Friday, December 09, 2011

Your Turn

The other night I was out and someone in the group I was in ordered a drink I had never heard of. Do you know how hard that is to do? I'm not a bartender and never have been one of the people I call saints. Well, except when they are kicking me out, but I know they do it out of love. Well, I tell myself that.

I do like to test bartenders. My favorite way to test them is to order a Sazerac. I also test them by seeing if they notice me poaching the olives from the bar. I got hooked on Sazeracs in New Orleans, but it is rare that someone knows how to make one here in Los Angeles. So, today I want to know your favorite drink or favorite drink name, or even a favorite drinking game.


Rita said...

Mandarine Napoleon, rightly done:

2 small ice cubes in a cognac glass, 2 fingers of Mandarine Napoleon, a spring of mint, a squeeze of lime. Sip in front of a fire, warming your toes, and have a piece of rich dark organic 78% chocolate. Heaven!

Makes me almost forget my German "bunny".

TheAM said...

I love me a Brave Bull. Equal parts white tequila and Kahlua, on the rocks. Sounds disgusting, but it is really, really yummy. My go-to I-dont-have-to-drive-home drink.

Julie said...

I keep it simple and stick w Cran/grey goose

Used to be yuenglng, ordered by saying "lager bottle", but you can get that anywhere now. Feels less special haha

BigMama said...

So far, those all sound yummy. I generally enjoy a simple Margarita made at home with Limeaid instead of expensive tequila mix.

When I tended bar, my favorite to make was a Cowboy Cocksucker.
Khalua, Baileys, Jack Daniels and Cream. If you add a layered vodka top it's called a Cowboy Cocksucker with spurs. Not for the lightweights.

~Z~ said...

My favorite is a Rusty Nail.
Drambuie and Scotch.
2 shots, so it's worth the money!

Rita said...

^will have to try that Cocksucker Big Mama.

And why do I think @Vicki Cupper will be trying one soon too?

Sherry said...

Ritas drink sounds tastay! But if I order outside the normal IPA or microbrew beer/wine it's usually a Cosmo. No need to get all juggy wit it..Skyy Vodka and cranberry with loads of lime. Nothing too sweet. And two MAX! I used to love Godmothers but they made me a total slut (as if I needed any help).

Baka Neko said...

A fun drinking game is with movies and product placement. It's really simple whenever you see one you take a shoot. It's simple but fun and makes the really bad movies seem better.

Anothergrayhare said...

LOL Sherry, so I'm not the only one.

Comma Chaser said...

Also a rusty nail drinker, with ice, let it wilt for a couple of minutes, and it's surprisingly smooth.

Baka Neko said...

As for drink I'll say smirnoff lemonade or bahama mama

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

You know what I like to make? Blueberry tea. You can really build them tall and deck them out. I also like to make B-52 shots layered properly. People get a kick out of those too.

ms snarky said...

Raspberry Martini
regular vodka
sour mix or lime juice
raspberry liquer

Yum. and dangerous.

JagerLilly808 said...

I'll never forget the time I was in a club in Florida with a friend of mine and her fiance. He ordered us all Screaming Orgasms and I almost fell out of my chair! Kahlua, vodka and some other stuff thrown in for good measure I think.

ms snarky said...

also once in New Orleans, I had a frozen drink called Cyclone. Sort of like a Hurricane but not so sweet. Also very yummy. The bartender at that Jimmy something's place tried to make me one not frozen, and called it a 57 Chevy.

Rita said...

Lol @Sherry! Start wearing granny panties before going out, they sort of make you a bit of a saint!

oh, and Jean-Claude Van Dam is my best drinking game ever:

Have people over, pop in one of them cheeezzzzy Van Dam movies with a lot of slow-motion action. Every time Van Dam does something heroic in slow motion, do a shot of tequila.

Never been able to watch any of his movies 'till the end. And always the morning after promised that I'll never watch any of his movies again!

PammieC said...

I love a sweet manhattan on the rocks. It sort of makes me like I should be on Mad Men or something.

Julie: I would kill to get Yuengling here in Texas!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

You know what's a good replacement for a cosmo? A french martini.

1oz vodka
1oz chambord
2-3 oz of pineapple juice
shake, shake, shake.

And to make it even more delicious use vanilla vodka instead.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say I don't drink, but 97% of the time I don't. I'm no prude, but I just didn't get into it. Usually, it's just red wine or Coronas for me.

La Pachuquita said...

My favorite drink is Tequila and Squirt.

Seriously, this is our drink of choice in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Unfortunately, I can never find squirt at a bar in the US, so I settle for tequila with soda water and a splash of grapefruit juice.

