Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Former Bodyguard To Stars Set To Tell All

Unless your name is Bruce Willis, and you have been protected by Leonard Taylor you are probably going to have some nasty things said about you in print in the next few months. This especially holds true if you are named Mark Wahlberg or Uma Thurman. He called Uma nasty and cold (which I do not agree with, but am biased because she did let me make out with her once) and accuses Mark Wahlberg of biting his ear during a fight and calling him a racial slur and being mean to him when he needed him most during a battle for sobriety. He also says he worked for free for Mark for three years because Mark said he would take care of him. Don't ever believe that. Relationships disintegrate in Hollywood faster than a Jennifer Aniston movie flops at the box office. Get your money now. Reality Star lesson #1.


mynerva said...

Enty you stud!!

pr787 said...

Mark Wahlberg=Mel Gibson

Both Catholic nutbags, using religion to hide their bigotry, misogyny and in Wahlberg's case even the same -sex hook ups

Katie said...

Three years? That's kind of stupid.

EmEyeKay said...

Why does Bruce get a pass?

Please publish more details. I don't want to buy this book, but I want the dirt.

Jules_345 said...

I am also curious to know why Bruce gets a pass, I love him.

And the bodyguard is upset because MW was mean to him during MWs fight for sobriety or the bodyguards fight for sobriety? I can't quite figure that sentence out.

FrenchGirl said...

Walhberg is maybe arrogant but he's know to be faithfull in friendship

cheesegrater15 said...

Bruce was probably smart enough to include a nondisclosure clause or something.

cheesegrater15 said...
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Beth said...

Why did this idiot work for three years without being paid?

DueDiligence said...

I want to hear more about the make-out session with Uma. Mmmmmmmmmm.

Sylvia said...

Mark Wahlberg does give the impression of being an asshole...

spacecowboy78 said...

When you're a "hired hand" for any celeb, you should not expect to become their best friend or part of their crew. That being said, celebs should treat their employees like human beings and not slaves or sub humans. Mark Wahlberg having racist attitudes toward all races is fairly well documented throughout his life.

Davesmuse said...

pr787:nice. Attacking a religion because two hollywood actors act like douchbags? That's not ignorant, or insulting.

Rose said...

Isn't standard practice for celebrities to require non disclosure contracts?

LeggoMyMeggo said...

the bruce willis comment doesn't have anything to do with the blind the other day about the action star, does it?

(first time poster, long time lurker)

Second Hand Reader said...

dear enty,

i prefer to think of you as Entenmann's lawyer as i would rather imagine you casually making out with a pastry instead of ms. thurman.



SusanB said...

Agree with Davesmuse & Monstersinc.

annabella said...

I can't imagine working for someone for 3 years w/o pay and believing they would take care of me. but I guess I've trusted alot of people I shouldn't have.

I guess marky mark should have had him sign a non disclosure agreement. he should be wishing he had paid him right about when the book comes out and he is in the spotlight for bad behavior.

if he is a racist, then that is just sad.

pr787 said...

My father is a Catholic, well his family is and he hates the church for all the wrong doings they have done. Let's remember the recent ones: pedophile priests and the church that protects them still.
Both Wahlberg and Gibson are using their church as defens for their fucked up views. Wahlberg beat up a Vietnamese man and Gibson is a known Anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic bastard.

B23 said...

How did the guy survive for 3 years? How did he eat? Pay rent? Did he have free room and board provided while he worked?

SaintsFan said...

Is this going to be a book or is the guy just going to start talking? I'm ready to read that new book Dropped Names as soon as my library gets it. I love tell alls but take them with a grain of salt most of the time.

WUWT? said...

Maybe the reason he can talk about it is because he DIDN'T get paid? Like if he were paid, the terms of the contract were honored and so the contract remains in place; if he wasn't paid, the contract was already broken so he can talk despite any non-disclosure terms the contract would have included.

Maybe Bruce has included his bodyguard in the salacious stuff so the bodyguard won't talk since he'd look bad too? Don't know.

califblondy said...

Enty, are you sure it was Uma? Maybe it was Oprah?

Ms Cool said...

Argh - I am suspect of anyone who is idiot enough to work 3 years without getting paid.

Amartel said...

pr787, your anti-Catholic views are unreasonable and obviously received second-hand. Please consider the possibility that an individual's fault(s) lies with the individual man or woman, that men and women are highly fallible, including but not limited to priests of the Church. You're way to eager to rage at an institution which has done far more good than not in this world.

chopchop said...

Woot!! Catholic posters unite!! :-)

Great posts Amartel & Davesmuse.

SusanB said...

