Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scientology & Haiti

Yesterday I was too busy trying to keep up with all the SAG photos and stuff to really go on a good rant about John Travolta and Scientologists and Haiti. Today though I have plenty of time to rant away. Over the weekend John Travolta flew in four tons of supplies to Haiti on his plane. Also on the plane were a bunch of Scientology support staff and "ministers."

Although I commend John for delivering four tons of supplies, he also used up valuable landing space at the airport which could have been used by a plane which carried a whole lot more in supplies. The "church" must have called in a few favors to make sure their plane landed.

I don't have a problem with people going into to Haiti to volunteer to help. What makes me upset is that how many of you think there is a camera crew with the group? This is all just a big publicity stunt to show the world that Scientologists care. Even Scientologists are not so stupid as to think the Haitians are ready for stress tests.

"Minister" - Your stress is off the chart. Has there been something going on in your life to cause you this much stress?"

Haitian - Well, there was this earthquake and I lost all my family and I haven't really eaten in a week.

"Minister" - No worries. I have just the cure and for $3000 I can make all your problems go away. Now will that be cash or credit?

It is just about publicity. If it was solely about helping the "church" would have donated their 4 tins of supplies the way the rest of the churches have and not called the press to say that John Travolta and his wife would be leading the mission with John himself flying. Put those rumors to rest about him leaving the "church." Look at what a hero he is and look at us. We are going to flood the country with our "ministers." It makes me ill.


Ms Cool said...

I have problems with all "missionaries."

MnGddess said...

Remember those machines you ran your credit card through to make an imprint on the receipt? I imagine the Scientologists carring one of those around in the folds of theor robes.. Wouldn't want to miss a sale!

ballyhoo. said...

...but isn't any celeb who issues a statement about how much they've donated or what they've done in haiti doing pretty much the same thing?

just playing devil's advocate - literally, i guess, haha.

Miss(pdx) said...

Its like any so called missionary that aids impoverished and torn apart countries whilst feeding them their propoganda garbage right along side the sloppy Joes. Eff missionaries. I respect organizations that actually HELP those in need with out an agenda ...seriously..this topic chaps my hide.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I have a big problem with him getting a place to land and unload his measley 4 tonnes of supplies. It says a lot about how our world/society is.

Hendrix said...

Good point, Enty. It's all about getting more asses in those Scientology seats, so to speak...and more payment for "courses" in the coffers. Now, your average Scientologist may in fact mean just as well and have just as pure a motive as your average Jew, Christian or Muslim giving to Haiti. But the foundation of the "church" - well, just never forget that L. Ron Hubbard himself was quoted as saying, "The only real way to make money is to found a religion." (Actually I'm paraphrasing but he did make many statements to that effect before Scientology went from a theory to compete with psychology to a "religion.")

.robert said...

I think it is a ploy to get more donations from current Scientologists.

Anonymous said...

What everyone else said.

MISCH said...


Liz said...

Wipe that shit out, and fast. It's sick how this 'church' a.k.a., celebrities in general use tragic events and human plight to further their own careers & causes. How is it that some are able to donate or lend a hand w/o their make-up artist or camera crew in tow wheras others just can't leave it alone? Should these people be made to dance for their medical care or food rations in the aftermath of this catastophe so a billion dollar cult can get richer/more populated? Travolta should never have been allowed to land. Disgusting.

MommaBear said...

I have to admit, I was fairly sickened when I heard that he and his creepy cult had descended on the people of Haiti. Haven't they been through enough without having to deal with that twit?

These celebrities who boast about how much cash and supplies they're contributing really frustrate me. On one hand, their public donations probably motivate others to give, but I can't every help but think that their generosity is really a marketing and p.r. campaign promoting themselves.

selenakyle said...

Same thing I always say...


(but any/all relief is nice to be giving right now and I'm sure very much appreciated).

SkittleKitty said...

Thank goodness, Enty. I was beginning to think the Scientologists had found something on you. ;)

I think it's horrible that anyone who it not affiliated either with military or previously established aid-missions is being allowed into the country, other than media who are needed to keep the issues in people's minds. "Missionaries" and well-meaning but in-distributable/warehouse-able (sorry) supplies are in the way of organizations and individuals who really can make a difference.
Cash to organizations who know what they are doing is the best way to contribute.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

In my disgust at him being able to land his plane, I forgot to comment on the fact that Haitians don't have any money to give to the CO$. They make a dollar a day in normal conditions, so what are they able to give them now or in the future? I think MommaBear nailed it with the marketing and pr comment. Ugh. Disgusting all around.

