Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This movie actress used to be on the cusp of A list. Now, she is still a B, but, will probably stay there for the rest of her career. Always attracted to and dating musicians, she recently decided to give one newly married rocker a special wedding present. Herself. He didn't seem to mind at all. Hey, it beats another set of china. Plus, it is not like they have not hooked up in the past even when he was dating his now wife.


Suzanne said...

Could the newly-married rocker be Jamie Hince?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Jared Followill and Ashley Greene? Michelle Trachtenberg?

I think it's that Followill guy for sure. For some reason, men who marry models seem to always cheat on them -- especially when those men are musicians.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

...although there is no way in HELL Ashley will ever be close to A-list. But I don't really understand that ranking system at all anymore, anyway.

Ooooh, what about Kiki Dunst?

ms snarky said...

Kate Hudson, even though she just delivered a baby.

canada girl said...

Renee zellwegger.... She dated jack white and that country singer and I don't think she has won an Oscar... She hasn't done much lately either

ms snarky said...

or Winona Ryder

HRHjmp said...

Winona Ryder?

ms snarky said...

@Canada Girl...
Renee did win an Oscar

RocketQueen said...

Definitely sounds like Kate Hudson...could this be an older blind?

Hilary said...

Ashley Greene dated Jared Followill who is single- Caleb Followill is the one married to a model. The other's are married to but have been for more than a year.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I don't want to live in a world where Winona Ryder isn't an eternal A-lister.


We have a bunch of guesses for the woman who slept with the musician...but WHO is the musician?

ms snarky said...

@Ida -
that list is way too long, for ANY of the actresses we mentioned. "Who isn't the musician" is more like it!

bluebonnetmom said...

I want a reveal on this one. ; )
Just clueless on the musician. Where is the all of them choice?

Bubbles said...

I just read something about Kiki Dunst being at a Killers concert (Jamie Hince, married to Kate Moss)trolling around and talking to guys that looked like rockers?

Has she dated lots of musicians?

FrenchGirl said...

@bubbles: you stole my idea : Kikki Dunst and Jamie Hince

Chrissy Buns said...

i don't think it's Kiki, she has been dating Jason Boesel (drummer from Rilo Kiley) FOREVER!

Jasmine said...

Jamie Hince is NOT hot!

I will never understand the bubble of weirdness permeating the rockstar world where up is down, black is white, and people like Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are the Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise of the scene.

Maja With a J said...

I thought Winona, but I get the feeling this is someone younger and newer...

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Jasmine -- oh, honey. Give me Mick Jagger from the mid-sixties in a HEARTBEAT. That man was BEAUTIFUL.

And Keith is hot merely because he's immortal, and he can play a guitar like *that.* I know he looks like he sets up camp in a gutter and bathes with shoe polish, but he could probably still get it.

Big Stones fan, here. Can you tell? ;-)

mooshki said...

Ida, best concert I ever saw was the Stones. And I'm not even a big fan. The energy on stage and in the stadium was off the charts.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Mooshki, I am SO JEALOUS!! I almost saw them when they played in VA a few years ago!

Check this out: part of my previous job involved giving VIP tours at a certain well-known Central VA historial landmark. My immediate predecessor got to give a PRIVATE TOUR to Mick before they played. I would have DIED. I was hired a week after she left. AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGH!!!

And my boss said that Mick was a total gentlemen, and *extremely* knowledgable, polite, and intelligent. *phew*

I had the chance to give a tour to Karl Rove, but I turned down *that* illustrious opportunity and let some other guide do it. ;-)

Jasmine said...

Ida- you do know its reported that Mick is VERY small, dont cha?

And his face looks like a shar pei's mug now.

And Keith looks like he smells like formaldehyde.

sunnyside1213 said...

I went to a Stones concert in Dallas a million years ago and Mick had obviously padded his panties.

Rita said...

I don't know if anyone guessed Kirsten Dunst.

Katie H said...

Jamie Hince is in The Kills, not The Killers

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Jasmine -- perhaaaaaaps...but I don't *really* want to mess around with him (now). I just want to perch at his feet and dork out and ask all the other annoying superfan questions he's heard from 38403874093287432984 other people during the past few decades.

