Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Family That Has Sex Together Stays Together

Have you ever wondered why this former A list movie actor and still a solid B+ movie actor with A list name recognition has never really had a girlfriend? Sure, there was the one on and off again relationship but that was a long time ago. He is never photographed with any women and has never talked about his dating life. Some people have speculated it is because he is gay. Nope. It is because he has had a relationship with his sister since they were in their teens. Not a sister/brother type relationship either. We are talking full on love of my life this is who I am with every night kind of relationship. The thing is that it isn't a secret in the family and the other family members are very accepting of it at home. Knowing this family they would probably be ok with it in public too, but some things have to be kept quiet.


Unknown said...


Jennifer H. said...

Whoa. Got to process....

eddiescherry said...

Joaquin Phoenix

MontanaMarriott said...

Philip Seymour Hoffman?

Caraface said...

Spacey was my first thought, too, but I don't know if he has a sister. Also - it says "Knowing this family...." as if he comes from a family that's known for being a bit nutty, and I don't think that Spacey fits that.

Cathy said...

Are all of John Cusack's sisters married?

parissucksliterally said...

This is just fucking sick.

Nichole Fisher said...

@eddiescherry - I like that guess.

Unknown said...

SPACEY is the worst guess ever. That dude is all kinds of gay gay gay gay gay.

Phoenix is a good guess as that family is very kooky.

Unknown said...

Spacey has a sister, but the parents are deceased, so I can't see the "family accepting of it at home"

Like Eddiecherry guess!

pegd said...

Don't want to say it but John Cusack was my only thought.

Florin said...

Jamie and Cersei Lannister.

Patty said...

I like the Phoenix guess too. And this is SICK!

spacecowboy78 said...

The Lannisters?

Ok, lame joke for Game of Thrones fans, but Joaquin sounds good for this. Spacey may or may not have been an A, but I think it's a fairly open secret that he's gay. Weren't there blinds about him liking them barely legal?

danatestingsite said...

Joaquin Phoenix dated Liv Tyler for a couple of years in the 90's, I think. I can see the Phoenix clan being okay with him dating whichever sister isn't married to Casey Affleck (Summer, I think?)

sinkabella said...


Sadie said...

Spacey is gay. Hoffman is married with children. Jake G is gay. I'm going with Joaquin for the win!

Beth said...

I like the Joaquin guess, but all three of his sisters have been or are married with children.

Char said...

Summer Phoenix is married to Casey Affleck but this could be Joaquin and either Rain or Liberty Phoenix.

Rain was married previously but isn't now, not sure about Liberty.

NernersHuman said...

Yeah, I would def say this is Joaquin. The relationship with Liv Tyler was the only one I ever knew about.

Beth said...

Keanu's also an interesting guess. I believe his older sister works for him, so it would not be odd if they were together all the time.

Jennifer H. said...

Love the Phoenix guess.

Princess said...

Agree with Keanu.

Char said...

Oh I also just need to say, um, ew.

Jamie B said...

Rain Phoenix is not married. Joaquin Phoenix dated Liv Tyler a long time ago. I'm going with them.

Also, gross.

shopgirl said...

Def NOT Spacey -- whenever he visits my neck of the woods he has very pretty young males at his side or wherever and he seems very happy with his boy of the hour or day. I think Joaquin is a great guess but was he ever considered A-list, even by Enty's standards? Maybe.

kpet said...

Joaquin Phoenix was my first thought before looking at the comments.

a non a miss said...

Can we refer to this blind as the Lannister blind from now on? In guessing Cusack. I only remember him dating Neve Campbell.

NernersHuman said...

@shopgirl, I would say he was A list about the time of his Oscar nominations. Not so much now.

Kelly said...

My first thought was John Cusack. I hope not!

captivagrl said...

Unknown said...

Viggo M!

JJ said...

Joaquin Phoenix was my guess before I read the comments. Glad I'm not alone.


Beth said...

If it's Cusack, it would be with his sister Susie, simply because no one has seen or heard of her.

Joan is married with children, and the other sister, Ann, is a lesbian. (I believe she dated Ellen for a while.)

Sparkwee said...

Joaquin's sister Summer is married to Casey Affleck and his other sister Liberty is also married. Don't think it's him.

Karen said...

Wow, this is disturbing. The Phoenixes were raised in that Children of God cult from 72-78. If you look it up on Wikipedia, it has some...creepy ideas about sex. I could see them being raised to think that this was okay.


cheesegrater15 said...

