues to distinguish.

Mic said...

Steve carrell?

Unknown said...

Can't be Piv. If he was struggling with lines on Broadway, it would have been all over the internet. There were a few-hundred-odd people watching live every night, remember. He learned the lines to the play just fine, his problem seemed to be with showing up.

I also have to nix Dempsey - that gang at Grey's is the most gossipy in the history of gossips; word would have leaked earlier. Also, this kind of behavior would fly better in a show that only has to turn out a half hour show each week as opposed to one that has to carry a full hour. Dempsey would have been killed off long ago if this were him.

So I vote Sheen first, Baldwin second.

Karmen said...

Baldwin and Sheen have several other movies that they're more famous for than their shows. This isn't them.

Steve Carrell's gotta be TV A list. Same as Sheen, the highest paid TV actor.

J said...

Tim "Reservoir Dogs" Roth?

Doubt it honey bunny


Really, I have no clue

SimpleSnob said...

long time lurker, first time commentor.

first perosn to pop into my head is also dempsey. i recall hearing someone who saw an interview of the cast of grey's saying that it takes them a while to memorize lines because of the medical jargon.

TwentiesGirl said...

what about Simon Baker? I love him and would hate to think of him like this, but he was the first name to pop into my head. It could also be Rufus Sewell from the Eleventh Hour?

Twinkle Toes said...

Chuck Lorre would never put up with this kind of behavior so it's not Sheen, sorry.

Twinkle Toes said...

Chuck Lorre calls Charlie Sheen an incredibly talented, easy-going, warm and generous star. And since he called Roseanne undeniably talented, had a few personal issues not to mention a coke-addicted boyfriend she had just made executive producer.
He says Brett Butler hates kids, hates people, hates sitcoms and, most importantly, hates you. He also talked trash about Cybill Shepherd.

mooshki said...

"...the Grey's Anatomy set has to be the biggest nightmare in television."

Yes, it really is. Having hidden cameras on that set would make the best reality show ever.

Sarah said...

Alec Baldwin. Rumor has it, he didn't bother learning any of the lines from the new Nancy Myers film he's been shooting the last few days.

Unknown said...

What about the guy that plays "monk"....I can't remember his name.

Miranda said...

You know, I'd lean towards Alec Baldwin as well, if only because of his SNL appearances lately. I remember seeing the Jonas Brothers skit and one of the Fey/Palin sketches with Baldwin and, while I know Baldwin was doing guest cameos, he read all his lines directly from cue cards and it was SO incredibly painful to watch.

I know it's live comedy and cue cards are necessary, but they should be a guide, not a crutch. He probably had 20 lines total in those sketches; you're telling me he couldn't have memorized them?

PotPourri said...

No way is it David Caruso. He learned his lesson and he said that he will be doing Horatio as long as CSI Miami fans will have him.

It's Baldwin who wants out of his contract.

ChasingHeaven said...

Neil Patrick Harris?

ondal said...

It's Simon Baker. I asked him once how does he memorize all his lines, since he has so many, and he immediately replied with a devilsh grin, "I don't."

miki said...

For sure it isn't Caruso. He's the most professional on the set; knows not only his lines, but everyone else's lines. He's often intolerant with incompetence and changes lines as filming progresses, but he's never unprepared.

Mic said...

I'm convinced this is Tracy Morgan.


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