Friday, January 29, 2010

Ted C Blind Item

Gosh, last time we checked in on Seymour Plow-Me-More, he had not a care in the world—other than how to nab his latest gay conquest.

Gotta admit, I've always liked that about Seymour—he's like a little kid. He just wants his boy-toys, lots of cookies, his home life with the fake wife and his that order. He's never really pretended otherwise, unlike so many other grasping, closeted gay stars in this town.

Until now.

Recently, Seymour had an unfortunate incident in his life go down, and it rocked him to his very still-handsome core. So much so, that Mr. Plow-Me-More has taken drastic measures:

Seymour found himself more than a bit put out by this nasty occurrence in his life; he decided it was time to break free from the organization that was most instrumental in his creative zenith and career.

S.P. realized, post-hard knocks, that life's just too damn short to put up with folks who are trying to micromind your every move, which is what Seymour decided the organization was doing, and most offensively, too.

But get this: The outfit that helped create Mr. P as one of Hollywood's biggest stars wasn't havin' it. No way were they at all agreeable to the notion of releasing Plow-Me-More from their Big-Brother-type biz ways, and that's the reason they brought out "the files."

And Seymour knew exactly what this meant.

Message received loud and clear: If Seymour proceeded with his plan to bolt, his former minders would see to it that every media organization within its reach would be enjoying the contents the Seymour Plow-Me-More dossier of debauched gay behavior (is there any other kind, in stupid America's mind?). Now, keep in mind, these questionably gathered documents on Seymour are as impressively detailed as they are extensive. Pretty damn daunting, all put together.

Which is exactly why Seymour has changed his mind—for now.

I dare say he'll revert back to his original desire, which is to ditch the goons who keep watch over him and break free. But when?

Before Toothy Tile comes out, I guarantee you that.

It Ain't: Brendan Fraser, David Beckham, Barack Obama


Unknown said...

John Travolta?

RocketQueen said...

Gotta be Travolta. And if so, that's an easy one from Ted.

MontanaMarriott said...

Yeah this is sooooo Travolta!

lauramart said...

Does anyone else think of the Grease song lyrics "Tell Me More" when you read "Plow Me More", or is it just me? Anyways, I agree with the Travolta guess.

Ms Cool said...

Why is this even a blind? I say lay off Travolta. Losing his son was so devastating and the resulting blackmail is horrific on top of that. Also, despite his scientology links, he seems like a pretty nice guy.

And WTF with the ain'ts... Barack Obama?!

Ice Angel said...

Lauramart-good catch...that seals the deal for me.

Also...his plan to "bolt."

John played the voice of the dog Bolt in the movie...

MontanaMarriott said...

@lauramart, wow, I never saw that connection, good one!

What kills me is how these people just confess their inner secrets to the COS without ever thinking that they could blackmail you in the future should you choose to go your own way. It's not like a Catholic church confessional which I believe is bound to an oath of privacy. I don't get this....

Kristin said...

Travolta was my first thought too. I hadn't thought about the Tell Me More/Plow Me More and Bolt reference but it makes sense to me. Also, since his sons passing, there have been many rumblings about him leaving the CoS.

von said...

Totally Travolta. I hope he does get out from under their grip. It ain't worth it and nobody cares if he's gay.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

And it's not... Barack Obama. Ted, Ted, Ted. As if he's throwing Obama into the mix.

MISCH said...


WednesdayFriday said...

John, I could care less if you're gay. You should be happy and allowed to grieve the loss of your son in a healthy way.

shakey said...

I don't think Ted's knocking John at all. I think he's letting everyone know what the deal is, and he seems sympathetic to his plight. How can you not be? The guy fucked himself over by joining but he wants to finally break free and live life, but they have all this "shit" stored up against him.

He needs to leave, then make a Tarantino movie right after. Everyone will see how good an actor he is, and pretty much everything will be forgiven.

He doesn't force the male massage therapists to give him a happy ending. I'm sure they could have refused, or found an excuse not to.

Casey said...

All of the Aint's have B's in their names.

And really, can Ted not do a Blind Vice without mentioning Toothy? He makes some reference to it in everything.