I really doubt it's Keanu. He was in a relationship with Jennifer Syme and they had a baby that was stillborn in 1999. Then she died in a car accident 2 years later.

I'm going with Joaquin Phoenix.

Mother Superior said...

I immediately thought of the Family Phoenix, too.

bookworm at play said...

i agree with pegd. john cusack.

KP said...

It will be interesting to see if any of these guesses ends up in a "faux-relationship" any time soon.

Cindy said...

I don't think Joaquin would be considered A-List -- unless it's A-List crazy.

I like the Keanu guess.

CarolMR said...

I don't think the Cusack family would be OK with this.

spacecowboy78 said...

I think it almost has to be Phoenix based on the clue about the family. Everyone knows (or at least everyone here) about their interesting life. I've never heard anything about the Cusack's being a wacky family, and Keanu Reeves doesn't seem to have much of one.

NernersHuman said...

The Cusack's don't really strike me as a family that would "be ok with it in public." They were a fairly normal middle class Chicago-area family. The wackjob Phoenix family, well that's another story.

liliesrnice said...

dunno about the b-list part but just to be different how about Macaulay Culkin?

Sparkwee said...

It has to be someone that is still considered a B+ movie actor. So he's still around and working.

Shallow Gal said...

Joaquin. Brilliant. It all fits, particularly the free-love hippie environment they were raised in.

msgirl said...

Macaulay was with Mila for a long time.

Most definitely Phoenix. Strange strange family. Great guess!

And yes, around the time of Gladiator he was A-list.

Andy said...

My first thought was Keanu Reeves.

AD said...

Macaulay was engaged or in a very long term relationship with Mila Kunis that ended fairly recently.

This site is showing he's had a lot of other girlfriends:

Topper Madison said...

I haven't heard any gay comments about any of these guys except Keanu. His family seems messed up enough. Not to mention he has a half sister, which makes it slightly less icky.

Agent**It said...
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NovaNightly said...

Immediately thought Keanu. He has a sister Kim...if you google there are tons of photos of him standing with her and looking at her adoringly. She's kinda homely in my opinion...but could be him.

Audrey said...

On the Joaquin train. And, after looking up images of his sisters and him, I have a feeling it's Rain.

Sparkwee said...

All of the Phoenix sisters are married.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
matt_b said...

If you ever think you have a tough job, consider this: some poor bastard is Joaquin Phoenix's publicist. This is clearly him - Keanu's a pretty normal guy, and doesn't have a particularly wacky family.

As for whoever guessed Spacey... well, I think we may have to invent new words for just how wrong that is.

Char said...

There are tons of pics online of Joaquin and Rain attending events together, and if this is them it somehow makes it so much creepier to me (not that this needs to get any creepier as it is) that Rain essentially looks exactly as if Joaquin just put on a long haired wig. They could be twins.

She was married before but I suppose that could have been a failed attempt at a normal life, or a cover. It was during the period when Joaquin's career was really doing well so they might have tried to end thing for his career.

Beth said...

Keanu has two sisters: Karina (half) and Kim (full). Karina is the one he is frequently photographed with, but I think Kim is his assistant. I had friends in common with Karina in college, and I never got the impression that that relationship was anything but kosher. (Also, he's about 10 years older than her.)

Given the Children of God stuff, I am inclined to go the Phoenix route, with the sister being Rain.

Heather said...

@Agent**It... That is Rain in the pic of Joaquin. She was born Rain Joan of Arc (WTH?) She is 2 yrs older than Joaquin.

msgirl said...

I also just looked at IMBD for Rain, her full name is Rain Joan of Arc Phoenix! Her family changed their last name to Phoenix when they moved back to the US. Also mentioned that Rain took care of younger Joaquin like a mother. Sounds like the parents didn't do much parenting, and she and Joaquin were extremely attached from very young.

THIS is the family that is just so weird and wouldn't care.

supapimp said...

Sly stallone. There was a article about his sister being sexually assaulted by a family member.

Dirty Pearl said...

google joaquin and rain - they are VERY touchy feely in pictures. gross.

AKM said...

I don't see how this could possible be Cusack. Hasn't he dated EVERYONE in H'Wood, and there are all of those stories of him being a jerk, insisting on abortions, etc.? Never heard a gay rumour there, either.

