Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Secret

For those of you who have read the site for a long time, this one might be easier than those of you who don't know about the connection I had to a certain hit television show that had a very long run and has spawned at least two very big names, but no so much my connection to the show. Nice guy, but not a huge star.

Anyway, on this show, everyone at first was really united and became kind of like family and it was at this time that one of the co-stars and now an A list television actress who has pretty much given up on ever doing a movie again. She confided that she had been sexually assaulted and her virginity taken by an actor after an acting class one night. The actor, who is now a B lister with a new show of his own and not the greatest reputation took some time after that before he became famous and did get beat up by two of the actors from the victim's show. One of the actors was an A list actor on one of the more fan fanatic shows of all time.

Anyway, this actress started dating a celebrity and she told him she was a virgin and then confided in him the story about being sexually assaulted and at first he was ok about it, but then decided he could not deal with her constant emotional issues and the constant presence of family members so started cheating on her and they split.

Her relationships ever since this episode have been one disaster after another because she does not trust and she always ends up doing what she thinks she is supposed to be doing rather than just following her heart. She refuses therapy because she does not want her secret to get out. A few months ago she walked down the red carpet and saw her attacker and froze in place for a good two minutes before leaving and then not being seen in public for a week. She is very careful to never go to anything where he might show up. It is why she usually stays in or stays close to home.


Jennifer H. said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Green Wave Gal said...

Party of Five?
JLH as the one who was assaulted?
Matthew Fox as the guy from the fan fanatic show?

No idea about the attacker.

Laura said...

Tv show - "Party of Five"
enty's friend - Scott Wolfe
Female - JLH

Patty said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sarah Michelle Geller (All My Children).

Green Wave Gal said...

lol, Jennifer...

MontanaMarriott said...

So there is:
The actress who got assaulted
The assailant
The actor who beat up the assailant

Green Wave Gal said...

So the assailant is:
currently B-list
new TV show of his own
not the greatest reputation

Laura said...

Celebrity who could not deal - John Mayer.

MontanaMarriott said...

So Scott Wolf and Matthew Fox beat up the assailant? With JLH being the victim?

spacecowboy78 said...

@ Montana that's what I got out of it, Matthew Fox being the A list with the fan fanatic show (Lost) and Enty's buddy being Scott Wolfe. No idea on the B list assailant. Celebrity I think would be Jaime Kennedy, wouldn't John Mayer be described as a musician? Or maybe that's too much of a give away?

strawberrygirl said...

How awful!

Giulia said...

My first thoughts were:

- Party Of Five

- Scott Wolf

- Neve Campbell

But Jennifer LH makes more sense in terms of tv career and dating history.

However, Enty is always ragging on her for not going more than 5 minutes without a boyfriend.
If he knows that she acts that way because of the trauma she suffered, it seems all those jibes are kind of insensitive.

Also, there was another story about her cheating on her boyfriend while on set with someone with a member of the crew, and everyone would hear her have loud sex in her trailer.

So it may be someone else altogether.

Anonymous said...

My guess: Show~ party of five
Asaulted one~ JLH
On fan fantical show~ MTthew Fo
Entys freind~ Scott Wolfe
Asualter~ no idea

Cathy said...

I just don't buy this as being JLH... if it were here, I would expect Enty to use more sympathetic captions when he posts pictures of her. Also, I believe Enty did a reveal this past July, where she was an actress who told her actor bf that she was a virgin, while she was out screwing crew members. This doesn't quite align with that...

MISCH said...

The bastard should be revealed....

FrenchGirl said...

friend actors: Wolf and Fox
the raper (because it's a rape) :?

selenakyle said...

I thought JLH immediately, too.

I didn't have the connect-the-dots, but the clues fit her, IMO.

Jolene Jolene said...

I get that everyone seems to be on board with JLH, but on what planet is she an A list TV actress? A list TV actresses are Tina Fey/Amy Poehler/Julianna Marguiles, etc...just sayin.

selenakyle said...

And hasn't she had "mommy issues" for a long time as well? Poor thing, if that is the reason she must live with her Mom and/or have her around constantly.

Jennifer H. said...

The only way I can see that this works with JLH and the comments Enty's made all this time about her douchette behavior is that he didn't know this story OR she lied about being attacked. Just because someone said it happened doesn't mean it did. Lying about a sexual assault is not an uncommon play among those with needy issues. I know this from a formerly close friend who lied about an attack and used it for years to control her boyfriends. It made her delicate and extra special. I could picture this going either way with JLH.

selenakyle said...

Good points, though, Guilia and Cathy.