And Keith looks like he pours Jack Daniels on his Cheerios and has hundreds of desanguinized virgins chained up in his basement, and that's OKAY. Bless his heart. Keef can do whatever the eff he wants, really. He'll still be creating riffs when most of us are adjusting to life with adult diapers.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Rita -- "I don't know if anyone guessed Kirsten Dunst."

I actually *did*, forever ago, but then I lost interest in the blind. Oops. :-)

crila16 said...

Winona wasn't on the cusp of A list...she was A list. She was the IT girl of the 80's/early 90's...though she's a great guess. Winona is actually a B-/C+. She's not a lead or even a co-star anymore.

Rene was an A list, not on the cusp either. She's probably more B+ right now.

Kate Hudson was on the cusp of A list...and then definitely dropped to a B. She will always be a B, because of her family connections.

feraltart said...

Liv Tyler, but I don't know the musician. What about Michael Buble?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Drew Barrymore?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@crila -- Winona just had an extremely memorable part in Black Swan, and she's got movies in post-production. And she will NEVER be C-list, because there are enough people on planet Earth who know who she is. Winona might have dropped down to a B, but I refuse to acknowledge that she could *possibly* be a C.

Caprica said...

I wish It didn't say 'newly married'. I would love this to be about Winona and the Goopster

JeninRVA said...

@ Ida - I'm from Central VA and am assuming you mean a landmark in Richmond. I'm dying to know which one.

*girl said...

@Ida Blankenship: I would hit it with Keith all night long.

Have you read his autobiography, Life? I was never a huge Stones fan until I read it and now I am absolutely in love. For some reason I would always misplace the book and would constantly be asking "have you seen Keith?" I think my bf got a touch jealous.

Rita said...

@Ida - Then I am on board with your guess: Kirsten Dunst had dating nothing but musicians. the only exception had been Jake G.

And in the past year, she has proven to play the Hollywood game better then anyone. Remember when her loser director compared himself to Hitler at the last Cannes Festival? Kiki is the only who kept a level head. My point is, a Hollywood player would consider extra-marital sex as no biggie. Simply get what you want, and get out.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Jen -- not Richmond, but I'll give you a hint: the landmark is a mansion that was a neverending renovation project for its original inhabitant at the time. And it is, I must say, extremely badass.

That's about as revealing as I'm gonna get, since I'd like to remain KINDA incognito. ;-)

@*girl -- I'm reading it RIGHT NOW!! As in, I *just* began it last night. No spoilers -- I've read all about the drug raids and transfusions and groupies and whatnot from other sources, but I wanna hear it from Keef's mouf. :-)

Glad to know other people find KR hot. And I don't care if HE has a teeny wang, too, Jasmine! :-P

@Rita -- I can see it being Kiki, too, but I honestly hope it isn't. I've always loved her, for whatever reason. She's always charmed me, but she's also got some mega-sketchy taste in dudes -- Jakey's the only exception.

Anonymous said...

@Ida - about your landmark...was Jackie Kennedy Onassis involved in any way? I only ask because she was a demon-possessed redecorator.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@brenda -- I'm sure Jackie O's toured the place, and I'm sure she found plenty to gush over. No question.

But it was around waaaay before she was -- she had no part in the decor or construction. :-)

maggiemei said...

oooh, I know. Is it Monticello?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@maggie -- Yep. It's an awesome place to visit, if only for the gardens alone. It's gorgeous.

Oh Brother! said...

@Ida: Are you thinking about Caleb Followil? He’s the one who got married recently. And wasn’t he the one who got admitted into rehab because of alcohol problems? IMO where there’s alcohol, there’s gotta be women and drugs.
It could be Kiki D, but she's been in a serious relationship with drummer Jason Boesel for at least two years. She even talks about their relationship in her recent (Sept) interview with Elle UK. Plus she traveled with him this summer when he went on tour.

Mango said...

I'm liking the Liv Tyler guess.

As for the Stones, the coolest member in the band by far is Charlie Watts.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Ida- My husband's boss's son got married there! We were invited but unable to attend. I heard it's gorgeous. I would have paid extra to be a fly on the wall if you'd given Mr. Rove a tour. ;)

kerri said...

Meh, hurts my head thinking bout it


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