I'm Catholic. I'm not happy with a lot of things the Church has done, but I'm not going to leave it because of those things. I'm an American citizen. I don't approve of a lot my government has done, but I'm not going to leave the USA either. In both cases, I work to change things from within.

Popcorn Sutton said...

@Amartel - Thank you. You said it better than I ever could have.

skeeball said...

I think it has been shown countless time in the last few years that there are racists, misogynist, and just generally bad people from every religious group and affilation in the world. I don't any one religion has the corner on this.

seaward said...

pr787, I'm with you, I see what you're saying.
I don't think the Catholic church is a horrible thing, and I don't paint all Catholics with the same brush, but there is no denying SOME people use religion to justify their own intolerance and hatred.

ghost said...

Gee, Mark Wahlberg says nasty things and physically assaults people... NEVER would have guessed that. It's not like he ever beat people up and blinded a guy in the past or anything.

I've always hated that pompous, overrated, violent piece of shit. I hate that Hollywood kisses his arrogant ass.

weezy said...

I think the bodyguard said in a NY paper interview this weekend that Willis was the only one of his celebrity clients who's been genuine with him and stayed in touch in the long term.

Jasmine said...

"I don't think the Catholic church is a horrible thing, and I don't paint all Catholics with the same brush, but there is no denying SOME people use religion to justify their own intolerance and hatred."


Just because some of you think of yourselves as good Christians/Catholics, lets not forget the wars/lives/intolerance all impacted by organized religion.

I seee what pr787 is getting at as well~

hmmm said...

How can a bodyguard protect someone if he's boozed or drugged up? What was he expecting to happen?

Anonymous said...

Damn you, Uma!
On the other hand, I'm surprised that the hired hand isn't getting sued for possible defamation of character.

vega said...

About a million dollars in gifts, guessed to be hush money for same sex encounters with a rather young male celeb .... Too bad it won't be revealed.

Felicia said...

Talk to a First Nations member.

Talk to anybody from any country in Africa.

Ask them how great the Catholics have been to their people.

Supporting the Catholic Church is supporting rapists, terrorists, and genocidal maniacs.

Sorry, you don't get a pass for any of that. I don't care if you're a nice person. Nice people LEAVE violent and abusive organizations. Simple.

AB said...

Vega, you are surely referring to Bruce Willis' million dollars in random gift buying for one of the Carter boys, I assume. Always thought that was weird...

Tia said...

actually he said when he was battling a drug addiction, Bruce didnt abandon him/ their friendship. Regardless of how I may waffle if Bruce is a giant dick or not, that was pretty cool thing to do.

Davesmuse said...

Felicia, the difference between our viewpoints is that you see the Catholic church as an institution, while I see it as a faith. There have been members--and leaders--of the church who have behaved horrendously, but that is their own twisted nature. As a Catholic, I will not defend behavior that is indefensible, but I won't take responsibility for it either. I especially won't take responsibility for the self-indulgent, hyper entitled behavior of Hollywood actors. There are sickos in every religion, and in every institution. Does Ted Bundy represent all Americans? Did being an American citizen make him a serial killer? Are all Americans serial killers? Your logic/bigotry baffles me.

ardleighstreet said...

This post is NOT about religon. It's about some douchebags who treated their staff like shite.

That said; Enty, obviously the man does not have your way with women. :)

abbe said...
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abbe said...

um okay, now i'm confused.

cuz i have been trying to advertise my book, PX This (Diary of the "Maitre d' to the Stars"), on this site for a couple weeks now, but Enty won't answer my e-mails.

but this book you publicize for free?

okay. whatevs!

feel free to google "PX This" or visit pxthis.com/thebook/

thank you! :)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Felicia, and there's not a single part of me that believes Uma goddamned Thurman would make out with a supposedly-obese entertainment lawyer.

chachi said...

Snaps to Felicia!! Organized religion (or "storytelling") divides and separates us all. So sick of any religion - for the love of pete, we're all just PEOPLE - we don't need to worship mythology/mythological ideas. As humans with higher intelligence, we can support and care for each other WITHOUT the structure of a religious organization! Come on people, we're smarter than that!

mooshki said...

pr787 didn't say one darned thing negative about Catholicism! He said that these two rats are hypocrites! Geez, persecution complex much?

Abbe, this is a gossip site, not the advertising section. If Enty hasn't responded, that probably means he's not interested.

abbe said...

actually, Enty did respond. i've been waiting to hear the costs.

a book containing celebrity gossip wants to advertise on a celebirty gossip site where the blogger just wrote about a book on celebrity gossip, and yet "he's not interested" ?


oh the irony of you criticizing others for having a "persecution complex."

vega said...

@ KM


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