Anonymous said...

it is disgusting. donating for PR and recognition? not exactly the actions of the pure of heart, nor in the true spirit of charity.

califblondy said...

I know the church is horrible, but I still feel bad for JT. When I heard the news this morning I thought... good for the Travoltas, something to get their minds off their personal tragedy...then the newscaster mentioned the "ministers" and my good thoughts went straight down the toilet.

figgy said...

I too hate missionaries of ANY kind. Leave your fucking superstitions to yourselves, every last one of you believers in supernatural nonsense.

...and I'm mad at whoever allowed him to land.

Fucktards all around.

Liz said...

Yeah, I really feel for the j.t too...all that good work he allowed the church to do: saving a buck on conventional medicine and doctors, trying to cure his son with vitamins and hot tubs. shame

littleoleme said...

Fuck Scientology up the ass hard.
Feel free to do the same with missionaries.

How awful is "we'll help you as long as you believe what we believe. Want this bowl of soup? crust of bead? housing? We'd love to help as long as you denounce all that you know and join our beliefs." FUCK MISSIONARIES

sunnyside1213 said...

CO$ = Really ugly.

Goodgrief said...

Were any scientologists on telethon the other night? I only got to watch part of it.

jax said...

fuck COS and John. if you really cared about Haiti, you'd leave your fucking cult out of it.

RocketQueen said...

agree with Jax. Send the supplies and let that be it.

Casey said...

Pretty sure the Haitians will be grateful for the supplies, and for Travolta's plane getting permission to land.

I doubt they would really give a flying fig that it comes from a Scientologist.

Haiti is a poor country, they won't be contributing too much to the coffers of the religion.

Anonymous said...

He just has to wear the pilot uniform, doesn't he? I'm fairly sure you can fly a plane in Levis and a t-shirt, but he's playing the role.

I think it's sad that his plane was allowed in, when the plane carrying the inflatable hospital was turned away at a time when little 11 year old girls who were pulled out of the rubble after being imprisoned for 24 hours died for lack of medical care.

And keep all the missionaries out. The Haitians are deeply religious, their own religion, and who is to say that yours is better?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

The Haitians are mostly Catholic. Good luck getting them to jump ship to CO$.

Jeannies Bottle said...

I am happy for any help Haiti gets right now, even from these gits. Maybe they paid a lot of $$ to jump the queu to land and if so, fine, take their money for a good cause. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater, people.

libby said...

My first thought was that the minsters were there to spread $ci to the thousands of doctors and workers from the U.S. and Europe. I'm sure they're pretty stressed.

I also agree that they are using it to up donations from current members. And a p.r. thing.

I had high hopes for a minute that John would get out.

libby said...

Jeannies Bottle, saying that about the CO$ is like saying that at least my date-rapist paid for dinner.

Lioness70 said...

I have TONS more respect for people like Kurt Warner, who was the subject of a recent kindness blind--and it was a big one, not done for publicity at all.

This story is the kind of thing that makes feel me squidgy about celebrities getting involved in what they view as the "cause of the moment". Get "good" publicity for your tarnished cult at the expense of the Haitian people. SICK.

nancer said...

i can't say it better than jax did. fuck them.

and as for him losing his son, what the hell does that have to do with THIS? NOTHING, that's what.

Pookie said...

i have no issues w/ religious institutions aiding the needy. faith is important, whatever your creed. that said tho...these church of xenu types are a cult...that's a far, far cry from an actual religion. haiti's going thru enough...they don't need that. but thx for the supplies jt, they're very much needed.

Elle Kaye said...

What perfect timing. Haitians were lined up in gigantic lines to get money today. Some of them do have money. Some get money from family over here or wherever else they live outside of Haiti. They are allowed to get a maximum of $2500 out of the bank. Some stores are open now as well.