Could be Joaquin, what with the whole CoG thing. Creepy all around.

Sparkwee said...

What about Colin Farrell? According to IMDB his sister is his assistant. She seems to go everywhere with him.

Joaquin Phoenix just doesn't fit. He's not a solid B+ list actor and all of his sisters are married.

Saffron said...

Joaquin Phoenix fits like a glove. Was A list i.e, nominated for Oscars etc. but then messed up with his strange mocumentary that he and Casey Affleck filmed. But he'll be big later this year in a new film called The Master. It looks crazy good! Here's the link :

Kimberly Kay said...

Rain and Joaquin Lannister?

KJ Kitsom said...

What about David Arquette?

Agent**It said...

@Heather, thanks.

@saffron - that movie is a veiled story about Co$ with Philip Seymour Hoffman. It looks really, really interesting. Wonder what T.Cruise thought of the pre-screening.

Sparkwee said...

It's not Joaquin. He has been dating Aria Crescendo from Paradiso Girls since 2010. He's not a solid B+ actor and his sisters are married.

lazyday603 said...

This one is easy. It's Lord Byron of course. But that was his half sister he was sleeping with.

Sparkwee said...

I think it's Colin Farrell. Just google Colin Farrell and sister. He seems to never be without her.

And there's this -

They look like they're dating.

auntliddy said...

I thiught his sister was dying of cancer, tho of course, i hope not.

crila16 said...

Please tell me this isn't Keanu Reeves.

Sparkwee said...

@auntliddy I don't think she is? Nothing that I could find by googling anyway.

Another Josh said...

Rain, Summer, Liberty, River, and...Joaquin!? His parents must have actually been sober when they named him.

Having said that, I've never heard rumors that he's gay. Crazy, yes, but gay, no. My first thought was Kevin Spacey, but Keanu has potential.

crila16 said...

Please tell me this isn't Keanu Reeves.

Definitely not Spacey. Spacey is 100% gay. He hasn't come out and is descrete about it, but he's gay.

auntliddy said...

Jff, hiw about one of the spectacularly fouled up Jacksons?? Nothing there wld surprise me at all!!

Millie said...

After looking at numerous pics of Rain and Joaquin, it seems as though they are more than brother and sisterly affectionate. Creepy and sad. Who knows what they were exposed to as kids or how their relationship got that way. Wouldn't it be crazy if they ever just came out as a couple? Hollywood media outlets would implode.

Agent**It said...

I think the Kevin Spacey and Philip Seymour Hoffman guesses were hilarious (and intended to be) in an otherwise creepy blind:)

crila16 said...

Maybe it is Rain and Joaquin. I don't see him with any girlfriends either...and his parents were hippies, so very open-minded.

Either Keanu and his 1/2 sister Emma Rose or Rain and Joaquin Phoenix.

david91 said...

yeah best guess so far would be joaquin phoenix. werent they in a cult "children of god"?

i read somewhere, that river phoenix stated, he lost his virginity at the age of 4. the cult also allegedly condoned sex with children.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I endorse referring to this as The Lannister Blind Item.

Does James Franco have a sister?

Pookie said...

ewwww...*mind blown*...unbelievably sad and sick, but i think you guys nailed it w/ the phoenix family guess.

nunaurbiz said...

I've never heard a whiff of a rumor that Joaquin was gay, so it can't be him. Also never heard that John Cusack might be gay because he's not. As said above, he's had many gfs.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Not Spacey (please). Not Cusack (a known dog - please). Don't think it's Keanu. More likely Joaquin, as his family is beyond bizarre. He was A-list (Gladiator, Quills, Walk the Line) & Oscar nominated but now a certified nutjob/B-list. Never seen him anywhere with any woman (except his sisters).

He's the best guess.

HannahPalindrome said...

Fucking disgusting!!!

Incest, teachers fucking children, psychos mailing body parts, people eating a guys penis, a couple trying to have sex with a dog?!


Penelope said...

Just Google "Joaquin Rain Phoenix" and look at the pictures--holy shit.

It's them.

hothotheat said...

Keanu's sister Kim has battled Leukemia for years. They are close and he's had gay rumors but I doubt this is them.

Cusack has had or tried to have just about every actress in H'Wood. He and Jeremy "the douche" Piven are best buds FCOL. Not him either.