Enty hasn't been exactly sensitive or kind to JLH in his postings for years now...

OK--so what red carpets was she at recently? We can narrow this down and then go beat up the rapist ourselves! (or at least vilify him and boycott his work)

msgirl said...

Very sad, whoever it is.

I too am hesitant about it being JLH because Enty is always bashing her which would be insensitive. HOWEVER he might be doing that because she isn't helping herself any by not dealing with - a good therapist would never leak this and if they did they would lose their license.

EmEyeKay said...

Agree w/those who DON'T think it's JLH. What you say makes sense.

Have no other guess, tho.

Cecilia00 said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt is A-List via Ghost Whisperer and name

I haven't seen a guess for the rapist and I can't think of who it could be either

Anonymous said...

Um, am I alone in being skeeved out that this is a blind item? Obviously this poor girl has a lot of issues, and trying to "guess the rape victim!" kind of grosses me out. I have no problem in trying to out a rapist, but this girl obviously doesn't want what happened to get out, so I am uncomfortable with this BI.

NernersHuman said...

No kidding. There's a lot of fellas in H-wood with "not the greatest reputation."

msgirl said...

What B-list actor has his own show now?

Cookie said...

@spacecowboy78 - think about it thoug, if the media considers Kardashians, Hiltons, etc. "celebrities" then Mayer would easily qualify. i think "celebrity" is just a general bucket to dump them all in.

like everyone else, can't figure out the assailant either!

Massconfusion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If it wasnt.for the long relationship with David Arquette i would.say.Courtney Cox.

david91 said...

Claire Danes?

She has 3 golden globes for her television work, does that make her A-list?

firebugDVM said...

Is Charlie Sheen considered B-list? He has a new show coming out soon

Princess said...

Ashton Kutcher for assailant?

msgirl said...

But Claire is married.

Josh Lucas has a new show? Does he have a bad rep?

NernersHuman said...

I know people are thinking it's not JLH, but man, I love the image of Matthew Fox and Scott Wolf going to beat the hell out of her attacker.

spacecowboy78 said...

@ Cookie, yeah I guess. But that's who I think of as "celebrities."

Ashton Kutcher for B Lister?
Wilmer Valderrama? (B is probably very kind for him, though he does have a new show and shit rep).

spacecowboy78 said...

And I would say JLH is A list for name and for body of TV work over the last 15 years. She certainly fits the "given up on movies" part.

Cecilia00 said...

If JLH I can't see the boyfriend as Mayer. He wrote Your Body Is A Wonderland about and before that she dated Wilmer V who classified her as an "8" on Stern. Plus there was a big scandal back then that jLH was sleeping with Scott Bairstow behind his pregnant wife's back on PO5

Laura said...

Wilmer Valderrama seems to fit the description pretty well, he is such an ass.

Cathy said...

In case anyone is curious, I found the previous blind that was revealed to be JLH:

March 17, 2011

So, if you have been a regular reader of the site, this one will probably be pretty easy because it deals with someone who has a connection to a long blind item. Anyway, back in the 90's this then C list television actress was on a hit television show. She was a bright fresh face who really did her best to portray innocence on the screen and in interviews. Although she was publicly dating a B list celebrity, she told him that she was saving herself. Meanwhile on the set of her show that was a whole different story. Our actress liked a guy who worked on the show in the crew and every day during the lunch break would go back to the trailer of our actress and proceed to have the loudest noisiest sex ever. People would stand around the trailer eating lunch while listening to the show. Then after the sex, our actress would pretend she had been doing nothing and at the end of the day her boyfriend would pick our little chaste angel up from work.

Laura said...

Oh they dated? nevermind.

izz said...

If this is JLH then perhaps the celeb bf she dated was Carson Daly didn't he split with her because her mom was there all the time with them.

Laura said...

I forgot about Carson Daly!!

califblondy said...

Why am I feeling Kutcher?

Ewww, I just grossed myself out.

LuckyMeg said...

First time commenter here, but long time reader.

Although I also have doubts about it being JLH simply because of Enty's jabs, my first thought for the "Celebrity" boyfriend was Carson Daly. To me, out of her men, he mostly fits that description.

Cathy said...

You guys, it's NOT JLH... Enty and his source for this go way back, so there's not way he just now found out about this and there's no way he'd bash JLH the way he does if this were her.

Grey said...

If this is Party of Five then Neve Campbell fits better than JLH. Neve is pretty reclusive and has been divorced twice. The last line implies the actress doesn't go out much...JLH goes to the Ivy for her bday...

Assailant: Christan Slater?. His new-ish show just had its season premiere

Anonymous said...