Dishtlk said...

All my friends know my love of celeb gossip so we had a celebrity shot theme this past August at my birthday!
Lindsay Lohan - a red headed slut shot(jaggermeister, peach schnapps and cran)dropped in to a glass of coke
Charlie Sheen - liquid cocaine shot dropped in to a porn star
Britney Spears - i dunno what the alcohol was they used, but it was dropped in to Red Bull
And by far the most offensive of the night (but was actually on the menu of the place we were at!!!) was the Christopher Reeves - A superman shot dropped in to a paralyzer (I know, i know, boooooooo)
Made for a fun birthday! And not to mention a hefty bar tab at the end of the night!

selenakyle said...

Champers. Easy-peasy--open it, pour repeatedly and go! Just don't try to drink any outta my bottle, dammit!

Tempestuous Grape said...

I'm strictly wine usually, but a few months ago I visited a friend up north and we invented a new drink based loosely on the Washington Apple shot -- a pure cocktail that we named "Cold Cruisers" as in "Yeah, I'll snake a Cold Cruiser";

4 pounds of organic Granny Smith apples
2 cartons of organic strawberries
1 bottle of Crown Royal Whiskey
1 small bottle of pure cranberry juice
10 limes

Clean & cut apples & strawberries.
Juice about 4 apples and a handful of strawberries per large mug. Add tons of ice & 2 shots of booze, and squeeze a few limes on top. Stir, add straw, and viola!

selenakyle said...

I was a bartender in the late 80's and early 90's. The worst drinks to make in that era were the layered shots. They were just really time-consuming.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Oops, I forgot to say; top off with a splash of cranberry juice!

crila16 said...

Nipply Cock...or at least...that's what my friends and I call it. All the bartenders at all the bars in our area know exactly what is is...and we're in a town that's known for it many bars.

It's butterscotch, Kahlua, vodka, with a bailey's topper. It's a shot...and it's delicious.

Bxrlvr said...

I love ordering my favorite drink, a Midori sour, and seeing the reactions from the wait staff. It's amazing how many don't know what Midori is. It's a bright green melon liquor - picture a neon drink in a sci-fi movie - add some sweet and sour mix and that's it. Sweet and yummy.

BigMama said...

@PammieC - we have Yuengling all over down here....hell, the bars have it on tap and you can get a 6 pack in the grocery store.

I personally don't drink liquer much anymore, but I love a good beer. His next "your turn" should be about beer snobs.

Danielle said...

Dirty Martini.. filthy. :)

Mutiny said...

Hot Buttered Rum. I know old drink, the bartender had no idea, so I got an Irish coffee instead. My favorite alcohol is St.Germain. I had a St. Germain Belini when I went out with my husband-St. Germain and Champagne for our anniversary.

TexasTiger said...

I'm a Snake Bite girl, but you can only use Guinness & Ace Pear ale, don't bother layering.

Love that I finally have a regular bar that I go to so often (& have made friends with everyone that works there) that I just walk in & they say, "Your usual?" And at the end of the night my tab is usually only $15 or so. It's normally a $8-9 drink & I don't have just one or 2. Doesn't get me drunk, but might have a slight buzz at the end of the night if I'm lucky.

Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a drinker. I used to like ordering sloe screws, just because of the name. I had a really good blue hurricane once. If I drink at all, I really like the frou-frou girly drinks with lots of fruit in them. Or rum and coke. Doesn't much matter to me, since one or two is my limit.

Bit dams said...

had to think about it. my divorce was final in july. have not thought to have a drink since. hummmm, prior to that,long island island ice tea or raspberry kamikaze.

figgy said...

@La Pachuquita, Squirt isn't that widely available in the U.S., but here in the UP of Michigan it's EVERYwhere. Man, I missed it when I lived elsewhere. SOooooo good.

I do love a good lemon drop martini if it's shaken to the point of frothiness. But for pure fantastic knock your socks off-ishness, it's hard to beat a dirty martini with good vodka and blue cheese olives, yum...

nunaurbiz said...

This week at work, I met the Master Distiller of Pisco Porton, Johnny Schuler. Never had Pisco before and it turns out Peruvians have been drinking it for centuries and it was popular in SF in Gold Rush Days. It's a very smooth distilled wine. I want to taste a Portonero, which is like Pisco and ginger ale. Recipe here:

My usual drink is vodka tonic, but I also like vodka and ginger ale. In winter, I usually drink rum and coke.

When I visited Puerto Rico, I fell in love with the national drink, chicajito, which is half white rum, half anisette. You sip it. Yum!

figgy said...

