Friday, May 14, 2010

That Sandra Bullock People Photo Shoot Is A Little Misleading

First thing when you see the Sandra Bullock Kneepads cover with Louis? Single mom who gets joy and love from her son? That despite all the crap she went through, her son is there for her? Yeah, I think that is what they were going for AFTER the scandal broke.

The problem is that the photos were taken BEFORE the scandal broke. In fact, they were taken two days after the Oscars and Jesse James was right there the entire shoot and is probably in some of the photos. You know, like a mom and dad and baby photos. Much better than your Sears family portrait for $9.95 with 64 free wallet photos thrown in, but still, the kind that were probably meant to be on the cover but were scrapped.

This information answers lots of questions. Probably. It means that Louis was probably not a damage control baby unless Sandra knew all of these revelations were coming. We will assume she didn't. It also means she probably got paid big bucks to be on the cover of the magazine and wasn't done for any other reason. The only change was probably they needed to find a picture of just Sandra. I would like to see the cover photo they originally planned.


MontanaMarriott said...

OR they photoshopped his ass out of that pic!

jagerlilly said...

AND her wedding ring...

Ashlea said...

Yea I agree... he was probably photoshopped out!

Ashlea said...

Yea I agree... he was probably photoshopped out!

Alice D Millionaire said...

He is obviously not a "damage control baby" for the 8 million reasons that have already been discussed on this site. Enty you don't normally get on my nerves but on this issue you have.

Icecat said...

I'm glad you posted this. It just proves us all right!!

I bet they did photoshop out the wedding ring. There is no way she would not be wearing it if Vanilla Gorilla was there with her :)

mazemerizing said...

If Sandra did it for the money, she will surely give it away to some charity. She's given millions already, after 9/11, after Katrina, and I think after the Thailand tsunami. If she got a bunch of cash out of People, more power to her, as her story's worth much, much more than J.Lo and Skeletor's babies. But guaranteed, she didn't take the money for selfish reasons. And I say, if People's stupid enough to spend tons of cash for baby photos, by all means take it. I have a 13-year-old baby they can take pictures of.

Borg Queen said...

@ D Millionaire -

At least ENty is admitting that he was wrong in his initial assertion that the baby was to make up and make Sandra look good for Jesse's nazi ways. I actually appreciate this article and Enty setting therecords straight. Better than those blogs where the writers make shit up and ignore when they are proven wrong. Thanks Enty for having some integrity

Alice D Millionaire said...

@ Borg Queen

You know I really don't feel like I have to kiss Enty's a**

When we agree, we agree and when we don't, we don't. And I don't think it offends him. I think he would be more offended by a person who couldn’t think for themselves.

mazemerizing said...

Urgh, scratch my last sentence. I wouldn't sell out my kid for any amount of money. It was a joke, but now I see it was untrue, crass and not funny. Sorry about that.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I think everyone should be offended by people who don't think for themsevles. Also, Borg Queen, you can stuff all that integrity bull, right there, in a sack.

sunnyside1213 said...

Still surprised that it was a secret so long.

RocketQueen said...

I'm with you, Borg Queen. I know some people questioned Sandra's motives (Enty included) for this cover, but the vast majority of us gave her, rightly, the benefit of the doubt.
I think it was nice of you, Enty, to update this :) Love, RQ

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

What Alice D. said.
I've seen that stupidity before (this is a damage control baby), like you can just order one up at will.

Do these gossip writers even live in the real world?

Also agree with sunnyside that it's a wonder this stayed secret since the photo shoot had to involve more than a few players

mooshki said...

I think it's great that Enty cynically questions PR stories. Of course sometimes he's going to be wrong, but he never said he knew it was a stunt, he just questioned the timing.

Paisley said...

First thing I see when I look at that cover is the necklace. Anyone know where it came from? It would give some pop to my summer t-shirts and tanks.

mooshki said...

It's funny that everyone's grumpy in the comments today, same as last Friday. I guess by the end of the week the nerves are shot. I think "Casual Fridays" should stop being about clothes, and should start being about getting your drink on starting at noon! :)

RocketQueen said...

Mooshki - I'm leaving "work" at noon today to go play some golf. I"ll have a drink for all the crankpots!

sunnyside1213 said...

@ Mooshki, it always makes me nervous when people get cranky. I would hate to see the tone of this blog change into the tone of some of the other sites. People are just mean out there in blog land. What's the point of that.

lmnop123 said...

I'm concerned about Enty's repeated use of the word "probably". To ME it seems as if Enty is still skeptical about Sandra and this scenario to some degree.

Enty do you know something about Sandra that we don't know?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I'm not cranky, there's just some things that I can't pretend I didn't read. Also, if this blog were like most gossip blogs, a lot more people would be swearing and personally attacking the other posters in a witty manner. No one's going for laughs here, they're just stating their opinion. That includes everyone, not just the people who are allegedly cranky.

Ah-thank you.

kimmypie1 said...

Paisley, the necklace was made by Sandra's step daughter Sunny.

I am a little bummed to find out these pics were before it all. I was thrilled to see Sandra beaming with happiness after all that she has been thru.

Chrissy Buns said...

i'm cranky...but it's because i work for a school district, and the school year is almost done, darn kids.

i thought it had already been reported that these pics were taken before all the scandal broke. maybe i am just psychic...or psycho

Laura D said...

I've read some reports that say she knew about the affairs before the Oscars, and was mostly playing good wife to avoid a PR storm. Which, if you are trying to secretly adopt a baby, kind of makes sense- even if it is extremely calculating.

mooshki said...

Sue Ellen, just so you know, I wasn't talking specifically about you when I said "cranky," it was just a feeling I got about the tone for the day. :) And I include myself in that list, although as the day gets closer to an end I'm getting a lot more cheerful!

jagerlilly said...

If anybody was REALLY listening to her Oscar acceptance speech, at one point she said "and thank you for sending me him". When I watched it initially,I wondered who she was talking about because it seemed so obvious to me that she was NOT talking about Jesse. If she had been, she'd have looked at him when she said it - she didn't. She was obviously thanking her mom for "sending" her the baby.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


I know you weren't, and my comment wasn't directed at anyone in general, I was just commenting on the general comment of people having a case of the cranksters.

mooshki said...

LOL! We're almost to: "I was commenting on the comment that the commenter commented on by the commenting commenter."

FrenchGirl said...

i don't care the cover story about Bullock and her kid as i don't care Brangelina's adoptions!
be private if you want to be low-key!

Meg said...

When I read this, I was thinking, I wonder how PISSED Jesse James was to have been cut out of the story. Makes soooo much more sense now that we know!

taco said...
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taco said...

so, kneepads had the pictures before the scandal broke. how kind of them not to scoop the other gossip rags when all of the s#@! went down (although they did scoop the others when they eventually released this). i wonder what kind of pressure her legal team put on kneepads so that they would keep this quiet and so that NO ONE involved in the photo shoot would spill.
though i like sandra bullock, the implication is either scary or there is some major B.S. going on

Meg said...

@Taco, I wondered the same thing. HOW HOW did that not leak???

bionic bunny! said...

i'm more worried about:
if this was in the works before the shit hit the fan, does JJ have any claim to the baby?
i'm not clear on adoption laws, but that really scares me.


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