@Cecelia))- I didn't know who Scott Bairstow was so I looked up his wiki- holy shit, did you read his personal life stuff? Ugh.

NernersHuman said...

I don't think Neve Campbell could be considered A List. Maybe when the Scream movies first came out, but not so much now.

jax said...

Jeremy London as abuser

msgirl said...

Neve is not A-list, BUT I do like the Christian Slater guess.

Trixie said...

Wow--just looked up Scott Bairstow. Gross. I had such a crush on him in the 90s after he was in that movie Wild America with JTT.

Susan said...

I think we first need to come up with a list of today's A-list TV stars. I just don't see how JLH and Neve Campbell fit besides Enty's connection to Party of Five.

Would Claire Danes be A-list?? I feel like everybody is talking about her show these days.

Yuffie said...

Has everyone else forgotten that her first big Hollywood boyfriend was Will Friedel? They dated for like ever. I never really watched Po5 though so I don't have any other guesses as to the assailant but he needs his ass beat.

Beth said...

The first person I thought of was Christian Slater as the B-lister, but he was around long before JLH.

If this is JLH, I would guess Carson Daly as the BF.

EmEyeKay said...

@jax, where have you been?

@texshan, no, you're not alone.

spacecowboy78 said...

Claire Danes is married

surfer said...

@jax - that's a really interesting guess, especially considering what he's been through. But...does he have a new show?

surfer said...

Kind of off topic, but has anyone else noticed that to the right of this blind, Enty has links for hmmmm (and hayden)? Very interesting.

Rose said...

Ya, there is no way Enty has been talking about JLH like this for so long. It's not her.

couriergrrrrl said...

@ Green Wave Gal--

lol? Really? How is this in any way humorous? People can be so hateful.

KellyLynn said...

@ surfer

My guess is that those are the most popular searches using that embedded google custom search feature.

Giulia said...

surfer said...

has anyone else noticed that to the right of this blind, Enty has links for hmmmm (and hayden)? Very interesting.


Himmmm's existence and Hayden's story have been picked up by other sites and now quite a lot of people know about it.

I hope that something good comes out of her story being out there:

That she stops pretending that she hasn't been a victim of horrific abuse and realizes that embracing sexual perfidy, far from putting her in control, only perpetuates her victimization.

SaintsFan said...

@Texshan, you are 100% correct. This "guess who was raped" blind is disgusting. I feel terrible for the girl and she does sound like she is trying to live a quiet life so we should leave her alone.

crila16 said...


A lister was Scott Wolf at the time

Fan Fanatic TV show of all time was Lost with Matthew Fox.

Carson Daly was the boyfriend.

Need to do research to find out who the B lister is.

Terri said...

I'm not so sure about Carson Daly. He found out they broke up when she mentioned it on a talk-show and he thought they were still engaged at the time. He was the first fiancee she dumped.

Henriette said...

Too easy-Jennifer Love Hewitt, and I guess the show is Party of Five.

jax said...

i got a new 9-5 so I don't always have the time to run my mouth here.

Voyeur said...

Show with "family-like" actors - FRIENDS
Actress w/ Red Carpet Status - Jennifer Aniston
Enty's Friend - Schwimmer
Actor with Own show - Joey
Assailant - ??

Ms Cool said...

I would totally agree with voyeur with Courtney Cox as the actress but I think she was dating Michael Keaton before or during Friends.

msgirl said...

JA is ALWAYS out and about.

Kari said...

Former "Party of Five" and "Wolf Lake" star Scott Bairstow was sentenced to four months in prison on Friday (Jan. 16). In December, Bairstow pleaded guilty to second-degree assault of a young girl, a modified plea in which he acknowledging he assaulted the victim with intent of second-degree molestation

Kari said...

PS this was from 2004

Hazeldazel said...

"now an A list television actress who has pretty much given up on ever doing a movie again"

Voyeur, can't be aniston.

for those of you guessing Neve Campbell, she was engaged for awhile to John Cusack but they broke it off.

crila16 said...

So...JLH for Actress
Scott Wolf (A list actor at the time)
Matt Fox - Hit Fan Fanatic show - Lost
B actor with new show....

- James van Der Beek (Apartment 23)
- Josh Lucas (The Firm)
- Jeremy Sisto (Suburgatory)

Rose said...

Po5 was cancelled after 4 or 5 seasons. I don't really consider that a long run or an actress on Lifetime A List. I guess I just don't see how it could be JLH, or why Enty would diss his friend so much.

Grey said...


