Tuesday, November 03, 2009

11 Year Old Gives Birth - On Her Wedding Day

I really thought I had seen everything, but this one was still a shocker. Kordeza Zhelyazkova who is an 11 year old Bulgarian girl became one of the world's youngest mothers. She went into labor on her wedding day and went to the hospital wearing her wedding dress. The father and her now husband is 19 years old. He faces six years in jail for having sex with a minor. Oh, the age of consent in Bulgaria is 14. Seriously? 14? Also, what kind of 19 year old guy wants to have sex with an 11 year old girl?

At least the mom and the baby appear to be healthy. If you want to read the whole story, you can click here.


lutefisk said...
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Ms Cool said...

Don't want to read the rest of the story. Ugh.

Sporky said...

Both of my grandmothers gave birth to their first child at age 13. They were from Mexico and it was the 1920's.

In this day and age, you'd think that sort of thing would stop happening, but amazingly it doesn't. :(

lutefisk said...

The baby was conceived within a week of their meeting??? That must have been some courtship.

West End Girl said...

Her grandma was quoted and she's 55 now, which means her child (male/female?) had this girl when she was 44.

The story saddens me on so many levels. At 11, I really was still playing with dolls and certainly didn't develop until much later.

ItsJustMe said...

This is what bothers me the most about the article:

'She is so beautiful, I love her. Violeta is the child and I must grow up. I am not going back to school - I am a mother now.'

Oooookay. Girl, get your a** in school. Set a good example for your new toy.

Pookie said...


omg, this is insane and heartbreaking. the record holder is still the 5 yr old from peru, no? random. but eeeep. i can't get over this. kids are having sex way too young. *old fogey*

ItsJustMe said...

Well, the 5 year old was molested, so that's a different story.

whole lotto luv said...

The story originated with News of the World. Are they a reliable paper, or trashy tabloid like the ones with the alien babies and stuff?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I'm pretty sure the age of consent in Canada is 14, but I think you need your parents to agree to it. Anyway, this story is awful. Good to see she's not going back to school, who needs grade 7 anyways?

lyz said...

This wasn't a courtship! This guy is a child molestor. He's 19!!!!

I wonder how long she'll consider the baby a "toy"...until she cries all night long? Until she's old enough to walk and pull stuff off the tables? Until she learns how to say "no"? Yeah, what's she gonna think about her toy then???

lyz said...
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Berlin Brunching said...

About the age of consent - yes there are a bunch of countries where the age of consent is 14, including Italy and Germany. In Germany sex is legal among consenting 14 year olds apart from the following exception:

"An exception is when the older partner is aged over 18 and is "exploiting a coercive situation" or offering compensation, in which case the younger partner must be over 16. In addition, it is illegal for someone aged over 21 to have sex with someone under 16 if they "exploit the victim's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination"

For more info check:


Chrissy Buns said...

ugh, this is horrible. this girl should be happy she's still alive. some 'girls' who try to give birth that young die! our bodies aren't meant to have babies that young...we are still supposed to playing with barbies! yikes...

MoodyBlueEyes said...

I'm not reading the rest of the story. I don't want to know, frankly. I have an 8-year old, and cherish the thought that she still plays with dolls, and matchbox cars, and likes to color, and dig in the dirt. I felt almost 'ill' when I knew she was crushing on a boy on the bus - he's two grades older and a bit of a troublemaker.

The thought of her three years from now, having sex and becoming a mother is unfathomable.

I just don't understand what it is that makes kids want to grow up so fast nowadays. Why bl*w-jobs are the "new" french kiss? How you have to wear shorts so short and tight that you can see what you ate for breakfast? And most of this is by the time they're BARELY into their teens!!! Never MIND Halloween costumes! Fishnets on elementary school girls?! AGH!

Sorry for the off topic tangent and rant, but its hard enough to be a parent and raise a good, proper child - which I've done very well at so far - and so see stuff like this - well... it just goes to show that morals, self respect and parental guidance just keep slipping further away.

redronnie said...

If any one came into my home with questionable intentions towards my 11 year-old granddaughter, their face would appear on a milk carton. I would do serious intentional damage to a 19 year old male - I am simply horrified at the idea. Yes, in Canada the age of consent is 14 years old, however, there has been a growing movement to raise it to sixteen.

BigMama said...

wait! there is a 5 year old in Peru who had a baby? OMG!!!! That is impossible isn't it? I can not imagine 11 having a child. Somebody shoot that man and put her butt in school!

selenakyle said...

Nope, sorry--not reading the article. Too disturbing...but she looks happy in the photo!

Brings to mind the barbaric quip, "if they're old enough to bleed, they're old enough to butcher."

God, how I've always hated hearing males say that, thinking they sound cool.

Pookie said...

BigMama...it was in 1939...read it somewhere some time back...apparantly she's the world record holder...hate to think of how a 5 yr old ended up pregnant. :(

Pookie said...
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sunnyside1213 said...

Lina Medina was the name of the 5 year old. She never revealed the name of the father, and it was suspected that she really didn't know who it was.

redhotpepper said...

Holy crap, my daughter just turned 10 yesterday and she's still in the "eww, boys are icky" stage. Who is leaving their 11 year old alone long enough to have sex with a 19 year old?

ardleighstreet said...

I have a niece that age and I would just die inside to think this was her.

Why hasn't one of her parents strung him up by his anatomy?
She'll prob. end up with four more before she's 20. Poor baby (I mean Kordeza and not the newborn).

Alli said...

As far as I know in most of European countries age of consent is 15 or close to that.

newsgrrl said...

I don't want to read the rest of the story... but in my mind - she doesn't look 11 in that photo. Sad, hope he gets his ass kicked.

Katja said...

I was not aware the they spoke the Queen's English in Bulgaria. The girl said she was a "Mum" now.

Anonymous said...

I read the entire story. The guy claims he didn't know she was 11; he thought she was 15. Um, if he "rescued" her from bullies on a playground, he didn't have the slightest inkling that she was young?

Having babies early is part of the Roma culture. But even they must admit that 11 is too young.

I feel like giving this girl, and her baby, a big hug. She has no idea what she's gotten herself into.


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