Colin Farrell - nope. He is close to everyone in his family. Both of his sisters have been his assistant at one time or another, he's not really had gay rumors about him PLUS he has two kids by two different women. I think Claudine (his sister/assistant) is around him now at the behest of his Mother (whom he admitted on Leno he talks to every day) because she doesn't want him impregnating anymore actress/models types looking for a paycheck.

My money is on Phoenix.

Danielle said...

KS said...

I was childhood friends with the Phoenix family, at the time Rainbow and I went to school together at Torrey Pines HS in Northern San Diego. They were a very normal family with a few dogs and a big yard. We ate dinner at their house all the time, they also had an awesome treehouse that we spent whole weekends in-in the summer. "Leaf" was a very cool guy. I'll miss River forever because we got to go to the set of Little Nikita, and that started my behind the scenes film career, literally.
I would never say anything bad about the Phoenix family, and really who know what happens behind closed doors...sorry so long!

ItsJustMe said...

My vote is for Colin Farrell

Char said...

Her name is Rain, not Rainbow. But of course you went to school with her.

HannahPalindrome said...

I'm sure they're very nice, but if this is the Phoenix family, they're fucking gross!

Everyone is nice until they fucking do something fucked up!


supapimp said...

Ack! It's like sleeping with the female version of yourself.

Sparkwee said...

@Char Rain changed her name to Rainbow when she was younger because she thought it sounded nicer. She thought the name Rain was dreary. She went back to Rain as an adult.

AuditoryCooze said...

If you look up the Children of God cult, their name was changed at some point to the Family International which fits in with the blind incredibly well. Wikipedia has a fairly in-depth entry as well as links out to news articles from reputed publications about the cult:

It isn't a stretch at all to believe that Joaquin could have been raised to regard incest as normal. Judging from the fact that River lost his virginity at 4 per an interview with Details: it makes a lot of sense.

As long as they're not having kids, all the best to them. It would be hard enough to grow up in a cult and lose your older brother without turning to something destructive and on the scale of awful things, this falls pretty low compared to addiction or suicide.

Sherry R. said...

There was a blind item a while ago that everyone guessed as being Cusack. It was about someone who dated tons of actresses, but couldn't have sex with any of them.

Howard Stern interviewed him a few weeks back and just grilled him on his sex life. Stern got nothing out of him - absolutely no info, no names. I've been listening to Howard for over twenty years and you have no idea how rare this is. He always gets them to say more than they ever wanted to.

kcqueen said...

I can't buy J.P. as EVER having been A list- and I don't think he's a solid B+ now. I don't have a better guess, but I don't think it's J.P.

Erin B said...

I've never heard gay rumors about Colin Farrell though. He really seems to like the ladies! I've never heard about John Cusack & gay in the same sentence either. He seems like he's had a lot of past relationships with actresses. Because of the family reference, I agree with JP. He's been nominated for Oscars twice. I think he was A list at one point in his career.

AKM said...

"Just Google "Joaquin Rain Phoenix" and look at the pictures--holy shit."

Although the JP guess makes the most sense, I don't see anything unusual in the photos?

"I can't buy J.P. as EVER having been A list..."

Doing WALK THE LINE? Being nominated for Best Actor? Nom for Best Supporting for GLADIATOR? Not A-List? Really?

LHB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LHB said...

Sparkwee said...

"Colin sparked gay rumors in 2005 when he was caught giving a relatively brief kiss to Argentinian soccer player 'Diego Maradona', on the mouth, in a Buenos Aires bar."

EmEyeKay said...

@Lisa B. - that's a cool story, thanks!

matt_b said...

Lots of people saying 'I don't think X was ever A-list' and so on.

That kind of description is always incredibly subjective. One person's A-list is another's B, and so on. For what it's worth, I'd say 'used to be A, now B+' fits Joaquin pretty well, but that's just my subjective opinion.

Erin B said...

Joaquin's in the photos today! A clue perhaps?

KS said...

Thank you Sparkwee, yes she called herself Rainbow, and is in my yearbook as Rainbow. I only knew Leaf as Leaf this was way before Joaquin, but hey, it was only my teenage years what would I know. I'd be happy to share the many pictures we took together as kids, but it being the internet at all...
My personal story was just stating that they were a very nice family. Good, kids, nice parents, if anything happened behind closed doors, I certainly did not know about it. I thought their family was way cooler than mine!

Green Wave Gal said...

If I remember correctly, Joaquin's name at birth was Leaf. He changed it.