Josh Lucas is eliminated if it is JLH. JLH went to the J. Edgar premiere, which Josh Lucas attended cause he is in the movie. If she "avoids" the assailant like the item says she wouldnt have gone to the premiere.

Jeremy Sisto is an interesting choice.

Interesting choice on James Van der Beek, but the blind item alleges the guy was trouble in the past...

I'm still betting Christian Slater

Love is the Movement said...

What about Mila Kunis?

spacecowboy78 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lulumum said...

maybe the attacker was jeremy london (was that the name of the twin that played JLH's boyfriend on the show?).

Beth said...

Jeremy Sisto was around before JLH, so I don't think it's him.

Rose, how is Enty dissing his friend? He's basically saying that his friend defended someone who was victimized.

Interesting about the Friends guess. I was thinking Lisa Kudrow. There's some rumor that she was a virgin until she got married. However, she's been married for nearly 20 years and is still in movies, so it's not her.

spacecowboy78 said...

Mila Kunis dated Macaulay Culkin for about 10 years, only recently ending it.

Jeremy Sisto is no way B list, and I don't think I've heard of him having a bad reputation.

Snark aside, why would Christian Slater be in an acting class with JLH (if her) or anyone on that level, in the mid-late 90's?

Van Der Beek is possible I suppose, but I just don't get the feeling it's him.

Beth said...

Mila Kunis does movies. This actress doesn't even try anymore.

Anonymous said...

How about someone from ER.

Julianna Marguiles, Julie Bowen... Nah, probably younger.

It can't be JLH because Po5 didn't have a long run as someone already pointed out.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

Wilmer Valderrama's new show is _Awake_ on NBC. And he does have a pretty shady reputation.

Gypsytrill said...

As much as I love gossip and love blinds, I would not have posted this one. I don't believe that assault victims should be outted. That is like making them a victim again. If they want to keep it private, they should be able to. Just my dos centavos.

Rose said...

Beth, Enty makes fun of JLH all the time. I don't mean this post.

Green Wave Gal said...

@ courriergirl: I wasn't lol-ing the story, just that we posted the exact same guess at the same time.

I would never LAUGH at something like this!

Jilly said...

I found pictures of Wilmer and JLH together at two different awards in 1999. I would say that eliminates at least one of them!

Voyeur said...

Ok, FRIENDS but with the actress being Courtney Cox. On second thought, she doesn't seem like the "string of bad relationships" type.

Hmmmm ...

malcam66 said...

I was thinking Kiefer Sutherland for the rapist. He's supposed to be a jerk or was, and has a somewhat new show. I would put him as A list for tv, B or less for movies so maybe it fits?

iamjustjules said...

What about Ryan Phillipe for the attacker. He was in I Know What You Did Last Summer with JLH and was on the way up. definitely B-list because of the former marriage and has a pretty low reputation on this site

Voyeur said...

malcam66 - would Keifer be in an acting class around that time? Didn't he already have a string of "hits" such as that vampire movie and that one he did with Roberts and the Baldwin?
I'm so bad with names.

spacecowboy78 said...

Keifer was already famous. The blind says the B actor went onto to fame after the attack on the actress.

msgirl said...

I'm just throwing out another Alist TV actress - Mary Louise Parker? She hasn't done a movie in several years, and doesn't have successful relationships I don't think. Rarely seen out and about. Was on West Wing.

I'm only guessing the victim to try to figure out the bastard.

Kiefer is a gentleman, he's a drunk, but a gentleman nobody has ever said a bad thing about him.

seaward said...

Does anyone remember the A List? A GIANT list of celebrities, with the rumors attributed to them. I haven't seen it in years, but someone linked to it in one of the daily photos posts, and look what's on there:

Bairstow, Scott. Charged with having sex with a 12-year-old. Linked with Jennifer Love Hewitt when she was way too young.

spacecowboy78 said...

I'd have to doubt that Mary Louise Parker was claiming to be a virgin at age 35 while dating Billy Crudup and on The West Wing

spacecowboy78 said...

Scott Bairstow has a creepy past but he's not a B actor with a new show.

caralw said...

JLH has a movie in post production according IMDB, so that doesn't fit either.

Rose said...

Thank you spacecowboy. Kiefer may be a drunk but he isn't an a-hole.

Cecilia00 said...

Spacecowboy - never said he was her attacker

seaward said...

Right on. I have no idea who the guy is, so figured I'd throw it out there for someone who does know.

lucifer said...

My left-field guess:
Long-standing TV series: Married with Children
A-list TV only actress: Christina Applegate
A-list actor: Ed O'Neill
other actor: ? Likely Ted McGinley
Rapist: Wilder Valderama

Anotheramy said...

