Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Actress

The actress I am going to discuss today has actually been in a blind in the past few weeks. She was not the star, but was a player in one of the blinds and perhaps if you put this piece of the puzzle together with another piece it will all fall into place because several of these definitely connect.

Let me start off by saying that this actress is A list. Huge star. Academy Award winner. Quite possibly also the coldest person on the planet. The only emotion you will ever see from this actress is on the set. Even when she has something truly awful happen to her, she shows nothing on the outside. Rage on the inside and she will make you pay, but solid calm on the outside.

Anyway, our actress has been married before. She is also currently married. Our actress has had a plan from day 1. Not day 1 of her career, but day 1 of meeting another individual who became a central part of her life and changed her from someone warm and funny to the coldest person alive. He should know because he is the coldest man alive. He told her she needed a plan and in the first week they were together he made her list out hundreds of goals and objectives for herself. Everyday he drilled her on the goals and objectives and asked her what she had done about each one. The grillings could last hours and he hammered at her over and over. At first she was scared and wanted to leave but he kept her there. He basically turned her into a prisoner. She became a totally different person and became focused only on reaching those goals.

Fun was removed from her life. Everything had to have a purpose. There is no wasted motion or effort. If you go outside, you have to have a reason. When you hit a red carpet, there are certain things you must do everytime. The dress you are going to wear should not be about the way it makes you feel, but the message you are trying to share or convey. Gestures are not random, they should all be planned. Touching yourself or your partner or not should be planned. Our actress maps out every second of everyday.

After her split from The Controller, our actress got involved for a short time with a celebrity who is on everyone's wish list. She fell for him hard for about three days. It seemed to last longer but it was three days. She just could not enjoy herself with a guy who was so free spirited and out of control reckless. This is an actress who just like in her public life plans everything in her personal life too. Sex? She knows exactly what she will do and when she will do it. She has three or four different programs that she follows. Her current husband actually gets no sex at all whatsoever. They sleep in separate bedrooms much as she did in her past relationship. She runs his life. He also used to be a free spirit, albeit one with some issues. Yes, she straightened those out, but has changed him into a machine. The actress believes that children are props that are used to advance a career and play a part in success. They are to be brought out and displayed when it is most advantageous. New movie? Bring out a child. New job somewhere? Bring out a child. Someone writes they have not seen a child in sometime, bingo, one of the people hired to look for such things brings it up and the child is produced the next day.

Our actress used to do a lot of drugs and booze. Now? Nothing. She eats barely any food and expects the same of her husband. Surprisingly though, despite his past issues she lets him have several drinks each night and even to smoke pot. She thinks it keeps him more docile. She has been beaten before by him when he was sober so she lets him drink and smoke but only in the house and without friends there. Friends? The couple has no friends. She got rid of his friends a long time ago just as her friends were banished when she met The Controller. Our actress has exactly one friend. Brought out now once a year for lunch. Her husband? None. Although he gets along well with the security guards.

Our actress has sex with exactly one person. Her trainer. Has been with him for years and years that way. Exercise and then sex without fail several times a week forever. Yes, it even goes back to her time with The Controller because he did not have time for such things. His only rule about the sex with the trainer? Had to be in the house and the trainer signed a brutal confidentiality agreement.

The one problem in the plan of the actress after all these years is that no matter how hard she tries she cannot make people go see her movies. She still has not figured out though that she might be the problem and not others. If a movie bombs she never speaks to the people involved again. If it does well. she basks in the glow and takes all the credit. With all the bombs she has had over the past few years most bridges have been burned. She is still working her plan, but now her career seems to be out of her control. Lately she has started to follow a new plan to get her in the good graces of the public. Dutiful wife and mother. The problem is after so many years of not caring, it is tough to believe that she really ants to be either.


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Zara said...

This isn't even a blind item. It makes me so sad, because Nicole used to be such a fun-loving, Aussie girl, even in the early years of her marriage to Tom. Throughout their entire marriage, in her interviews she seemed more fun, more spirited than he did. It's only the last 10 years or so - post-divorce - that she's seemed so cold. I assumed that was due to the COS alienating her from her children after the divorce. I believe this blind is true, but I don't want to. Such a waste of talent.

How do people know these things? I'd say there's a fair bit of embellishment or speculation in blinds like this. Not the important details, some of the filler stuff. How do people know that NK "lets" him drink each night because it makes him more docile? Sounds suss to me. I mean, I think the blind is right, but some of this stuff is just additional fluff to pad out the writing.

TSA said...