Also, is there really someone named "Aria Crescendo"? Even as a stage name...yikes!

Unknown said...

I'm going for the Phoenix clan - they were part of a cult way back when, and that cult was notorious for having sex with kids (Children of God I think) and stuff like that tends to mess you up for life.

Anonymous said...

After all of the bad stuff that has been discussed this week, (murder, mutilation, incest, zombies) please take a little time out of your day to help Taylor. He is a war veteran who has lost all of his limbs. Us chivers and chivers are trying to raise money to pay for a house for him. Please donate what you can. I'm a firm believer in helping our wounded veterans. His story and a link to where you can donate is below.

Thanks guys.

BigMama said...


Hendrix said...

Spacey absolutely not. Cusak? Very interesting family indeed...could be...

twinkle teaches said...

He dated model Topaz Page-Green
Do an image search--she was often compared to Rain looks-wise. He broke up with her because his sister (Summer?) and Liv Tyler did not like her gold digging ways. Also, the cult was into incest and child sex with adults or children with children.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

So I just found an article as of a year ago posted by the guardian with rain saying she lived just down the street from Joaquin was extremely close to him and respected his opinion more than anyone else's.

Google rain Phoenix's unusual childhood and you'll find it. Sorry first time posting and its not accepting my link.

MirandaPriestly said...

@Char, she went by Rainbow (she thought Rain was too dreary) for a while before switching back to Rain in her teens.

Selock said...

Well...yikes...the Joaquin & Rain guess does seem solid based on circumstance and Google Images. :)

BTW I never realized how alike looking the Phoenixes were...except River. Did he have a different father than the others?

Miss X said...

I'm on board with the Joaquin & Rain guesses.

@Green Wave Gal Actually, his given name is Joaquin. He actually chose to by Leaf when he was a kid (I don't remember details but I'm sure you can google it!)

Green Wave Gal said...

@Miss X-thanks. I knew Leaf was in there somewhere! :)

Green Wave Gal said...

@Miss X-thanks. I knew Leaf was in there somewhere! :)

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Keanu fits the clues best....where does he NOT fit the clues? Jennifer Syme was absolutely not his girlfriend. She was a groupie and f-buddy, and he had the unfortunate bad judgment to skip protection and got her pregnant. They had a public fight wherein she refused to get an abortion.

julie has opinions said...

I thought Joan and John.

Tru Leigh said...

Joaquin Phoenix

Resides in New York City in the same apartment building as best friend Casey Affleck and sister Summer Phoenix and director Gus Van Sant.

Took his mother to the Academy Awards. [2001]

Often brings his mother or any of his three sisters as his date to movie premieres or award shows.

Personal Quotes

I had a Catholic girlfriend but she wouldn't, uh, share loving.

My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.

(On relationship with Liv Tyler) "What can I say ? We hit it off immediately. She's a darling. I've said it over and over again. She's just very real, right there, never like a movie star. She's so genuine, and she doesn't take herself too seriously. It shows in the work she does that her honesty stands out most."

(On relationship with Liv Tyler) "I'm a great believer in people coming into your life, and you into theirs, for a reason. And i know that when Liv and I met, it was for a reason - I really needed her and she really needed me. And at a certain point, I think we stopped evolving with each other, stopped progressing, and made a very mature decision to move on, even though there was still a great love there. There's no one gossipy thing that I can share. I'm thankful that we had the time we had."

(On relationship with Liv Tyler) "I was in awe. Every once in a while you find an actor that, with one word, can sum up eight different emotions. She absolutely nailed that."

It's been a year since last time I tried to give up smoking. I went to a hypnotist; we sat down and started talking. A couple of hours later, I woke up; the hypnotist wasn't in the room, but his wife was. I was like 'Oh my goodness, I fell asleep and didn't get to talk to the doctor.' And she said 'Don't worry, you talked...' I freaked out, left their place, immediately bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked, terrified of what I'd said.

I had a really wonderful upbringing. We were a tight family. It was wonderful to grow up with so many siblings. We were all just a year or two apart, and we were always so supportive of each other. I learned everything from my older brother and sister and taught it to my younger sisters.

(On falling into acting): "I suck at painting and writing; I tried both. For me, it's acting because I grew up with it. When we moved to California, we all did commercials and TV shows. Riv was the first to get a TV show and me and my sister Liberty guest-starred on another show. It was kind of accidental."

Rose said...