I love that all the extra attention Himmmm has brought has brought Enty back to life and livened up the site. Im surprised he didn't save this as a 4 for Friday though. Anyone else wonder if hes posting these trying to coax Himmmm out of hiding?

usernad said...

JON HAMM as the rapist???? Himmmm posted something earlier (but it is now removed!!!) He said that some of these pics could answer the blind item, cleaver ENTY should just put an arrow to it already... i just picked jon hamm because he a tv actor in those bunch of pictures

Beth said...

Maybe it's all BS and Enty is Himmmm.

Beth said...

Himmmm's comment is still up. It's just on one of the photo posts.

mrs.wigglepuppy said...

Re: Seaward

I'm just your normal lurker on here but I am so into Himmmm and his awesome comments that I keep clicking back to see if he's posted anything new. I even have my husband calling me from work to see if Himmm has posted Ha!

Anyways, I comment on Jezebel quite a bit (cause I feel that you all are so awesome and anything I would like to add has already been said but better. I only comment to Enty posts on reveal days to say thanks!) And the whole Himmmm thing has blown up over there. Somebody posted a link to the CDAN thread on Lipstick Alley and somebody on there posted this:

This was last updated in 2002, take a look at Tiger Woods, NPH, and Tom Cruise. Pretty interesting.

Actually the whole lipstick alley Himmmm CDAN thread is pretty messed up. They talk about everything from Scientology to Shapeshifters to Ashanti beeing a hooker. I'll post the link bellow but they are a paranoid bunch!

Hope this helps! Also I love all the regular CDAN posters. You are awesome sleuths, funny, and you are almost never catty! xoxox

story said...

Two people that were on Party of Five that to me could be the assailant:

1. Andrew Keegan (believe he beat one of his exes.

2. Doug Hutchinson (creep who married teenager Courtney Stodden)

spacecowboy78 said...

The overriding clue people keep seeming to overlook about the attacker/rapist is that he was not famous when he did it. He has gone on to become a B list actor with a shady reputation and a new or newer TV show.

jza1218 said...

Actress: JLH
Boyfriend who cheated on her: Joey Lawrence
A-List TV Actor: Matthew Fox

B-List Actor with Bad Reputation and Recent TV Show: Eddie Cibrian (Playboy Club)

NernersHuman said...

But Playboy Club was already cancelled.

jza1218 said...

Didn't say that it was still on the air. Just said that the guy had a new show of his own.

Amy said...

David Boreanaz for the assailant.

spacecowboy78 said...

DB is a DB and good guess, but he's had Bones for 7 years.

mynerva said...

@Amy I was thinking Alyson Hannigan for the A list TV actress and Buffy for the show

Elisha said...

Has someone been keeping track of Himmm's comments? I would love to see what I've been missing out on. I wish I had the time to go through all the old posts.

MAC said...

I definitely think it is JLH based on all the real clues (Enty's tie to the show, her having relationship issues, her tie with her family/mom, the A list fan favorite show is obviously Lost and Matthew Fox, and Scott Wolf hasn't done much so his description of him fits too). Now for the B list actor that attacked her with a new show. I searched here
for a list of new shows in 2011-2012 for any names that I recognized easily. I only came up with Max Greenfield, Eddie Cibrian, Wilmer Valderrama, Scott Porter, Jim Caviezel.

MAC said...

Is Jim Caviezel in the photos today?

Pazitively Hot said...

@Beth it has certainly crossed my mind.

misspoppypants said...

When was the series popular? It could have been ER, Friends, Buffy, POF, Roseanne, Married with Children, 90210, Charmed, Scrubs--probably most of these don't fit. JLH fits, even her promiscuity and desperation to be loved, all trauma behavior. I cant think of A list actresses/actors for most of these. Couple of tortured romantic train wrecks. I dont really want to know though, do you? What I want to know is who is the rapist. My mind always goes to the super bastard, Jeremy Piven. No idea though. He's probably not B list. Christian Slater was mega big after Heathers, so can't think it's him.
Who is Hmmmm??? Not speculation on Hmmm, but why does Hmmm come up in so many responses? No idea who Hmmm is!

History Snark said...

Regarding Christina Applegate, I would mention one thing: IIRC, Ed O'Neill is a black belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu. So that could make him more likely.

And glad to hear people remember the A List. One of the first sites I ever checked!

spacecowboy78 said...

@MAC Jim Caviezel is in the photos, but his rep his for being uber Catholic. Not that that doesn't make him a possible rapist, just that he doesn't have that shady rep our B lister supposedly has.