Oh and for drinking games, it's hard to beat quarters. You know, bouncing quarters off the floor or table into a short glass of beer, and if you get it in you name someone else who has to drink it.

Memory: quarters in the dorm bathroom. At the time we thought nothing of drinking beer with a quarter in it that had just bounced on the BATHROOM floor. Ick.

Jessica said...

Electric Koolaid - Chambord, vodka and cranberry. Seriously tastes like koolaid which means you can overdrink way too easy.

Maja With a J said...

selenakyle - I was thinking of that too. I wasn't a bartender, but I learned how to make layered shots because they were Just So Cool. My favourite at the time (now the thought of it makes me hurl on the inside) was the Hot Shot. Galliano, then hot coffee, then whipped cream *barf*.

I am not really a big drinker anymore, and I'm not very adventurous with my beverages either. I like Stella (in the bottle) for my beer, Vodka+soda+ fresh lime for my highball, Cosmo or frozen margharitas for when I'm feeling a little extra fancy. But most of all, I love champagne and prosecco.

Jessica said...

Oh and from my younger days - a Pushup. Take a large glass, 1/3 vodka, 1/3 orange juice and 1/3 Big Red. Tastes just like an orange sherbert pushup. Yum.

Maja With a J said...

Ooooohh, and Mean Machines! Vodka, cran, and ginger ale!

kelly said...

I used to love Gin and Wink but you can't buy wink anymore :( haven't found anything I like that much but some of these (especially the french martini) sound good. Am having my family over tomorrow for christmas and going to try them. Thanks for the timely your turn Enty

Sass71 said...

@Bxrlvr Midori Sours were mine and my best friend in high school's favorite drink.

RubyDust said...

I'll go hang with the Dirty Martin drinkers, but I like my olives jalapeno-stuffed. I also like Manhattens and Rusty Nails, which reminds me I haven't had one of those in ages!

I like sauvignon blanc for white wine, pinot noir for red. I favor seasonal craft beers but will always be happy with a Blue Moon served with a slice of orange.

Um, basically I'll drink anything not too sweet. I like to taste my liquor. ;-)

Dani said...

I am usually a straight-up Patron Silver kind of gal. However, once in a blue moon I'll have a Cocaine Lady. (aka - going home thrown over hubby's shoulder) Equal parts Kaluha, Absolut & Amaretto, cream & Coke to taste. I get weird looks when I order & not everyone can make them just right. When I drink them its pretty interesting, but on my tequila nights I can walk out on my own & have no nasty after effects.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

I'm not much on drinking, but I enjoy Brandy Alexanders which are:
1 1/2 oz brandy
1 oz dark creme de cacao
1 oz half-and-half
1/4 tspgrated nutmeg

Lisa said...

I love Milk Duds. 1 pt Godiva chocolate liqueur and 1 pt carmel vodka. Yum! Pretty easy to make, plus if you want a creamier tasting drink, just add a bit more Godiva.

Dishtlk said...

@Dani... teach me Obi Wan!

SusanB said...

I usually have one vodka/tonic on Sunday afternoon while watching baseball or football. However, I occasionally get a pink squirrel when in a restaurant. Not sure what's in it but it tastes like you threw some chocolate covered cherries in a blender with some alcohol. Delicious!

Sherry said...

Oh Rita..I'm not sure if even that would deter me. They (Godmothers)made me crazy. But at least I wasn't mean.

I'm with Big Mama though. Really a total beer snob. I was in FL and there was NO beer I deemed worthy. It was a sad week and I kissed my Sierra when I got back home.

Cindy said...

kelly -- Wink and Squirt and Rondo are basically the same soda. You can also try Hanson's Grapefruit soda, if that's available in your area. Now there's a new one distributed by Pepsi (I think) called Citrus Blast. It's really good. All are grapefruit based soda.

Don't judge me, lol. I'm a grapefruit soda lover!

Anonymous said...

I like pina coladas........and getting caught in the rain ;-)

Lori said...

im mostly a Maker's and ginger girl, or patron silver and stella backer, but there are two drinks that I love when i'm feeling like a girly lush. At Butter in SF, I order Cherry cherry vodka, cherries and squirt. I also make what my friend named "Ooo N*gga what" basically bacardi grand melon, watermelon puckers and's a creeper! towards end of the night, we are usually drinking the bacardi and puckers at a ratio of 2 to 1... name came from a time he made a huge batch of them, woke up on the floor and said "Oooo n*gga, what happenned?" this used to be followed by "coffee" in the morning... a mug filled with Jim Beam and regret.

mooshki said...