Didn't John Cusack date Alison Eastwood at one point, and was engaged to Neve Cambell? Joan is married and I can't see the rest of his pretty traditional mid-west family down for this.

Jaime M said...

It doesn't mention the sister being faithful to her bubba...

Unknown said...

Joaquin's birth name was Leaf Bottom and if you ever watched 'I'm Still Here' there's a bit of crazy in his brain.

Also, he was definitely A-list when he was nominated for an Oscar for playing Johnny Cash in 'Walk the Line.'

Somebody mentioned that it could be Colin Farrell and I could see that also. I saw him and his sister at a dinner and I would have never guessed that they were related, much more like friends or two people dating.

SnowCherries said...


Chessiejenna said...

It's not Colin Farrell as he's had a couple of kids with some models and has even been divorced.

I'm with the Joaquin and Rain guess. And Wow! They look so much alike. The Lannisters would be proud.

Icecat said...

Keanu was the first person to pop into my mind. I'm on the Keanu train...

Bangagong said...

Nope he was born Joaquin Rafael Bottom in Puerto Rico. (Incidentally, Liberty was born in South America and her birth certificate said Libertad Mariposa instead of Liberty Butterfly.) He changed his name himself to Leaf and then changed it back. As for River, if you ever see a picture of their mother, you can see that River is her spitting image. The rest of the kids look more like their dad.

Poisonfawn said...

this is really interesting to me...why did they all change their names, what is the REAL reason why? hmm....but according to that article, she was married, but this is rather interesting:

She had been with her musician husband Michael Tubbs for 13 years before the marriage broke down a few years ago. "We're very close friends now," she says. "Ultimately the divorce ended wonderfully as far as the fact that you certainly hope that you can remain friends because you spent half your life with them." She's got a new boyfriend now and they regularly meet up with her ex-husband and his girlfriend. "People think that's a bit strange, but I'm very happy about it."

{people think thats a bit strange) ya think?

Poisonfawn said...

and why....does the title to this blind say, 'the FAMILY that has sex together, stays together' indicating this occurred more often within this family? ugh smh

J-Mo said...

I recall Colin Farell (sp) whatever used to be spotted with Kevin Spacey before he became well-known as an actor.

Shocky said...

@Another Josh - he was named Leaf but changed it to Joaquin. In his earlier films SpaceCamp and Parenhood he was credited as Leaf

Tru Leigh said...

It doesn't say the sister is well known too.
That rules out Cusack and Joan and Maggie and Jake.
It does say, "Knowing this family they would probably be ok with it in public too, but some things have to be kept quiet."

The family is the clue.
Keanu Reeves doesn't have a prominent family.
Spacey is barely closeted gay.
Viggo has an active love life.
Woody Harrelson has no sisters.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is married.
Colin Farrell is married.
David Arquette was married.

By process of elimation that leaves Joaquin. Or Alfred Lord Byron.

Centaurea said...

Keanu dates. He's just an intensely private emo guy about it, and only feels comfortable showing affection in public to his sisters. And Cusack was raised in the business so he is well prepared to fend off Stern. It's gotta be Joaquin.

Centaurea said...

And also, gross.


Oh GAWD no, not Joaquin! He's always been my celeb crush! Suppose I shouldn't be surprised though - I always pick the crazy ones.


Actually, John Cusack is my #2 celeb crush. NOT HIM TOO!

Unknown said...

Vin Diesel would fit. The former girlfriend was Michelle Rodriguez. He has a sister. He's never seen going out. He fathered a child a few years ago, but that is not inconsistent with the story.

yodelay said...

The cult the Phoenix's grew up in is also known as the Family, but I refuse to believe this is Joaquin. Just chiose not to do it.

yodelay said...


gloaming said...

Kevin Spacey gave Colin his break by casting him in Ordinary Decent Criminal in 2000. I really don't think it's him.
I know his brother's openly gay, but, like someone else said earlier, I think his sister's work for him to stop him impregnating another woman.

I've been obsessively looking forward to The Master, so I hope this isn't Joaquin. It's just sickening.

Anon853 said...

Who the fuck cares? This is one of those blinds that will never be revealed so its probably fake!

Unless enthusiasm has the BALLS to pull the curtain off of some incest (which he doesn't) this shit is made up stupid.

He does have legit blinds. But this one he knows is bullshit. OMG THE JOHN TRAVOLTA BLINDS. Yea the only reason he revealed that shit is because the media broke it first.