ZennyPenny said...

I think Obama was included in the aint's because of what he is - a president. Didn't Travolta play Clinton in Primary Colors?

classalpha said...

... Co$ is a fraud and "Em"potent as well. Most if not all $cientologist celebs were already major "stars" before they joined Co$... so that "church" did nothing for them but provide a convenient "tax write-off" when they gave $$$ to the Co$ as a non-profit "church" or charitable organization...

... fear of Co$ is unwarranted and pathetic - there a many more churches and organizations... even corporations everywhere who blackmail people everyday. Why pick on Co$... because they're not run specifically by Jews? Why not scrutinize that Kabbalah krap too? Kaballah "water" and "lucky" red strings? Bah!! My now SENSELESSLY-Departed BABE Brittany Anne Murphy Bertolotti.. along w/ *that SKUM-jackA$$ CREEP* Was and *is* a KABBALIST... and the *red string* that Britt always wore sure as H*ll didn't "save" Her from Her NEEDLESS/UNTIMELY *Death*.

Cecilia00 said...

That sucks for Travolta.

The funny thing is, it would probably make COS look better if they just parted ways.

The CO$ could just say "See, all that crap about how controlling we are and how everyone is brainwashed is just that - crap. One of our top guys left and there's no hard feelings or story to tell here."

It would probably be a bit of a boost for CO$ in the end. Pity they can't see that.

Funny Girl said...

This is barely blind-- John Travolta.

This story has been out for awhile now, not sure why Ted C is taking credit for it and making it one of his blind items.

I cannot stand how Ted C is hell-bent on outting people.

Tempestuous Grape said...

This is the most blatant blinds I've ever read. I'm kinda burnt on blinds if they're more than a paragraph long.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Poor Travolta. It explains the pictures of him and Kelly and Tommy Boy recently. Hmm, where's Katie?

captivagrl said...

he's surrounded by blackmail plots.

NYer said...

I wonder what CA law is on priest penitent privilege?

sandman said...

i think cos first got their mitts on him when travolta was dating a male porn star way i've heard, whatever

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Gay Cruise lol. Oh well.

Anyway I am sure a lot of people know that Travolta is gay and probably it wouldn't be a big surprise. But probably the pictures might be very damaging for him to not come out yet.

Cheryl said...

Would anyone be shocked by Travolta coming out? Unless he was with underage boys, what could they really have on him? Even if there are pictures of him doing full on gay porn, the shock would wear off eventually.

Hendrix said...

This is so infuriating, that COS is able to do this.

And yes, this is an obvious blind.

JT, NOBODY cares that you're gay. NOBODY. You are no longer a leading man-love interest, so it doesn't blow any little girl's fantasy. You are now a character actor and an incredibly gifted one at that. Not only will your life and soul be free if you come clean, break out from these monsters, I bet you'll be able to find more interesting, quirky roles that will make you fall in love with acting all over again. And you've got enough money, honey. You don't need to make zillions more. Just think - they won't be able to extort any more from you! That alone will be a big boost to the bank account.

Here's my challenge to the tabloid press - LET MR BLIND ITEM FREE! If COS does the unthinkable and releases dirty files, DON'T BUY THEM. DON'T blow them up all over the front pages. Let JT walk away unscathed - the media has the power to do that!

Blow off COS, tabloids! Don't put more money in their coffers and play into their game. Instead, thwart them in their evil, blackmailing agendas. JUST IGNORE THEM. Let "Seymour" have his life back with as little fanfare as possible = and you know what? I bet COS will lose it's scary sway on a few more freaked out Hollywood types as well.

I also think Seymour may be all the more beloved for it.

Just sayin'

pdxbellarocks said...

I understand his being hesitant to come out in the light of the Tiger massacre.

Its not so much WHO he did but also HOW MANY.

Could America deal with John coming out?


Could we ( as a collective not the wonderful CDAN peeps ) still look at him the same if the jerk-off "religion" decided to bombard the media with images of John frolicking with dozens of young boys.

Hell no.

Poor guy,he is in a no win situation.

