Friday, August 10, 2012

How Much Does Ann Curry Hate Matt Lauer?

Wow. Did you watch Ann Curry and Matt Lauer's exchange on The Today Show yesterday? Matt kept trying to pretend everything was great between the pair. It is probably how he treats his wife too. "Yeah, I was over at Natalie's. How was your day honey?" Matt tried to talk to Ann at the beginning and end of her segment and she was having none of it. Two or three words at the beginning and the obligatory comment at the end and not even a goodbye, just a nod. She has a lot of anger inside. I wish she could have just let everything out on the air right there. Just explode on Matt. Just let everything out that he has done and let the world know. She didn't though. You just know that Ann has a Matt voodoo doll at home though. Poking that thing, and removing all it's hair. She must jump for joy everytime she sees the ratings go down even more and know it isn't her.


shauniebear said...

Good for Ann for not kissing his ass! I can't stand Matt. I really like Ann, and she totally got screwed. If I was her, I wouldn't have come back for this shit, but that's just me! I can no longer stomach Today. GMA all the way!!

Anonymous said...

"...and remove all its hair." Bwahaha, awesome.

EmEyeKay said...

I don't care about Matt/Ann, but dang, that guy got some great shots. And he's so young!

Barton Fink said...

She won't even look at him. Good for her. I can see that she may have had faults as a morning anchor, but I always love her personality and think that she was just not a good fit for hour after hour on a morning show. I imagine she'll not be going away from television -- or willingly being in the presence of that Lauer person.

Ms Cool said...

Couldn't stand Ann but she was treated pretty bad. However, the loads of money she is being paid ought to help.

MISCH said...

Several of my neighbors have bumped into her at Whole Food here in New York and say she's lovely talks to you looks right at you (unlike Lara Spencer) and is just a nice person...

crichmond1000 said...

I always liked Ann. And Matt IS glib.

I don't know about Ann, but if I have no respect for someone or if I think they are a liar, I cannot look them in the eyes.

I hope she gets an awesome new job and has a lovely life.

.robert said...

I have never seen/paid attention to him before this Olympics and now I have an urge to reach over and smack him whenever he's on TV. Weird. He just comes off as a creep.

erica said...

I used to love the today show, now can't really stand to watch it. Matt is such a dbag and his attitude translates much more than before (or before I started reading enty and learning about his true colors :).

Syd said...

I am sick of seeing Matt in tight pants and no socks. And no hair.

auntliddy said...

And he IS glib!!!!!

Hammer_Girl said...

I would have watched for once if she told his ass off on air. Now that is how you get ratings.

And Matt, put some fucking socks on you are driving my grandmother crazy with that shit.

Syd said...

@bobbi: Word to your grandma.

faye said...

matt has a giant stick up his ass too. while everyone else is having fun he wont have any of it. if his nose gets any higher he is going to drown in the london rain.

Ice Angel said...

Wow...with all of the headlines, I really didn't think she was icy at all. If I hadn't known the history, I wouldn't have noticed anything. She seemed to be completely professional, in my opinion.

Agent**It said...

Thank you to all the Grandmas that are calling him out on the no sox. No, Matt. Time for you (and others) to go and for NBC to get a HUGE makeover. The public is trying to tell you something. #nbcfail ?

discoflux said...

I have always thought Ann Curry was just absolutely gorgeous and I appreciate that she strives to maintain actual journalistic integrity within her work. I hope she gets something huge. She's just fantastic.

Ash said...

@MISCH: Lara Spencer is a diva? Didn't she get rescued from doing entertainment news?

Tru Leigh said...

Ann is the consumate professional.

Jemtastic said...

Lara Spencer started on entertainment news? I swear she used to be on Antiques Roadshow; either way, talk about a come up.

Comma Chaser said...

Sorta shows that Ann's wheelhouse is feature journalism, while Matt's is being a Siberia-sized dildo. Can't blame Ann for being only as professional as needed when sitting next to the guy who choreographed her firing.

