Thursday, September 16, 2010

That Sex Tape Keeps Paying Off Big For Kim - Spends 100K On Purses

I wonder it would be like to spend $100K on purses. I can't even imagine that anyone would ever have enough disposable income to blow that much on 7 bags, but then again I have not made millions from a sex tape either.

Yesterday in Paris, Kim and her mother managed to blow through 100K on 7 purses. They spent it all at Hermes. They got 6 Birkins and then Kim decided she wanted to go ahead and keep the crocodile market alive so bought herself a 30K crocodile skin purse. She is one person who probably won't be posing for PETA anytime soon.

Maybe they were all gifts for all of the female Kardashians and then Kim got the really expensive one because she is the one who had to have sex on film to make it happen for the rest of the family.


RocketQueen said...

These people disgust me in so many ways.

parissucksliterally said...

Hey! That's her old face! I think she was so much prettier then.

They are disgusting. I agree with you Rocket Queen. They are horrendous, lying losers who happened to hit the Jackpot.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I'm not really into purses like that. I would like to go to Hermes though, just to see what the buzz is about.

Karmen said...

My sister is probably seething with jealousy. She LOVES Birkins.

I really dislike Peta (they give vegetarians and level-headed animal activists a bad name), so I really hope she spent her money from that campaign on those awesome leather purses.

Anonymous said...

Why oh Why people give these idiots so much publicity???

Cheryl said...

Karmen: I agree with you about Peta and I don't like the way they do business.

I'm not a fan of the Kardashians because I just don't see anything to like or admire about them.

I do like luxury items though, not that I have luxury money and I don't like to hate on how people spend their money.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Y'know, I'm of at least 3 minds on this. For one, can't stand the Kardashians. Haven't watched the show, however have been made aware of their existence due to the media. I'm pretty much in Enty's camp re the entire clan.
2 - I'm a guy, so the whole paying that much for a purse(s) just completely escapes me. I can think of a helluva lot more things to buy for 100k.
3 - Sorry, I'm an omnivore. I see gator as an animal resource, and if I'm going to be eating cow, i like to know that the leather and the rest of the animal is being used, and the same goes for a gator.
They farm the damn things after all, it's not like it's wild caught.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Whoops, I apologize.
I thought it was alligator, not crocodile.
I've eaten gator, never touched croc.
Never mind.

Tenley said...

I know people with college degrees who, in this economy, are lucky to have jobs right now that pay $20-$25k. That is, it would take four to five years and every fucking penny they make in that time to afford those bags. She can do whatever she wants with her own money but, I mean, history shows conspicuous consumption during lean years can and does eventually tend to lead to losing your head. Literally. Just saying.

jess said...

parissucksliterally (what a name!) took the words out of my mouth, that's her old face!! you can really see how much work she has done. she's looking older.

lanasyogamama said...

Ugh, she looks so pleased with her "accomplishment".

weezy said...

Do you think they gave her a celebrity discount? Or threw in the crocpurse as a gimme?

Ms Cool said...

I make my own purses. I don't see the big deal with the status symbol bags. But then again, I don't make my living whoring myself out.

sunnyside1213 said...

Reason 2,564 to hate these people.

TinselSass said...

No matter how many Birkins, once an amateur porn star turned celebrity, always an amateur porn star.

If Kim and her ilk knew how to read, they'd know how quickly things could turn and would be saving some of that scratch. The poverty level in the U.S. for 2009 is now estimated to have reached 14.3% of the population, equaling 43.6 million people.

RocketQueen said...

Just so people know, leather rarely (read: never) comes from the cows that are also used for your milk and beef. The vast majority of leather comes from cows from India that are raised specifically for that purpose, and which are raised in remote villages before being death-marched to the place where they will be bled for their skin.

Leather sucks.

captivagrl said...

That's about what she charges for a "date". Some European Prince or Duke probably. Lohan and Paris do the same thing.

Robert said...

Just when you think you've run out of reasons to despise the Kardashians....

