Sunday, December 04, 2011

Kirsten Dunst Wants Kids - Looking For A Dad

Kirsten Dunst says that she is tired of being single and the partying life and wants to settle down and have babies but feels like guys her age don't really want that. Then she is probably not looking very hard. I mean she is 30. I think most guys by the time they are 30 are thinking about kids. That is, if they have managed to pay off their student loans, have a job, and don't have four roommates just to make ends meet. 30 is the new 18. Kirsten told Lucky Magazine, "I thought when I reached 30 I'd have a lot more figured out. Until you have a kid, you're just looking for your partner. And guys have a Peter Pan vibe. They're 35, and they act like they're 25. That's what scares me about being in my 30s: not finding someone to have kids with."

First of all, just because you have a child with someone does not necessarily mean they are going to be your partner for life. Also, perhaps the reason she is getting the Peter Pan vibe from guys is the type of guy she dates. Normally she is dating musicians who are not really known for wanting to be mature and settling down. Oh, and Kirsten is going to win the Oscar for Best Actress this year. Mark it down.


FrenchGirl said...

she's pretty good in MELANCHOLIA(by Lars Von Trier) and she could try to date Dicaprio (she's a few old but she's blond and has a great body)

FrenchGirl said...

try the sperm donor ,honey!

RenoBlondee said...

Yes, but you hope to stay with the father (or mother) of your children. Is it unrealistic, yeah, but I think most people want that with their partner and children.
I wish her luck, she seems very lovely.

Anonymous said...

It has been my experience that MOST guys don't want the party to end. (Notice I said MOST, not ALL)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why her comment needs to be picked apart. She just said how she feels, there's nothing controversial there.

This blog is really starting to confuse me.

msgirl said...

Same here anita, it's a lot more hateful lately and I'm starting to agree with people who say that there's a new writer. I see absolutely nothing wrong with her desires - she's not just talking babies, she's talking about settling down with a good guy, hopefully a life partner with whom she can start a family.

FrenchGirl said...

@anita @msgirl: since several times,the tone of the blog is different(less fun,more vindictive)
i remember the article on Beyonce's bump conspiracy

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

"I'm not sure why her comment needs to be picked apart. She just said how she feels, there's nothing controversial there.

This blog is really starting to confuse me."

I agree.

TV said...
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Lelaina Pierce said...

Based on what my single girlfriends tell me it is way harder to meet people in your 20's than your 30's, so I get what she is saying. But maybe Enty has a point, if she's been picking the same type of guy (i.e. bad ones).

I need to see Melancholia since everyone & their brother has loved it.

Lelaina Pierce said...

*Strike that. Reverse it. It's harder to meet people in your 30's than 20's. Sheesh. I need a nap.

Wil said...

I think EL has had a thing about Kiki and has pretty much always held her to a different standard than others.

Also, I don't think there has been any inconsistency with the tone or vibe of the blog. Read back a few years and you will see a pretty snarky author still apparent here today. He just gets a bug up his butt at times. The current one we both share is what the F*CK is up with Bouncie's baby bump. Now you see it .. now you don't. It is weird, IMHO.

annabella said...

she is incredibly talented. one of the very few really talented actresses her age. I haven't seen melancholia, but she was great, great, great in 'all good things.'

I hope she wins.

Endora said...

I actually agree with her, being about the same age as she is, being single is a nightmare and most men refuse to grow up. I think it has to do with the "right now" society we live in. Sucks.

nancer said...

i love her. she has a vulnerability that's very appealing, and i've never seen her do a bad job in a movie.

i don't see much to criticize in what she said. i think it's pretty true. and i don't think she wants a sperm donor. she wants a partner in life to raise children with. what's wrong with that??

Chrissy Buns said...

i have always liked Kiki, so i will throw any shade at her.

her saying she is single makes me happy, though, since it means i can go after Jason Boesel without her being in my way...i wonder if my husband would be bothered by this...

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I'm 30 and my party ended years ago. I live alone (debt free - YES!) and just stay in most nights, which might explain why I'm not currently seeing anybody. Hmmm..I should probably look into that. LoL. Hey, I might be a match for Kirsten. I thought she was so cute in "How To Lose Friend's And Alienate People." She should call me. And soon, so that we can become a couple and she can take me to the Oscars. Yaaayyy! I'm going to the Oscars! I'm going to the Oscars!

Suck it everybody!!!

I think Michelle Williams will win the Oscar for "My Week With Marilyn." She's the front runner, ahead of Meryl Streep and Glenn Close. And once Michelle wins we can all listen to Lindsay bitch about how she should have gotten that part because she just "adores" Marilyn Monroe. Yup. I can hear the whining from Lindsay already.

mooshki said...

Ugh, Michelle Williams is so overrated.

mooshki said...

Oh, and for a while, Enty was much nicer in the blog and everyone bitched at him for losing his "edge." He just can't win.

Anonymous said...

Well-written snarkiness is always appreciated. Some of these stories is just reaching (ever read and not that funny. I truly believe it's a new writer and it's not a man nor a lawyer. I sometimes skip reading the article and go straight to the comments.

Basil said...

I'm curious to know why people don't like Kirsten. It seems to me someone sent a memo out a couple of years ago that we all have to hate her no matter what she does (which I think might have been Perez). But what has she done bad? Is she mean to the "little people"? Is she bratty? I have no clue why we are not supposed to like her.

shehlaS said...
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Barton Fink said...

I'm not seeing a lot of references to her huge chemical dependency issues from the past. Are we all agreed not to bring that up now? I'm not saying it should disqualify her from romance, but there were a few "lost years" there that probably still have an impact on her emotional responses to people and to intimacy. Not being able to maintain lasting relationships is a condition that really involves a lot of pain and loneliness and hurt, and few people just "will" themselves out of that state.

Barton Fink said...

Having said all those harsh things, I listened to an interview with her on NPR a week or two ago and I was surprisingly impressed by how smart and funny she sounded in the role of herself. She discussed the whole Lars Nazi thing and it was really interesting, and she clearly is an intelligent and beautiful young thing. So I pledge to be nice to her from this day forward! I think I was still in the Perez hater state I used to be in when I thought of her. Kirsten Drunkst, I think he called her, the bitch. Perez, I mean.

parissucksliterally said...

I was under the impression that she is a BI as a heroin addict.....

__-__=__ said...

Maybe she was just growing up and at the top end of the curve for a long time. I don't think we've seen her in a mess for a long time. Good luck to her.

CharRicho said...

It really depends where you are looking. My husband and his large group of male friends are all between 29-34 and almost all are engaged, married or actively looking and almost all of those who are engaged or married are talking about kids or already have kids or kids on the way. But men do what their friends are doing, so if she's always dating guys whose friends are single and partying, those aren't the right guys. I wish her luck, she's a talented actress and I think she's done a lot of work on herself to get herself clean and right and ready to be a mature adult.

RocketQueen said...

annabella - I agree - I just saw All Good Things and she's still got it! I like her. She may have had some troubles, but never famewhore Paris Hilton/Kardashian/Lohan style.

Marna Palmer said...

Enty, she's dating in LA and NYC, which are basically Disneyland for dudes. Having lived in LA for 6 glorious years I am convinced that it delays the maturity of men. (and a lot of women, don't get me wrong.) I do not know many 30 year olds in this town who are ready to settle down and have babies. hell I don't many 35 year olds in this town ready to do that. 35 and up seems to be more of the "settling down" age for men in this city, so I totally get why she is having a hard time. Date older, honey.

shehlaS said...
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