Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A&E Gives Kirstie Alley A Show

Kirstie Alley is going to get paycheck and it is going to involve us sitting through 10 weeks of her whining next year. Yes, Fat Actress was a decent show, but the premise of the entire ten week run of Kirstie's new show is to follow her around while she loses weight on a program she invented and is trying to patent. To me that sounds like an infomercial and something she should be paying for and not getting a check to promote. Oh wait. Make that multiple patents for several inventions.

"Kirstie is exactly the kind of star A&E is drawn to," said A&E nonfiction/alternative programming senior VP Robert Sharenow. "Her personal life has been playing out in the media for years, but this will be the first time she'll be opening up her home to reveal her real life for the cameras."

Uh huh. Let me know when she hooks everyone up to an e-meter and then I will believe it is her real life. I don't have a problem with Kirstie Alley getting a reality show. I do have a problem with her trying to sell whatever it is she is going to be doing while using a reality show as cover for it.

Plus, judging by the picture Variety used (above) it looks like she already lost the weight which means all of this has already been shot and all she needs to do now is sell, sell sell.


Ms Cool said...

Guess I'd try her program if that is indeed how she looks now and it isn't due to plastic surgery.

nunaurbiz said...

Let Parker Stevenson have a "rebuttal" comment segment and I'll watch! LOL

Cutebetty said...

No way will I believe she looks like that now.

Sporky said...

No thanks, Kirstie.

Alice D Millionaire said...

I don't really have a problem with her "trying to sell whatever it is she is going to be doing while using a reality show as cover for it" I mean these reality stars are just selling themselves anyway...at least she might actually have a product.

Not saying I am going to watch but it doesn't offend me any more than the hills or that other crap.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I wish they'd put Hoarders or that matchmaker show back on instead of this.

califblondy said...

I used to like her, but she kinda creeps me out now. There's no way in weight watcher's hell she looks like that now.

I might tune in if she goes a few rounds with Jillian Michaels.

Wasn't she the answer to the blind about the actress putting on weight just to get a reality show??

MnGddess said...

Jeez - I like Kirstie Alley. So as long as she doesn't start spouting about Scientology (I almost typed gynecology), I'll watch it.

Anonymous said...

I still have flashbacks of her revealing her new body in a bikini on television a few years back.

Where'd I put my damn eye bleach?

sunnyside1213 said...

Thin. Fat. Thin. Fat. Thin? We will see.

Caroline said...

That has to be an old pic... I'm watching her right this minute on today's episode of Oprah, which is only taped a couple of weeks ahead of time max, and she's nowhere near that thin.

Pookie said...

hmm. i'm betting xenu-heads are involved. and i'm betting the sr. prog. vp is one too.

Unknown said...

Well, of course she needs a paycheck. Being a cult member don't come cheap, after all. Auditing doesn't pay for itself.

tflamb said...

The real question is how much of the Scientology's nonsense word use and methodology is part of her plan. Betting some variation of going "clear" is key aspect of it.

Maja With a J said...

I feel sorry for her. I think she's both talented and intelligent, but her whole life now seems to revolve around weight loss.

Lisa (not original) said...

How the hell can someone get a patent for yo-yo dieting? Didn't Cleopatra invent it? It's most definitely not new. Let's see her ass keep the weight off before allowing her to shill anything.

Unknown said...

Please no Xenu! She is not that thin now. She was on Oprah recently being quite large. Where is Parker Stevenson by the way? Love to hear what he has to say.


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