Cherry colada. Mmmm. Yes, I have a sweet tooth.

Kathy K said...

My own Mai Tais are my current favorite -- 4 types of fresh fruit juices (the key is pineapple), grenadine, key lime juice, and Meyers Dark Rum.

However, the drink I would love to have again that I do not know the recipe for was one an old flame of mine made when he was a bartender called a White Caddilac. It uses vanilla ice cream ... and I don't know what else but 2 of them guarantees you won't be walking out under your own steam!

Unknown said...

I love Mojitos! My hubby and I had them in South Beach this past January and now we make them at home. The hardest part is finding decent mint in NW Ohio. I tried to grow some mint in pots but it just didn't work out (and they are supposed to be aggressive plants).

Wendi said...

I typically prefer to drink Makers on the rocks and shots of Jameson. Some tasty shots I've enjoyed in the past are Flaming Dr. Pepper's (although most bars seem to frown upon lighting drinks on fire) and Cougar Shots. I only know a few bartenders in L.A. who make the Cougar Shot - not really sure it spread on from the bar that originated it - but it's a vodka, peach schnapps, OJ and a splash of champagne to top it off. Damn, now I can't wait for Happy Hour!

Lori said...

@white lorelei i've had white cadillac before...galliano, triple sec, milk and sugar. never had with ice cream, though. I've had a gin fizz with ice cream and that was delish!

Anonymous said...

I'm with SelenaKyle - champagne YUMMO !Just make sure it's cold and open and pour !
HOWEVER, I love a good Dirty Martini.
I realize the trick is equal parts Ketel One Vodka and dry vermouth (One and a half oz.) and about a Tablespoon of Olive brine. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE and let sit for a minute. Then pour into a frozen martini glass and add olives (preferably blue cheese stuffed) but plain will do it!

Anonymous said...

AT BXRLVR -- I used to love drinking Melon Balls when I was younger to usher in the summer in New Jersey. Midori and pineapple juice and I think that was it. Delicious and refreshing and summery (to me anyway) Yum. Haven't had one in years !!!

Anonymous said...

I also make a great Watermelon martini. Seasonal of course. Cut up some watermelon, use the juice and add in equal amount of vodka, add just about 1/2 oz. of DeKuyper Watermelon Schnaaps.
1 1/2 oz. Vodka
1 1/2 oz. fresh Watermelon juice
1/2 oz. Watermelon schnaaps
Shake , shake shake & Pour into a martini glass. Be prepared for the raves from your guests. A Creeper !!

NovaNightly said...

A "Crown Blaster"'s red bull, sprite and grenadine with a shot of Crown Royal and a small splash of peach schnapps. Tastes like candy! We always have to teach bar tenders how to make it...or we mix up a huge batch in a big container and sneak out to the car to get drinks of it. LOL. We're cheapos like that. :)

Anonymous said...

Can you tell I'm drinking champagne right now by the amount of times I've posted ???? LOL Sorry if I'm boring you guys. Love reading what everyone likes to drink.
At Enty -- do you wash the glass with Absinthe (Herbsaint)??/

Hazeldazel said...

Sidecar! especially when watching William Powell movies...

Wil said...

Oh my ... been so long since I have had a drink.

But my absolute faves were: Greyhounds - which I can't have now because grapefruit juice reacts badly to one of my anti-rejection drugs. Boo Hoo!!; Tom Collins' or Vodka Collins'; Mai Tai's; Cosmo's and my favorite after dinner drink after fancy dinners .. been a long long long time since I was at one of those! .. Brandy Alexander's.

One thing that keeps you from drinking is being broke, dammit. >=( - Harumph!

Wil said...

Oh lordy .. seeing all the Blowjobs and Screaming orgasms reminds me of something a friend ordered once .. A Cement Mixer. Hopefully somethign only ordered by idiots here in Minnesota ..

It is kahlua [sp?] on the bottom, then Bailey's topped with Rose's Lime Juice. The lime curdles the cream in the Bailey's so gets all chunky. Just revolting. Only saw it ordered and drunk once .. no idea how that mess tastes.

Dishtlk said...

@wil oh the cement mixers!! Those or prairie fire's are a right of passage at 18th (or perhaps 21st??) Birthday parties.

Anonymous said...

I Like to chug chug some jack right out of the bottle.