Just Me said...

God, look at that body language! He's draped over the chair like he owns the place and has his foot in her personal space; she's got her legs crossed away from him as well and leaning in the opposite direction as far as the chair will let her lean.
Dang. No love lost there, then?
As for Lara Spencer, I'd be wary of strangers approaching me if I'd been brutally assaulted, too. That tends to make a person feel less inclined to be open to random socializing, non?

Frufra said...

I want y'all to know I just laid out some CDAN Matt knowledge to my friend on Facebook. Spreading the word about his true nature :-)!

Rose said...

I don't know where Lara Spencer started, but years ago she was GMA and then left to do entertainment/tabloid news. After a while she left that and went back to GMA.

Miguela said...

Has Anne been rehired? Or is she just a correspondent now? Either way it must've been really hard for her to go on after the giant fiasco that played out in the media.

dia papaya said...

That body language speaks volumes! ITA Just Me. I don't even need to watch the video. She does not want to be there. And he's been a complete ass without socks.

smash said...

Really amazing photography. Anne is a great reporter. Matt is a douche.

Sarah said...

Matt sits like such a fairy. God, my gay friends aren't this fey.

Melissa said...

Seems like NBC would figure out that the reason they are losing ratings is because everyone is sick of Matt lauer! God knows I am.

Sarah said...

@dia papaya- Wow, you are right. He looks like he is trying to kick her right out of her seat. Wait, he did. Nothing's ever enough for this douche I guess.

I used to watch, and Ann was one of the people I liked. Matt, not so much. His ego outgrew his talent very quickly. Shows you that men still dominate the workplace regardless of ability or merit.

Sunny said...

Syd said:
I am sick of seeing Matt in tight pants and no socks. And no hair

That made me snort! I hate that I used to have a secret crush on Matt waaaaaay back in the day. He was such a breath of fresh air after that idiot Bryant, and then he turned into douchey Bryant times 10. Ugh, NBC needs to kick him to the curb. In my fantasy Ann gets to deliver the news to Matt: "You're Fired!" And bonus points if she throws in the Trump hand movement while she says it

Jolene Jolene said...

First of all, Ann is way too classy to explose on anyone on the air. Ever. She seems so sweet and I thought she was EXCELLENT at doing special reports for the Today Show and the morning news. But as a co-host of the show she was awful. She should've never gotten that job. Sorry...

And Matt is a pig.

Jolene Jolene said...


Cathy said...

I wasn't Ann's biggest fan; I think she's terrible at doing interviews, the way she tries to answer the questions for the person she's interviewing. That being said, NBC was 100% wrong and if I were her, I'd refuse to do these pieces and just sit back on my couch eating bon-bons, watching the today show plummet, all while enjoying my nice contract buy-out.

Slim said...

@Just Me--are you thinking of Lara Logan? She was assaulted while reporting in Egypt.

Boobs U said...

Slim- i was going to say the same thing, I have never heard of Lara Spencer beign assaulted, but Lara Logan definitely was!

Del Riser said...

I always liked Anne as a person, but thought she was a little soft and breathy during interviews.
I'm so happy she got the big bucks settlement.
Matt will have to face the fact that he is the problem.

violet said...

I am waiting for the day I see Matt Lauer hoist (sock-less and hair-less) on his own petard.

He must really be far up some NBC ass to be so cocky.

Not attractive, Matt. And not watchable, NBC. Ugh.

Pini 27 said...

At one of my former jobs, Matt's sister was in HR. This was when most of NYC was still in love with the guy (many, many, follicles ago). Everyone amazed at how his sister could be so nasty, and unattractive. It was decided that somehow there was a hospital mix-up. She also seemed to have cornered all of the height in that family as well...

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't understand why NBC keeps that A-hole Matt Lauer. He must have something on the big bosses.

pilly said...

Good for her. High road

The ratings are dropping since she left and they will continue.

I hope she puts a silly putty peepee on that voodoo doll!

auntliddy said...