MAC said...

@spacecowboy78. Yeah, I saw that after I posted...You're right it doesn't exclude him from doing something like this, but it doesn't fit with Enty's description of his reputation.

Rose said...

Jeremy Piven is likely B list because of his Emmy wins.

Alyson Higgins is in the new American Pie movie I think that is out.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I'm in agreement w/those who think it's not JLH in light of Enty's string of snarky comments about her...yes, I know, he's made a few about Hayden here & there, but nowhere near as many as about JLH. I just don't know...

Rose said...

I just don't see how 5 years = very long run.

meredith said...

I am on the side of those who do not believe the victim is JLH; bless her heart, she would show up for the opening of an envelope.

Always Forever said...

Me either, so I read it & omfg what a sick puppy!!!

Vindaloo said...

Where's Himmmm when you need him?

jontando said...

@spacecowboy78, @MAC I've known Jimmy for 25 years. Definitely not him.

Pazitively Hot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pazitively Hot said...

(spinoff of Party of 5 which enty is connected)


A List actor on fan fanatic show - SCOTT WOLF

B Lister with new show and not great reputation - TBD

Actor who couldnt deal - SCOTT FOLEY

shes very close with her mother & sisters, her movies suck and shes only A list in TV not A list in movies - but bc enty says "again" - she obviously has done a movie/s.
*Also, enty constantly remarks about what a mistake she is making sticking around Ben Affleck (not easy to get out of a codependent relationship with an addict enty!!)

"she does not trust and she always ends up doing what she thinks she is supposed to be doing rather than just following her heart." ---> definition of a codependent.

P.S. Jennifer Love Hewitt does not stay home close to home. She walks her own parade daily.

Unknown said...

Himmmmm posted a comment under the random photos section saying something to the effect of ' you could answer a couple of blinds from the photos - gee enty why don't you just draw an arrow to it'

If you look at the picture of Elizabeth Berkeley there is a yellow and black street sign with the black arrow pointing straight at her.
This must be the answer to the blind about all of the young stars her were being molested on a popular show.

Jeannie said...

I think Yuffie is right that the first famous boyfriend JLH had was Will Friedel. He always came across very clean-cut in the 90's and IF this is them, he seems like the type that it might have freaked him out, maybe he didn't have the maturity to deal with a woman who was clearly going through a lot (and still is to this day). He's been the best boyfriend guess out of all of them so far, and it would make sense that for the first boyfriend she has after being assaulted, she would still tell him she was a virgin, because she never willingly had sex before. Later boyfriends (Carson, Wilmer, etc, why would she still pretend to be a virgin when at this point she's had multiple tabloid romances).

Anonymous said...

I think you cracked it "Paz"....but like you say who is the B Lister with new show and bad reputation?

At first I wasn't seeing the "Party of 5" thing as fitting the fan fanatic clue, but thinking back to those days it was a huge show with a big fan following.

Pazitively Hot said...

Taking an acting class in no way translates that they were costarring, so we'll never know. UNLESS the victim one day can build enough courage to stand up against her attacker.
The following B listers with a new show have co-starred with Jennifer Garner prior to "Time of Your Life":

James McCaffrey
Eion Bailey
David Arquette

I hope it wasnt any of them.

It is not easy to speak up when you are the victim of something so ugly. If you are unable to help others by speaking out, please at least help yourself and give therapy a chance.

Wouldnt it be interesting if Courtney Cox was the mom in the BI a few weeks ago that was copying everything the other hollywood mom would do.

Anonymous said...

Except Jennifer Garner hasn't been on TV for a long time and Scott Wolf is nowhere near A list and was never part of a fan fanatic show.

Paisley said...

No way on the Alyson Hannigan guesses. She's been married for years and is getting ready for baby number two.

Anonymous said...

@SaraG : Scott Wolf "was" most certainly A list while he was on Party of 5 and it was a fan fanatic show. Keep in mind the internet wasn't then what it is today so "fan fanatic" has a different meaning now.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pazitively Hot said...

"She refuses therapy because she does not want her secret to get out. "

Cute picture today of Jennifer Garner going to the Doctor. What kind of doctor?

Pazitively Hot said...

I think this guy got beat up before the era of cellphones and tmz.
Much harder to get away that these days...

lutefisk said...

Not to be disrespectful, but even though Himmmm is very, very entertaining we have no proof that what he is saying is true. How do we know that he is not an elaborate story teller?

GrumpyK said...

Matthew Fox
Scott Wolfe-NCIS
Scott Grimes-Family Guy

Grey said...

