Wednesday, October 10, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS daughter of a superstar is considering taking it all off for a raunchy magazine. The barely legal wannabe actress has been posing in the buff for her boyfriend, but pals say she should be more concerned about him leaking the “audition photos” on the Internet! Can you name her?


Princess said...

Francesca Eastwood. Yuck.

Patty said...

Bobbi Kristina

dia papaya said...

This could be either one! Francesca seems the more likely though with photog BF

Beth said...

Francesca Eastwood

Becks said...

Francesca Eastwood! Ugh, her boyfriend is so creepy and pervy. What kind of 30 year old man dates 18 year old barely legal girls??

Cathy said...

Francesca Eastwood sounds about right, but I thought superstar usually implies musician?

Someone Said said...

Gretzky's daughter.

SusanB said...

One of the Willis girls.

Tetta said...

Paulina Gretzky?

Amber said...

I'm having trouble reconciling NE-speak. Would they really refer to Clint Eastwood as a "superstar"? I feel like that terminology is reserved for popstars, but it IS NE. The F. Eastwood guess makes sense with the "posing in the buff for her boyfriend" bit. As dia pointed out, he is a photog.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Bobbi Kristina

Calla said...

I could see it being either Francesca or Bobbi K, but 'superstar' seems more like Whitney to me than Clint.

BreeB714 said...

Eastwood or Gretsky

Ruby Red said...


Char said...

On the Paulina Gretzky train.

Sherry said...

Oh Ruby: LOVE The lourdes guess!

Meg said...

All of them. Who cares. (Then again, I would love to be a fly on the wall if this were Lourdes Leon when Madonna found out...I've always wondered if she'd be as sexually liberated as she always has been if it was her daughter in the spotlight.)

a non a miss said...

Paulina is 24 so its not her, she isn't barely legal.

Frufra said...

My first thought was BK, because of the word "superstar". Then I thought about Mary Katherine Gallagher, so now I'm giggling a little :-).

B said...

Lourdes is not barely legal, is she? She's still underage, I thought.

Pazitively Hot said...

Wasnt Francesca's boyfriend the guy who took pictures of her burning a Birkin?
That would fit with her posing for him...

SusanB said...

Yeah, I thought Lourdes was underaged too.

MadLyb said...

BK Brown. That girl doesn't have a chance. :(

Bluevelvet said...

All of them

Bluevelvet said...

Lena Durham or Zosia Momet? Ok I know it isnt them.

Aoife said...

Bobbi Kristina, Francesca Eastwood or LOURDES? Oh to be the fly on the wall if Madonna even thought this was her child. Talk about flipping the hell out.

Kelly said...

Lourdes is 2 weeks younger than my daughter. My daughter turned sixteen last wed. Lourdes is only fifteen.

LauraAnna said...

I think Bobbi K.
Superstar always refers to a muscian.
Plus there's been all the news about her possible acting career.

srah2k said...

bristol palin? god help us all...

katsm0711 said...

The Reason why Francesca is so out of control is that every time Clint punished her by telling her to sit in the corner, she would just put "the chair" there and while daddy thought it was her sitting there thinking about what she did, she was out burning Birkins.

g.strathmore said...

I vote either Eastwood or Gretzky. They both seem desperate to be TV hos.

Mango said...

Eastwood. I didn't realize her boyfriend was 30. Yuk. I saw the episode of Mrs. Eastwood when she took everyone (her daughter, step-daughter and the boy band she is managing) to Hawaii and she didn't want Francesca's boyfriend sleeping in her room. No wonder.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Becks (7:57 AM) - Q:"What kind of 30 year old man dates 18 year old barely legal girls??"

A: The All-Of-Them Kind!

auntliddy said...

wow, that's cheesey, tacky, classless, debasing, humiliating, self injurious all in one gesture. fool.

ms snarky said...

I thought Bobbi Kristina immediately

MrWolf said...

Wasn't Miley making some noises about posing in playboy?

I think this might be here and a delayed reaction from the Enquirer.

Eeekalicious said...

Janet Jones-Gretzky posed in Playboy, so I guess she can't say too much....

lutefisk said...

I was thinking of one of Mick Jagger's daughters with Jerry Hall. I know at least one models, and I could see her wanting to get into acting also.

Count Jerkula said...

@Becks: " What kind of 30 year old man dates 18 year old barely legal girls??" The ones that are living the American Dream.


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