Fuck this shit just reveal everything asshole. Blow Hollywood right open
Oh wait. Then no one would visit your website on blogger which you make money off of.

Anon853 said...

Fuck autocorrect

Enthusiasm = enty

Agent**It said...

Christina,Thank you for posting that.

Chive is doing a wonderful fundraising effort for this soldier.

lutefisk said...

I thought Joaquin had fallen hard for Reese Witherspoon during the filming of Walk the Line. It was supposed to have sent him into a deep depression at the time.

Poppymann said...

One of the key clues is "Family." Phoenix and his family were members of the Children of God religious cult, also known as the Family. It's a nasty piece of work. Although he is now an atheist.

Count Jerkula said...

I believe the Phoenix family was in some kind of cult, where incest and pedophilia was common place, so I'd go with that guess.

Trébuchet said...

If you read the 2011 Rain Phoenix interview with the Guardian, she talks about being close with her current bf and her ex-husband of 13 yrs. I'm not feeling Joaquin and a sister at all.

(Was JP ever A list? Either way, it's a real stretch to say he is "still a B+ movie actor". There's been no recent films at all.)

Brooke Wheeler said...

Joaquin Phoenix was my first guess too...

Brooke Wheeler said...
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Brooke Wheeler said...

Also, I just want to say for the record--someone above (Auditory something) wrote "As long as they're not having children, all the best to them."

WHAT?!?! "All the best"?! Seriously?!?!


Poisonfawn said...

in gladiator, joaquin plays commodus, who has an incestuous relationship with his sister! from imdb...Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus
The twisted son of Marcus Aurelius, he murders his father when he learns that Maximus is to become Emperor. Earlier played by Christopher Plummer in 1964's The Fall of the Roman Empire, Jude Law was also considered for this role.
Connie Nielsen as Lucilla
Maximus's former lover and the older child of Marcus Aurelius, Lucilla has been recently widowed. She tries to resist her brother's incestuous advances while protecting her son, Lucius.

Anonymous said...

@Sparkwee, all of the Phoenix sisters are NOT married. A quick Google search would reveal that Rain has been divorced for several years.

And, whether or not you think he's a B+ list actor or not, he's still considered to be a very talented, if erratic, actor. He was undoubtedly considered A-list when he was starring in Gladiator, Signs, Ladder 49, Hotel Rwanda & Walk the Line (for which he snagged an Oscar nom), and he continued working in solid but slightly lower profile films like We Own the Night, Reservation Road, and Two Lovers. He may not be helming summer blockbusters, but he still has a high enough profile to be cast opposite heavyweights (at least, at the time the movies came out) like Mel Gibson, John Travolta, & Gwyneth Paltrow.

whoireallyam said...

Yeah... Blind posted on his birthday. Just reading this breaks my heart. Effed up blind, even if it's half true, half bullshit. And I actually believe he's bisexual.

lunabelle said...

I skipped half of these but some family members are super touchy feely. It is not wrong. Family may be the only people they feel fully safe with or are able to relax around.

I think this blind is malicious and hopefully untrue.

I'd be willing to bet if you saw me with family members you would think it is creepy. They are FAMILY and safe. This is especially true of those that have suffered trauma.

C'estMoi said...

Kevin Spacey was on a TV show called Wiseguy many years ago where he had an incestuous relationship with his sister, played by Joan Severance. Perhaps that's why his name keeps popping up.

News said...

spacey is GAY as gay as a person can be, he was caught having sex in Hyde Park with a MAN and the British press revealed it.

Phoenix has spoken about his relationship with LIV TYLER, solid for 3 years, so it is NOT PHOENIX.

Think someone that had a on-off relationship long ago and never commented on love affairs.

Can't think of anyone really…

lilo723 said...

It pains me to say it, because I love him, but what about Jeremy Renner. He's been nominated for two Oscars, so almost Alist. There's a story of him in a bar with his sister . He got in a fight over her. I love him, but every one thinks he is gave.

lilo723 said...

Gay. Everyone thinks Jeremy is gay. That's what I meant to say.

whoireallyam said...

You might be hard pressed to find a photo without Claudine Farrell on it since Colin came to Hollywood. She's regularly mistaken as his date, here for instance: May 31 was his birthday. And the long ago on and off relationship might not have been so long ago and actually been with a man.

I don't know what to think of this blind. I just don't know.


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