Sonia in MO said...

I make less in a year than three of those bags cost. And I've got a baby and two dogs to support. But after all, yes, it's her money... she can spend it any way she wants. Bully for her.

However, I do sleep well at night. Because when I put my paycheck in the bank, I know I made it honestly.... I never had to lay on my back and let some idiot screw me and then show off to the the whole world what I did. I never posed nude. I don't pimp myself out to companies by claiming to use products I wouldn't touch just to make a buck. I've never embarrassed my family. And last but not least, I have never spent a single cent of my hard-earned cash with any organization or product that puts one red-cent into that woman and her family's pocket.

Yes, I sleep well at night. Enjoy those bags, Kim.

Mango said...

She's pretty loathsome, isn't she? It's remarkable how she makes a ton of money for just being herself. I've caught the odd episode of her show and she and her sisters treat each other horribly. There is nothing commendable about her at all.

I like, scratch that, LOVE nice purses but spending that much on a frickin' handbag is just stupid. It needs to fuck me and cook me dinner for me to even contemplate spending that much.

sunnyside1213 said...

@ RocketQueen, I thought cows were sacred in India. They let the damn things wander all over the place just in case one might be grandma. I am very surprised they would kill them for leather.

RocketQueen said...

@sunnyside - yeah, I was kind of surprised, too - it might just be in one particular province in India. It's a special kind of cow breed, sorry I can't recall the name of it, but if you want to know more (you REALLY probably don't), watch "Earthlings". They follow the cows on their trek - cayenne is put in their eyes when they get too tired to walk anymore :( I pretty much quit buying leather that day.

weezy said...

Captivagirl - oooohhhhhhhhh, *that's* how they do it. A Special Friend paid for two FC RT tickets to Paris, hotel, and gave her a credit line at Hermes as a lovely parting gift.

And I was afraid the poor girl had paid retail! Silly me!

sunnyside1213 said...

@ Rocket Queen, that is such a sad story. I haven't worn leather in years.

Carrie L. said...

@ Sue (in MO) - you are a class act! You should sleep well at night, you're living life in an honorable, respectable way & will be a great role model for your child.

I'd like to think some day all of this "fame" will catch up to Kim & she'll find that all the money she earned led her to a miserable, meaningless existence. She'll "get hers" one day, right?

Meg said...

@RocketQueen - You would be proud of me. I just bought a Matt & Nat (vegan) purse for the first time. I'm making an attempt to rid myself of all things leather & only buy animal friendly products.

Just to play devil's advocate here....I know their family is disgusting and they are all famewhores, etc, BUT it is her money. I would hope that in addition to spending the $100k on a purse, Kim also finds time to donate to charities too. If I were a celeb I'd be embarrassed at being caught spending THAT much on handbags, but what can ya do?

califblondy said...

My first thought was this was a comp; I know they have sex tape money, but not even these idiots have a hun grand for purses. One big photo op funded by someone other than a K.

Sorka8 said...

The idea of spending a 100k on a yacht or car makes me wince but on some friggin purses? Ohhh pullleze!

Its obscene. Gut-pukin obscene.

I just think of all the charities you could contribut that sort of cash...and I am not talking about PETA either.

Btw, where is Papa Kardashian these days? Wasn't he a football player? He must be sooo proud.

RocketQueen said...

Yay MCH! ;) It's funny, I had been a veg for years, but kept buying leather b/c I didn't make the connection. There are so many animal-friendly designers now with CUTE stuff (Susan Nichole makes adorable bags) - no one needs to go without! :)

Momster said...

Okay, I'm tired of refreshing the page and still finding her mug on top. Next, please!

Lisa (not original) said...

Interesting that no one finds it outrageous that Hermes uses exotic leathers or charges that much for a single purse. Only the consumer is to blame?

sunnyside1213 said...

Papa Kardashian is dead. Bruce Jenner is the stepfather and was some sort of athlete. Cna't remember what though.

captivagrl said...

I'm with Momster, please remove the boring whore's pic from the top spot. please?