Delta Sierra said...

It's most likely JT just can't stomach the idea of all the resulting circus if the CoS released his files, but one wonders if the material includes something actionable. Or even illegal, although I can't imagine what. JT's recent excursion to Haiti is really obnoxious, maybe he was more-or-less forced into it by the Psychotologists?? He really doesn't seem like such a bad guy, on his own.

CaliGirlinVA said...

What hopesprings said! Well done

Lolita Breckenridge said...

This makes me LIKE Travolta out of sympathy. I don't care if he's had millions of affairs (as long as they were with adults) he should do what with whomever he wants. Poor man. I hope he comes out, but if the COS would release all of that, wouldn't it just prove (again) how evil COS is?

Anonymous said...

This story always appears about travolta when he has a movie coming out.

Feel sorry for him - he's not a culty crazy like tommygirl, it's not his fault. And buy a ticket for his movie...

I call BS. This story always surfaces around the time of a movie release. IMHO it's just pr to try and kill the stink of his cult.

His son is dead - at least some of the blame is on his cult and he still doesn't leave cause he's scared of some bad press. WTF! If my child was dead I would make sure that anyone who was even remotely responsible would hang for it.

He could go on oprah and spill and say they are going to tell lies about me and kill the story before it starts. Or go to the feds and spill and get them all jailed. Instead he flies some of their vultures to Haiti and tries to get his cult positive PR.

In my opinion he's worse that the GMD - at least the midget doesn't have a dead kid.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it goes way beyond his sex life or even anything "actionable" or "illegal." Maybe the threat goes way beyond exposure. Maybe their "ammunition" is scarier or even deadlier then we can possibly imagine. Why else would anyone so wealthy (and, to some degree, powerful) be so afraid of blackmail? Wouldn't exposing the grotesque innards of that evil "church" deflect any negative press and steer the public microscope in the proper direction? Have never understood why so many borderline (toothless) celebrity "members" have never just said NO. There must be something going on way beyond shame or loss of career. Just saying. Now, please don't follow me home COS my IP is none of your business, wackos.

Unknown said...

If I was JT, I would just swallo hard (no pun meant) and file charges against the CoS for blackmail. JT is not a politician, he hasnt portrayed a squeeky clean image on screen, no one will really care if he is gay or not as long as he entertains them and has only been with adults. I am alos going to assume he has invested wisely so he should be able to ride out any storm.

kmt said...

kathrynnova said...

already redundant in saying, john travolta

kathrynnova said...

and no kidding. i feel so awful that people who are gay or lesbian are still to this day THREATENED by others "exposing" them. it SUCKS. i'm soooooo tired of hearing that being gay should be covered up against one's will.

i like him as john travolta, regardless of sexuality. gay, straight, bisexual, asexual.... whatever.....

Anonymous said...

I want him to be free, but I'm scared they'll kill him.

ardleighstreet said...

I wish he would come out and
expose the CoS for the blackmailing guttertrash they are.

Do You Come with the Car? said...

I'm not sure which I find more off-putting: Scientology or Ted's constant quest to out people. I wish you would stop giving him a forum.

Char said...

Okay I'm over this.

Can we just make a list of who's gay, or would it be shorter to make a list of who's not.. and then all move on with our lives? Thnxverymuch

Selock said...

Poor Travolta......I'd support him if he fled. He'd be some kinda folk hero!!!!!

Kat said...

Travolta. For sure.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Do You Come With The Car. Casablanca is such trash. Why does he feel hurting people by outing them is entertaining?

Unknown said...

If you read other reports, it's not just Travolta trying to leave, but other Scientologists as well, including the loony Tom Cruise. I've read they've been trying to leave for years, but as with Travolta, they constantly blackmail.

figgy said...

I agree with all that Travolta's career would not be hurt by coming out. He seems like such a genuinely good guy.

I wonder what his wife Kelly's story is? Does she have guys on the side? Girls on the side?

I have no problem with Ted giving broad hints about celebs being gay. They chose this life, and it allows almost no privacy. The more that come out, the more homosexuality will not be a big deal.


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