It's not Jennifer Garner. IMDB says she is in films this year. Doesn't add up with the blind saying no more movies

Enty posted a pic of Jim Caviezel who stars with Michael Emerson who was in Lost with Matthew Fox (the A lister). Too much of a stretch

TheDailyLmo said...

Puleeeze, hasn't most every actress in Hollywood been sexually assaulted or sexually intimidated?
Aren't they all hauling around some weighty psycho-sexual baggage?
You'd certainly think so if you consistently read this web site.
Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Garner hasn't filmed a movie since Jan/Feb of 2011.

Of course her pregnancy/new baby could explain this.

Voyeur said...

I like the Elizabeth Berkeley guess, especially after seeing the huge arrow pointed towards her but after seeing the pictures I also like Michelle Williams as a guess. she was also in an ensemble show. no matter what the outcome Wilmer fix the creeper roll in just about every guess.

Voyeur said...

I like the Elizabeth Berkeley guess, especially after seeing the huge arrow pointed towards her but after seeing the pictures I also like Michelle Williams as a guess. she was also in an ensemble show. no matter what the outcome Wilmer fix the creeper roll in just about every guess.

MAC said...

I know some people think this isn't JLH, but I have been reading this site for years and based on Enty's intro my first thought was PO5. I obviously wasn't the only one, because that was the overwhelming guess from those that have read the site for a long time. He said we would be able to guess it, that means it shouldn't be hard to figure out. If you read the blind that Enty revealed about JLH (someone posted above) the wording is very similar and also the fact that she claimed to be a virgin is the same. Not saying I couldn't be wrong, but I think we are over thinking this part of the blind.

Jennifer H. said...

lutefisk, that's just it, we don't know that Hmmmmm isn't just an elaborate storyteller. I've seen it on sites before. Munchhausen by Internet. They can be extremely convincing. Pay attention to the fans. If Hmmmmmm is full of it, then most likely he or she is pretending to be at least one of Hmmmmm's fans, too. "Isn't Hmmmm great?" And it won't be a newbie to the site, either.

Then again, it's so intriguing to imagine that he's real, isn't it? I would like for Hmmmmm to really be a celebrity, or at least secretly Enty, trying to get info to us the only way he can.

Whichever, it's still fun!

Anonymous said...

Turns out "Room 23" was used in the show "Lost" as an ominous place. Hmm?

ps: It's "Himmmm" everyone keeps forgetting the "i" ;)

Anonymous said...

Here are more breadcrumbs. I found this webpage which looks like it was last updated in 2004. The part about Tim Alllen immediately got my attention as it backs up people's suspicion that the 80's coke dealer Himmmm was talking about in a previous post was none other than Tim Allen.

*Also note that what is written about Tiger Woods certainly turned out to be very true, and also the part about Gilian Anderson being bisexual as she just came out this week. So it's clear this info is very much true to some degree.

Anonymous said...

I could care less who "Himmmm" is but I found this to be interesting.

Himmmm's comments on Feburary 21 seem to be true and guess who is involved in that BI? None other than Hayden Panettiere.

So I take it the 2 NFL stars (secretly boyfriends) are Mark Sanchez and Scotty McKnight and their beards are Kate Upton and Hayden Panettiere. The Ellen video Himmmm refers to definitely backs the story up. Just look at Kate squirm.

Here are the links to the sites I used to snoop this out...

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Back to this blind...I'm guessing Mario Lopez for the B lister with the bad rep. He has a new reality show, and his timeline in the biz is similar to JLH's. And we already know he allegedly has the propensity...

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Scratch Mario Lopez...duh, a simple search on both their names together brings up a recent pic of her smiling and laughing while being interviewed by him.

lil miss sassy said...

Hi everyone!
I have become an enty addict. I live on the other side of the world (American expat) and truly look forward to waking up and reading the blinds but more so, the comments.
Just a thought. Older versions of popular us tv shows are shown here and advertised as 'new'. A few weeka ago I saw an episode of SVU where JLH was a rape victim. Her attacker chose her and others because they were 'virginal' and 'pure'. Wouldn't this hit a little too close to home if this blind is about her? Or a case of art imitating life?
I agree with many others who feel that it's terrible to out an alleged victim. Unfortunately, it seems that the only way to discover who in fact attacked the poor girl is to guess the girl. It's incredibly upsetting to find out all these celebs that people look up to are able to live like this and get away with it. Ug.

Anonymous said...