Patty said...

Bruce won the gold medal for the decathalon in the 1976 Olympics. The two youngest girls are Bruce's.

califblondy said...

Papa K died from the guilt he felt for standing up for OJ after he killed his ex-wife and Ron. I can still remember watching the news when he read OJ's stupid "suicide" note to the press. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you should have just put a disclaimer up that today was not going to be a good posting day.

MISCH said...

It doesn't matter what she wears or what she has she's still a slut..

CDAN Mod said...

Birkins are so pricey because there are supposedly a limited number available "worldwide". People, with brains, only buy them to collect and not to wear around. They are EXCELLENT looking bags. Superior.

merrick said...

Who let this out to the press? Are they crazy. People already have had enough of her and her overly paid, under talented family. If she thinks this is something to brag about, she has more to worry about than making some stupid sex tape. We need to start an anti-Kardashian movement. I will make the banners any one want to join me>

Anonymous said...

As long as blogs get traffic to posts about her and tons of comments, they'll keep writing about her. The attention she maintains keeps her around and making obscene money for doing nothing. If we all agree to look away, she'll go away.

That said, I'd kill for one of those bags. I'm a sucker for designer handbags. I only have one, an understated Louis Vuitton. I'd rather Chanel but it's just so much more expensive.

hromaki said...

Ugh, please post something else, Enty! I'm sick of seeing her mug when I check back for Random Photos & the daily blind item.

jax said...

i can't hate too much, i have a very expensive Gucci bag (it was a gift) that i LOVE. i'd never pay that much for designer duds, as Tim Gunn says, "I find conspicuous consumption distasteful."

my friend and i still laugh over her calling it Her-meez and me correcting her "doll, it's Air-maze" oh so

sunnyside1213 said...


jax said...

for once, i don't know!

weezy said...

I can't believe this girl actually pays customs fees. How does she get around that?

califblondy said...

I think he's torturing us. I keep checking back and K is still on top.

Serenity now...

audrey said...

Being poor, and spending no more than $40.00 for a purse, I had no idea what these Birkins looked like. I did the old google and I have to say, that anyone who pays $4,500 for a purse may need their head full of botox examined. They are not all that attractive, and as far as I could tell didn't come with anything that would make it worth that much money. As for that big H--file it right up there with all the other over priced logos as tacky.

Barton Fink said...

Spend it if you've got it, Kim Whoever. I've never watched her in anything and never will. For me, the question is: How did everything that Bruce Jenner touched turn to crap? Everything in his wake is offensive and disgusting, including his own plastic surgery. He's appalling, and Kim is almost a step up from him, in my humble opinion.

jax said...


Basil said...

Don't like Kim, but if she can afford to spend her money on purses, then let her. It's keeping someone in a job.

Meg said...

@Rocket - I just went to the Susan Nichole site. She does have cute stuff! I will have to bookmark that for later! :) Thanks for the link!

¿Dónde estás?

feraltart said...

Hi Enty,

Hope you, your family and friends are OK. Looking forward to having you back.

reticulation said...

I happen to live in a part of the world where a percentage of my students actually carry Birkins as _school bags_. Yes, it's true. And yeah, I'd love to have one but they're just wayyy too expensive and I'm saving for a house. I've spent money on bags before but nothing like that, although I do think that a lot of the people who hate on her spending money (forget about where she earned it) probably would do the same if they had it to burn.

Anonymous said...

Its cool if you have it to burn, but...just to plant the idea out there....maybe consider a donation to a battered women's shelter, a children's cancer research fund, or an animal shelter instead?

captivagrl said...

I'm worried....

Just Another Blonde said...

FYI for everyone- Susan Nichole has a BOGO Free sale going on right now. So it’s like $95 for 2 purses… She has such cute designs, vegan and animal friendly, and those are pretty good prices…I’m looking at the Sophia in tan/navy, Natasha in black, and Vanessa in Gold/Black…

Yes I love handbags… it’s a sickness, really.


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