Rolf said...

my favourite drink to get drunk fast is the Long Island Ice Tea. my favourite drink to really enjoy is tne Black Russian.

bionic bunny! said...

mararitavilla, perhaps? oh and it's BUFFETT.
or were you just seeing if i was paying attention?
i've had so many tasty freebies in NOLA. maybe 'cuz we were parrot heads, but i can't tell you the name of any of them (wrong, did get to taste a screaming orgasm, cuz mom always wanted to try one, but was too embarrassed to order one!)
WHITE LORILEI: my mai tai's knock folks on their butts, even when i warn them.
get back to me and i'll give you the receipe, i just have to look up the base mix.
CAROLINE: i also love mojitos. you can buy mint in little boxes in most stores...
MUTINY, hot buttered rum is one of my favorites, but mr. buns doesn't care for it. geez, i buy the mix and add the rum.

also i've never seen caramel vodka! guarantee the mr. would like THAT drink. besides, how can one turn down a "milk dud"?
LA PACHUGITA : i was served that delicous concotion at a tequia distillery on a cruise we once took (there's an old pic on this site of me heading off to that cruise), was told that's how they prefer it in mexico. it was sprite, and served with mango, lemon and lime, IIRC. blue collar, or words to that effect, but it was delicious.

okay, i admit it. my ABSOULTE favorite is tres generationes, no lime, no salt (usually $9 bucks a shot or more in public),
but me, drunken slut that i am, guess my usual is a triple conmemmoritivo. again, no salt, lime on the side, because the only reason i learned to drink tequila is because i love limes!
super cheap chanpagne can be made yum with a drop or two of chambord.
believe it or not, this founder and ex-prez of one of the oldest parrot head clubs in the country, can barely tolerate a margie. i DID find a mix (bone daddy;s?) that is damn good, but i still have to mix teq. and mix almost half and half. oh, and don't waste the good stuff. sauza gold will work. and extra lime juice (shoot me, i buy nellie and joe's key lime juice by the case), if you like it limey, which i do.

oooh, wait. i just found two beers *gave up on beer a long time ago* that are super yum.
boston lager's cherry and shock top rasberry. with a squeeze of orange if you like, but, oh, pour it first and enjoy the aroma and taste.
yes, i blame the beers for being STUCK at this weight. but if enty puts my pic up, y'all will see i'm not doing TOO bad in THAT direction. so close, so close.

Henriette said...

I had a Hershey's kiss once when I was 21. It's Godiva, Baileys, Kahlua, and Vodka. Don't know how many parts. There was another version with Frangelico. I love my sweet drinks:)

Kraymond19 said...

Actually... it's Sazerac! Come to Austin, Enty! I'll hook you up!

Chris said...

I absolute love Cosmos - except I have a slight variation - I use vodka (Tito's is the best!) Limoncello instead of Orange liqueur, cranberry juice, and a splash of OJ. I call it the Chrismo (yes, weird I know but it's my drink and I love it!)

In my younger days I loved doing Fireballs - Cinnamon schnapps shot with as many drops of hot sauce as you could stand. It tasted JUST like an atomic fireball. As the night went on, the shots would get hotter and hotter LOL :)

The Black Cat said...

Pina Colada's when I can get them, most places don't serve them though for some reason. I enjoy most Kahlua based drinks especially brown cows (made with evaporated milk or cream --> sinful) and black russians.
Vodka martini with a twist - most bartenders use too much vermouth and ruin them unfortunately so I prefer home made.
Idiot proof drinks - sweet vermouth on the rocks, Southern Comfort on the rocks

Reese said...

I have a friend who is Southern and has a lovely accent typical to his native Richmond, Virginia. He was in a bar in Chicago and asked the waitress for a drink. She went to the bartender and told him she needed "Seven Young Blondes". The bartender said he'd never heard of that, but if the man would tell him what was in it, he'd make it for him. The waitress went back to my friend and told him what the bartender had said. He said "I asked you for a glass of wine, sauvignon blanc." He had to write it down as the waitress still couldn't understand him. My friend and the bartender thought it was hilarious.

mygeorgie said...

Wow, lots of feedback about booze, must be the holiday spirit!

Tequila diet coke lime
Wiser's & Ginger Ale
Corona. Reserved for gardening on hot days. I love gardening :p

Lelaina Pierce said...

One of my favorite drinks EVER is the Hummingbird:
1 fluid ounce rum cream liqueur
1 fluid ounce coffee flavored liqueur
1 fluid ounce milk
1/2 fluid ounce strawberry flavored syrup (real strawberries are better)
1/2 banana
1 cup crushed ice
Mix in a blender until smooth.

The first time I ever had a Sazerac was on Frenchman Street & it took me almost half an hour to drink it. :)

I LOVED drinking games in college, particularly, two profanity laced games, "Asshole" and "WTF."


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