In case "Himmmm" reads my last posts I want to clarify that I do appreciate your insight and participation on the site, but that I don't feel a need to know your real life identity. Thought my previous "could care less" comment sounded a bit dismissive.


bunnymother said...

We all care. Anyone with a heart cares.

bunnymother said...

Being raped isn't baggage. It's a crime. 1 in 4 women are secually abused in their lifetime. EVERYONE cares. So should you.

mooshki said...

Enty trashes people we know are his friends all the time on this site, so I doubt this would keep him from ragging on JLH. He knows his image is for dealing celebrity snark, and he lives up to it.

It's really sad that JLH can't trust a therapist not to blab her secrets. :(

lutefisk said...

Jennifer H, I don't care who Himmmm really is or if his posts are 100% fact. I am as entertained as everyone else. I love reading his comments. Just wondering about the accuracy since anyone of us could start adding in-depth commentaries also.

Tonya said...

Would William Shatner beat someone up in retaliation over a co-star's rape? Probably not, but in my wildest hopes...yes.

Just because I want to run with this, here goes....

A list TV Actress: Julie Bowen - Boston Legal. I know her dating history isn't a big mess but she did date David Spade, which leads me to...

Ex-boyfriend who couldn't deal: David Spade.

A list actor from a fan fanatic show: William Shatner - YES!!

Other actor from the show who tag teamed the abuser: I'm not sure. James Spader? (I doubt it)

Assailant: Not even a clue and that is the one guess I wish everyone could figure out. That person deserves to be crucified for his actions.

Having guessed all that, I am 99.9% sure I am totally wrong.

Rose said...

Jennifer Garner wasn't on Party of Five and she married Scott Foley. Also they split over her sudden fame from Alias and possibly Michael Vartan. Then she went from Michael Vartan to Ben A. That's not really a string.

Beth said...

I don't think anyone would bother making Tim Allen dealing coke a blind. He actually served time. There are mugshots floating around too.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

It's probably JLH so I think we should focus on who the guy could be. Would that guy on Haven be a possibility? Forgot his name and I'm too tired to Google on my phone. ;)

Lori said...

@Rose- but Jennifer Garner and Scott foley were on Felicity..

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

It would be so amazing if Enty *is* posting these blinds because all these Hollywood child predators are about to get their asses busted. BUST 'EM!!!!!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Victim: Michelle Trachtenberg, works on Gossip Girl now, A-list show.(does mostly tv, only one movie coming up on IMDB)

Family like cast in show: Buffy

Persons who beat up rapist (are from same show as victim): David Boreneaz (fan fanatic show: Buffy/Angel, people still come to Comicon to see the show's stars)+ Seth Green (friend of hers irl)

Rapist: ?

Boyfriend who couldn't deal: ?

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Boyfriend who couldn't deal: Pete Wentz (according to Ashley Simpson Pete cheated on Michelle with her)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

And friend of Enty: Seth Green? (not a big star, but nice guy)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Just checked out oldest posts on this blog: the friend Enty is referring to was A list in 2006, was on a hit tv show. Around 2006 one of the show's stars was fired. He/she was too arrogant, pretending to be the show was about him/her, while he/she barely appeared in the credits. Maybe this helps the investigation too:P
(Means the raped girl was on this show too!)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

God, researching this is soooo addictive..
Enty's friend was A list (tv) in 2006, and at the time still on the show this story is referring to. So the show was still on in 2006:O
It spawned at least 2 big names.

One of the actors on that show got/had another show, where he got A-listed for. The A-list show of that actor has/had a very large fanbase..

Nah, ill keep looking *wants to be private investigator*

MAC said...

Look in the long blind item label. I think it is the one called Mother's Day. The actor on the trip was believed to be Scott Wolf and if I remember correctly was all but confirmed later.

McSpanky said...

The item says the victim refuses to go to therapy because her secret might get out. The secret might not be her rape, but that she's bipolar. That would explain the confusing manic sexual behavior, as well as the boyfriends inability to "handle" her. If she's bipolar and refuses to get treatment, enty may well be fed up with her. Besides Demi Lovato and Catherine Zeta-Jones, who were recent, has any actor come out as bipolar?

Major G said...

@SYCB: It's not Michelle Trachtenberg & David Boreanaz. Michelle & David weren't on Buffy at the same time. I do like the JLH guesses. She's been known to be a little kooky, has never been able to keep a man, and hasn't been in a movie for YEARS.

News said...


TV Show Party of Five

Helper from Party of Five in a fan-fanatic show: LOST actor MATHEW FOX

Bad reputation on a show of his own: MARTIN SHEEN?

she has divorced twice and fits well every word mentioned.


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