I just hope that the Scientologists get the bashing they deserve going to a country and pushing their agenda on people who are vulnerable and probably completely desperate. Some Haitians have actually turned on Voodoo after Pat Robertson's comments, so it's not that far out to think they might go for the lunacy of Scientology.

They need people down there fighting for them. Very sad.

caydian said...

Hopefully, the US Army let them land, unloaded the plane of supplies and ten minutes later, sling-shot that planeload of 'ministers' back to Hollyweird.

Jeannies Bottle said...

Libby...hardly the same thing at all. Everybody knows CO$ is a cult...I doubt they're on a recruiting mission though; they can't be that stupid. They are performing a p.r. stunt, sure...but again, I'll say I am happy for any aid going to Haiti right now. Any aid at all.

Unknown said...

I live in Baton Rouge, LA, and the Scientologists were all over the ground after Hurricane Katrina. They were always in groups of 4-5 and all wore yellow shirts with red lettering that said "Church of Scientology Response Team" on the back.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Haven't the Haitians suffered enough?

chestnut-red said...

Logan, that's interesting. How did people react to them and what did the relief team do there?

Linnea said...

I have a problem with people who assume they can actually do good in a place like Haiti right now without the proper infrastructure on the ground already in place.

The aid effort in Haiti is failing, and so many different operators are trying to work together without success. And these are people that have been in the country for decades, and know what they are dealing with.

Give your money to an aid org that has been there, that knows what they are doing, that will stay put for a long time - and that wont try to enforce their religion on the people.

Sorry, ranty... It just really bugs me.

tflamb said...

I could care less about it being a publicity stunt. The issue for me with Scientology and other missionaries is the help comes with strings. You can't just get help, you have to shown to be open to being converted and hearing them preach. With Scientology and need of slaves for Sea Org, there is no telling what conditions their "ministers" are requiring right now and with no real legal means they have carte blanche (and own plane) to do whatever they want.

libby said...

Jeannies Bottle, Scientology kills people.

Just google it.

B626 said...

My hometown paper in the midwest carried the story because they shipped in supplies and help from around here on that plane.
The underlying tone
of people interviewed(as I perceived it!)
was: We're flying with the DEVIL but It's for a good cause...

Sinjin said...

(* turns head and vomits)

shakey said...

They're a bunch of idiots ($cios, not Haitians). Can you just imagine them taking injured people and pressing them up against the rubble in order to "cure" them?

elspeth said...

Have read only one article re this Co$ activity in Haiti [so don't know if it's true]: They are helping "crush" victims by touching them. This is supposed to bring their neurological systems back in tune with their bodies. Voila! No meds needed.

Also, re one of TFLive's comments: Haitians' poverty leaves them vulnerable to be taken in by seeming saviours. SeaOrg needs workers for scut work. Co$ gets PR, money from current believers, new converts and some new slaves.

How evil can people be? If Co$ stayed out of Haiti, that would be benign help.

some beeeyotch said...

For all the commenters here saying any aid at all is good- the biggest problem with the Haitian relief effort has been the fact that the ONLY AIRPORT in Haiti is a tiny one in Port-au-Prince that is normally equipped for only THREE incoming and outgoing flights a day. Not to mention their air traffic control tower has collapsed, so they have to control 600+ landings a day by radio in an airstrip that can only accomodate one big plane, and five narrow planes at once. The point here is that the Scientologists must have paid an insane amount of money to secure a spot, and that will hopefully go towards Haiti eventually (but probably won't) when what they need are food, water, and medical supplies. Their 4 tons of supplies and team of ministers are taking the place of something that could deliver way more. It's sick.

some beeeyotch said...

For all the commenters here saying any aid at all is good- the biggest problem with the Haitian relief effort has been the fact that the ONLY AIRPORT in Haiti is a tiny one in Port-au-Prince that is normally equipped for only THREE incoming and outgoing flights a day. Not to mention their air traffic control tower has collapsed, so they have to control 600+ landings a day by radio in an airstrip that can only accomodate one big plane, and five narrow planes at once. The point here is that the Scientologists must have paid an insane amount of money to secure a spot, and that will hopefully go towards Haiti eventually (but probably won't) when what they need are food, water, and medical supplies. Their 4 tons of supplies and team of ministers are taking the place of something that could deliver way more. It's sick.


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