You guys are making me laugh out loud!!! Love the anti matt stuff!!! Hes all with his no freaking sox, arent i special vibe! You aint nuthin' to nobody, matt!! Notice u NEVER see him walking around with his kids?? Ugh, i feel for them, having daddy douchey as a papa!

thisoldbroad said...

The network should have kept her & dumped his sorry ass.

Sheckyearl said...

When is Matt, or at least his Handler's going to realize his *charming, boyish* attraction (aka sociopathy) has run its course, much like Tom Cruise and Ted Bundy.

CraftyGirl said...

Don't ever cross a Scorpio (Ann)! They hold grudges for life!

I quit watching Today after how they treated her and it appears that Matt has aged quite a bit, while she looks fab!

This was a great piece for her as her hobby is photography.

(Disclaimer - obviously I love Ann, but I agree with others, she wasn't the best co-host)

crila16 said...

Matt is a prick.

BobNYC said...

Matt has always been the problem. Katie Couric had her fans but a lot of viewers could not stand her "perkiness." Ann is wonderful but she is not a morning show personality.

This once great show needs a complete revamp. Matt needs to go.

Popnursing said...

His head looks exactly like one of the muppets on Sesame St.

cinephreak said...

I switched from Today to GMA because Matt is such a douchewafflecoptor

Angelina said...

Lara Spencer used to be a host of Antiques Road Show, and then she was on ET, I think. Matt Lauer is a wanker an smarmy. What happened to Ann was horrible, but maybe it was karma. I worked alongside her at a news event (I was a print journalist at the time) and she was the biggest bitch. TV reporters can be bad in a journalist scrum, but she was the worst. She can't ask a question to save her life either.

mastik8 said...

Ann managed to do something there that Matt is seemingly incapable of doing - produce a good segment.

Unknown said...

I have to insert a small comment here. I don't blame Ann. Matt isn't that nice. I really miss Meredith. She was the nicest person that show ever had. Whenever she got off work, she'd come out to the Plaza & talk to each & every person out there & take pictures. Her handler would try to rush her, but she wouldn't let him. She was lovely. Ann is polite too.

gr8p said...

*sigh* she has my sympathies. Honestly, duplicity isn't everyone's forte. Matt, however, seems quite good at it. I can be civil to people I dislike but I can't pretend like all is well and that we are best friends. Really I can't. So I understand how she feels. hahaha We've all had that colleague haven't we? The one we hate but who seems almost insane in their ability to pretend like they are not assholes.

car54 said...

I was not a fan of Ann as a T-show host but obviously she was treated badly and publicly humiliated by NBC.

If she was axed at Matt's request then I respect her for not pretending it is ok, and I've seen a couple of her pieces since she left--when she went to Aurora and from London and she did fine. Much better fit for her.

I suspect she will be doing her travelling and special pieces long after Matt is gone from the show.

All you have to do is watch Seacrest lining up for Matt's chair to know they'll turn that anchor team over again if the ratings stay flat.

Gooo Ann. You are in a better place. Go buy yourself sumthin pretty with your 10 million. Payback is a bitch. Matt has nowhere to go but down. He will never take Brian William's chair so he will either retire or go do a talk show when they get tired of him. NBC is not a loyal company.

kariandwill said...

Totally off topic (but kinda not): I'm a teacher and was recently screwed out of my dream position (which I held for several years) by my colleague all because the principal favors him. No reason given, no explanation. Just dropped on me like a bomb. Anyway- I will now be referring to this guy at my matt lauer.

Agent**It said...

@ kariandwill Many of us females have suffered the same fate. Hang in there.

Mary Anne said...

I love the way ABC is just reveling in this stuff! World News Now did a bit segment on this and kept tabs of all the bad blood between Matt and Ann. It was pretty funny!

All about Eve said...

There's Matt Lauers everywhere!! Sorry to hear that kariandwill

Rock said...

Do tell? I don't know any gossip on Matt lauer!


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