Sunday, July 29, 2012

Would You Do This? Victoria Beckham Wouldn't

One of the people I follow on Twitter also runs a website for Texas Rangers fans. His name is Adam Morris. He is also a lawyer. Much like myself he is also an out of shape lawyer. Yesterday he and his 6 year old son were at the Houston Zoo. As they were leaving, a man bumped into them and took their iPad from the backpack where it had been and ran off. Nothing they could do right then, but Adam managed to use one of those iPad tracker things and found the guy and his girlfriend at a bus stop several hours later. While talking to 911 on the phone, the man said he didn't want any trouble and handed over the iPad to Adam. I don't think there is anyway I would go after the guy. I would just wipe everything remotely and hope that the guy got some karmic retribution. Especially after the events of last week, I would think maybe the guy might pull a gun. He probably wouldn't, but do you want to take that chance. That tiny tiny chance?

If you are Victoria Beckham and have a problem with your iPad, this is what you do. Brooklyn broke his so Victoria went to the Apple store and told them Brooklyn broke his and she wanted a replacement. Without paying. She made it clear she was not going to pay. Yeah, she walked out of there with a new one. No charge. Adam might want to try that next time.


cheesegrater15 said...

What the hell is that photo? Ants on a map?

Anonymous said...

Maybe VB had insurance, in which case you will get a replacement, even if it's your fault.

timebob said...

agree with @Ima Apple is usually pretty good with replacments even if the insurance runs out. It is just good business, you make a customer happy once they are yours for life. You don't always have to be famous to get things for free, but it helps.

I know a few people who brought in their products and was replaced no questions asked.

Hammer_Girl said...

Having a short temper (thanks hysterectomy) I would take my kids home, track it and take a golf club with me and give that prick a come to Jesus moment. Then I would call the cops.
As for Victoria, they probably just have it to her so she would leave. I know I would have.

katsm0711 said...

I would have approached the thief with a cop. There's no way Victoria Beckham went into Apple demanding for a free iPad bc her kid broke a fragile computer with a glass screen that shatters easily. No way. Not after the reveal about how she gave the homeless singer $500 bc she is a better singer than Posh ever was. VB is just way too cool and nice for this story to be taken without a grain of salt or reality.

Honey Bunny said...

Glad your friend got his ipad back. Some people are just idiots. You guys are right about then giving a new one. Usually if it's bought within a year they will exchange it no problem. Also they offer isurance for 1 or 2 years and no matter how it got damaged they will replace them. They do that for almost everyone, not just Vicky.

Emma said...

@vivky cupper that's the south of england

Rose said...

Apple replaced one for me after the insurance ran out, because something was wrong with it.

I don't believe VB demanded one, and even if she did, they just got more than enough in publicity.

lolaluvs2snack said...

If something is taken from me, I assume they needed it more than I. Oddly enough nothing is ever taken from me, so I must be a needful heifah...lmao

My balls aren't that big to go after anyone, not because I'm afraid. I just don't have a clinginess to my things. Que sera sera:-)

lolaluvs2snack said...

I'm more likely to give my stuff away, maybe that's why its never taken. They know I'll be giving it away soon. lol

Basil said...

If you paid for extra warrenty, lots of places will either fix or replace the item. That being said, I simply can't imagine Posh taking the time out to go to a computer store and demand a replacement with or without warrenty. Maybe staff, but no way she went there herself.

ChasingHeaven said...

My question is why was 911 call over an ipad. Did I misunderstand something?

katsm0711 said...

I would call 911 if I was just robbed, isn't that what you're supposed to do?

dia papaya said...

I LOVE APPLE! They have the best customer service of any company and will always get the thing fixed. I'm pretty rough on my electronics.

My True Story of iPhone Tracker - I was robbed in a bar on Bourbon St in NoLa. The dumb dumb stole my purse with my iPhone inside. 20 minutes later I had it all back with the help of NoLa's finest and the phone tracker app.

I chased that fucker down! Luckily I found a cop on the street bc it would have been bad if I found him first. But I was getting my stuff back!!!

KLM said...

I've gotten 2 replacement iPads from Apple in NYC (where I live). Both times it was because I had cracked my screen... No insurance, no cost to me.

tflamb said...

Rich people are cheap in stupid ways. And sadly, especially in America where we have been trained to worship them, we encourage that behavior with wild abandon. If a non rich person tried what Victoria did, Apple would simply call security.

Kloie said...

Not like f**king Best Buy, when we (just) broke our camera and they told us that, even though we had a warranty, they could only give us one worth half as much as a replacement...

Anotheramy said...

Friend brought his clearly broken from being dropped brand new iphone to the apple store and was handed a brand new one.

Cake said...

Kloie- Best Buy is the WORST

I like Victoria- how many celebrities would have just sent the nanny to the store to handle this?

Why would Adam try that if his was stolen? Victoria brought in the broken one. It is not the same thing at all.

Beta said...

with the amount of $$ you need to pay for one of those they better have an excellent customer service
{open source sw fan}

good for vb first for running her own errands (kind of surprised about this), and for claiming her rights like a pedestrian (maybe brook's had a fault?)

Anonymous said...

Victoria simply does not demand. She asks nicely.

Ask and you shall receive. Not demand. She's too nice to demand.

I think I'm going to watch that little special they did when they moved to LA.

camoon15 said...

Apple covers their products for a certain amount of time even without insurance. My boyfriend's iPhone got fried at the beach and they just gave him a new one when he went in. He had purchased AppleCare on it but they didn't even mention it as he'd only had the phone 3 months.


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