Sad how these actors allow themselves to be controlled like this. Yes, it is a form of abuse, but they willingly stayed in the marriage (ie: Nicole, Katie). Nicole is a good actress/beard. Sad that she has to continue acting in her personal life, too. If this blind is her (or the previous one about bringing the kids out for show, ignoring child who fell, etc.), she doesn't deserve to be called a mother. Tom & these other Scientologists are so evil. I'm feeling guilty for ever seeing any of his movies. That's the hard part of the addiction to reading these ruins the image we have of these actors. I mean we hear the rumors, but we dismiss them & still pay to see their movies. These HW folks/fakes are so messed up. Sorry for the rant, it's been building for days. I started reading blinds on this site & others sometime before the Oscars. I couldn't even enjoy the RedCarpet...all those fake couples! I didn't even know what a beard was until a few months ago!

Anyway, here are some interesting tidbits/fabrications, if this blind is true, from Nicole's IMDB page:
Often plays cold, emotionally vacant characters (so true in life, too!)
I don't actually see a path in front of me...
I never feel like I'm in control...
What's the point of doing something good if nobody's watching? (...showing off her kids...)
I'll never have Botox...

Wonder how Nicole might have turned out w/o Tom controlling the strings? Can she drop the conrtolling persona she's taken on & have a happy, real marriage w/ Keith (does anyone in HW have a real marriage?)? And please, please, please don't have any more kids if you're not gonna be a mother to those children!

Liza said...

I don't think it's Nicole because I used to see her sometimes when I lived in Sydney and Sunday was quite young but she was always pretty relaxed and happy. She's really tight with her family and I don't think this actress gives a crap about anybody. Also if she never shows emotion, how do you explain her whoop of joy when the divorce was finalised?

Rushie said...

For the first time, I was able to guess a blind, woohoo! Anyway, when I read this post and saw Ice Cold, my first thought was Nicole Kidman and the Controller had to be Tom Cruise and her husband since he's the one she married to presently, Keith Urban.

Rushie said...

For the first time, I was able to guess a blind, woohoo! Anyway, when I read this post and saw Ice Cold, my first thought was Nicole Kidman and the Controller had to be Tom Cruise and her husband since he's the one she married to presently, Keith Urban.

Rushie said...

For the first time, I was able to guess a blind, woohoo! Anyway, when I read this post and saw Ice Cold, my first thought was Nicole Kidman and the Controller had to be Tom Cruise and her husband since he's the one she married to presently, Keith Urban.

colin r said...

did you guys see the Daily Mail just ran a story and, wait for, it, NK brings out baby Faith for the first time in ages....

me said...

Pictures of the happy family one day later....Ding
via Radaronline


Krgl420 said...

As I was reading I had AJ and NK in mind, but then it said trainer and I was like AJ doesn't work out!
NK for the win!

CaliGirlinVA said...

OMG, NK's lips actually look normal in that pic. Hope she lays off the injectables, but fat chance of that.

Aussie said...

Well well well. Look who popped up yesterday.

Liz said...

I think it's probably Nicole. Angie also fits some of the blind as well. Brad Pitt BFF's with Clooney? I see them as work friends only.

Liz said...

It always surprises when a woman who seems to be so in control, would put up with a beater. Also, why did this woman put up wuth the control freak? Money, opportunity? I've met assholes like that before; there's never a second date.

lulu said...

Nicole played the big 'I'm so hurt and confused" when Cruise dumped her. It was hus attorney that said "Nicole knows exactly why this happened" and from what I can gathe, they signed a contract where she beards for him and is allowed sexual partners as long as she is discreet and doesn't become too involved, Well apparently she had a thing going with Ewan for a long time aqnd was in love with him and wa ted his kid - she may have already been preg. On the other hand, wasn't her contract for ten years and wasn't it ten years exactly when they broke up? Another reason for legal guy's comments. She did a song with that engllish Williams guy who apparently told everyone at his next concert how he .... her from behind over the lounge/couch. She was hanging out with Russell for a while and he said he was flying over to her for Val. Day to keep her company. There is no way Russell would fly half way around the world to see her if he didn't have something good to try. That is my take on it anyway. He also told a late night host that he had been in' adult situations with Nicole' more than once or a few times. Nicole also allegedly had a fling with 50 cent. Don't forget that she was paid very well for her time with TC and was given a lot of press,. exposure etc and went on to have the career that he promised , in the contract. I don't think it was quite getting 'the life sucked out of her' as so many are saying. Don't forget that her kids came out and said if she used them one more time for the paps, they threatened to go to the press. There were no more cutesy photos after that. No more of her and them at sports games etc.

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